

1 耶和華藉瑪拉基傳給以色列的默示。

2 耶和華說:「我曾愛你們。」你們卻說:「你在何事上愛我們呢?」耶和華說:「以掃不是雅各的哥哥嗎?我卻愛雅各,

3 惡以掃,使他的山嶺地業變為荒場[laid his mountains and his heritage waste]為曠野的龍所得[for the dragons of the wilderness]。」

4 以東人說:「我們現在雖然窮乏[we are impoverished],卻要回去[return]重建荒廢之處。」大軍之耶和華如此說:「任他們建造,我必拆毀;人必稱他們的地為『罪惡之境』;稱他們的民為『耶和華永遠惱怒之民』。」

5 你們必親眼看見,也必說:「耶和華必[The LORD will]在以色列境界之外被尊為大。」

6 「藐視我名的祭司啊,大軍之耶和華對你們說:兒子尊敬父親,僕人敬畏主人;我既為父親,尊敬我的在哪裏呢?我既為主人,敬畏我的在哪裏呢?你們卻說:『我們在何事上藐視你的名呢?』

7 你們將污穢的食物獻在我的壇上,且說:『我們在何事上污穢你呢?』因你們說,耶和華的桌子是可藐視的。

8 你們[if]將瞎眼的獻作祭牲[sacrifice],這不為惡嗎?你們若[if ye]將瘸腿的、有病的獻上,這不為惡嗎?你獻給你的省長,他豈喜悅你,豈能看你的情面嗎?這是大軍之耶和華說的。

9 「現在我勸你們懇求神,他好施恩與我們;這妄獻的事,是由你們經手[this hath been by your means];他豈能看你們的情面嗎?這是大軍之耶和華說的。

10 既是白白獻祭[for nought],你們中間有[Who]關上殿門?你們不要[neither do ye]白白[for nought]在我壇上燒火。大軍之耶和華說:我不喜悅你們,也不從你們手中收納供物。

11 大軍之耶和華說:從日出之地到日落之處,我的名在外邦人[Gentiles]中必尊為大;在各處,人必奉我的名[offered]香,獻潔淨的供物。因為我的名在異教民[heathen]中必尊為大。

12 你們卻褻瀆了[profaned]我的名,因你們說[in that ye say]:『耶和華的桌子是污穢的;其上的果子[fruit]食物是可藐視的。』

13 你們又說:『看哪[Behold],這些事何等煩瑣!』並嗤之以鼻,這是大軍之耶和華說的;你們把撕碎[torn]的、瘸腿的、有病的拿來獻為供物[brought an offering]。我豈能從你們手中收納呢?這是耶和華說的。

14 行詭詐的在群中有公羊,他許願卻用有壞的[corrupt thing]獻給主,這人是可咒詛的;因為我是大君王,我的名在異教民[heathen]中是可畏的。這是大軍之耶和華說的。


Chapter 1

1 The burden4853 of the word1697 of the LORD3068 to Israel3478 by Malachi.4401

2 I have loved157 you, said5002 the LORD.3068 Yet you say,559 Wherein4100 have you loved157 us? Was not Esau6215 Jacob's3290 brother?251 said559 the LORD:3068 yet I loved157 Jacob,3290

3 And I hated8130 Esau,6215 and laid7760 his mountains2022 and his heritage5159 waste8077 for the dragons8565 of the wilderness.4057

4 Whereas3588 Edom123 said,559 We are impoverished,7567 but we will return7725 and build1129 the desolate2723 places; thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 They shall build,1129 but I will throw2040 down;2040 and they shall call7121 them, The border1366 of wickedness,7564 and, The people5971 against whom834 the LORD3068 has indignation2194 for ever.5769

5 And your eyes5869 shall see,7200 and you shall say,559 The LORD3068 will be magnified1431 from the border1366 of Israel.3478

6 A son1121 honors3513 his father,2 and a servant5650 his master:113 if518 then I be a father,2 where346 is my honor?3519 and if518 I be a master,113 where346 is my fear?4172 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 to you, O priests,3548 that despise959 my name.8034 And you say,559 Wherein4100 have we despised959 your name?8034

7 You offer5066 polluted1351 bread3899 on my altar;4196 and you say,559 Wherein4100 have we polluted1351 you? In that you say,559 The table7979 of the LORD3068 is contemptible.959

8 And if3588 you offer5066 the blind5787 for sacrifice,2076 is it not evil?7451 and if3588 you offer5066 the lame6455 and sick,2470 is it not evil?7451 offer7126 it now4994 to your governor;6346 will he be pleased7521 with you, or176 accept5375 your person?6440 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

9 And now,6258 I pray4994 you, beseech2470 6440 God410 that he will be gracious2603 to us: this2063 has been1961 by your means:3027 will he regard5375 your persons?6440 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

10 Who4310 is there even1571 among you that would shut5462 the doors1817 for nothing? neither3808 do you kindle215 fire on my altar4196 for nothing.2600 I have no639 pleasure2656 in you, said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 neither3808 will I accept7521 an offering4503 at your hand.3027

11 For from the rising4217 of the sun8121 even to the going3996 down of the same my name8034 shall be great1419 among the Gentiles;1471 and in every3605 place4725 incense6999 shall be offered5066 to my name,8034 and a pure2889 offering:4503 for my name8034 shall be great1419 among the heathen,1471 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

12 But you have profaned2490 it, in that you say,559 The table7979 of the LORD3068 is polluted;1351 and the fruit5108 thereof, even his meat,400 is contemptible.959

13 You said559 also, Behold,2009 what a weariness4972 is it! and you have snuffed5301 at it, said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 and you brought935 that which was torn,1497 and the lame,6455 and the sick;2470 thus3541 you brought935 an offering:4503 should I accept7521 this of your hand?3027 said559 the LORD.3068

14 But cursed779 be the deceiver,5230 which3426 has in his flock5739 a male,2145 and vows,5087 and sacrifices2076 to the LORD136 a corrupt7843 thing: for I am a great1419 King,4428 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and my name8034 is dreadful3372 among the heathen.1471




Chapter 1

1 耶和華藉瑪拉基傳給以色列的默示。

1 The burden4853 of the word1697 of the LORD3068 to Israel3478 by Malachi.4401

2 耶和華說:「我曾愛你們。」你們卻說:「你在何事上愛我們呢?」耶和華說:「以掃不是雅各的哥哥嗎?我卻愛雅各,

2 I have loved157 you, said5002 the LORD.3068 Yet you say,559 Wherein4100 have you loved157 us? Was not Esau6215 Jacob's3290 brother?251 said559 the LORD:3068 yet I loved157 Jacob,3290

3 惡以掃,使他的山嶺地業變為荒場[laid his mountains and his heritage waste]為曠野的龍所得[for the dragons of the wilderness]。」

3 And I hated8130 Esau,6215 and laid7760 his mountains2022 and his heritage5159 waste8077 for the dragons8565 of the wilderness.4057

4 以東人說:「我們現在雖然窮乏[we are impoverished],卻要回去[return]重建荒廢之處。」大軍之耶和華如此說:「任他們建造,我必拆毀;人必稱他們的地為『罪惡之境』;稱他們的民為『耶和華永遠惱怒之民』。」

4 Whereas3588 Edom123 said,559 We are impoverished,7567 but we will return7725 and build1129 the desolate2723 places; thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 They shall build,1129 but I will throw2040 down;2040 and they shall call7121 them, The border1366 of wickedness,7564 and, The people5971 against whom834 the LORD3068 has indignation2194 for ever.5769

5 你們必親眼看見,也必說:「耶和華必[The LORD will]在以色列境界之外被尊為大。」

5 And your eyes5869 shall see,7200 and you shall say,559 The LORD3068 will be magnified1431 from the border1366 of Israel.3478

6 「藐視我名的祭司啊,大軍之耶和華對你們說:兒子尊敬父親,僕人敬畏主人;我既為父親,尊敬我的在哪裏呢?我既為主人,敬畏我的在哪裏呢?你們卻說:『我們在何事上藐視你的名呢?』

6 A son1121 honors3513 his father,2 and a servant5650 his master:113 if518 then I be a father,2 where346 is my honor?3519 and if518 I be a master,113 where346 is my fear?4172 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 to you, O priests,3548 that despise959 my name.8034 And you say,559 Wherein4100 have we despised959 your name?8034

7 你們將污穢的食物獻在我的壇上,且說:『我們在何事上污穢你呢?』因你們說,耶和華的桌子是可藐視的。

7 You offer5066 polluted1351 bread3899 on my altar;4196 and you say,559 Wherein4100 have we polluted1351 you? In that you say,559 The table7979 of the LORD3068 is contemptible.959

8 你們[if]將瞎眼的獻作祭牲[sacrifice],這不為惡嗎?你們若[if ye]將瘸腿的、有病的獻上,這不為惡嗎?你獻給你的省長,他豈喜悅你,豈能看你的情面嗎?這是大軍之耶和華說的。

8 And if3588 you offer5066 the blind5787 for sacrifice,2076 is it not evil?7451 and if3588 you offer5066 the lame6455 and sick,2470 is it not evil?7451 offer7126 it now4994 to your governor;6346 will he be pleased7521 with you, or176 accept5375 your person?6440 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

9 「現在我勸你們懇求神,他好施恩與我們;這妄獻的事,是由你們經手[this hath been by your means];他豈能看你們的情面嗎?這是大軍之耶和華說的。

9 And now,6258 I pray4994 you, beseech2470 6440 God410 that he will be gracious2603 to us: this2063 has been1961 by your means:3027 will he regard5375 your persons?6440 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

10 既是白白獻祭[for nought],你們中間有[Who]關上殿門?你們不要[neither do ye]白白[for nought]在我壇上燒火。大軍之耶和華說:我不喜悅你們,也不從你們手中收納供物。

10 Who4310 is there even1571 among you that would shut5462 the doors1817 for nothing? neither3808 do you kindle215 fire on my altar4196 for nothing.2600 I have no639 pleasure2656 in you, said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 neither3808 will I accept7521 an offering4503 at your hand.3027

11 大軍之耶和華說:從日出之地到日落之處,我的名在外邦人[Gentiles]中必尊為大;在各處,人必奉我的名[offered]香,獻潔淨的供物。因為我的名在異教民[heathen]中必尊為大。

11 For from the rising4217 of the sun8121 even to the going3996 down of the same my name8034 shall be great1419 among the Gentiles;1471 and in every3605 place4725 incense6999 shall be offered5066 to my name,8034 and a pure2889 offering:4503 for my name8034 shall be great1419 among the heathen,1471 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

12 你們卻褻瀆了[profaned]我的名,因你們說[in that ye say]:『耶和華的桌子是污穢的;其上的果子[fruit]食物是可藐視的。』

12 But you have profaned2490 it, in that you say,559 The table7979 of the LORD3068 is polluted;1351 and the fruit5108 thereof, even his meat,400 is contemptible.959

13 你們又說:『看哪[Behold],這些事何等煩瑣!』並嗤之以鼻,這是大軍之耶和華說的;你們把撕碎[torn]的、瘸腿的、有病的拿來獻為供物[brought an offering]。我豈能從你們手中收納呢?這是耶和華說的。

13 You said559 also, Behold,2009 what a weariness4972 is it! and you have snuffed5301 at it, said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 and you brought935 that which was torn,1497 and the lame,6455 and the sick;2470 thus3541 you brought935 an offering:4503 should I accept7521 this of your hand?3027 said559 the LORD.3068

14 行詭詐的在群中有公羊,他許願卻用有壞的[corrupt thing]獻給主,這人是可咒詛的;因為我是大君王,我的名在異教民[heathen]中是可畏的。這是大軍之耶和華說的。

14 But cursed779 be the deceiver,5230 which3426 has in his flock5739 a male,2145 and vows,5087 and sacrifices2076 to the LORD136 a corrupt7843 thing: for I am a great1419 King,4428 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and my name8034 is dreadful3372 among the heathen.1471