

1 主怒余責予、備嘗艱苦、惟余一人兮。

2 導予入幽暗之途、非光明之域兮。

3 彼屢害予、終日不息兮。

4 肌膚槁枯、骨骸摧折兮、

5 彼沮尼余、如荼如瞻、四面皆是兮。

6 置我於暗地、與久死之人無異兮。

7 藩籬四圍、使我不出、繫我以鐵索兮。

8 我雖龥呼、不得升聞兮。

9 以石塞途、使我行於曲徑兮。

10 主欲執余、有若熊獅、伏於密林兮。

11 忽搏噬予、傷予喪予兮、

12 張弓發矢、以我爲的兮。

13 弢中之箭、入我腎腸兮。

14 人姍笑予、日作歌以譏刺兮。

15 主使予食苦荼、餐茵蔯兮。

16 嚙沙石、折余齒兮、陷灰中、氣難息兮。

17 不可得兮平康、不復見兮福祉。

18 我曰、予力困憊、不復望耶和華兮。

19 余也追思禍患、回憶苦境、如荼如膽兮。

20 予心思之、殷憂靡已兮。

21 予復憶念、猶可望兮。

22 耶和華仁慈是尚、不廢矜憫、故予不亡兮、

23 矜憫日新、仁義無涯兮。

24 予自謂得耶和華佑、猶可冀望兮。

25 凡瞻望耶和華、求沾恩澤者、耶和華善視之兮。

26 惟耶和華是賴、望其拯救、必蒙福祉兮。

27 自幼負軛、猶以爲幸兮。

28 旣負重任、默然獨坐兮。

29 頭搶泥塗、庶有企望兮。

30 人欲批其頰、則以頰應之、懷羞隱忍兮。

31 主棄人、不終棄兮。

32 雖令人懷憂、必加矜恤、仁澤靡涯兮、

33 主責民、非其心兮。

34 蹂躪俘囚、罔上陷人、屈害平民者、俱主所不悅兮。

35 併於上節

36 併於上節

37 未得主命、誰能言而有應兮。

38 禍福之來、俱由至上者定之兮。

39 人生於世、犯罪愆、受撲責、何怨之有。

40 當省察我行、歸誠耶和華兮。

41 當拱手立志、祈求天上上帝兮。

42 予蹈罪愆、爾不赦宥兮。

43 爾赫斯怒、督責予躬、加以殺戮、不復矜恤兮。

44 維爾所在、有雲蔽之、我禱於上、不得升聞兮。

45 爾之視予、若被污穢、受世俗之塵垢兮。

46 敵口孔張、吞噬我兮。

47 我常驚駭、罹於陷阱、殲滅殆盡兮。

48 斯民被戮、我目流淚而不止兮。

49 澘然出涕、晝夜不息兮。

50 望耶和華、自天垂顧兮。

51 邑民淪喪、我淚盈睫、至於患疾兮。

52 敵人追予、出於無因、若鳥被逐兮。

53 下我於井、置石於上、幾絶我生命兮。

54 水滅我頂、我曰命絶兮。

55 我於井中、龥耶和華名兮。

56 予曰爾其聽我歔欷、不復充耳、我之祈禱、庶得上聞兮。

57 我旣禱爾、爾眷顧予、命余勿懼兮。

58 主伸我寃、救我生命兮。

59 我受屈抑、耶和華鑒之、伸我之寃兮。

60 敵痛疾予、謀害予、爾亦鑒之兮。

61 彼凌侮予、腹誹予、爾亦聞之兮。

62 無日不詈予、靡刻不謀予、爾亦知之兮。

63 彼或坐或起、作歌以刺我兮。

64 耶和華兮、視彼所爲、而加報施兮。

65 以帕蒙心、加以咒詛。

66 盛怒追襲、絶於耶和華之天下兮。


Chapter 3

1 O MIGHTY God, see my affliction; I am chastised by the rod of his wrath.

2 He has led me, but I walked in darkness and not in light.

3 But surely is he turned against me, he turns his hand against me all the day.

4 My flesh and my skin he has made old; he has broken my bones.

5 He has built ramparts against me, and compassed me with bitterness and travail.

6 He has made me to dwell in darkness, like a dead man for ever.

7 He has hedged me about, that I cannot escape; he has made my chains heavy.

8 Though I beseech and pray, he does not hearken to my prayer.

9 He has enclosed my ways with thorns, he has made my paths crooked.

10 He has been to me as a wolf lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places.

11 He has made my ways crooked, and cut me to pieces; he has made me desolate.

12 He has bent his bow, and set me up as a mark for the arrow.

13 Behold, he has caused his arrows to enter into my reins.

14 I have become the ridicule of all nations; and their scoffing song all the day.

15 He has filled me with bitterness, he has made me drunken with wormwood.

16 He has broken my teeth with a stone, he has covered me with ashes.

17 My soul has gone astray from peace, I have forgotten prosperity.

18 And I said, My fame and my hope are perished from the LORD.

19 Remember my affliction and my chastisement, the bitterness and the sorrow.

20 Remember and restore my life.

21 This I recall to mind; therefore I have hope in God.

22 Surely the kindness of the LORD never ceases and his mercies never fail.

23 They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.

24 The LORD is my portion, says my soul; therefore I will hope in him.

25 The LORD is good to him who waits for him, to the soul that seeks him.

26 It is good for a man that he should hope for both the truth and the salvation of the LORD.

27 It is good for a man that he bear thy yoke in his youth.

28 Let him sit alone and keep silence, because he has laid thy yoke upon him.

29 Let him humble himself, for there is hope.

30 Let him turn his cheek to him that smites him; let him be filled with reproach.

31 For the LORD will not forget for ever.

32 But though he cause affliction, yet he will have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.

33 For he does not afflict willingly, but he afflicts the children of the mighty men,

34 To subdue under his feet all the prisoners of the earth,

35 To turn aside the right of a man toward the face of the Most High.

36 To subvert a man in his cause, the LORD does not approve.

37 Who is he that says, and it comes to pass, when the LORD has not commanded it?

38 Out of the mouth of the Most High evil and good do not come.

39 Therefore, why should a living man question concerning punishment for his sins?

40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.

41 Let us lift up our hearts with our hands to God in heaven.

42 We have transgressed and rebelled; and thou hast not pardoned.

43 Thou hast covered us with thy anger and pursued us; thou hast slain, thou hast not pitied.

44 Thou hast covered thyself with thy cloud; thou hast let our prayer pass by.

45 Thou hast made us uprooted and despised among the peoples.

46 My eyes run down with tears and do not cease, because there is no comforter,

47 Till the LORD look down and behold from heaven.

48 My eyes are worn with tears because of the destruction of all the daughters of the cities of my people.

49 All our enemies speak evil against us.

50 Fear and trembling have come upon us, a snare and destruction.

51 I wept vehemently over the destruction of the daughter of my people.

52 My enemies have hunted me like a bird, without cause.

53 They have cut off my life in a pit; they cast stones at me.

54 Water flowed over my head; then I said, I am cast far off.

55 I called upon thy name, O LORD, out of the depths of the pit.

56 Thou didst hear my voice; turn not thine ear to my cry; but relieve me and save me.

57 Thou didst draw near in the day when I called upon thee; thou didst say, Fear not.

58 O LORD, thou hast pleaded my cause; thou hast saved my life.

59 O LORD, thou hast seen my affliction; thou hast judged my cause.

60 Thou hast seen all their vengeance and all their imaginations against me.

61 Thou hast heard their reproach, O LORD, and their devices against me,

62 The lips of those who rose up against me and their devices against me all day long.

63 Behold their conduct and their behavior I do understand, because of their devices.

64 Render to them a recompense, O LORD, according to the work of their hands.

65 Give them sorrow of heart; let thy affliction pursue them.

66 Destroy them in thine anger from under thy heavens, O LORD.




Chapter 3

1 主怒余責予、備嘗艱苦、惟余一人兮。

1 O MIGHTY God, see my affliction; I am chastised by the rod of his wrath.

2 導予入幽暗之途、非光明之域兮。

2 He has led me, but I walked in darkness and not in light.

3 彼屢害予、終日不息兮。

3 But surely is he turned against me, he turns his hand against me all the day.

4 肌膚槁枯、骨骸摧折兮、

4 My flesh and my skin he has made old; he has broken my bones.

5 彼沮尼余、如荼如瞻、四面皆是兮。

5 He has built ramparts against me, and compassed me with bitterness and travail.

6 置我於暗地、與久死之人無異兮。

6 He has made me to dwell in darkness, like a dead man for ever.

7 藩籬四圍、使我不出、繫我以鐵索兮。

7 He has hedged me about, that I cannot escape; he has made my chains heavy.

8 我雖龥呼、不得升聞兮。

8 Though I beseech and pray, he does not hearken to my prayer.

9 以石塞途、使我行於曲徑兮。

9 He has enclosed my ways with thorns, he has made my paths crooked.

10 主欲執余、有若熊獅、伏於密林兮。

10 He has been to me as a wolf lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places.

11 忽搏噬予、傷予喪予兮、

11 He has made my ways crooked, and cut me to pieces; he has made me desolate.

12 張弓發矢、以我爲的兮。

12 He has bent his bow, and set me up as a mark for the arrow.

13 弢中之箭、入我腎腸兮。

13 Behold, he has caused his arrows to enter into my reins.

14 人姍笑予、日作歌以譏刺兮。

14 I have become the ridicule of all nations; and their scoffing song all the day.

15 主使予食苦荼、餐茵蔯兮。

15 He has filled me with bitterness, he has made me drunken with wormwood.

16 嚙沙石、折余齒兮、陷灰中、氣難息兮。

16 He has broken my teeth with a stone, he has covered me with ashes.

17 不可得兮平康、不復見兮福祉。

17 My soul has gone astray from peace, I have forgotten prosperity.

18 我曰、予力困憊、不復望耶和華兮。

18 And I said, My fame and my hope are perished from the LORD.

19 余也追思禍患、回憶苦境、如荼如膽兮。

19 Remember my affliction and my chastisement, the bitterness and the sorrow.

20 予心思之、殷憂靡已兮。

20 Remember and restore my life.

21 予復憶念、猶可望兮。

21 This I recall to mind; therefore I have hope in God.

22 耶和華仁慈是尚、不廢矜憫、故予不亡兮、

22 Surely the kindness of the LORD never ceases and his mercies never fail.

23 矜憫日新、仁義無涯兮。

23 They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.

24 予自謂得耶和華佑、猶可冀望兮。

24 The LORD is my portion, says my soul; therefore I will hope in him.

25 凡瞻望耶和華、求沾恩澤者、耶和華善視之兮。

25 The LORD is good to him who waits for him, to the soul that seeks him.

26 惟耶和華是賴、望其拯救、必蒙福祉兮。

26 It is good for a man that he should hope for both the truth and the salvation of the LORD.

27 自幼負軛、猶以爲幸兮。

27 It is good for a man that he bear thy yoke in his youth.

28 旣負重任、默然獨坐兮。

28 Let him sit alone and keep silence, because he has laid thy yoke upon him.

29 頭搶泥塗、庶有企望兮。

29 Let him humble himself, for there is hope.

30 人欲批其頰、則以頰應之、懷羞隱忍兮。

30 Let him turn his cheek to him that smites him; let him be filled with reproach.

31 主棄人、不終棄兮。

31 For the LORD will not forget for ever.

32 雖令人懷憂、必加矜恤、仁澤靡涯兮、

32 But though he cause affliction, yet he will have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.

33 主責民、非其心兮。

33 For he does not afflict willingly, but he afflicts the children of the mighty men,

34 蹂躪俘囚、罔上陷人、屈害平民者、俱主所不悅兮。

34 To subdue under his feet all the prisoners of the earth,

35 併於上節

35 To turn aside the right of a man toward the face of the Most High.

36 併於上節

36 To subvert a man in his cause, the LORD does not approve.

37 未得主命、誰能言而有應兮。

37 Who is he that says, and it comes to pass, when the LORD has not commanded it?

38 禍福之來、俱由至上者定之兮。

38 Out of the mouth of the Most High evil and good do not come.

39 人生於世、犯罪愆、受撲責、何怨之有。

39 Therefore, why should a living man question concerning punishment for his sins?

40 當省察我行、歸誠耶和華兮。

40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.

41 當拱手立志、祈求天上上帝兮。

41 Let us lift up our hearts with our hands to God in heaven.

42 予蹈罪愆、爾不赦宥兮。

42 We have transgressed and rebelled; and thou hast not pardoned.

43 爾赫斯怒、督責予躬、加以殺戮、不復矜恤兮。

43 Thou hast covered us with thy anger and pursued us; thou hast slain, thou hast not pitied.

44 維爾所在、有雲蔽之、我禱於上、不得升聞兮。

44 Thou hast covered thyself with thy cloud; thou hast let our prayer pass by.

45 爾之視予、若被污穢、受世俗之塵垢兮。

45 Thou hast made us uprooted and despised among the peoples.

46 敵口孔張、吞噬我兮。

46 My eyes run down with tears and do not cease, because there is no comforter,

47 我常驚駭、罹於陷阱、殲滅殆盡兮。

47 Till the LORD look down and behold from heaven.

48 斯民被戮、我目流淚而不止兮。

48 My eyes are worn with tears because of the destruction of all the daughters of the cities of my people.

49 澘然出涕、晝夜不息兮。

49 All our enemies speak evil against us.

50 望耶和華、自天垂顧兮。

50 Fear and trembling have come upon us, a snare and destruction.

51 邑民淪喪、我淚盈睫、至於患疾兮。

51 I wept vehemently over the destruction of the daughter of my people.

52 敵人追予、出於無因、若鳥被逐兮。

52 My enemies have hunted me like a bird, without cause.

53 下我於井、置石於上、幾絶我生命兮。

53 They have cut off my life in a pit; they cast stones at me.

54 水滅我頂、我曰命絶兮。

54 Water flowed over my head; then I said, I am cast far off.

55 我於井中、龥耶和華名兮。

55 I called upon thy name, O LORD, out of the depths of the pit.

56 予曰爾其聽我歔欷、不復充耳、我之祈禱、庶得上聞兮。

56 Thou didst hear my voice; turn not thine ear to my cry; but relieve me and save me.

57 我旣禱爾、爾眷顧予、命余勿懼兮。

57 Thou didst draw near in the day when I called upon thee; thou didst say, Fear not.

58 主伸我寃、救我生命兮。

58 O LORD, thou hast pleaded my cause; thou hast saved my life.

59 我受屈抑、耶和華鑒之、伸我之寃兮。

59 O LORD, thou hast seen my affliction; thou hast judged my cause.

60 敵痛疾予、謀害予、爾亦鑒之兮。

60 Thou hast seen all their vengeance and all their imaginations against me.

61 彼凌侮予、腹誹予、爾亦聞之兮。

61 Thou hast heard their reproach, O LORD, and their devices against me,

62 無日不詈予、靡刻不謀予、爾亦知之兮。

62 The lips of those who rose up against me and their devices against me all day long.

63 彼或坐或起、作歌以刺我兮。

63 Behold their conduct and their behavior I do understand, because of their devices.

64 耶和華兮、視彼所爲、而加報施兮。

64 Render to them a recompense, O LORD, according to the work of their hands.

65 以帕蒙心、加以咒詛。

65 Give them sorrow of heart; let thy affliction pursue them.

66 盛怒追襲、絶於耶和華之天下兮。

66 Destroy them in thine anger from under thy heavens, O LORD.
