

1 雅各家以色列族、我所選之臣僕、今聽我言。

2 我耶和華肇造爾邦、如母育子、雅各家耶書崙民、乃我所選之僕、必加眷佑、可無畏葸、

3 我通水泉、以溉原田、我濬江河、以潤槁壤、我以我神、賦爾子孫、式綏祉福。

4 彼將蕃衍、如澤中之草、溪濱之柳、

5 有曰、我崇事耶和華、有曰、我屬雅各家、有曰、我爲耶和華僕、黥手爲證、有曰、我爲以色列族赤子、稱名爲據。

6 萬有之主、以色列族之君、民之救主耶和華曰、本末初終、惟我是操、我外別無上帝。

7 越在疇昔、我立斯民、未來之事、我皆預言、莫不徵應、孰能與我比儗哉、如有其人、使試言未來事、以爲徵據。

8 爾毋畏葸、在昔我有預言、已告乎爾、爾可爲證。我乃全能上帝、外此我弗知之矣。

9 作偶像者、悉爲虛妄、其所慕者無益、彼明知其不見不聞、當生愧怍。

10 誰鑄無益之偶像、以像上帝哉、

11 豈非人乎、宜其同儔、咸生愧赧、使彼聚會、屹立於此必令其戰慄不勝、慙恧無地。

12 鐵工作斧、炭以煆之、鎚以治之、竭一臂之力、使之成器、若其不飲不食、氣力俱廢。

13 木工用準繩、循規矩、運其利器、作人之形、窮極華美、置之於室、

14 伐柏香木以及橡櫟、此皆木之堅者、亦植杉樹、得雨露之養、

15 人取爲柴、燃之可以煖體、可以烘餅、復作上帝像、俯伏而拜。

16 材木之半、焚之可以備餚、可以炙肉、食之果腹、向火得煖、人樂以觀火。

17 更有餘木、以製偶像、以像上帝、俯伏而拜、禱曰、誠我上帝、爾其救子、

18 維彼不識不知、其目若塗以泥、其心不明、

19 孰能深思其故、奮然儆醒曰、材木之半、焚之可以烘餅炙肉、而供口腹、則其餘材、豈可作像、拜此可憎之榾柮。

20 彼心昏迷、所望成空、若食燼餘而不悟、不知右手所作、悉屬虛妄。

21 雅各家以色列族、我肇厥邦基、爲我臣僕、當憶斯理、我不忘爾。

22 我塗抹爾罪、若驅密雲、予已拯爾、爾當歸誠。

23 我耶和華救雅各家以色列族、以彰己榮、天上地下、俱當歡呼、山崗林木、無不謳歌。

24 耶和華曰、我耶和華創造萬物、張舒穹蒼、奠定寰宇、肇造爾邦、拯救爾民、

25 卜筮之輩、設兆惑人、我使其言不騐、彼自矜巧慧、反形愚拙、我使之然、

26 我所遣之僕、有言耶路撒冷、必有居人、猶大衆邑、必有建造、荒蕪之區、必復其初、我必使應其言、

27 變江河爲陸地、

28 召古列爲我牧伯、以成我志。我使彼言耶路撒冷必得建造、又言聖殿、必得肇基。


Chapter 44

1 NOW hearken to me, O Jacob, my servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen;

2 Thus says the LORD that made you and formed you from the womb and helped you: Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and you, Israel, whom I have chosen.

3 For I will give water in a parched ground and streams on the dry land; I will pour my spirit upon your descendants and my blessings upon your offspring;

4 And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the running streams.

5 One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand to the LORD and surname himself by the name of Israel.

6 Thus says the LORD the King of Israel, and his Saviour, the LORD of hosts: I am the first and I am the last; and besides me there is no God.

7 And who is like me? Let him announce it and set it in order and declare it, since I placed the people on the earth for ever. And let them show the wonders that are coming.

8 Fear not, neither be alarmed; have not I announced to you from former time, and have declared it? You are my witnesses, that there is no God besides me, and no mighty one whom I do not know.

9 The makers of images are all of them vanity; and there is no profit in the works which they desire to make; the craftsmen who make them are witnesses, for they see not, nor hear, nor know.

10 Therefore let them be ashamed, those who make gods or graven and molten images that are profitable for nothing.

11 Behold, all their craftsmen are dumb men; let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; they shall be ashamed and confounded together;

12 The carpenter sharpens an iron instrument, he shapes the image with a plane and fashions it with a chisel and works it with the strength of his arm; yea, he becomes hungry and also thirsty, he drinks no water and is faint.

13 The carpenter selects a piece of wood, and stretches out his rule; he marks it out with a line; he fashions it with planes and makes it into the likeness of a man, according to the beauty of a man;

14 Then he makes it to stand in the house, a piece of wood which was cut down out of the forest, something which the rain has nourished,

15 A thing for men to use as fuel; they take some of it and heat the oven and bake bread; yea, they also make a god of it and worship it; yea, they make it a graven image and worship it.

16 Half of it they burn in the fire; and on its coals they roast meat, and they eat and are satisfied; they also warm themselves and say, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire;

17 And of the rest they make a god, even a graven image; and they worship it and pray to it and say, Deliver us; for thou art our god.

18 They have not known nor understood; for the vision of their eyes is shut that they cannot see, and the understanding of their hearts, so that they cannot understand.

19 And they considered not in their heart, neither did they know nor did they reason, saying, Half of it we burned in the fire; yea, also we have baked bread on its coals; we have roasted meat and eaten it; and from the rest of it we have made for ourselves an idol of wood and worshipped it.

20 Their imagination is dull; they are surely gone astray, and cannot deliver themselves, nor say, Our right hand has wrought falsehood.

21 Remember these things, O Jacob and Israel, for you are my servant; I have formed you; you are my servant; O Israel, from henceforth forget me not.

22 I have blotted out your iniquities as a thick mist, and your sins as a cloud; return to me, for I have saved you.

23 Sing, O you heavens; for the LORD has done it; shout, O you foundations of the earth; break forth into singing, O mountains, O forest, and every tree therein! For the LORD has saved Jacob and glorified himself in Israel.

24 Thus says the LORD, who saved you and who formed you from the womb and helped you: I am the LORD who made all things; who stretched out the heavens alone; who spread out the earth by myself;

25 Who makes void the signs of the diviners and despises their divinations; who turns wise men backward and makes their knowledge foolish;

26 Who confirms the word of his servant and performs the counsel of his messengers: who said to Jerusalem, You shall be inhabited, and to the cities of Judah, You shall be built and I will raise up the ruins thereof;

27 Who said to the deep, Be dry, and who dried up the rivers;

28 Who said of Cyrus, He is my shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure; even saying to Jerusalem, You shall be built; and to the temple, Your foundations shall be laid.




Chapter 44

1 雅各家以色列族、我所選之臣僕、今聽我言。

1 NOW hearken to me, O Jacob, my servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen;

2 我耶和華肇造爾邦、如母育子、雅各家耶書崙民、乃我所選之僕、必加眷佑、可無畏葸、

2 Thus says the LORD that made you and formed you from the womb and helped you: Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and you, Israel, whom I have chosen.

3 我通水泉、以溉原田、我濬江河、以潤槁壤、我以我神、賦爾子孫、式綏祉福。

3 For I will give water in a parched ground and streams on the dry land; I will pour my spirit upon your descendants and my blessings upon your offspring;

4 彼將蕃衍、如澤中之草、溪濱之柳、

4 And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the running streams.

5 有曰、我崇事耶和華、有曰、我屬雅各家、有曰、我爲耶和華僕、黥手爲證、有曰、我爲以色列族赤子、稱名爲據。

5 One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand to the LORD and surname himself by the name of Israel.

6 萬有之主、以色列族之君、民之救主耶和華曰、本末初終、惟我是操、我外別無上帝。

6 Thus says the LORD the King of Israel, and his Saviour, the LORD of hosts: I am the first and I am the last; and besides me there is no God.

7 越在疇昔、我立斯民、未來之事、我皆預言、莫不徵應、孰能與我比儗哉、如有其人、使試言未來事、以爲徵據。

7 And who is like me? Let him announce it and set it in order and declare it, since I placed the people on the earth for ever. And let them show the wonders that are coming.

8 爾毋畏葸、在昔我有預言、已告乎爾、爾可爲證。我乃全能上帝、外此我弗知之矣。

8 Fear not, neither be alarmed; have not I announced to you from former time, and have declared it? You are my witnesses, that there is no God besides me, and no mighty one whom I do not know.

9 作偶像者、悉爲虛妄、其所慕者無益、彼明知其不見不聞、當生愧怍。

9 The makers of images are all of them vanity; and there is no profit in the works which they desire to make; the craftsmen who make them are witnesses, for they see not, nor hear, nor know.

10 誰鑄無益之偶像、以像上帝哉、

10 Therefore let them be ashamed, those who make gods or graven and molten images that are profitable for nothing.

11 豈非人乎、宜其同儔、咸生愧赧、使彼聚會、屹立於此必令其戰慄不勝、慙恧無地。

11 Behold, all their craftsmen are dumb men; let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; they shall be ashamed and confounded together;

12 鐵工作斧、炭以煆之、鎚以治之、竭一臂之力、使之成器、若其不飲不食、氣力俱廢。

12 The carpenter sharpens an iron instrument, he shapes the image with a plane and fashions it with a chisel and works it with the strength of his arm; yea, he becomes hungry and also thirsty, he drinks no water and is faint.

13 木工用準繩、循規矩、運其利器、作人之形、窮極華美、置之於室、

13 The carpenter selects a piece of wood, and stretches out his rule; he marks it out with a line; he fashions it with planes and makes it into the likeness of a man, according to the beauty of a man;

14 伐柏香木以及橡櫟、此皆木之堅者、亦植杉樹、得雨露之養、

14 Then he makes it to stand in the house, a piece of wood which was cut down out of the forest, something which the rain has nourished,

15 人取爲柴、燃之可以煖體、可以烘餅、復作上帝像、俯伏而拜。

15 A thing for men to use as fuel; they take some of it and heat the oven and bake bread; yea, they also make a god of it and worship it; yea, they make it a graven image and worship it.

16 材木之半、焚之可以備餚、可以炙肉、食之果腹、向火得煖、人樂以觀火。

16 Half of it they burn in the fire; and on its coals they roast meat, and they eat and are satisfied; they also warm themselves and say, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire;

17 更有餘木、以製偶像、以像上帝、俯伏而拜、禱曰、誠我上帝、爾其救子、

17 And of the rest they make a god, even a graven image; and they worship it and pray to it and say, Deliver us; for thou art our god.

18 維彼不識不知、其目若塗以泥、其心不明、

18 They have not known nor understood; for the vision of their eyes is shut that they cannot see, and the understanding of their hearts, so that they cannot understand.

19 孰能深思其故、奮然儆醒曰、材木之半、焚之可以烘餅炙肉、而供口腹、則其餘材、豈可作像、拜此可憎之榾柮。

19 And they considered not in their heart, neither did they know nor did they reason, saying, Half of it we burned in the fire; yea, also we have baked bread on its coals; we have roasted meat and eaten it; and from the rest of it we have made for ourselves an idol of wood and worshipped it.

20 彼心昏迷、所望成空、若食燼餘而不悟、不知右手所作、悉屬虛妄。

20 Their imagination is dull; they are surely gone astray, and cannot deliver themselves, nor say, Our right hand has wrought falsehood.

21 雅各家以色列族、我肇厥邦基、爲我臣僕、當憶斯理、我不忘爾。

21 Remember these things, O Jacob and Israel, for you are my servant; I have formed you; you are my servant; O Israel, from henceforth forget me not.

22 我塗抹爾罪、若驅密雲、予已拯爾、爾當歸誠。

22 I have blotted out your iniquities as a thick mist, and your sins as a cloud; return to me, for I have saved you.

23 我耶和華救雅各家以色列族、以彰己榮、天上地下、俱當歡呼、山崗林木、無不謳歌。

23 Sing, O you heavens; for the LORD has done it; shout, O you foundations of the earth; break forth into singing, O mountains, O forest, and every tree therein! For the LORD has saved Jacob and glorified himself in Israel.

24 耶和華曰、我耶和華創造萬物、張舒穹蒼、奠定寰宇、肇造爾邦、拯救爾民、

24 Thus says the LORD, who saved you and who formed you from the womb and helped you: I am the LORD who made all things; who stretched out the heavens alone; who spread out the earth by myself;

25 卜筮之輩、設兆惑人、我使其言不騐、彼自矜巧慧、反形愚拙、我使之然、

25 Who makes void the signs of the diviners and despises their divinations; who turns wise men backward and makes their knowledge foolish;

26 我所遣之僕、有言耶路撒冷、必有居人、猶大衆邑、必有建造、荒蕪之區、必復其初、我必使應其言、

26 Who confirms the word of his servant and performs the counsel of his messengers: who said to Jerusalem, You shall be inhabited, and to the cities of Judah, You shall be built and I will raise up the ruins thereof;

27 變江河爲陸地、

27 Who said to the deep, Be dry, and who dried up the rivers;

28 召古列爲我牧伯、以成我志。我使彼言耶路撒冷必得建造、又言聖殿、必得肇基。

28 Who said of Cyrus, He is my shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure; even saying to Jerusalem, You shall be built; and to the temple, Your foundations shall be laid.
