

1 你們要在錫安吹[trumpet],在我聖山吹出大聲。國中的居民都要發顫。因為耶和華的日子將到,已經臨近;

2 那日是黑暗、幽冥、密雲、烏黑的日子,好像晨光鋪滿山嶺。有一隊[people]又大又強;從來沒有這樣的,以後直到世世代代[many generations]也必沒有。

3 他們前面如火吞滅[devoureth],後面如火燄燒盡。未到以前,地如伊甸園;過去以後,成了荒涼的曠野;沒有一樣能躲避他們的。

4 他們的形狀如馬,奔跑如馬兵。

5 在山頂蹦跳的響聲如車輛的響聲,又如火燄燒碎稭的響聲,好像強盛的民擺陣預備打仗。

6 他們一來,眾民多有疼痛[much pained],臉都發黑[blackness]

7 他們如勇士奔跑,像戰士爬城;各都步行,不亂隊伍。

8 彼此並不擁擠,向前各行其路,就是落在刀上[when they fall upon the sword]也必不致受傷[shall not be wounded]

9 他們在城中跑來跑去[run to and fro in the city][run]上牆,爬到屋上[climb up upon the houses],進入窗戶如同盜賊。

10 在他們面前[before them]大地要搖撼[The earth shall quake]諸天要震動[the heavens shall tremble],日月必致[shall be]昏暗,星宿[and][shall]無光。

11 耶和華在他軍旅前發聲,他的隊伍甚大;成就他命的是強盛者。因為耶和華的日子大而可畏,誰能當得起呢?

12 耶和華說:雖然如此,你們應當禁食、哭泣、悲哀,一心歸向我。

13 你們要撕裂心腸,不撕裂衣服。歸向耶和華─你們的神;因為他有恩典,有憐憫,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛,並且後悔不降所說的災。

14 或者他轉意後悔,留下餘福,就是留下獻給耶和華─你們神的素祭和奠祭,也未可知。

15 你們要在錫安吹[trumpet],分定禁食的日子,宣告嚴肅會;

16 聚集眾民,使會眾自潔:招聚長老[elders],聚集孩童和吃奶的;使新郎出離洞房,新婦出離內室。

17 事奉耶和華的祭司要在廊子和祭壇中間哭泣,說:耶和華啊,求你顧惜你的百姓,不要使你的產業受羞辱,使異教的民[that the heathen]管轄他們;為何容他們[they]民中[the people]說:「他們的神在哪裏」呢?

18 耶和華就為自己的地發熱心,憐恤他的百姓。

19 耶和華應允他的百姓說:看哪[Behold],我必賜給你們五穀、新酒,和油,使你們飽足;我也不再使你們在異教民中受羞辱[make you a reproach among the heathen]

20 卻要使北方來的軍隊遠離你們,將他們趕到乾旱荒廢之地,前隊趕入東海,後隊趕入西海;因為他們所行的大[things],臭氣上升,腥味騰空。

21 地土啊,不要懼怕;要歡喜快樂,因為耶和華行了大事。

22 田野的走獸啊,不要懼怕;因為,曠野的草長出[spring],樹木結果,無花果樹、葡萄樹也都效力。

23 錫安的民哪,你們要快樂,為耶和華─你們的神歡喜;因他賜給你們合宜的秋雨,為你們於正月降下甘霖,就是秋雨、春雨,和先前一樣[the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month]

24 禾場必滿了麥子;酒醡與油醡必有新酒和油盈溢。

25 我打發到你們中間的大軍隊,就是蝗蟲、尺蠖[cankerworm]毛蟲[caterpiller]蛾蟲[palmerworm],那些年所吃的,我要補還你們。

26 你們必多吃而得飽足,就讚美為你們行奇妙事之耶和華─你們神的名。我的百姓必永遠不至羞愧。

27 你們必知道我是在以色列中間,又知道我是耶和華─你們的神;在我以外並無別神。我的百姓必永遠不致羞愧。

28 以後,我要將我的靈澆灌凡有血氣的。你們的兒女要說預言;你們的老年人要作異夢,少年人要見異象。

29 在那些日子,我要將我的靈澆灌我的僕人和使女。

30 「在諸天之上[in the heavens]大地之下[in the earth],我要顯出奇事,有血,有火,有煙柱。

31 日頭要變為黑暗,月亮要變為血,這都在耶和華大而可畏的日子未到以前。

32 到那時候,凡求告耶和華名的就必得救;因為照耶和華所說的,在錫安山,耶路撒冷必有拯救[deliverance],在剩下的人中必有耶和華所召的。」


Chapter 2

1 Blow8628 ye the trumpet7782 in Zion,6726 and sound an alarm7321 in my holy6944 mountain:2022 let all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the land776 tremble:7264 for3588 the day3117 of the LORD3068 cometh,935 for3588 it is nigh at hand;7138

2 A day3117 of darkness2822 and of gloominess,653 a day3117 of clouds6051 and of thick darkness,6205 as the morning7837 spread6566 upon5921 the mountains:2022 a great7227 people5971 and a strong;6099 there hath not3808 been1961 ever4480 5769 the like,3644 neither3808 shall be any more3254 after310 it, even to5704 the years8141 of many generations.1755 1755

3 A fire784 devoureth398 before6440 them; and behind310 them a flame3852 burneth:3857 the land776 is as the garden1588 of Eden5731 before6440 them, and behind310 them a desolate8077 wilderness;4057 yea,1571 and nothing3808 shall escape1961 6413 them.

4 The appearance4758 of them is as the appearance4758 of horses;5483 and as horsemen,6571 so3651 shall they run.7323

5 Like the noise6963 of chariots4818 on5921 the tops7218 of mountains2022 shall they leap,7540 like the noise6963 of a flame3851 of fire784 that devoureth398 the stubble,7179 as a strong6099 people5971 set in battle array.6186 4421

6 Before their face4480 6440 the people5971 shall be much pained:2342 all3605 faces6440 shall gather6908 blackness.6289

7 They shall run7323 like mighty men;1368 they shall climb5927 the wall2346 like men376 of war;4421 and they shall march1980 every one376 on his ways,1870 and they shall not3808 break5670 their ranks: 734

8 Neither3808 shall one376 thrust1766 another;251 they shall walk1980 every one1397 in his path:4546 and when they fall5307 upon1157 the sword,7973 they shall not3808 be wounded.1214

9 They shall run to and fro8264 in the city;5892 they shall run7323 upon the wall,2346 they shall climb up5927 upon the houses;1004 they shall enter in935 at1157 the windows2474 like a thief.1590

10 The earth776 shall quake7264 before6440 them; the heavens8064 shall tremble:7493 the sun8121 and the moon3394 shall be dark,6937 and the stars3556 shall withdraw622 their shining: 5051

11 And the LORD3068 shall utter5414 his voice6963 before6440 his army:2428 for3588 his camp4264 is very3966 great:7227 for3588 he is strong6099 that executeth6213 his word:1697 for3588 the day3117 of the LORD3068 is great1419 and very3966 terrible;3372 and who4310 can abide3557 it?

12 Therefore also1571 now,6258 saith5002 the LORD,3068 turn7725 ye even to5704 me with all3605 your heart,3824 and with fasting,6685 and with weeping,1065 and with mourning: 4553

13 And rend7167 your heart,3824 and not408 your garments,899 and turn7725 unto413 the LORD3068 your God:430 for3588 he1931 is gracious2587 and merciful,7349 slow750 to anger,639 and of great7227 kindness,2617 and repenteth5162 him of5921 the evil.7451

14 Who4310 knoweth3045 if he will return7725 and repent,5162 and leave7604 a blessing1293 behind310 him; even a meat offering4503 and a drink offering5262 unto the LORD3068 your God?430

15 Blow8628 the trumpet7782 in Zion,6726 sanctify6942 a fast,6685 call7121 a solemn assembly: 6116

16 Gather622 the people,5971 sanctify6942 the congregation,6951 assemble6908 the elders,2205 gather622 the children,5768 and those that suck3243 the breasts:7699 let the bridegroom2860 go forth3318 of his chamber,4480 2315 and the bride3618 out of her closet.4480 2646

17 Let the priests,3548 the ministers8334 of the LORD,3068 weep1058 between996 the porch197 and the altar,4196 and let them say,559 Spare2347 5921 thy people,5971 O LORD,3068 and give5414 not408 thine heritage5159 to reproach,2781 that the heathen1471 should rule4910 over them: wherefore4100 should they say559 among the people,5971 Where346 is their God?430

18 Then will the LORD3068 be jealous7065 for his land,776 and pity2550 5921 his people.5971

19 Yea, the LORD3068 will answer6030 and say559 unto his people,5971 Behold,2009 I will send7971 you853 corn,1715 and wine,8492 and oil,3323 and ye shall be satisfied7646 therewith:854 and I will no3808 more5750 make5414 you a reproach2781 among the heathen: 1471

20 But I will remove far off7368 from4480 5921 you the northern6830 army, and will drive5080 him into413 a land776 barren6723 and desolate,8077 with854 his face6440 toward413 the east6931 sea,3220 and his hinder part5490 toward413 the utmost314 sea,3220 and his stink889 shall come up,5927 and his ill savor6709 shall come up,5927 because3588 he hath done6213 great things.1431

21 Fear3372 not,408 O land;127 be glad1523 and rejoice:8055 for3588 the LORD3068 will do6213 great things.1431

22 Be not afraid,3372 408 ye beasts929 of the field:7704 for3588 the pastures4999 of the wilderness4057 do spring,1876 for3588 the tree6086 beareth5375 her fruit,6529 the fig tree8384 and the vine1612 do yield5414 their strength.2428

23 Be glad1523 then, ye children1121 of Zion,6726 and rejoice8055 in the LORD3068 your God:430 for3588 he hath given5414 you853 the former rain4175 moderately,6666 and he will cause to come down3381 for you the rain,1653 the former rain,4175 and the latter rain4456 in the first7223 month.

24 And the floors1637 shall be full4390 of wheat,1250 and the fats3342 shall overflow7783 with wine8492 and oil.3323

25 And I will restore7999 to you853 the years8141 that834 the locust697 hath eaten,398 the cankerworm,3218 and the caterpillar,2625 and the palmerworm,1501 my great1419 army2428 which834 I sent7971 among you.

26 And ye shall eat in plenty,398 398 and be satisfied,7646 and praise1984 853 the name8034 of the LORD3068 your God,430 that834 hath dealt6213 wondrously6381 with5973 you: and my people5971 shall never3808 5769 be ashamed.954

27 And ye shall know3045 that3588 I589 am in the midst7130 of Israel,3478 and that I589 am the LORD3068 your God,430 and none369 else:5750 and my people5971 shall never3808 5769 be ashamed.954

28 And it shall come to pass1961 afterward,310 3651 that I will pour out8210 853 my spirit7307 upon5921 all3605 flesh;1320 and your sons1121 and your daughters1323 shall prophesy,5012 your old men2205 shall dream2492 dreams,2472 your young men970 shall see7200 visions: 2384

29 And also1571 upon5921 the servants5650 and upon5921 the handmaids8198 in those1992 days3117 will I pour out8210 853 my spirit.7307

30 And I will show5414 wonders4159 in the heavens8064 and in the earth,776 blood,1818 and fire,784 and pillars8490 of smoke.6227

31 The sun8121 shall be turned2015 into darkness,2822 and the moon3394 into blood,1818 before6440 the great1419 and the terrible3372 day3117 of the LORD3068 come.935

32 And it shall come to pass,1961 that whosoever3605 834 shall call7121 on the name8034 of the LORD3068 shall be delivered:4422 for3588 in mount2022 Zion6726 and in Jerusalem3389 shall be1961 deliverance,6413 as834 the LORD3068 hath said,559 and in the remnant8300 whom834 the LORD3068 shall call.7121




Chapter 2

1 你們要在錫安吹[trumpet],在我聖山吹出大聲。國中的居民都要發顫。因為耶和華的日子將到,已經臨近;

1 Blow8628 ye the trumpet7782 in Zion,6726 and sound an alarm7321 in my holy6944 mountain:2022 let all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the land776 tremble:7264 for3588 the day3117 of the LORD3068 cometh,935 for3588 it is nigh at hand;7138

2 那日是黑暗、幽冥、密雲、烏黑的日子,好像晨光鋪滿山嶺。有一隊[people]又大又強;從來沒有這樣的,以後直到世世代代[many generations]也必沒有。

2 A day3117 of darkness2822 and of gloominess,653 a day3117 of clouds6051 and of thick darkness,6205 as the morning7837 spread6566 upon5921 the mountains:2022 a great7227 people5971 and a strong;6099 there hath not3808 been1961 ever4480 5769 the like,3644 neither3808 shall be any more3254 after310 it, even to5704 the years8141 of many generations.1755 1755

3 他們前面如火吞滅[devoureth],後面如火燄燒盡。未到以前,地如伊甸園;過去以後,成了荒涼的曠野;沒有一樣能躲避他們的。

3 A fire784 devoureth398 before6440 them; and behind310 them a flame3852 burneth:3857 the land776 is as the garden1588 of Eden5731 before6440 them, and behind310 them a desolate8077 wilderness;4057 yea,1571 and nothing3808 shall escape1961 6413 them.

4 他們的形狀如馬,奔跑如馬兵。

4 The appearance4758 of them is as the appearance4758 of horses;5483 and as horsemen,6571 so3651 shall they run.7323

5 在山頂蹦跳的響聲如車輛的響聲,又如火燄燒碎稭的響聲,好像強盛的民擺陣預備打仗。

5 Like the noise6963 of chariots4818 on5921 the tops7218 of mountains2022 shall they leap,7540 like the noise6963 of a flame3851 of fire784 that devoureth398 the stubble,7179 as a strong6099 people5971 set in battle array.6186 4421

6 他們一來,眾民多有疼痛[much pained],臉都發黑[blackness]

6 Before their face4480 6440 the people5971 shall be much pained:2342 all3605 faces6440 shall gather6908 blackness.6289

7 他們如勇士奔跑,像戰士爬城;各都步行,不亂隊伍。

7 They shall run7323 like mighty men;1368 they shall climb5927 the wall2346 like men376 of war;4421 and they shall march1980 every one376 on his ways,1870 and they shall not3808 break5670 their ranks: 734

8 彼此並不擁擠,向前各行其路,就是落在刀上[when they fall upon the sword]也必不致受傷[shall not be wounded]

8 Neither3808 shall one376 thrust1766 another;251 they shall walk1980 every one1397 in his path:4546 and when they fall5307 upon1157 the sword,7973 they shall not3808 be wounded.1214

9 他們在城中跑來跑去[run to and fro in the city][run]上牆,爬到屋上[climb up upon the houses],進入窗戶如同盜賊。

9 They shall run to and fro8264 in the city;5892 they shall run7323 upon the wall,2346 they shall climb up5927 upon the houses;1004 they shall enter in935 at1157 the windows2474 like a thief.1590

10 在他們面前[before them]大地要搖撼[The earth shall quake]諸天要震動[the heavens shall tremble],日月必致[shall be]昏暗,星宿[and][shall]無光。

10 The earth776 shall quake7264 before6440 them; the heavens8064 shall tremble:7493 the sun8121 and the moon3394 shall be dark,6937 and the stars3556 shall withdraw622 their shining: 5051

11 耶和華在他軍旅前發聲,他的隊伍甚大;成就他命的是強盛者。因為耶和華的日子大而可畏,誰能當得起呢?

11 And the LORD3068 shall utter5414 his voice6963 before6440 his army:2428 for3588 his camp4264 is very3966 great:7227 for3588 he is strong6099 that executeth6213 his word:1697 for3588 the day3117 of the LORD3068 is great1419 and very3966 terrible;3372 and who4310 can abide3557 it?

12 耶和華說:雖然如此,你們應當禁食、哭泣、悲哀,一心歸向我。

12 Therefore also1571 now,6258 saith5002 the LORD,3068 turn7725 ye even to5704 me with all3605 your heart,3824 and with fasting,6685 and with weeping,1065 and with mourning: 4553

13 你們要撕裂心腸,不撕裂衣服。歸向耶和華─你們的神;因為他有恩典,有憐憫,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛,並且後悔不降所說的災。

13 And rend7167 your heart,3824 and not408 your garments,899 and turn7725 unto413 the LORD3068 your God:430 for3588 he1931 is gracious2587 and merciful,7349 slow750 to anger,639 and of great7227 kindness,2617 and repenteth5162 him of5921 the evil.7451

14 或者他轉意後悔,留下餘福,就是留下獻給耶和華─你們神的素祭和奠祭,也未可知。

14 Who4310 knoweth3045 if he will return7725 and repent,5162 and leave7604 a blessing1293 behind310 him; even a meat offering4503 and a drink offering5262 unto the LORD3068 your God?430

15 你們要在錫安吹[trumpet],分定禁食的日子,宣告嚴肅會;

15 Blow8628 the trumpet7782 in Zion,6726 sanctify6942 a fast,6685 call7121 a solemn assembly: 6116

16 聚集眾民,使會眾自潔:招聚長老[elders],聚集孩童和吃奶的;使新郎出離洞房,新婦出離內室。

16 Gather622 the people,5971 sanctify6942 the congregation,6951 assemble6908 the elders,2205 gather622 the children,5768 and those that suck3243 the breasts:7699 let the bridegroom2860 go forth3318 of his chamber,4480 2315 and the bride3618 out of her closet.4480 2646

17 事奉耶和華的祭司要在廊子和祭壇中間哭泣,說:耶和華啊,求你顧惜你的百姓,不要使你的產業受羞辱,使異教的民[that the heathen]管轄他們;為何容他們[they]民中[the people]說:「他們的神在哪裏」呢?

17 Let the priests,3548 the ministers8334 of the LORD,3068 weep1058 between996 the porch197 and the altar,4196 and let them say,559 Spare2347 5921 thy people,5971 O LORD,3068 and give5414 not408 thine heritage5159 to reproach,2781 that the heathen1471 should rule4910 over them: wherefore4100 should they say559 among the people,5971 Where346 is their God?430

18 耶和華就為自己的地發熱心,憐恤他的百姓。

18 Then will the LORD3068 be jealous7065 for his land,776 and pity2550 5921 his people.5971

19 耶和華應允他的百姓說:看哪[Behold],我必賜給你們五穀、新酒,和油,使你們飽足;我也不再使你們在異教民中受羞辱[make you a reproach among the heathen]

19 Yea, the LORD3068 will answer6030 and say559 unto his people,5971 Behold,2009 I will send7971 you853 corn,1715 and wine,8492 and oil,3323 and ye shall be satisfied7646 therewith:854 and I will no3808 more5750 make5414 you a reproach2781 among the heathen: 1471

20 卻要使北方來的軍隊遠離你們,將他們趕到乾旱荒廢之地,前隊趕入東海,後隊趕入西海;因為他們所行的大[things],臭氣上升,腥味騰空。

20 But I will remove far off7368 from4480 5921 you the northern6830 army, and will drive5080 him into413 a land776 barren6723 and desolate,8077 with854 his face6440 toward413 the east6931 sea,3220 and his hinder part5490 toward413 the utmost314 sea,3220 and his stink889 shall come up,5927 and his ill savor6709 shall come up,5927 because3588 he hath done6213 great things.1431

21 地土啊,不要懼怕;要歡喜快樂,因為耶和華行了大事。

21 Fear3372 not,408 O land;127 be glad1523 and rejoice:8055 for3588 the LORD3068 will do6213 great things.1431

22 田野的走獸啊,不要懼怕;因為,曠野的草長出[spring],樹木結果,無花果樹、葡萄樹也都效力。

22 Be not afraid,3372 408 ye beasts929 of the field:7704 for3588 the pastures4999 of the wilderness4057 do spring,1876 for3588 the tree6086 beareth5375 her fruit,6529 the fig tree8384 and the vine1612 do yield5414 their strength.2428

23 錫安的民哪,你們要快樂,為耶和華─你們的神歡喜;因他賜給你們合宜的秋雨,為你們於正月降下甘霖,就是秋雨、春雨,和先前一樣[the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month]

23 Be glad1523 then, ye children1121 of Zion,6726 and rejoice8055 in the LORD3068 your God:430 for3588 he hath given5414 you853 the former rain4175 moderately,6666 and he will cause to come down3381 for you the rain,1653 the former rain,4175 and the latter rain4456 in the first7223 month.

24 禾場必滿了麥子;酒醡與油醡必有新酒和油盈溢。

24 And the floors1637 shall be full4390 of wheat,1250 and the fats3342 shall overflow7783 with wine8492 and oil.3323

25 我打發到你們中間的大軍隊,就是蝗蟲、尺蠖[cankerworm]毛蟲[caterpiller]蛾蟲[palmerworm],那些年所吃的,我要補還你們。

25 And I will restore7999 to you853 the years8141 that834 the locust697 hath eaten,398 the cankerworm,3218 and the caterpillar,2625 and the palmerworm,1501 my great1419 army2428 which834 I sent7971 among you.

26 你們必多吃而得飽足,就讚美為你們行奇妙事之耶和華─你們神的名。我的百姓必永遠不至羞愧。

26 And ye shall eat in plenty,398 398 and be satisfied,7646 and praise1984 853 the name8034 of the LORD3068 your God,430 that834 hath dealt6213 wondrously6381 with5973 you: and my people5971 shall never3808 5769 be ashamed.954

27 你們必知道我是在以色列中間,又知道我是耶和華─你們的神;在我以外並無別神。我的百姓必永遠不致羞愧。

27 And ye shall know3045 that3588 I589 am in the midst7130 of Israel,3478 and that I589 am the LORD3068 your God,430 and none369 else:5750 and my people5971 shall never3808 5769 be ashamed.954

28 以後,我要將我的靈澆灌凡有血氣的。你們的兒女要說預言;你們的老年人要作異夢,少年人要見異象。

28 And it shall come to pass1961 afterward,310 3651 that I will pour out8210 853 my spirit7307 upon5921 all3605 flesh;1320 and your sons1121 and your daughters1323 shall prophesy,5012 your old men2205 shall dream2492 dreams,2472 your young men970 shall see7200 visions: 2384

29 在那些日子,我要將我的靈澆灌我的僕人和使女。

29 And also1571 upon5921 the servants5650 and upon5921 the handmaids8198 in those1992 days3117 will I pour out8210 853 my spirit.7307

30 「在諸天之上[in the heavens]大地之下[in the earth],我要顯出奇事,有血,有火,有煙柱。

30 And I will show5414 wonders4159 in the heavens8064 and in the earth,776 blood,1818 and fire,784 and pillars8490 of smoke.6227

31 日頭要變為黑暗,月亮要變為血,這都在耶和華大而可畏的日子未到以前。

31 The sun8121 shall be turned2015 into darkness,2822 and the moon3394 into blood,1818 before6440 the great1419 and the terrible3372 day3117 of the LORD3068 come.935

32 到那時候,凡求告耶和華名的就必得救;因為照耶和華所說的,在錫安山,耶路撒冷必有拯救[deliverance],在剩下的人中必有耶和華所召的。」

32 And it shall come to pass,1961 that whosoever3605 834 shall call7121 on the name8034 of the LORD3068 shall be delivered:4422 for3588 in mount2022 Zion6726 and in Jerusalem3389 shall be1961 deliverance,6413 as834 the LORD3068 hath said,559 and in the remnant8300 whom834 the LORD3068 shall call.7121