
Chapter 3

1 JESUS entered again into the synagogue, and there was there a man whose hand was withered.

2 And they watched him if he would heal him on the sabbath, that they might accuse him.

3 And he said to the man whose hand was withered, Stand up in the midst.

4 Then he said to them also, Is it lawful to do good or evil on the sabbath, to save a life or to destroy it? But they were silent.

5 And he looked at them with anger, sad because of the hardness of their hearts; and he said to the man, Stretch out your hand, and he stretched it out; and his hand was restored.

6 And the Pharisees immediately went out with the Herodians, and they took counsel concerning him how to do away with him.

7 So Jesus went to the sea with his disciples; and a great many people from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea,

8 And from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and from around the Jordan, and from Tyre and from Sidon; large crowds, who had heard all that he was doing, came to him.

9 And he said to his disciples to bring the boat near to him, because of the crowds, so that they might not press on him.

10 For he was healing so many, that others pushed toward him so as to touch him.

11 And those who were afflicted with unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried saying, You are indeed the Son of God.

12 And he cautioned them a great deal, not to make him known.

13 And he went up to the mountain, and called those he wanted; and they came to him.

14 And he chose twelve to be with him, that he might send them to preach,

15 And to have power to heal the sick, and cast out devils.

16 And Simon he surnamed Peter.

17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James, he surnamed B'nai Rakhshi, which means sons of thunder,

18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Zealot,

19 And Judas of Iscariot, who betrayed him. And they came into the house.

20 And the people gathered again, so that they could not find bread to eat.

21 And his relatives heard it, and went out to arrest him, for they said, He has lost his mind.

22 And the scribes who had come down from Jerusalem said, Beelzebub is with him, and, By the prince of demons he is casting out demons.

23 And Jesus called them, and said to them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

25 And if a household is divided against itself, that household cannot stand.

26 And if Satan rises up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but that is his end.

27 No man can enter into a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first bind the strong man; and then he plunders his house.

28 Truly I say to you, that all sins and blasphemies which men blaspheme, shall be forgiven to them.

29 But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, shall never be forgiven, but is guilty before the everlasting judgment.

30 Because they had said, He has an unclean spirit.

31 Then there came his mother and his brothers, and stood outside, and they sent in to call him.

32 But the people were sitting around him; and they said to him, Behold, your mother and your brothers are outside, asking for you.

33 And he answered and said to them, Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?

34 And he looked at those who sat near him and said, Behold my mother, and behold my brothers.

35 For whoever does the will of God, is my brother and my sister and my mother.



1 耶穌又入會堂、有枯一手者、

2 人窺耶穌、安息日醫之否、意欲罪之、

3 耶穌命手枯者起、立於中、

4 語衆曰、安息日行善行惡、救命殺命、孰宜、衆默然、

5 耶穌怒目圜視、以衆心忍、憂之、語其人曰、伸手、伸卽愈、如他手、

6 法利賽人出、與希律黨、共謀殺耶穌、〇

7 耶穌偕門徒往海濱、時、加利利、猶太、

8 耶路撒冷、以土買、約但外、衆隨之、又有推羅西頓人、聞其所行、亦多就焉、

9 耶穌命門徒具舟以待、免衆擁擠、

10 蓋耶穌醫人甚多、凡有疾病者、逼近捫之、

11 邪神一見、俯伏呼曰、爾乃上帝子也、

12 耶穌嚴戒勿揚、〇

13 耶穌登山、隨所欲以召人、而人就之、

14 立十有二人侍側、使傳道、

15 有醫病逐鬼之權、

16 有若西門、稱彼得、

17 西比太之子雅各、同兄弟弟約翰、此二人稱半尼其、卽所謂雷子也、

18 又有安得烈、腓力、巴多羅買、馬太、多馬、亞勒腓之子雅各、有若達太、西門稱銳、

19 賣師加畧人猶大、〇

20 師徒入室、衆復集、以故食不暇、

21 親舊聞而至、欲援耶穌止之、語人曰、彼乃狂耳、

22 有士子來自耶路撒冷曰、彼爲別西卜所憑、藉鬼王以逐鬼耳、

23 耶穌呼之來、設譬曰、撒但何忍逐撒但乎、

24 若國自相分爭、則無以立國、

25 家自相分爭、則無以立家、

26 使撒但與撒但分爭、則不能立、永終必矣、

27 無人能入勇士之室、劫其家具、必先縛勇士、然後室可劫也、

28 我誠告爾、凡罪惡謗讟、其人可赦、

29 惟褻瀆聖神、終不可赦、必置之永刑、

30 耶穌以人言其爲邪神所憑、故言此、〇

31 耶穌之母及兄弟來、立于外、遣人呼之、

32 衆環坐或謂耶穌曰、爾母及兄弟在外、欲見爾、

33 耶穌曰、何者爲我母我兄弟耶、

34 遂顯在坐者曰、視我母與兄弟焉、

35 凡遵上帝旨者、卽我兄弟姊妹及母也、


Chapter 3



1 JESUS entered again into the synagogue, and there was there a man whose hand was withered.

1 耶穌又入會堂、有枯一手者、

2 And they watched him if he would heal him on the sabbath, that they might accuse him.

2 人窺耶穌、安息日醫之否、意欲罪之、

3 And he said to the man whose hand was withered, Stand up in the midst.

3 耶穌命手枯者起、立於中、

4 Then he said to them also, Is it lawful to do good or evil on the sabbath, to save a life or to destroy it? But they were silent.

4 語衆曰、安息日行善行惡、救命殺命、孰宜、衆默然、

5 And he looked at them with anger, sad because of the hardness of their hearts; and he said to the man, Stretch out your hand, and he stretched it out; and his hand was restored.

5 耶穌怒目圜視、以衆心忍、憂之、語其人曰、伸手、伸卽愈、如他手、

6 And the Pharisees immediately went out with the Herodians, and they took counsel concerning him how to do away with him.

6 法利賽人出、與希律黨、共謀殺耶穌、〇

7 So Jesus went to the sea with his disciples; and a great many people from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea,

7 耶穌偕門徒往海濱、時、加利利、猶太、

8 And from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and from around the Jordan, and from Tyre and from Sidon; large crowds, who had heard all that he was doing, came to him.

8 耶路撒冷、以土買、約但外、衆隨之、又有推羅西頓人、聞其所行、亦多就焉、

9 And he said to his disciples to bring the boat near to him, because of the crowds, so that they might not press on him.

9 耶穌命門徒具舟以待、免衆擁擠、

10 For he was healing so many, that others pushed toward him so as to touch him.

10 蓋耶穌醫人甚多、凡有疾病者、逼近捫之、

11 And those who were afflicted with unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried saying, You are indeed the Son of God.

11 邪神一見、俯伏呼曰、爾乃上帝子也、

12 And he cautioned them a great deal, not to make him known.

12 耶穌嚴戒勿揚、〇

13 And he went up to the mountain, and called those he wanted; and they came to him.

13 耶穌登山、隨所欲以召人、而人就之、

14 And he chose twelve to be with him, that he might send them to preach,

14 立十有二人侍側、使傳道、

15 And to have power to heal the sick, and cast out devils.

15 有醫病逐鬼之權、

16 And Simon he surnamed Peter.

16 有若西門、稱彼得、

17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James, he surnamed B'nai Rakhshi, which means sons of thunder,

17 西比太之子雅各、同兄弟弟約翰、此二人稱半尼其、卽所謂雷子也、

18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Zealot,

18 又有安得烈、腓力、巴多羅買、馬太、多馬、亞勒腓之子雅各、有若達太、西門稱銳、

19 And Judas of Iscariot, who betrayed him. And they came into the house.

19 賣師加畧人猶大、〇

20 And the people gathered again, so that they could not find bread to eat.

20 師徒入室、衆復集、以故食不暇、

21 And his relatives heard it, and went out to arrest him, for they said, He has lost his mind.

21 親舊聞而至、欲援耶穌止之、語人曰、彼乃狂耳、

22 And the scribes who had come down from Jerusalem said, Beelzebub is with him, and, By the prince of demons he is casting out demons.

22 有士子來自耶路撒冷曰、彼爲別西卜所憑、藉鬼王以逐鬼耳、

23 And Jesus called them, and said to them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

23 耶穌呼之來、設譬曰、撒但何忍逐撒但乎、

24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

24 若國自相分爭、則無以立國、

25 And if a household is divided against itself, that household cannot stand.

25 家自相分爭、則無以立家、

26 And if Satan rises up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but that is his end.

26 使撒但與撒但分爭、則不能立、永終必矣、

27 No man can enter into a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first bind the strong man; and then he plunders his house.

27 無人能入勇士之室、劫其家具、必先縛勇士、然後室可劫也、

28 Truly I say to you, that all sins and blasphemies which men blaspheme, shall be forgiven to them.

28 我誠告爾、凡罪惡謗讟、其人可赦、

29 But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, shall never be forgiven, but is guilty before the everlasting judgment.

29 惟褻瀆聖神、終不可赦、必置之永刑、

30 Because they had said, He has an unclean spirit.

30 耶穌以人言其爲邪神所憑、故言此、〇

31 Then there came his mother and his brothers, and stood outside, and they sent in to call him.

31 耶穌之母及兄弟來、立于外、遣人呼之、

32 But the people were sitting around him; and they said to him, Behold, your mother and your brothers are outside, asking for you.

32 衆環坐或謂耶穌曰、爾母及兄弟在外、欲見爾、

33 And he answered and said to them, Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?

33 耶穌曰、何者爲我母我兄弟耶、

34 And he looked at those who sat near him and said, Behold my mother, and behold my brothers.

34 遂顯在坐者曰、視我母與兄弟焉、

35 For whoever does the will of God, is my brother and my sister and my mother.

35 凡遵上帝旨者、卽我兄弟姊妹及母也、
