

1 爲傳此道、我保羅宗耶穌基督緣爾異邦人被囚、

2 蓋爾曾聞上帝恩、以爾故、託我斯職、

3 其默示我奧言、我前畧述焉、

4 爾讀之、可知我悟基督之奧、

5 乃前古未嘗示人、今聖神顯示聖使徒與先知、

6 卽異邦人同爲嗣子、合爲一體、共享上帝因基督在福音所許之福、

7 爲傳此福音、上帝以大力、恩賜我爲執事、

8 然我在聖徒中、微而又微者也、上帝賜恩、使我於異邦中、傳基督之富有、人不可測、

9 令衆共知上帝永世所隱奧妙、上帝以耶穌基督造萬物、

10 亦藉教會、示在天有權力者、知上帝無窮智慧、

11 上帝早定意、必因吾主基督耶穌成其事、

12 我儕篤信耶穌、毅然謁上帝、

13 我爲爾異邦人受患難、實爾之榮、求爾勿懦、

14 爲此、吾曲跽於吾主耶穌基督父前、

15 天地全家、因彼而稱名、故我禱曰、

16 求父依己富有、以厥神賜爾心中剛健、

17 使基督因爾信而居爾心、

18 基督之仁愛、人不可測、願爾安仁、根深址固、

19 則與衆聖徒共識其長闊高深、得上帝之盛以爲盛焉、

20 夫上帝依厥大力、格外施行我衆、出乎人所思所求、

21 願於會中、因基督耶穌特讚美之、奕世無曁。


Chapter 3

1 FOR this cause I, Paul, am a prisoner of Jesus Christ for the sake of you Gentiles.

2 Have you ever heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you?

3 For the mystery was made known to me by a revelation; as I have briefly written you before,

4 So that when you read it you can understand my knowledge of the mystery of Christ,

5 Which in ages past was not made known to the sons of men, as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;

6 That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and partakers of his body and of the promise which is given through him by the gospel,

7 Of that very gospel, I have been a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effectual working of his power.

8 Even to me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ:

9 And that I may enlighten all men that they may see what is the dispensation of the mystery, which for ages had been hidden from the world by God who created all things:

10 To the intent that through the church the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the angels and powers which are in heaven,

11 Which is the wisdom he prepared in ages past, and has carried out in Jesus Christ our LORD:

12 In whom we have freedom of access with confidence in his faith.

13 Therefore I ask that I may not grow weary in my afflictions for your sakes, which is for your happiness.

14 For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ,

15 For whom all fatherhood in heaven and in earth is named,

16 To grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit;

17 That Christ may dwell in you by faith, and in your hearts by love, strengthening your understanding and your foundation;

18 So that you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the height and depth and length and breadth;

19 And to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fulness of God.

20 Now to him who is able by power to do for us more than anyone else, and to do for us more than we ask or think, according to his mighty power that works in us,

21 Unto him be glory in his church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages, world without end: Amen.




Chapter 3

1 爲傳此道、我保羅宗耶穌基督緣爾異邦人被囚、

1 FOR this cause I, Paul, am a prisoner of Jesus Christ for the sake of you Gentiles.

2 蓋爾曾聞上帝恩、以爾故、託我斯職、

2 Have you ever heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you?

3 其默示我奧言、我前畧述焉、

3 For the mystery was made known to me by a revelation; as I have briefly written you before,

4 爾讀之、可知我悟基督之奧、

4 So that when you read it you can understand my knowledge of the mystery of Christ,

5 乃前古未嘗示人、今聖神顯示聖使徒與先知、

5 Which in ages past was not made known to the sons of men, as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;

6 卽異邦人同爲嗣子、合爲一體、共享上帝因基督在福音所許之福、

6 That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and partakers of his body and of the promise which is given through him by the gospel,

7 爲傳此福音、上帝以大力、恩賜我爲執事、

7 Of that very gospel, I have been a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effectual working of his power.

8 然我在聖徒中、微而又微者也、上帝賜恩、使我於異邦中、傳基督之富有、人不可測、

8 Even to me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ:

9 令衆共知上帝永世所隱奧妙、上帝以耶穌基督造萬物、

9 And that I may enlighten all men that they may see what is the dispensation of the mystery, which for ages had been hidden from the world by God who created all things:

10 亦藉教會、示在天有權力者、知上帝無窮智慧、

10 To the intent that through the church the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the angels and powers which are in heaven,

11 上帝早定意、必因吾主基督耶穌成其事、

11 Which is the wisdom he prepared in ages past, and has carried out in Jesus Christ our LORD:

12 我儕篤信耶穌、毅然謁上帝、

12 In whom we have freedom of access with confidence in his faith.

13 我爲爾異邦人受患難、實爾之榮、求爾勿懦、

13 Therefore I ask that I may not grow weary in my afflictions for your sakes, which is for your happiness.

14 爲此、吾曲跽於吾主耶穌基督父前、

14 For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ,

15 天地全家、因彼而稱名、故我禱曰、

15 For whom all fatherhood in heaven and in earth is named,

16 求父依己富有、以厥神賜爾心中剛健、

16 To grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit;

17 使基督因爾信而居爾心、

17 That Christ may dwell in you by faith, and in your hearts by love, strengthening your understanding and your foundation;

18 基督之仁愛、人不可測、願爾安仁、根深址固、

18 So that you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the height and depth and length and breadth;

19 則與衆聖徒共識其長闊高深、得上帝之盛以爲盛焉、

19 And to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fulness of God.

20 夫上帝依厥大力、格外施行我衆、出乎人所思所求、

20 Now to him who is able by power to do for us more than anyone else, and to do for us more than we ask or think, according to his mighty power that works in us,

21 願於會中、因基督耶穌特讚美之、奕世無曁。

21 Unto him be glory in his church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages, world without end: Amen.
