
Chapter 19

1 AND it came to pass, that while Apol'los was at Cor'inth, Paul traveled through the northern countries and came to Eph'e-sus, and inquired of the disciples whom he found there,

2 Have you received the Holy Spirit since you were converted? They answered and said to him, We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.

3 Then he said to them, By what baptism then were you baptized? They said, By the baptism of John.

4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, saying unto them that they should believe on him who should come after him, that is, Jesus Christ.

5 When they heard these things, they were baptized in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.

6 And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them; and they spoke in divers tongues, and prophesied.

7 And there were in all twelve persons.

8 Then Paul entered into the synagogue, and spoke openly for a period of three months, persuading the people concerning the kingdom of God.

9 But some of them were stubborn, and they disputed and cursed the way of God in the presence of the assembly. Then Paul withdrew, and separated the disciples from them, and he spoke to them daily in the school of a man named Ty-ran'us.

10 And this continued for two years until all who dwelt in Asia Minor, both Jews and Arameans (Syrians), heard the word of God.

11 And God wrought great miracles by the hands of Paul:

12 So that even when, of the clothes on his body, pieces of garments were brought and laid upon the sick, diseases were cured, and even the insane were restored.

13 Now certain Jews, who went about exorcising evil spirits, invoked the name of our LORD Jesus over those who were possessed, saying, We adjure you in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches.

14 And there were seven sons of one Sce'va, a Jew, and chief of the priests, who did this.

15 And the insane man answered and said to them, Jesus I recognize and Paul I know; but who are you?

16 Then the insane man leaped on them, and overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

17 And this became known to all the Jews and Arameans (Syrians) who dwelt at Eph'esus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of our LORD Jesus Christ was magnified.

18 And many of them that believed came, and told their faults, and confessed what they had done.

19 Many magicians also gathered together their en_lbp_books and brought them and burned them before the presence of the people; and they counted the price of them, and it amounted to fifty thousand pieces of silver.

20 So mightily grew the faith of God and greatly increased in numbers.

21 When these things had been accomplished, Paul made up his mind to travel through all of Mac-e-do'ni-a and A-cha'ia, and then to go to Jerusalem, saying, After I have been there, I must also see Rome.

22 So he sent to Mac-e-do'ni-a two men of those who had ministered to him, Ti-mo'theus and E-ras'tus; but he himself stayed in Asia Minor for some time.

23 And at that time there was a great uprising against those who followed in the way of God.

24 There was here a silversmith named Deme'tri- us, who made silver shrines for Ar'temis, thus greatly enriching the craftsmen of his trade.

25 He called together all the craftsmen of his trade, with the workmen of like occupation, and said to them: Men, you know that all of our earnings are derived from this craft.

26 You also hear and see that not only the Ephe'si- ans, but almost throughout all Asia Minor, this Paul has persuaded, and turned away many people simply by saying that gods made by the hands of men are not gods,

27 So that not only is this craft doomed, but also the temple of the great goddess Ar'temis will be disregarded, and the goddess of all Asia Minor, even she whom all peoples worship, will be despised.

28 And when they heard these things they were filled with wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Ar'te-mis of the E-phe'si-ans.

29 And the whole city was in tumult: and they rushed together to the theatre, and there seized and carried along with them Ga'ius and Ar-is-tar'chus, Mac-e-do'ni-ans, members of Paul's escort.

30 And Paul wanted to go into the theatre, but the disciples stopped him.

31 And likewise some of the chiefs of Asia Minor, because they were his friends, sent to him, begging him not to risk his life by entering the theatre.

32 Now the multitude in the theatre was greatly confused; some cried one thing, and some another; and many of them did not know why they had assembled together.

33 And the Jews who were there appointed a Jew named Al-ex-an'der. And when he rose up, he gestured with his hand and would have addressed the people.

34 But when they knew he was a Jew, all of them cried out with one voice for about two hours, Great is Ar'te-mis of the E-phe'si-ans.

35 The mayor of the city finally quieted them, saying, Men of Eph'e-sus, who among men does not know that the city of the Ephe'si- ans is the seat of great Ar'te-mis and her image that fell from heaven.

36 Since, therefore, no man can contradict this, you should keep quiet, and do nothing hastily.

37 For you have brought these men here who have neither robbed temples nor have they reviled our goddess.

38 But if De-me'tri-us and the men of his trade have a case against any man, behold there is a proconsul in the city; let the craftsmen come forward and settle with one another in the court.

39 But if you want something else, it must be determined in a lawful assembly.

40 For even now we are in danger of being charged with sedition, for we cannot give an answer concerning this day's meeting, because we have assembled for no reason, and have been tumultuous without a cause.

41 And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.



1 亞波羅在哥林多的時候,保羅經過了上邊一帶地方,就來到以弗所;在那裏遇見幾個門徒,

2 [He][unto]他們說:「自你們信了這道以來[since ye believed],受了聖靈沒有?」他們對他[unto him]說:「我們[We]未曾聽見有甚麼聖靈[any Holy Ghost]。」

3 保羅對他們[unto them]說:「這樣,你們受的是甚麼浸呢?」他們說:「是約翰的浸。」

4 保羅說:「約翰所行的[verily]是悔改的浸,告訴百姓當信那在他以後要來的,就是基督[Christ]耶穌。」

5 他們聽見這話,就奉主耶穌的名受浸。

6 保羅按手在他們頭上,聖靈便降在他們身上,他們就說方言,又說預言[prophesied]

7 一共約有十二個人。

8 保羅進會堂,放膽講道,一連三個月,辯論神國的事,勸化眾人。

9 後來,有些人心裏剛硬不信,在眾人面前毀謗這道,保羅就離開他們,也叫門徒與他們分離,便在推喇奴的學房天天辯論。

10 這樣有兩年之久,叫一切住在亞細亞的,無論是猶太人,是希臘人,都聽見主耶穌[Jesus]的道。

11 神藉保羅的手行了些非常的奇事;

12 甚至有人從保羅身上拿手巾或圍裙放在病人身上,病就退了,惡[spirits]也出去了。

13 那時,有幾個流離飄蕩[vagabond]裝作趕鬼魔[exorcists]的猶太人,向那被惡[spirits]所附的人擅自稱主耶穌的名,說:「我們[We]奉保羅所傳的耶穌勒令你們出來。」

14 作這事的,有猶太祭司長士基瓦的七個兒子。


16[spirit]所附的人就跳在他們身上,制伏他們[overcame them]勝了他們[prevailed against them],叫他們赤露受傷[naked and wounded],從那房子裏逃出去了。

17 凡住在以弗所的,無論是猶太人,是希臘人,都知道這事,也都懼怕;主耶穌的名從此就尊大了。

18 那已經信的,多有人來承認訴說自己所行的事。

19 平素行邪術的,也有許多人把書拿來,堆積在眾人面前焚燒。他們算計書價,便知道共合五萬塊銀子[silver]

20 [God]的道大大興旺,而且得勝,就是這樣。

21 這些事完了,保羅[spirit]裏定意經過了馬其頓、亞該亞,就往耶路撒冷去;又說:「我到了那裏以後,也必須往羅馬去看看。」

22 [he]於是從幫助他的人中打發提摩太、以拉都二人往馬其頓去;唯獨[but]自己暫時等在亞細亞。

23 當時[the same time],因為[that]道起的擾亂不小。

24 有一個銀匠,名叫底米丟,是製造戴安娜[Diana]神銀龕的,他使這樣手藝人得利不少[brought no small gain]

25 他聚集他們和同行的工人,說:「眾位,你們知道我們是倚靠這手藝[craft][have][wealth]

26 這保羅不但在以弗所,也幾乎在亞細亞全地,引誘迷惑許多人,說:『人手所作的,不是神。』這是你們所看見所聽見的。

27 這樣,不獨我們這手藝[craft]被人輕棄[set at nought],就是大女神戴安娜[Diana]的廟也要被人輕看[despised],連亞細亞全地和普世上[world]所敬拜的大女神之威榮也要消滅了。」

28 眾人聽見這些話[these sayings],就怒氣填胸,喊著說:「大哉,以弗所人的戴安娜[Diana]啊。」

29 滿城都轟動起來。眾人拿住與保羅同行的馬其頓人該猶和亞里達古,齊心擁進戲園裏去。

30 保羅想要進去,到百姓那裏,門徒卻不許他去。

31 還有亞細亞幾位首領,是保羅的朋友,打發人來勸他,不要冒險到戲園裏去。

32 聚集的人紛紛亂亂,有喊叫這個的,有喊叫那個的,大半不知道是為甚麼聚集。

33 有人把亞歷山大從眾人中帶出來,猶太人推他往前,亞歷山大就用手示意[beckoned with the hand],要向百姓分訴。

34 只因他們認出他是猶太人,就大家同聲喊著說:「大哉。以弗所人的戴安娜[Diana]啊。」如此約有兩小時。

35 那城裏的書記,安撫了百姓[people],就說:「以弗所人哪,誰不知道以弗所人的城,是敬拜大女神戴安娜[worshipper of the great goddess Diana],和從朱庇特那裏落下來的像[of the image which fell down from Jupiter]呢。

36 這些事[these things]既是駁不倒的,你們就當安靜,不可造次。

37 你們把這些人帶來,他們並沒有搶奪教會[robbers of churches]之物,也沒有褻瀆你們[blasphemers of your]的女神。

38 若是底米丟和他同行的工匠[craftsmen]有控告人的事,自有公堂[the law is open],也有眾省長[deputies]可以彼此對告。

39 你們若問別的事,就可以按著律法[lawful]聚集斷定。

40 今日的擾亂本是無緣無故,我們難免被查問。論到這樣聚眾,我們也說不出所以然來。」

41 [he]說了這話,便叫眾人散去。


Chapter 19



1 AND it came to pass, that while Apol'los was at Cor'inth, Paul traveled through the northern countries and came to Eph'e-sus, and inquired of the disciples whom he found there,

1 亞波羅在哥林多的時候,保羅經過了上邊一帶地方,就來到以弗所;在那裏遇見幾個門徒,

2 Have you received the Holy Spirit since you were converted? They answered and said to him, We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.

2 [He][unto]他們說:「自你們信了這道以來[since ye believed],受了聖靈沒有?」他們對他[unto him]說:「我們[We]未曾聽見有甚麼聖靈[any Holy Ghost]。」

3 Then he said to them, By what baptism then were you baptized? They said, By the baptism of John.

3 保羅對他們[unto them]說:「這樣,你們受的是甚麼浸呢?」他們說:「是約翰的浸。」

4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, saying unto them that they should believe on him who should come after him, that is, Jesus Christ.

4 保羅說:「約翰所行的[verily]是悔改的浸,告訴百姓當信那在他以後要來的,就是基督[Christ]耶穌。」

5 When they heard these things, they were baptized in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.

5 他們聽見這話,就奉主耶穌的名受浸。

6 And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them; and they spoke in divers tongues, and prophesied.

6 保羅按手在他們頭上,聖靈便降在他們身上,他們就說方言,又說預言[prophesied]

7 And there were in all twelve persons.

7 一共約有十二個人。

8 Then Paul entered into the synagogue, and spoke openly for a period of three months, persuading the people concerning the kingdom of God.

8 保羅進會堂,放膽講道,一連三個月,辯論神國的事,勸化眾人。

9 But some of them were stubborn, and they disputed and cursed the way of God in the presence of the assembly. Then Paul withdrew, and separated the disciples from them, and he spoke to them daily in the school of a man named Ty-ran'us.

9 後來,有些人心裏剛硬不信,在眾人面前毀謗這道,保羅就離開他們,也叫門徒與他們分離,便在推喇奴的學房天天辯論。

10 And this continued for two years until all who dwelt in Asia Minor, both Jews and Arameans (Syrians), heard the word of God.

10 這樣有兩年之久,叫一切住在亞細亞的,無論是猶太人,是希臘人,都聽見主耶穌[Jesus]的道。

11 And God wrought great miracles by the hands of Paul:

11 神藉保羅的手行了些非常的奇事;

12 So that even when, of the clothes on his body, pieces of garments were brought and laid upon the sick, diseases were cured, and even the insane were restored.

12 甚至有人從保羅身上拿手巾或圍裙放在病人身上,病就退了,惡[spirits]也出去了。

13 Now certain Jews, who went about exorcising evil spirits, invoked the name of our LORD Jesus over those who were possessed, saying, We adjure you in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches.

13 那時,有幾個流離飄蕩[vagabond]裝作趕鬼魔[exorcists]的猶太人,向那被惡[spirits]所附的人擅自稱主耶穌的名,說:「我們[We]奉保羅所傳的耶穌勒令你們出來。」

14 And there were seven sons of one Sce'va, a Jew, and chief of the priests, who did this.

14 作這事的,有猶太祭司長士基瓦的七個兒子。

15 And the insane man answered and said to them, Jesus I recognize and Paul I know; but who are you?


16 Then the insane man leaped on them, and overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

16[spirit]所附的人就跳在他們身上,制伏他們[overcame them]勝了他們[prevailed against them],叫他們赤露受傷[naked and wounded],從那房子裏逃出去了。

17 And this became known to all the Jews and Arameans (Syrians) who dwelt at Eph'esus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of our LORD Jesus Christ was magnified.

17 凡住在以弗所的,無論是猶太人,是希臘人,都知道這事,也都懼怕;主耶穌的名從此就尊大了。

18 And many of them that believed came, and told their faults, and confessed what they had done.

18 那已經信的,多有人來承認訴說自己所行的事。

19 Many magicians also gathered together their en_lbp_books and brought them and burned them before the presence of the people; and they counted the price of them, and it amounted to fifty thousand pieces of silver.

19 平素行邪術的,也有許多人把書拿來,堆積在眾人面前焚燒。他們算計書價,便知道共合五萬塊銀子[silver]

20 So mightily grew the faith of God and greatly increased in numbers.

20 [God]的道大大興旺,而且得勝,就是這樣。

21 When these things had been accomplished, Paul made up his mind to travel through all of Mac-e-do'ni-a and A-cha'ia, and then to go to Jerusalem, saying, After I have been there, I must also see Rome.

21 這些事完了,保羅[spirit]裏定意經過了馬其頓、亞該亞,就往耶路撒冷去;又說:「我到了那裏以後,也必須往羅馬去看看。」

22 So he sent to Mac-e-do'ni-a two men of those who had ministered to him, Ti-mo'theus and E-ras'tus; but he himself stayed in Asia Minor for some time.

22 [he]於是從幫助他的人中打發提摩太、以拉都二人往馬其頓去;唯獨[but]自己暫時等在亞細亞。

23 And at that time there was a great uprising against those who followed in the way of God.

23 當時[the same time],因為[that]道起的擾亂不小。

24 There was here a silversmith named Deme'tri- us, who made silver shrines for Ar'temis, thus greatly enriching the craftsmen of his trade.

24 有一個銀匠,名叫底米丟,是製造戴安娜[Diana]神銀龕的,他使這樣手藝人得利不少[brought no small gain]

25 He called together all the craftsmen of his trade, with the workmen of like occupation, and said to them: Men, you know that all of our earnings are derived from this craft.

25 他聚集他們和同行的工人,說:「眾位,你們知道我們是倚靠這手藝[craft][have][wealth]

26 You also hear and see that not only the Ephe'si- ans, but almost throughout all Asia Minor, this Paul has persuaded, and turned away many people simply by saying that gods made by the hands of men are not gods,

26 這保羅不但在以弗所,也幾乎在亞細亞全地,引誘迷惑許多人,說:『人手所作的,不是神。』這是你們所看見所聽見的。

27 So that not only is this craft doomed, but also the temple of the great goddess Ar'temis will be disregarded, and the goddess of all Asia Minor, even she whom all peoples worship, will be despised.

27 這樣,不獨我們這手藝[craft]被人輕棄[set at nought],就是大女神戴安娜[Diana]的廟也要被人輕看[despised],連亞細亞全地和普世上[world]所敬拜的大女神之威榮也要消滅了。」

28 And when they heard these things they were filled with wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Ar'te-mis of the E-phe'si-ans.

28 眾人聽見這些話[these sayings],就怒氣填胸,喊著說:「大哉,以弗所人的戴安娜[Diana]啊。」

29 And the whole city was in tumult: and they rushed together to the theatre, and there seized and carried along with them Ga'ius and Ar-is-tar'chus, Mac-e-do'ni-ans, members of Paul's escort.

29 滿城都轟動起來。眾人拿住與保羅同行的馬其頓人該猶和亞里達古,齊心擁進戲園裏去。

30 And Paul wanted to go into the theatre, but the disciples stopped him.

30 保羅想要進去,到百姓那裏,門徒卻不許他去。

31 And likewise some of the chiefs of Asia Minor, because they were his friends, sent to him, begging him not to risk his life by entering the theatre.

31 還有亞細亞幾位首領,是保羅的朋友,打發人來勸他,不要冒險到戲園裏去。

32 Now the multitude in the theatre was greatly confused; some cried one thing, and some another; and many of them did not know why they had assembled together.

32 聚集的人紛紛亂亂,有喊叫這個的,有喊叫那個的,大半不知道是為甚麼聚集。

33 And the Jews who were there appointed a Jew named Al-ex-an'der. And when he rose up, he gestured with his hand and would have addressed the people.

33 有人把亞歷山大從眾人中帶出來,猶太人推他往前,亞歷山大就用手示意[beckoned with the hand],要向百姓分訴。

34 But when they knew he was a Jew, all of them cried out with one voice for about two hours, Great is Ar'te-mis of the E-phe'si-ans.

34 只因他們認出他是猶太人,就大家同聲喊著說:「大哉。以弗所人的戴安娜[Diana]啊。」如此約有兩小時。

35 The mayor of the city finally quieted them, saying, Men of Eph'e-sus, who among men does not know that the city of the Ephe'si- ans is the seat of great Ar'te-mis and her image that fell from heaven.

35 那城裏的書記,安撫了百姓[people],就說:「以弗所人哪,誰不知道以弗所人的城,是敬拜大女神戴安娜[worshipper of the great goddess Diana],和從朱庇特那裏落下來的像[of the image which fell down from Jupiter]呢。

36 Since, therefore, no man can contradict this, you should keep quiet, and do nothing hastily.

36 這些事[these things]既是駁不倒的,你們就當安靜,不可造次。

37 For you have brought these men here who have neither robbed temples nor have they reviled our goddess.

37 你們把這些人帶來,他們並沒有搶奪教會[robbers of churches]之物,也沒有褻瀆你們[blasphemers of your]的女神。

38 But if De-me'tri-us and the men of his trade have a case against any man, behold there is a proconsul in the city; let the craftsmen come forward and settle with one another in the court.

38 若是底米丟和他同行的工匠[craftsmen]有控告人的事,自有公堂[the law is open],也有眾省長[deputies]可以彼此對告。

39 But if you want something else, it must be determined in a lawful assembly.

39 你們若問別的事,就可以按著律法[lawful]聚集斷定。

40 For even now we are in danger of being charged with sedition, for we cannot give an answer concerning this day's meeting, because we have assembled for no reason, and have been tumultuous without a cause.

40 今日的擾亂本是無緣無故,我們難免被查問。論到這樣聚眾,我們也說不出所以然來。」

41 And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.

41 [he]說了這話,便叫眾人散去。