

1 法利賽人及士子、自耶路撒冷集就耶穌、

2 見其門徒數人、不潔手而食、卽未盥手也、故責之、

3 蓋法利賽人、猶太衆、執古人遺傳、不精盥其手、〔或曰精卽摩拳或至肘之謂〕不食、

4 自市歸、不洗不食、其受而守者、更有多端、若杯爵銅器及牀、亦洗之、

5 於是法利賽人、士子、問耶穌曰、爾門徒不遵古人遺傳、手未盥而食、何也、

6 耶穌曰、以賽亞預言、指爾僞善者誠是、其言曰、此民口則敬我、心則遠我、

7 其所教者、乃人所命、是以徒拜我也、

8 蓋爾曹棄上帝誡、執人遺傳、而洗杯爵、所行多如是、

9 又曰、爾誠廢上帝誡執爾遺傳者、

10 摩西曰、敬爾父母、又曰、詈父母者必死之、

11 惟爾則曰、若人對父母云、我所當奉親者、咯板、譯卽已獻爲禮物、

12 是後不許之養父母、

13 是爾以所授遺傳、廢上帝道也、爾所爲多類此、〇

14 遂呼衆曰、宜聽而悟也、

15 凡自外入者、不能污人、自內出者、乃污人、

16 宜傾耳聽焉、〇

17 耶穌離衆入室、門徒以此譬問之、

18 耶穌曰、爾亦不悟乎、豈不知自外入者、不能污人、

19 因不入其心、乃入其腹、食化而遺於厠〔食化而遺於厠或曰遺於厠則所食者潔矣〕

20 又曰、由人出者、斯污人、

21 蓋自其內、卽由心出、如惡念、姦淫、苟合、兇殺、盜竊、

22 貪婪、惡毒、詭騙、邪侈、疾視、訕謗、驕傲、狂悖、

23 凡此惡行、皆由內出、是污人也、〇

24 耶穌興往推羅西頓交境、入一室、不欲人知、而不得隱、

25 有希利尼〔希利尼或曰異邦之類〕婦、屬叙利腓尼基國、其幼女患邪神、聞耶穌事、

26 來而俯伏、求耶穌逐鬼、

27 耶穌曰、容兒曹食飽、若先取兒曹餅投狗、未善也、

28 婦對曰、主、然、第兒曹几下餘層、狗亦得食、

29 耶穌曰、卽此一言、鬼離女矣、爾歸可也、

30 婦歸、見女臥牀、知鬼已出、〇

31 耶穌去推羅西頓境、至加利利海、經低加波利、

32 有攜聾而結舌者、求耶穌按之、

33 耶穌引之離衆、至僻處、以指探其耳、唾而捫其舌、

34 仰天歎曰、以法呔、譯卽聰也、

35 耳卽聰、舌結解而言明矣、

36 耶穌戒勿告人、然愈戒而彼益播揚、

37 衆不勝異曰、其所爲者善、使聾者聰、啞者言矣、


Chapter 7

1 THEN there gathered unto him Pharisees and scribes, who had come from Jerusalem.

2 And they saw some of his disciples eating bread with their hands unwashed; and they reproached them.

3 For all the Jews, even the Pharisees, unless their hands are washed carefully would not eat, because they strictly observe the tradition of the elders.

4 Even the things from the market, if they are not washed, they would not eat them. And there are a great many other things, which they have accepted to obey, such as the washing of cups and pots, and copper utensils, and the bedding of dead men.

5 And the scribes and Pharisees asked him, Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with their hands unwashed?

6 He said to them, The prophet Isaiah well prophesied about you, O hypocrites, as it is written, This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me.

7 And they worship me in vain, when they teach the doctrines of the commandments of men.

8 For you have ignored the commandment of God, and you observe the tradition of men, such as the washing of cups and pots, and a great many other things like these.

9 He said to them, Well you do injustice to the commandment of God so as to sustain your own tradition.

10 For Moses said, Honor your father and your mother; and he who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.

11 But you say, If a man may say to his father or his mother, What is left over is Corban (my offering);

12 And yet you do not let him do anything for his father or mother.

13 So you dishonor the word of God for the sake of the tradition which you have established; and you do a great many like these.

14 Then Jesus called all the people and said to them, Hear me, all of you, and understand.

15 There is nothing outside of a man, if it should enter into him, which can defile him; but what goes out of him, that defiles the man.

16 Who has ears to hear, let him hear.

17 When Jesus entered into the house because of the people, his disciples asked him concerning that parable.

18 And he said to them, So even you are puzzled. Do you not know that whatever enters into a man from outside cannot defile him?

19 Because it does not enter into his heart, but into his stomach, and then is thrown out through the intestines, thereby purifying the food.

20 It is what goes out of man which defiles the man.

21 For from within, from the heart of men go out evil thoughts, such as fornication, adultery, theft, murder,

22 Extortion, wickedness, deceit, lust, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness;

23 All these evils go out from within, and they defile the man.

24 Jesus moved away from thence, and came to the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and he entered into a house, and did not want any one to know about him. And yet he could not hide himself.

25 For immediately a woman heard about him, whose daughter had an unclean spirit; and she came and fell at his feet.

26 But the woman was a heathen, from Phoenicia in Syria; and she besought him to cast out the demon from her daughter.

27 And Jesus said to her, Let the children be first filled; for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.

28 But she answered and said to him, Yes, my Lord; even the dogs eat the children's crumbs under the trays.

29 Jesus said to her, Go your way; just because of this word, the demon has gone out of your daughter.

30 So she went to her house, and found her daughter lying in bed, and the demon gone out of her.

31 Again Jesus went out from the border of Tyre and Sidon, and came to the sea of Galilee, to the border of the ten cities.

32 And they brought to him a deaf and dumb man; and they asked him to lay his hand on him.

33 So he drew him aside from the people, and put his fingers into his ears, then he spat, and touched his tongue;

34 And he looked up to heaven, and sighed, and he said to him, Ethpatakh, which means, Be opened.

35 And in that very hour his ears were opened, and the knot of his tongue was loosened, and he spoke plainly.

36 And he warned them not to tell this to any man; but the more he warned them, so much the more they published it.

37 And they were greatly astonished, saying, He does everything so well. He makes the deaf hear, and the dumb to speak.




Chapter 7

1 法利賽人及士子、自耶路撒冷集就耶穌、

1 THEN there gathered unto him Pharisees and scribes, who had come from Jerusalem.

2 見其門徒數人、不潔手而食、卽未盥手也、故責之、

2 And they saw some of his disciples eating bread with their hands unwashed; and they reproached them.

3 蓋法利賽人、猶太衆、執古人遺傳、不精盥其手、〔或曰精卽摩拳或至肘之謂〕不食、

3 For all the Jews, even the Pharisees, unless their hands are washed carefully would not eat, because they strictly observe the tradition of the elders.

4 自市歸、不洗不食、其受而守者、更有多端、若杯爵銅器及牀、亦洗之、

4 Even the things from the market, if they are not washed, they would not eat them. And there are a great many other things, which they have accepted to obey, such as the washing of cups and pots, and copper utensils, and the bedding of dead men.

5 於是法利賽人、士子、問耶穌曰、爾門徒不遵古人遺傳、手未盥而食、何也、

5 And the scribes and Pharisees asked him, Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with their hands unwashed?

6 耶穌曰、以賽亞預言、指爾僞善者誠是、其言曰、此民口則敬我、心則遠我、

6 He said to them, The prophet Isaiah well prophesied about you, O hypocrites, as it is written, This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me.

7 其所教者、乃人所命、是以徒拜我也、

7 And they worship me in vain, when they teach the doctrines of the commandments of men.

8 蓋爾曹棄上帝誡、執人遺傳、而洗杯爵、所行多如是、

8 For you have ignored the commandment of God, and you observe the tradition of men, such as the washing of cups and pots, and a great many other things like these.

9 又曰、爾誠廢上帝誡執爾遺傳者、

9 He said to them, Well you do injustice to the commandment of God so as to sustain your own tradition.

10 摩西曰、敬爾父母、又曰、詈父母者必死之、

10 For Moses said, Honor your father and your mother; and he who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.

11 惟爾則曰、若人對父母云、我所當奉親者、咯板、譯卽已獻爲禮物、

11 But you say, If a man may say to his father or his mother, What is left over is Corban (my offering);

12 是後不許之養父母、

12 And yet you do not let him do anything for his father or mother.

13 是爾以所授遺傳、廢上帝道也、爾所爲多類此、〇

13 So you dishonor the word of God for the sake of the tradition which you have established; and you do a great many like these.

14 遂呼衆曰、宜聽而悟也、

14 Then Jesus called all the people and said to them, Hear me, all of you, and understand.

15 凡自外入者、不能污人、自內出者、乃污人、

15 There is nothing outside of a man, if it should enter into him, which can defile him; but what goes out of him, that defiles the man.

16 宜傾耳聽焉、〇

16 Who has ears to hear, let him hear.

17 耶穌離衆入室、門徒以此譬問之、

17 When Jesus entered into the house because of the people, his disciples asked him concerning that parable.

18 耶穌曰、爾亦不悟乎、豈不知自外入者、不能污人、

18 And he said to them, So even you are puzzled. Do you not know that whatever enters into a man from outside cannot defile him?

19 因不入其心、乃入其腹、食化而遺於厠〔食化而遺於厠或曰遺於厠則所食者潔矣〕

19 Because it does not enter into his heart, but into his stomach, and then is thrown out through the intestines, thereby purifying the food.

20 又曰、由人出者、斯污人、

20 It is what goes out of man which defiles the man.

21 蓋自其內、卽由心出、如惡念、姦淫、苟合、兇殺、盜竊、

21 For from within, from the heart of men go out evil thoughts, such as fornication, adultery, theft, murder,

22 貪婪、惡毒、詭騙、邪侈、疾視、訕謗、驕傲、狂悖、

22 Extortion, wickedness, deceit, lust, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness;

23 凡此惡行、皆由內出、是污人也、〇

23 All these evils go out from within, and they defile the man.

24 耶穌興往推羅西頓交境、入一室、不欲人知、而不得隱、

24 Jesus moved away from thence, and came to the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and he entered into a house, and did not want any one to know about him. And yet he could not hide himself.

25 有希利尼〔希利尼或曰異邦之類〕婦、屬叙利腓尼基國、其幼女患邪神、聞耶穌事、

25 For immediately a woman heard about him, whose daughter had an unclean spirit; and she came and fell at his feet.

26 來而俯伏、求耶穌逐鬼、

26 But the woman was a heathen, from Phoenicia in Syria; and she besought him to cast out the demon from her daughter.

27 耶穌曰、容兒曹食飽、若先取兒曹餅投狗、未善也、

27 And Jesus said to her, Let the children be first filled; for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.

28 婦對曰、主、然、第兒曹几下餘層、狗亦得食、

28 But she answered and said to him, Yes, my Lord; even the dogs eat the children's crumbs under the trays.

29 耶穌曰、卽此一言、鬼離女矣、爾歸可也、

29 Jesus said to her, Go your way; just because of this word, the demon has gone out of your daughter.

30 婦歸、見女臥牀、知鬼已出、〇

30 So she went to her house, and found her daughter lying in bed, and the demon gone out of her.

31 耶穌去推羅西頓境、至加利利海、經低加波利、

31 Again Jesus went out from the border of Tyre and Sidon, and came to the sea of Galilee, to the border of the ten cities.

32 有攜聾而結舌者、求耶穌按之、

32 And they brought to him a deaf and dumb man; and they asked him to lay his hand on him.

33 耶穌引之離衆、至僻處、以指探其耳、唾而捫其舌、

33 So he drew him aside from the people, and put his fingers into his ears, then he spat, and touched his tongue;

34 仰天歎曰、以法呔、譯卽聰也、

34 And he looked up to heaven, and sighed, and he said to him, Ethpatakh, which means, Be opened.

35 耳卽聰、舌結解而言明矣、

35 And in that very hour his ears were opened, and the knot of his tongue was loosened, and he spoke plainly.

36 耶穌戒勿告人、然愈戒而彼益播揚、

36 And he warned them not to tell this to any man; but the more he warned them, so much the more they published it.

37 衆不勝異曰、其所爲者善、使聾者聰、啞者言矣、

37 And they were greatly astonished, saying, He does everything so well. He makes the deaf hear, and the dumb to speak.
