

1 利未的曾孫、哥轄的孫子、以斯哈的兒子可拉,和呂便子孫中以利押的兒子大坍、亞比蘭,與比勒的兒子安,

2 並以色列會中的二百五十個首領,就是會中有名望[famous in the congregation]的人,在摩西面前一同起來,

3 聚集攻擊摩西、亞倫,說:「你們擅自專權。全會眾個個既是聖潔,耶和華也在他們中間,你們為甚麼自高,超過耶和華的會眾呢?」

4 摩西聽見這話就[face]伏在地;

5 對可拉和他一黨的人說:「到了明天[morrow],耶和華必指示誰是屬他的,誰是聖潔的,就叫誰親近他;他所揀選的是誰,必叫誰親近他。

6 可拉啊,你們要這樣行,你和你的一黨要拿香爐來。

7 明日,在耶和華面前,把火盛在爐中,把香放在其上。耶和華揀選誰,誰就為聖潔。你們這利未的子孫擅自專權了。」

8 摩西又對可拉說:「利未的子孫哪,[pray]你們聽我說。

9 以色列的神從以色列會中將你們分別出來,使你們親近他,辦耶和華帳幕的事,並站在會眾面前替他們當差。

10 耶和華又使你和你一切弟兄─利未的子孫─一同親近他,這豈為小事?你們還要求祭司的職任嗎?

11 你和你一黨的人聚集是要攻擊耶和華。亞倫算甚麼,你們竟向他發怨言呢?」

12 摩西打發人去召以利押的兒子大坍、亞比蘭。他們說:「我們不上去。

13 你將我們從流奶與蜜之地領上來,要在曠野殺我們,這豈為小事?你還要自立為王轄管我們嗎?

14 並且你沒有將我們領到流奶與蜜之地,也沒有把田地和葡萄園給我們為業。難道你要剜這些人的眼睛嗎?我們不上去。」

15 摩西就甚發怒,對耶和華說:「求你不要享受他們的供物。我並沒有奪過他們一匹驢,也沒有害過他們一個人。」

16 摩西對可拉說:「明天,你和你一黨的人,並亞倫,都要站在耶和華面前;

17 各人要拿一個香爐,共二百五十個,把香放在上面,到耶和華面前。你和亞倫也各拿自己的香爐。」

18 於是他們各人拿一個香爐,盛上火,加上香,同摩西、亞倫站在會幕門前。

19 可拉招聚全會眾到會幕門前,要攻擊摩西、亞倫;耶和華的榮光就向全會眾顯現。

20 耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:

21 「你們離開這會眾,我好在轉眼之間把他們滅絕。」

22 摩西、亞倫就[faces]伏在地,說:「神,眾人之靈的神啊,一人犯罪,你就要向全會眾發怒嗎?」

23 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

24 「你告訴[Speak]會眾說:『你們離開可拉、大坍、亞比蘭帳棚的四圍。』」

25 摩西起來,往大坍、亞比蘭那裏去;以色列的長老也隨著他去。

26告訴[spake unto]會眾說:「[pray]你們離開這些[these]惡人的帳棚吧,他們的物件,甚麼都不可摸,恐怕你們陷在他們的罪中,與他們一同消滅。」

27 於是眾人離開可拉、大坍、亞比蘭帳棚的四圍。大坍、亞比蘭帶著妻子、兒女、小孩子,都出來,站在自己的帳棚門口。

28 摩西說:「我行的這一切事本不是憑我自己心意行的,乃是耶和華打發我行的,必有證據使你們知道。

29 這些人死若與世人無異,或是他們所遭的與世人相同,就不是耶和華打發我來的。

30 倘若耶和華創作一件新事,使地開口,把他們和一切屬他們的都吞下去,叫他們活活的墜落坑中[pit],你們就明白這些人是惹動[provoked]耶和華了。」

31 摩西剛說完了這一切話,他們腳下的地就開了口,

32 把他們和他們的家眷,並一切屬可拉的人丁、財物,都吞下去。

33 這樣,他們和一切屬他們的,都活活的墜落坑中[pit];地口在他們上頭照舊合閉,他們就從會中滅亡。

34 在他們四圍的以色列眾人聽他們呼號,就都逃跑;他們[they]說:「恐怕地也把我們吞下去。」

35 又有火從耶和華那裏出來,燒滅了那獻香的二百五十個人。

36 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

37 「你告訴[Speak]祭司亞倫的兒子以利亞撒從火中撿起那些香爐來,把火撒在別處,因為那些香爐是聖的。

38 把那些犯罪、自害己命之人的香爐,叫人錘成片子,用以包壇。那些香爐本是他們在耶和華面前獻過的,所以是聖的,並且可以給以色列人作記號。」

39 於是祭司以利亞撒將被燒之人所獻的銅香爐拿來,錘成箔片[were made broad plates],用以包壇,

40 給以色列人作紀念,使亞倫後裔之外的人不得近前來在耶和華面前[offer]香;免得他遭可拉和他一黨所遭的。這乃是照耶和華藉著摩西之手[hand of][said]的。

41 第二天,以色列全會眾都向摩西、亞倫發怨言說:「你們殺了耶和華的百姓了。」

42 會眾聚集攻擊摩西、亞倫的時候,向會幕觀看,不料,有雲彩遮蓋了,耶和華的榮光顯現。

43 摩西、亞倫就來到會幕前。

44 耶和華曉諭[spake unto]摩西說:

45 「你們離開這會眾,我好在轉眼之間把他們滅絕。」他們二人就[faces]伏於地。

46 摩西對亞倫說:「拿你的香爐,把壇上的火盛在其中,又加上香,快快帶到會眾那裏,為他們贖罪;因為有忿怒從耶和華那裏出來,瘟疫已經發作了。」

47 亞倫照著摩西所說的拿來,跑到會中,不料,瘟疫在百姓中已經發作了。他就加上香,為百姓贖罪。

48 他站在活人死人中間,瘟疫就止住了。

49 除了因可拉事情死的以外,遭瘟疫死的,共有一萬四千七百人。

50 亞倫回到會幕門口,到摩西那裏,瘟疫已經止住了。


Chapter 16

1 Now Korah,7141 the son1121 of Izhar,3324 the son1121 of Kohath,6955 the son1121 of Levi,3878 and Dathan1885 and Abiram,48 the sons1121 of Eliab,446 and On,203 the son1121 of Peleth,6431 sons1121 of Reuben,7205 took3947 men:

2 And they rose6965 up before6440 Moses,4872 with certain582 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 two hundred3967 and fifty2572 princes5387 of the assembly,5712 famous7148 in the congregation,4150 men582 of renown:8034

3 And they gathered6950 themselves together against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron,175 and said559 to them, You take too much7227 on you, seeing3588 all3605 the congregation5712 are holy,6918 every3605 one of them, and the LORD3068 is among8432 them: why4069 then lift5375 you up yourselves above5921 the congregation6951 of the LORD?3068

4 And when Moses4872 heard8085 it, he fell5307 on his face:6440

5 And he spoke1696 to Korah7141 and to all3605 his company,5712 saying,559 Even to morrow1242 the LORD3068 will show3045 who853 834 are his, and who853 is holy;6918 and will cause him to come7126 near7126 to him: even him whom834 he has chosen977 will he cause to come7126 near7126 to him.

6 This2063 do;6213 Take3947 you censers,4289 Korah,7141 and all3605 his company;5712

7 And put5414 fire784 therein,2004 and put7760 incense7004 in them before6440 the LORD3068 to morrow:4279 and it shall be that the man376 whom834 the LORD3068 does choose,977 he shall be holy:6918 you take too much7227 on you, you sons1121 of Levi.3878

8 And Moses4872 said559 to Korah,7141 Hear,8085 I pray4994 you, you sons1121 of Levi:3878

9 Seems it but a small4592 thing to you, that the God430 of Israel3478 has separated914 you from the congregation5712 of Israel,3478 to bring7126 you near7138 to himself to do5647 the service5656 of the tabernacle4908 of the LORD,3068 and to stand5975 before6440 the congregation5712 to minister8334 to them?

10 And he has brought7126 you near7138 to him, and all3605 your brothers251 the sons1121 of Levi3878 with you: and seek1245 you the priesthood3550 also?1571

11 For which cause3651 both you and all3605 your company5712 are gathered3259 together against5921 the LORD:3068 and what4100 is Aaron,175 that you murmur3885 against5921 him?

12 And Moses4872 sent7971 to call7121 Dathan1885 and Abiram,48 the sons1121 of Eliab:446 which said,559 We will not come5927 up:

13 Is it a small4592 thing that you have brought5927 us up out of a land776 that flows2100 with milk2461 and honey,1706 to kill4191 us in the wilderness,4057 except3588 you make yourself altogether1571 a prince8323 over5921 us?

14 Moreover637 you have not brought935 us into a land776 that flows2100 with milk2461 and honey,1706 or given5414 us inheritance5159 of fields7704 and vineyards:3754 will you put5365 out the eyes5869 of these1992 men?582 we will not come5927 up.

15 And Moses4872 was very3966 wroth,2734 and said559 to the LORD,3068 Respect6437 not you their offering:4503 I have not taken5375 one259 ass2543 from them, neither3808 have I hurt7489 one259 of them.

16 And Moses4872 said559 to Korah,7141 Be you and all3605 your company5712 before6440 the LORD,3068 you, and they, and Aaron,175 to morrow:4279

17 And take3947 every man376 his censer,4289 and put5414 incense7004 in them, and bring7126 you before6440 the LORD3068 every man376 his censer,4289 two hundred3967 and fifty2572 censers;4289 you also, and Aaron,175 each376 of you his censer.4289

18 And they took3947 every man376 his censer,4289 and put5414 fire784 in them, and laid7760 incense7004 thereon,5921 and stood5975 in the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation4150 with Moses4872 and Aaron.175

19 And Korah7141 gathered6950 all3605 the congregation5712 against5921 them to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150 and the glory3519 of the LORD3068 appeared7200 to all3605 the congregation.5712

20 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses4872 and to Aaron,175 saying,559

21 Separate914 yourselves from among8432 this2063 congregation,5712 that I may consume3615 them in a moment.7281

22 And they fell5307 on their faces,6440 and said,559 O God,410 the God430 of the spirits7307 of all3605 flesh,1320 shall one259 man376 sin,2398 and will you be wroth7107 with all3605 the congregation?5712

23 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

24 Speak1696 to the congregation,5712 saying,559 Get5927 you up from about5439 the tabernacle4908 of Korah,7141 Dathan,1885 and Abiram.48

25 And Moses4872 rose6965 up and went3212 to Dathan1885 and Abiram;48 and the elders2205 of Israel3478 followed3212 310 him.

26 And he spoke1696 to the congregation,5712 saying,559 Depart,5493 I pray4994 you, from the tents168 of these428 wicked7563 men,582 and touch5060 nothing408 3605 of their's,1992 lest6435 you be consumed5595 in all3605 their sins.2403

27 So they got5927 up from the tabernacle4908 of Korah,7141 Dathan,1885 and Abiram,48 on5921 every376 side:5439 and Dathan1885 and Abiram48 came3318 out, and stood5324 in the door6607 of their tents,168 and their wives,802 and their sons,1121 and their little2945 children.2945

28 And Moses4872 said,559 Hereby2063 you shall know3045 that the LORD3068 has sent7971 me to do6213 all3605 these428 works;4639 for I have not done them of my own mind.3820

29 If518 these428 men die4191 the common death4194 of all3605 men,120 or176 if they be visited6485 after the visitation6486 of all3605 men;120 then the LORD3068 has not sent7971 me.

30 But if518 the LORD3068 make1254 a new1278 thing, and the earth127 open6475 her mouth,6310 and swallow1104 them up, with all3605 that appertain to them, and they go3381 down3381 quick2416 into the pit;7585 then you shall understand3045 that these men582 have provoked5006 the LORD.3068

31 And it came1961 to pass, as he had made an end3615 of speaking1696 all3605 these428 words,1697 that the ground127 split1234 asunder that was under8478 them:

32 And the earth776 opened6605 her mouth,6310 and swallowed1104 them up, and their houses,1004 and all3605 the men120 that appertained to Korah,7141 and all3605 their goods.7399

33 They, and all3605 that appertained to them, went3381 down3381 alive2416 into the pit,7585 and the earth776 closed3680 on them: and they perished6 from among8432 the congregation.6951

34 And all3605 Israel3478 that were round5439 about them fled5127 at the cry6963 of them: for they said,559 Lest6435 the earth776 swallow1104 us up also.

35 And there came3318 out a fire784 from the LORD,3068 and consumed398 the two hundred3967 and fifty2572 men376 that offered7126 incense.7004

36 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

37 Speak559 to Eleazar499 the son1121 of Aaron175 the priest,3548 that he take7311 up the censers4289 out of the burning,8316 and scatter2219 you the fire784 yonder;1973 for they are hallowed.6942

38 The censers4289 of these428 sinners2400 against their own souls,5315 let them make them broad7555 plates6341 for a covering6826 of the altar:4196 for they offered7126 them before6440 the LORD,3068 therefore they are hallowed:6942 and they shall be a sign226 to the children1121 of Israel.3478

39 And Eleazar499 the priest3548 took3947 the brazen5178 censers,4289 with which834 they that were burnt8313 had offered;7126 and they were made broad7554 plates for a covering6826 of the altar:4196

40 To be a memorial2146 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 that no3808 stranger,376 2114 which834 is not of the seed2233 of Aaron,175 come7126 near7126 to offer incense7004 before6440 the LORD;3068 that he be not as Korah,7141 and as his company:5712 as the LORD3068 said1696 to him by the hand3027 of Moses.4872

41 But on5921 the morrow4283 all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel3478 murmured3885 against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron,175 saying,559 You have killed4191 the people5971 of the LORD.3068

42 And it came1961 to pass, when the congregation5712 was gathered6950 against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron,175 that they looked6437 toward413 the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150 and, behold,2009 the cloud6051 covered3680 it, and the glory3519 of the LORD3068 appeared.7200

43 And Moses4872 and Aaron175 came935 before413 6440 the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

44 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

45 Get7426 you up from among8432 this2063 congregation,5712 that I may consume3615 them as in a moment.7281 And they fell5307 on their faces.6440

46 And Moses4872 said559 to Aaron,175 Take3947 a censer,4289 and put5414 fire784 therein5921 from off5921 the altar,4196 and put7760 on5921 incense,7004 and go3212 quickly4120 to the congregation,5712 and make an atonement3722 for them: for there is wrath7110 gone3318 out from the LORD;3068 the plague5063 is begun.2490

47 And Aaron175 took3947 as Moses4872 commanded,1696 and ran7323 into413 the middle8432 of the congregation;6951 and, behold,2009 the plague5063 was begun2490 among the people:5971 and he put5414 on5921 incense,7004 and made an atonement3722 for the people.5971

48 And he stood5975 between996 the dead4191 and the living;2416 and the plague4046 was stayed.6113

49 Now they that died4191 in the plague4046 were fourteen702 7657 thousand505 and seven7651 hundred,3967 beside905 them that died4191 about5921 the matter1697 of Korah.7141

50 And Aaron175 returned7725 to Moses4872 to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150 and the plague4046 was stayed.6113




Chapter 16

1 利未的曾孫、哥轄的孫子、以斯哈的兒子可拉,和呂便子孫中以利押的兒子大坍、亞比蘭,與比勒的兒子安,

1 Now Korah,7141 the son1121 of Izhar,3324 the son1121 of Kohath,6955 the son1121 of Levi,3878 and Dathan1885 and Abiram,48 the sons1121 of Eliab,446 and On,203 the son1121 of Peleth,6431 sons1121 of Reuben,7205 took3947 men:

2 並以色列會中的二百五十個首領,就是會中有名望[famous in the congregation]的人,在摩西面前一同起來,

2 And they rose6965 up before6440 Moses,4872 with certain582 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 two hundred3967 and fifty2572 princes5387 of the assembly,5712 famous7148 in the congregation,4150 men582 of renown:8034

3 聚集攻擊摩西、亞倫,說:「你們擅自專權。全會眾個個既是聖潔,耶和華也在他們中間,你們為甚麼自高,超過耶和華的會眾呢?」

3 And they gathered6950 themselves together against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron,175 and said559 to them, You take too much7227 on you, seeing3588 all3605 the congregation5712 are holy,6918 every3605 one of them, and the LORD3068 is among8432 them: why4069 then lift5375 you up yourselves above5921 the congregation6951 of the LORD?3068

4 摩西聽見這話就[face]伏在地;

4 And when Moses4872 heard8085 it, he fell5307 on his face:6440

5 對可拉和他一黨的人說:「到了明天[morrow],耶和華必指示誰是屬他的,誰是聖潔的,就叫誰親近他;他所揀選的是誰,必叫誰親近他。

5 And he spoke1696 to Korah7141 and to all3605 his company,5712 saying,559 Even to morrow1242 the LORD3068 will show3045 who853 834 are his, and who853 is holy;6918 and will cause him to come7126 near7126 to him: even him whom834 he has chosen977 will he cause to come7126 near7126 to him.

6 可拉啊,你們要這樣行,你和你的一黨要拿香爐來。

6 This2063 do;6213 Take3947 you censers,4289 Korah,7141 and all3605 his company;5712

7 明日,在耶和華面前,把火盛在爐中,把香放在其上。耶和華揀選誰,誰就為聖潔。你們這利未的子孫擅自專權了。」

7 And put5414 fire784 therein,2004 and put7760 incense7004 in them before6440 the LORD3068 to morrow:4279 and it shall be that the man376 whom834 the LORD3068 does choose,977 he shall be holy:6918 you take too much7227 on you, you sons1121 of Levi.3878

8 摩西又對可拉說:「利未的子孫哪,[pray]你們聽我說。

8 And Moses4872 said559 to Korah,7141 Hear,8085 I pray4994 you, you sons1121 of Levi:3878

9 以色列的神從以色列會中將你們分別出來,使你們親近他,辦耶和華帳幕的事,並站在會眾面前替他們當差。

9 Seems it but a small4592 thing to you, that the God430 of Israel3478 has separated914 you from the congregation5712 of Israel,3478 to bring7126 you near7138 to himself to do5647 the service5656 of the tabernacle4908 of the LORD,3068 and to stand5975 before6440 the congregation5712 to minister8334 to them?

10 耶和華又使你和你一切弟兄─利未的子孫─一同親近他,這豈為小事?你們還要求祭司的職任嗎?

10 And he has brought7126 you near7138 to him, and all3605 your brothers251 the sons1121 of Levi3878 with you: and seek1245 you the priesthood3550 also?1571

11 你和你一黨的人聚集是要攻擊耶和華。亞倫算甚麼,你們竟向他發怨言呢?」

11 For which cause3651 both you and all3605 your company5712 are gathered3259 together against5921 the LORD:3068 and what4100 is Aaron,175 that you murmur3885 against5921 him?

12 摩西打發人去召以利押的兒子大坍、亞比蘭。他們說:「我們不上去。

12 And Moses4872 sent7971 to call7121 Dathan1885 and Abiram,48 the sons1121 of Eliab:446 which said,559 We will not come5927 up:

13 你將我們從流奶與蜜之地領上來,要在曠野殺我們,這豈為小事?你還要自立為王轄管我們嗎?

13 Is it a small4592 thing that you have brought5927 us up out of a land776 that flows2100 with milk2461 and honey,1706 to kill4191 us in the wilderness,4057 except3588 you make yourself altogether1571 a prince8323 over5921 us?

14 並且你沒有將我們領到流奶與蜜之地,也沒有把田地和葡萄園給我們為業。難道你要剜這些人的眼睛嗎?我們不上去。」

14 Moreover637 you have not brought935 us into a land776 that flows2100 with milk2461 and honey,1706 or given5414 us inheritance5159 of fields7704 and vineyards:3754 will you put5365 out the eyes5869 of these1992 men?582 we will not come5927 up.

15 摩西就甚發怒,對耶和華說:「求你不要享受他們的供物。我並沒有奪過他們一匹驢,也沒有害過他們一個人。」

15 And Moses4872 was very3966 wroth,2734 and said559 to the LORD,3068 Respect6437 not you their offering:4503 I have not taken5375 one259 ass2543 from them, neither3808 have I hurt7489 one259 of them.

16 摩西對可拉說:「明天,你和你一黨的人,並亞倫,都要站在耶和華面前;

16 And Moses4872 said559 to Korah,7141 Be you and all3605 your company5712 before6440 the LORD,3068 you, and they, and Aaron,175 to morrow:4279

17 各人要拿一個香爐,共二百五十個,把香放在上面,到耶和華面前。你和亞倫也各拿自己的香爐。」

17 And take3947 every man376 his censer,4289 and put5414 incense7004 in them, and bring7126 you before6440 the LORD3068 every man376 his censer,4289 two hundred3967 and fifty2572 censers;4289 you also, and Aaron,175 each376 of you his censer.4289

18 於是他們各人拿一個香爐,盛上火,加上香,同摩西、亞倫站在會幕門前。

18 And they took3947 every man376 his censer,4289 and put5414 fire784 in them, and laid7760 incense7004 thereon,5921 and stood5975 in the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation4150 with Moses4872 and Aaron.175

19 可拉招聚全會眾到會幕門前,要攻擊摩西、亞倫;耶和華的榮光就向全會眾顯現。

19 And Korah7141 gathered6950 all3605 the congregation5712 against5921 them to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150 and the glory3519 of the LORD3068 appeared7200 to all3605 the congregation.5712

20 耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:

20 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses4872 and to Aaron,175 saying,559

21 「你們離開這會眾,我好在轉眼之間把他們滅絕。」

21 Separate914 yourselves from among8432 this2063 congregation,5712 that I may consume3615 them in a moment.7281

22 摩西、亞倫就[faces]伏在地,說:「神,眾人之靈的神啊,一人犯罪,你就要向全會眾發怒嗎?」

22 And they fell5307 on their faces,6440 and said,559 O God,410 the God430 of the spirits7307 of all3605 flesh,1320 shall one259 man376 sin,2398 and will you be wroth7107 with all3605 the congregation?5712

23 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

23 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

24 「你告訴[Speak]會眾說:『你們離開可拉、大坍、亞比蘭帳棚的四圍。』」

24 Speak1696 to the congregation,5712 saying,559 Get5927 you up from about5439 the tabernacle4908 of Korah,7141 Dathan,1885 and Abiram.48

25 摩西起來,往大坍、亞比蘭那裏去;以色列的長老也隨著他去。

25 And Moses4872 rose6965 up and went3212 to Dathan1885 and Abiram;48 and the elders2205 of Israel3478 followed3212 310 him.

26告訴[spake unto]會眾說:「[pray]你們離開這些[these]惡人的帳棚吧,他們的物件,甚麼都不可摸,恐怕你們陷在他們的罪中,與他們一同消滅。」

26 And he spoke1696 to the congregation,5712 saying,559 Depart,5493 I pray4994 you, from the tents168 of these428 wicked7563 men,582 and touch5060 nothing408 3605 of their's,1992 lest6435 you be consumed5595 in all3605 their sins.2403

27 於是眾人離開可拉、大坍、亞比蘭帳棚的四圍。大坍、亞比蘭帶著妻子、兒女、小孩子,都出來,站在自己的帳棚門口。

27 So they got5927 up from the tabernacle4908 of Korah,7141 Dathan,1885 and Abiram,48 on5921 every376 side:5439 and Dathan1885 and Abiram48 came3318 out, and stood5324 in the door6607 of their tents,168 and their wives,802 and their sons,1121 and their little2945 children.2945

28 摩西說:「我行的這一切事本不是憑我自己心意行的,乃是耶和華打發我行的,必有證據使你們知道。

28 And Moses4872 said,559 Hereby2063 you shall know3045 that the LORD3068 has sent7971 me to do6213 all3605 these428 works;4639 for I have not done them of my own mind.3820

29 這些人死若與世人無異,或是他們所遭的與世人相同,就不是耶和華打發我來的。

29 If518 these428 men die4191 the common death4194 of all3605 men,120 or176 if they be visited6485 after the visitation6486 of all3605 men;120 then the LORD3068 has not sent7971 me.

30 倘若耶和華創作一件新事,使地開口,把他們和一切屬他們的都吞下去,叫他們活活的墜落坑中[pit],你們就明白這些人是惹動[provoked]耶和華了。」

30 But if518 the LORD3068 make1254 a new1278 thing, and the earth127 open6475 her mouth,6310 and swallow1104 them up, with all3605 that appertain to them, and they go3381 down3381 quick2416 into the pit;7585 then you shall understand3045 that these men582 have provoked5006 the LORD.3068

31 摩西剛說完了這一切話,他們腳下的地就開了口,

31 And it came1961 to pass, as he had made an end3615 of speaking1696 all3605 these428 words,1697 that the ground127 split1234 asunder that was under8478 them:

32 把他們和他們的家眷,並一切屬可拉的人丁、財物,都吞下去。

32 And the earth776 opened6605 her mouth,6310 and swallowed1104 them up, and their houses,1004 and all3605 the men120 that appertained to Korah,7141 and all3605 their goods.7399

33 這樣,他們和一切屬他們的,都活活的墜落坑中[pit];地口在他們上頭照舊合閉,他們就從會中滅亡。

33 They, and all3605 that appertained to them, went3381 down3381 alive2416 into the pit,7585 and the earth776 closed3680 on them: and they perished6 from among8432 the congregation.6951

34 在他們四圍的以色列眾人聽他們呼號,就都逃跑;他們[they]說:「恐怕地也把我們吞下去。」

34 And all3605 Israel3478 that were round5439 about them fled5127 at the cry6963 of them: for they said,559 Lest6435 the earth776 swallow1104 us up also.

35 又有火從耶和華那裏出來,燒滅了那獻香的二百五十個人。

35 And there came3318 out a fire784 from the LORD,3068 and consumed398 the two hundred3967 and fifty2572 men376 that offered7126 incense.7004

36 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

36 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

37 「你告訴[Speak]祭司亞倫的兒子以利亞撒從火中撿起那些香爐來,把火撒在別處,因為那些香爐是聖的。

37 Speak559 to Eleazar499 the son1121 of Aaron175 the priest,3548 that he take7311 up the censers4289 out of the burning,8316 and scatter2219 you the fire784 yonder;1973 for they are hallowed.6942

38 把那些犯罪、自害己命之人的香爐,叫人錘成片子,用以包壇。那些香爐本是他們在耶和華面前獻過的,所以是聖的,並且可以給以色列人作記號。」

38 The censers4289 of these428 sinners2400 against their own souls,5315 let them make them broad7555 plates6341 for a covering6826 of the altar:4196 for they offered7126 them before6440 the LORD,3068 therefore they are hallowed:6942 and they shall be a sign226 to the children1121 of Israel.3478

39 於是祭司以利亞撒將被燒之人所獻的銅香爐拿來,錘成箔片[were made broad plates],用以包壇,

39 And Eleazar499 the priest3548 took3947 the brazen5178 censers,4289 with which834 they that were burnt8313 had offered;7126 and they were made broad7554 plates for a covering6826 of the altar:4196

40 給以色列人作紀念,使亞倫後裔之外的人不得近前來在耶和華面前[offer]香;免得他遭可拉和他一黨所遭的。這乃是照耶和華藉著摩西之手[hand of][said]的。

40 To be a memorial2146 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 that no3808 stranger,376 2114 which834 is not of the seed2233 of Aaron,175 come7126 near7126 to offer incense7004 before6440 the LORD;3068 that he be not as Korah,7141 and as his company:5712 as the LORD3068 said1696 to him by the hand3027 of Moses.4872

41 第二天,以色列全會眾都向摩西、亞倫發怨言說:「你們殺了耶和華的百姓了。」

41 But on5921 the morrow4283 all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel3478 murmured3885 against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron,175 saying,559 You have killed4191 the people5971 of the LORD.3068

42 會眾聚集攻擊摩西、亞倫的時候,向會幕觀看,不料,有雲彩遮蓋了,耶和華的榮光顯現。

42 And it came1961 to pass, when the congregation5712 was gathered6950 against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron,175 that they looked6437 toward413 the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150 and, behold,2009 the cloud6051 covered3680 it, and the glory3519 of the LORD3068 appeared.7200

43 摩西、亞倫就來到會幕前。

43 And Moses4872 and Aaron175 came935 before413 6440 the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

44 耶和華曉諭[spake unto]摩西說:

44 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

45 「你們離開這會眾,我好在轉眼之間把他們滅絕。」他們二人就[faces]伏於地。

45 Get7426 you up from among8432 this2063 congregation,5712 that I may consume3615 them as in a moment.7281 And they fell5307 on their faces.6440

46 摩西對亞倫說:「拿你的香爐,把壇上的火盛在其中,又加上香,快快帶到會眾那裏,為他們贖罪;因為有忿怒從耶和華那裏出來,瘟疫已經發作了。」

46 And Moses4872 said559 to Aaron,175 Take3947 a censer,4289 and put5414 fire784 therein5921 from off5921 the altar,4196 and put7760 on5921 incense,7004 and go3212 quickly4120 to the congregation,5712 and make an atonement3722 for them: for there is wrath7110 gone3318 out from the LORD;3068 the plague5063 is begun.2490

47 亞倫照著摩西所說的拿來,跑到會中,不料,瘟疫在百姓中已經發作了。他就加上香,為百姓贖罪。

47 And Aaron175 took3947 as Moses4872 commanded,1696 and ran7323 into413 the middle8432 of the congregation;6951 and, behold,2009 the plague5063 was begun2490 among the people:5971 and he put5414 on5921 incense,7004 and made an atonement3722 for the people.5971

48 他站在活人死人中間,瘟疫就止住了。

48 And he stood5975 between996 the dead4191 and the living;2416 and the plague4046 was stayed.6113

49 除了因可拉事情死的以外,遭瘟疫死的,共有一萬四千七百人。

49 Now they that died4191 in the plague4046 were fourteen702 7657 thousand505 and seven7651 hundred,3967 beside905 them that died4191 about5921 the matter1697 of Korah.7141

50 亞倫回到會幕門口,到摩西那裏,瘟疫已經止住了。

50 And Aaron175 returned7725 to Moses4872 to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation:4150 and the plague4046 was stayed.6113