

1 時衆和會數萬、互相蹂踐、耶穌謂門徒曰、當謹防法利賽人之酵、卽偽善也、

2 未有藏而不露、隱而不見者、是故於幽暗言者、

3 必聞於光明、密室附耳語者、必宣於屋上、〇

4 吾友乎、吾語汝、殺爾身、後別無所爲者、勿懼、

5 我示爾所當懼者、卽殺後、又有權投爾於地獄、我誠告爾、當懼者此也、

6 五雀非二分金購乎、然上帝前、其一亦不忘也、

7 卽爾髮皆已見數、故勿懼、爾比多雀貴也、〇

8 吾語汝、在人前認我者、人子於上帝使者前、亦將認之、

9 在人前拒我者、於上帝使者前、亦必拒之、

10 以言攻人子者、其人可赦、惟謗讟聖神者、其人不可赦、

11 人曳爾至會堂、及執政秉鈞者前、勿慮將如之何、何以訴、何以言、

12 蓋是時、聖神必示爾以所當言也、〇

13 衆中一人言曰、先生、命我兄弟、與我分遺業、

14 曰、誰任我於爾中、爲廳訟析產者乎、

15 遂謂衆曰、愼戒勿貪、蓋人之生、不在所蓄之贏餘也、〇

16 遂設譬曰、有富人、土地蕃殖、

17 慮曰、我有物產、無處可儲、將若何、

18 又曰、必毀我倉、建其大者、以儲百穀貨物、如此其可也、

19 乃自謂曰、我有多物、積爲歷年之用、此心可安然飲食喜樂也、

20 上帝曰、無知者乎、今夜將索爾魂、則所備者誰歸、

21 凡積財於己、而上帝前不富有者、亦如是、〇

22 耶穌謂門徒曰、吾語汝、勿慮生何以食、身何以衣、

23 生貴於糧、身貴於衣也、

24 試思鴉鳥、不稼不穡、無倉無廩、而上帝養之、爾之於鳥、其貴何如耶、

25 爾曹誰能以思慮延命一刻乎、

26 是至微者尚不能、何慮其餘乎、

27 試思百合花、如何而長、不勞不紡、吾語汝、當所羅門榮華之極、其衣不及此花之一、

28 且夫野草、今日尚存、明日投爐、上帝猶衣被之若此、况爾小信者乎、〇

29 勿謀何以食、何以飲、又勿縈擾、

30 蓋此物、皆異邦人所求、天父知爾需之、

31 惟上帝國是求、則此物自加諸爾、

32 羣小子勿懼、天父喜悅、將以國賜爾、

33 售所有以施濟、備常新之囊、天上不盡之財、盜不至、蠹不壞之處、

34 蓋爾財所在、爾心亦在焉、〇

35 束爾帶、燃爾燈、

36 效人候主、自婚筵歸、至而叩門、卽可啓也、

37 主至、見僕儆醒、其僕福矣、我誠告爾、主必自束其帶、使僕席坐、前而供事之、

38 或二更至、或三更至、見僕如是、其僕福矣、

39 若家主知盜何時至、則必儆醒、不致穴其室、此爾所知也、

40 故當預備、因不意之時、人子至矣、〇

41 彼得曰、主、設此譬、爲我儕乎、爲衆人乎、

42 主曰、孰是忠智家宰、主任之督其家人、依時與糧、

43 主臨時見僕行是、其僕福矣、

44 我誠告爾、主將任之以督所有、

45 倘其僕、意主將遲遲而至、遂扑僕婢、食飲且醉、

46 乃於不意之日、不知之時、主至、加以極刑、置與不信者同科、

47 僕知主意、而不設備、不順其意者、見扑必多、

48 不知而作當刑之事者、見扑必少、凡多與之、必多取之、多托之、必多索之、

49 我至、以火投地、倘火已燃、非我所欲乎、

50 我當受洗、洗未成、如何不痛切乎、

51 爾以爲我至、措和平於世、我謂不然、轉分爭耳、

52 今而後、一家五人將分爭、三爭二、二爭三、

53 父爭子、子爭父、母爭女、女爭母、姑爭婦、婦爭姑焉、〇

54 遂謂衆曰、見雲西起、爾言將雨、果有之、

55 見風南吹、爾言將暑、亦有之、

56 偽善者乎、爾識別天地色象、何不能別此時乎、

57 何不自審所宜乎、

58 與訟爾者往見有司、途間當盡心求釋、恐曳爾於衆士師、士師發爾於吏、吏下爾於獄、

59 吾語汝、毫釐未償、斷不出彼也、


Chapter 12

1 In the mean time, when there were gathered1996 together1996 an innumerable3461 multitude3461 of people,3793 so5620 that they stepped2662 one240 on another,240 he began756 to say3004 to his disciples3101 first4412 of all, Beware4337 you of the leaven2219 of the Pharisees,5330 which3748 is hypocrisy.5272

2 For there is nothing3762 covered,4780 that shall not be revealed;601 neither hid,2927 that shall not be known.1097

3 Therefore473 5607 whatever3745 you have spoken2036 in darkness4655 shall be heard191 in the light;5457 and that which3739 you have spoken2980 in the ear3775 in closets5009 shall be proclaimed2784 on the housetops.1430

4 And I say3004 to you my friends,5384 Be not afraid5399 of them that kill615 the body,4983 and after3326 that have2192 no3365 5100 more4055 that they can1410 do.4160

5 But I will forewarn5263 you whom5101 you shall fear:5399 Fear5399 him, which after3326 he has killed615 has2192 power1849 to cast1685 into1519 hell;1067 yes,3483 I say3004 to you, Fear5399 him.

6 Are not five4002 sparrows4765 sold4453 for two1417 farthings,787 and not one1520 of them is forgotten1950 before1799 God?2316

7 But even2532 the very2532 hairs2359 of your5216 head2776 are all3956 numbered.705 Fear5399 not therefore:3767 you are of more1308 value1308 than many4183 sparrows.4765

8 Also1161 I say3004 to you, Whoever3956 shall confess3670 me before1715 men,444 him shall the Son5207 of man444 also2532 confess3670 before1715 the angels32 of God:2316

9 But he that denies720 me before1799 men444 shall be denied533 before1799 the angels32 of God.2316

10 And whoever3956 3739 shall speak2046 a word3056 against1519 the Son5207 of man,444 it shall be forgiven863 him: but to him that blasphemes987 against1519 the Holy40 Ghost4151 it shall not be forgiven.863

11 And when3752 they bring4374 you to the synagogues,4864 and to magistrates,746 and powers,1849 take you no3361 thought3309 how4459 or2228 what5101 thing you shall answer,626 or2228 what5101 you shall say:2036

12 For the Holy40 Ghost4151 shall teach1321 you in the same846 hour5610 what3739 you ought1163 to say.2036

13 And one5100 of the company3793 said2036 to him, Master,1320 speak2036 to my brother,80 that he divide3307 the inheritance2817 with me.

14 And he said2036 to him, Man,444 who5101 made2525 me a judge1348 or2228 a divider3312 over1909 you?

15 And he said2036 to them, Take heed,3708 and beware5442 of covetousness:4124 for a man's5100 life2222 consists2076 not in the abundance4052 of the things which he possesses.5224

16 And he spoke2036 a parable3850 to them, saying,3004 The ground5561 of a certain5100 rich4145 man444 brought2164 forth2164 plentifully:2164

17 And he thought1260 within1722 himself,1438 saying,3004 What5101 shall I do,4160 because3754 I have2192 no3756 room where4226 to bestow4863 my fruits?2590

18 And he said,2036 This5124 will I do:4160 I will pull2507 down2507 my barns,596 and build3618 greater;3187 and there1563 will I bestow4863 all3956 my fruits1081 and my goods.18

19 And I will say2046 to my soul,5590 Soul,5590 you have2192 much4183 goods18 laid2749 up for many4183 years;2094 take your ease,373 eat,5315 drink,4095 and be merry.2165

20 But God2316 said2036 to him, You fool,878 this5026 night3571 your soul5590 shall be required523 of you: then1161 whose5101 shall those things be, which3739 you have provided?2090

21 So3779 is he that lays up treasure2343 for himself,1438 and is not rich4147 toward1519 God.2316

22 And he said2036 to his disciples,3101 Therefore1223 5124 I say3004 to you, Take no3361 thought3309 for your5216 life,5590 what5101 you shall eat;5315 neither3366 for the body,4983 what5101 you shall put1746 on.1746

23 The life5590 is more4119 than meat,5160 and the body4983 is more than raiment.1742

24 Consider2657 the ravens:2876 for they neither3756 sow4687 nor3761 reap;2325 which3739 neither3756 have2076 storehouse5009 nor3761 barn;596 and God2316 feeds5142 them: how4214 much4214 more3123 are you better1308 than the fowls?4071

25 And which5101 of you with taking thought3309 can1410 add4369 to his stature2244 one1520 cubit?4083

26 If1487 you then3767 be not able1410 to do that thing which is least,1646 why5101 take you thought3309 for the rest?3062

27 Consider2657 the lilies2918 how4459 they grow:837 they toil2872 not, they spin3514 not; and yet I say3004 to you, that Solomon4672 in all3956 his glory1391 was not arrayed4016 like5613 one1520 of these.5130

28 If1487 then1161 God2316 so3779 clothe294 the grass,5528 which is to day4594 in the field,68 and to morrow839 is cast906 into1519 the oven;2823 how4214 much4214 more3123 will he clothe you, O you of little3640 faith?3640

29 And seek2212 not you what5101 you shall eat,5315 or2228 what5101 you shall drink,4095 neither3361 be you of doubtful3349 mind.

30 For all3956 these5023 things do the nations1484 of the world2889 seek1934 after:1934 and your5216 Father3962 knows1492 that you have need5535 of these5130 things.

31 But rather4133 seek2212 you the kingdom932 of God;2316 and all3956 these5023 things shall be added4369 to you.

32 Fear5399 not, little3398 flock;4168 for it is your5216 Father's3962 good pleasure2106 to give1325 you the kingdom.932

33 Sell4453 that you have,5224 and give1325 alms;1654 provide4160 yourselves1438 bags905 which wax3822 not old,3822 a treasure2344 in the heavens3772 that fails413 not, where3699 no3756 thief2812 approaches,1448 neither3761 moth4597 corrupts.1311

34 For where3699 your5216 treasure2344 is, there1563 will your5216 heart2588 be also.2532

35 Let your5216 loins3751 be girded4024 about,4024 and your3588 lights3088 burning;2545

36 And you yourselves like3664 to men444 that wait4327 for their lord,2962 when4218 he will return360 from the wedding;1062 that when he comes2064 and knocks,2925 they may open455 to him immediately.2112

37 Blessed3107 are those1565 servants,1401 whom3739 the lord2962 when he comes2064 shall find2147 watching:1127 truly281 I say3004 to you, that he shall gird4024 himself, and make347 them to sit347 down347 to meat, and will come3928 forth3928 and serve1247 them.

38 And if1437 he shall come2064 in the second1208 watch,5438 or2532 come2064 in the third5154 watch,5438 and find2147 them so,3779 blessed3107 are those1565 servants.1401

39 And this5124 know,1097 that if1487 the manager3611 of the house3617 had known1492 what4169 hour5610 the thief2812 would come,2064 he would have watched,1127 and not have suffered863 his house3624 to be broken1358 through.1358

40 Be you therefore3767 ready2092 also:2532 for the Son5207 of man444 comes2064 at an hour5610 when you think1380 not.

41 Then1161 Peter4074 said2036 to him, Lord,2962 speak3004 you this5026 parable3850 to us, or2228 even2532 to all?3956

42 And the Lord2962 said,2036 Who5101 then686 is that faithful4103 and wise5429 steward,3623 whom3739 his lord2962 shall make2525 ruler2525 over1909 his household,2322 to give1325 them their portion4620 of meat4620 in due season?2540

43 Blessed3107 is that servant,1401 whom3739 his lord2962 when he comes2064 shall find2147 so3779 doing.4160

44 Of a truth230 I say3004 to you, that he will make2525 him ruler2525 over1909 all3956 that he has.5224

45 But and if1437 that servant1401 say2036 in his heart,2588 My lord2962 delays5549 his coming;2064 and shall begin756 to beat5180 the menservants3816 and maidens,3814 and to eat2068 and drink,4095 and to be drunken;3182

46 The lord2962 of that servant1401 will come2240 in a day2250 when he looks4328 not for him, and at1722 an hour5610 when he is not aware,1097 and will cut1371 him in sunder, and will appoint5087 him his portion3313 with the unbelievers.571

47 And that servant,1401 which3588 knew1097 his lord's2962 will,2307 and prepared2090 not himself, neither3366 did4160 according4314 to his will,2307 shall be beaten1194 with many4183 stripes.

48 But he that knew1097 not, and did commit4160 things worthy514 of stripes,4127 shall be beaten1194 with few3641 stripes.4127 For to whomsoever3956 3739 much4183 is given,1325 of him shall be much4183 required:2212 and to whom3739 men have committed3908 much,4183 of him they will ask154 the more.4055

49 I am come2064 to send906 fire4442 on1519 the earth;1093 and what5101 will2309 I, if1487 it be already2235 kindled?381

50 But I have2192 a baptism908 to be baptized907 with; and how4459 am I straitened4912 till2193 it be accomplished!5055

51 Suppose1380 you that I am come3854 to give1325 peace1515 on1722 earth?1093 I tell3004 you, No;3780 but rather2228 division:1267

52 For from now on3568 there shall be five4002 in one1520 house3624 divided,1266 three5140 against1909 two,1417 and two1417 against1909 three.5140

53 The father3962 shall be divided1266 against1909 the son,5207 and the son5207 against1909 the father;3962 the mother3384 against1909 the daughter,2364 and the daughter2364 against1909 the mother;3384 the mother3994 in law3994 against1909 her daughter3565 in law,3565 and the daughter3565 in law3565 against1909 her mother3994 in law.3994

54 And he said3004 also2532 to the people,3793 When3752 you see1492 a cloud3507 rise393 out of the west,1424 straightway2112 you say,3004 There comes2064 a shower;3655 and so3779 it is.

55 And when3753 you see the south3558 wind blow,4154 you say,3004 There will be heat;2742 and it comes1096 to pass.

56 You hypocrites,5273 you can1492 discern1381 the face4383 of the sky3772 and of the earth;1093 but how4459 is it that you do not discern this5126 time?2540

57 Yes, and why5101 even2532 of yourselves1438 judge2919 you not what3588 is right?1342

58 When5613 you go5217 with your4675 adversary476 to the magistrate,758 as you are in the way,3598 give1325 diligence2039 that you may be delivered525 from him; lest3379 he hale2694 you to the judge,2923 and the judge2923 deliver3860 you to the officer,4233 and the officer4233 cast906 you into1519 prison.5438

59 I tell3004 you, you shall not depart1831 there,1564 till2193 you have paid591 the very last2078 mite.3016




Chapter 12

1 時衆和會數萬、互相蹂踐、耶穌謂門徒曰、當謹防法利賽人之酵、卽偽善也、

1 In the mean time, when there were gathered1996 together1996 an innumerable3461 multitude3461 of people,3793 so5620 that they stepped2662 one240 on another,240 he began756 to say3004 to his disciples3101 first4412 of all, Beware4337 you of the leaven2219 of the Pharisees,5330 which3748 is hypocrisy.5272

2 未有藏而不露、隱而不見者、是故於幽暗言者、

2 For there is nothing3762 covered,4780 that shall not be revealed;601 neither hid,2927 that shall not be known.1097

3 必聞於光明、密室附耳語者、必宣於屋上、〇

3 Therefore473 5607 whatever3745 you have spoken2036 in darkness4655 shall be heard191 in the light;5457 and that which3739 you have spoken2980 in the ear3775 in closets5009 shall be proclaimed2784 on the housetops.1430

4 吾友乎、吾語汝、殺爾身、後別無所爲者、勿懼、

4 And I say3004 to you my friends,5384 Be not afraid5399 of them that kill615 the body,4983 and after3326 that have2192 no3365 5100 more4055 that they can1410 do.4160

5 我示爾所當懼者、卽殺後、又有權投爾於地獄、我誠告爾、當懼者此也、

5 But I will forewarn5263 you whom5101 you shall fear:5399 Fear5399 him, which after3326 he has killed615 has2192 power1849 to cast1685 into1519 hell;1067 yes,3483 I say3004 to you, Fear5399 him.

6 五雀非二分金購乎、然上帝前、其一亦不忘也、

6 Are not five4002 sparrows4765 sold4453 for two1417 farthings,787 and not one1520 of them is forgotten1950 before1799 God?2316

7 卽爾髮皆已見數、故勿懼、爾比多雀貴也、〇

7 But even2532 the very2532 hairs2359 of your5216 head2776 are all3956 numbered.705 Fear5399 not therefore:3767 you are of more1308 value1308 than many4183 sparrows.4765

8 吾語汝、在人前認我者、人子於上帝使者前、亦將認之、

8 Also1161 I say3004 to you, Whoever3956 shall confess3670 me before1715 men,444 him shall the Son5207 of man444 also2532 confess3670 before1715 the angels32 of God:2316

9 在人前拒我者、於上帝使者前、亦必拒之、

9 But he that denies720 me before1799 men444 shall be denied533 before1799 the angels32 of God.2316

10 以言攻人子者、其人可赦、惟謗讟聖神者、其人不可赦、

10 And whoever3956 3739 shall speak2046 a word3056 against1519 the Son5207 of man,444 it shall be forgiven863 him: but to him that blasphemes987 against1519 the Holy40 Ghost4151 it shall not be forgiven.863

11 人曳爾至會堂、及執政秉鈞者前、勿慮將如之何、何以訴、何以言、

11 And when3752 they bring4374 you to the synagogues,4864 and to magistrates,746 and powers,1849 take you no3361 thought3309 how4459 or2228 what5101 thing you shall answer,626 or2228 what5101 you shall say:2036

12 蓋是時、聖神必示爾以所當言也、〇

12 For the Holy40 Ghost4151 shall teach1321 you in the same846 hour5610 what3739 you ought1163 to say.2036

13 衆中一人言曰、先生、命我兄弟、與我分遺業、

13 And one5100 of the company3793 said2036 to him, Master,1320 speak2036 to my brother,80 that he divide3307 the inheritance2817 with me.

14 曰、誰任我於爾中、爲廳訟析產者乎、

14 And he said2036 to him, Man,444 who5101 made2525 me a judge1348 or2228 a divider3312 over1909 you?

15 遂謂衆曰、愼戒勿貪、蓋人之生、不在所蓄之贏餘也、〇

15 And he said2036 to them, Take heed,3708 and beware5442 of covetousness:4124 for a man's5100 life2222 consists2076 not in the abundance4052 of the things which he possesses.5224

16 遂設譬曰、有富人、土地蕃殖、

16 And he spoke2036 a parable3850 to them, saying,3004 The ground5561 of a certain5100 rich4145 man444 brought2164 forth2164 plentifully:2164

17 慮曰、我有物產、無處可儲、將若何、

17 And he thought1260 within1722 himself,1438 saying,3004 What5101 shall I do,4160 because3754 I have2192 no3756 room where4226 to bestow4863 my fruits?2590

18 又曰、必毀我倉、建其大者、以儲百穀貨物、如此其可也、

18 And he said,2036 This5124 will I do:4160 I will pull2507 down2507 my barns,596 and build3618 greater;3187 and there1563 will I bestow4863 all3956 my fruits1081 and my goods.18

19 乃自謂曰、我有多物、積爲歷年之用、此心可安然飲食喜樂也、

19 And I will say2046 to my soul,5590 Soul,5590 you have2192 much4183 goods18 laid2749 up for many4183 years;2094 take your ease,373 eat,5315 drink,4095 and be merry.2165

20 上帝曰、無知者乎、今夜將索爾魂、則所備者誰歸、

20 But God2316 said2036 to him, You fool,878 this5026 night3571 your soul5590 shall be required523 of you: then1161 whose5101 shall those things be, which3739 you have provided?2090

21 凡積財於己、而上帝前不富有者、亦如是、〇

21 So3779 is he that lays up treasure2343 for himself,1438 and is not rich4147 toward1519 God.2316

22 耶穌謂門徒曰、吾語汝、勿慮生何以食、身何以衣、

22 And he said2036 to his disciples,3101 Therefore1223 5124 I say3004 to you, Take no3361 thought3309 for your5216 life,5590 what5101 you shall eat;5315 neither3366 for the body,4983 what5101 you shall put1746 on.1746

23 生貴於糧、身貴於衣也、

23 The life5590 is more4119 than meat,5160 and the body4983 is more than raiment.1742

24 試思鴉鳥、不稼不穡、無倉無廩、而上帝養之、爾之於鳥、其貴何如耶、

24 Consider2657 the ravens:2876 for they neither3756 sow4687 nor3761 reap;2325 which3739 neither3756 have2076 storehouse5009 nor3761 barn;596 and God2316 feeds5142 them: how4214 much4214 more3123 are you better1308 than the fowls?4071

25 爾曹誰能以思慮延命一刻乎、

25 And which5101 of you with taking thought3309 can1410 add4369 to his stature2244 one1520 cubit?4083

26 是至微者尚不能、何慮其餘乎、

26 If1487 you then3767 be not able1410 to do that thing which is least,1646 why5101 take you thought3309 for the rest?3062

27 試思百合花、如何而長、不勞不紡、吾語汝、當所羅門榮華之極、其衣不及此花之一、

27 Consider2657 the lilies2918 how4459 they grow:837 they toil2872 not, they spin3514 not; and yet I say3004 to you, that Solomon4672 in all3956 his glory1391 was not arrayed4016 like5613 one1520 of these.5130

28 且夫野草、今日尚存、明日投爐、上帝猶衣被之若此、况爾小信者乎、〇

28 If1487 then1161 God2316 so3779 clothe294 the grass,5528 which is to day4594 in the field,68 and to morrow839 is cast906 into1519 the oven;2823 how4214 much4214 more3123 will he clothe you, O you of little3640 faith?3640

29 勿謀何以食、何以飲、又勿縈擾、

29 And seek2212 not you what5101 you shall eat,5315 or2228 what5101 you shall drink,4095 neither3361 be you of doubtful3349 mind.

30 蓋此物、皆異邦人所求、天父知爾需之、

30 For all3956 these5023 things do the nations1484 of the world2889 seek1934 after:1934 and your5216 Father3962 knows1492 that you have need5535 of these5130 things.

31 惟上帝國是求、則此物自加諸爾、

31 But rather4133 seek2212 you the kingdom932 of God;2316 and all3956 these5023 things shall be added4369 to you.

32 羣小子勿懼、天父喜悅、將以國賜爾、

32 Fear5399 not, little3398 flock;4168 for it is your5216 Father's3962 good pleasure2106 to give1325 you the kingdom.932

33 售所有以施濟、備常新之囊、天上不盡之財、盜不至、蠹不壞之處、

33 Sell4453 that you have,5224 and give1325 alms;1654 provide4160 yourselves1438 bags905 which wax3822 not old,3822 a treasure2344 in the heavens3772 that fails413 not, where3699 no3756 thief2812 approaches,1448 neither3761 moth4597 corrupts.1311

34 蓋爾財所在、爾心亦在焉、〇

34 For where3699 your5216 treasure2344 is, there1563 will your5216 heart2588 be also.2532

35 束爾帶、燃爾燈、

35 Let your5216 loins3751 be girded4024 about,4024 and your3588 lights3088 burning;2545

36 效人候主、自婚筵歸、至而叩門、卽可啓也、

36 And you yourselves like3664 to men444 that wait4327 for their lord,2962 when4218 he will return360 from the wedding;1062 that when he comes2064 and knocks,2925 they may open455 to him immediately.2112

37 主至、見僕儆醒、其僕福矣、我誠告爾、主必自束其帶、使僕席坐、前而供事之、

37 Blessed3107 are those1565 servants,1401 whom3739 the lord2962 when he comes2064 shall find2147 watching:1127 truly281 I say3004 to you, that he shall gird4024 himself, and make347 them to sit347 down347 to meat, and will come3928 forth3928 and serve1247 them.

38 或二更至、或三更至、見僕如是、其僕福矣、

38 And if1437 he shall come2064 in the second1208 watch,5438 or2532 come2064 in the third5154 watch,5438 and find2147 them so,3779 blessed3107 are those1565 servants.1401

39 若家主知盜何時至、則必儆醒、不致穴其室、此爾所知也、

39 And this5124 know,1097 that if1487 the manager3611 of the house3617 had known1492 what4169 hour5610 the thief2812 would come,2064 he would have watched,1127 and not have suffered863 his house3624 to be broken1358 through.1358

40 故當預備、因不意之時、人子至矣、〇

40 Be you therefore3767 ready2092 also:2532 for the Son5207 of man444 comes2064 at an hour5610 when you think1380 not.

41 彼得曰、主、設此譬、爲我儕乎、爲衆人乎、

41 Then1161 Peter4074 said2036 to him, Lord,2962 speak3004 you this5026 parable3850 to us, or2228 even2532 to all?3956

42 主曰、孰是忠智家宰、主任之督其家人、依時與糧、

42 And the Lord2962 said,2036 Who5101 then686 is that faithful4103 and wise5429 steward,3623 whom3739 his lord2962 shall make2525 ruler2525 over1909 his household,2322 to give1325 them their portion4620 of meat4620 in due season?2540

43 主臨時見僕行是、其僕福矣、

43 Blessed3107 is that servant,1401 whom3739 his lord2962 when he comes2064 shall find2147 so3779 doing.4160

44 我誠告爾、主將任之以督所有、

44 Of a truth230 I say3004 to you, that he will make2525 him ruler2525 over1909 all3956 that he has.5224

45 倘其僕、意主將遲遲而至、遂扑僕婢、食飲且醉、

45 But and if1437 that servant1401 say2036 in his heart,2588 My lord2962 delays5549 his coming;2064 and shall begin756 to beat5180 the menservants3816 and maidens,3814 and to eat2068 and drink,4095 and to be drunken;3182

46 乃於不意之日、不知之時、主至、加以極刑、置與不信者同科、

46 The lord2962 of that servant1401 will come2240 in a day2250 when he looks4328 not for him, and at1722 an hour5610 when he is not aware,1097 and will cut1371 him in sunder, and will appoint5087 him his portion3313 with the unbelievers.571

47 僕知主意、而不設備、不順其意者、見扑必多、

47 And that servant,1401 which3588 knew1097 his lord's2962 will,2307 and prepared2090 not himself, neither3366 did4160 according4314 to his will,2307 shall be beaten1194 with many4183 stripes.

48 不知而作當刑之事者、見扑必少、凡多與之、必多取之、多托之、必多索之、

48 But he that knew1097 not, and did commit4160 things worthy514 of stripes,4127 shall be beaten1194 with few3641 stripes.4127 For to whomsoever3956 3739 much4183 is given,1325 of him shall be much4183 required:2212 and to whom3739 men have committed3908 much,4183 of him they will ask154 the more.4055

49 我至、以火投地、倘火已燃、非我所欲乎、

49 I am come2064 to send906 fire4442 on1519 the earth;1093 and what5101 will2309 I, if1487 it be already2235 kindled?381

50 我當受洗、洗未成、如何不痛切乎、

50 But I have2192 a baptism908 to be baptized907 with; and how4459 am I straitened4912 till2193 it be accomplished!5055

51 爾以爲我至、措和平於世、我謂不然、轉分爭耳、

51 Suppose1380 you that I am come3854 to give1325 peace1515 on1722 earth?1093 I tell3004 you, No;3780 but rather2228 division:1267

52 今而後、一家五人將分爭、三爭二、二爭三、

52 For from now on3568 there shall be five4002 in one1520 house3624 divided,1266 three5140 against1909 two,1417 and two1417 against1909 three.5140

53 父爭子、子爭父、母爭女、女爭母、姑爭婦、婦爭姑焉、〇

53 The father3962 shall be divided1266 against1909 the son,5207 and the son5207 against1909 the father;3962 the mother3384 against1909 the daughter,2364 and the daughter2364 against1909 the mother;3384 the mother3994 in law3994 against1909 her daughter3565 in law,3565 and the daughter3565 in law3565 against1909 her mother3994 in law.3994

54 遂謂衆曰、見雲西起、爾言將雨、果有之、

54 And he said3004 also2532 to the people,3793 When3752 you see1492 a cloud3507 rise393 out of the west,1424 straightway2112 you say,3004 There comes2064 a shower;3655 and so3779 it is.

55 見風南吹、爾言將暑、亦有之、

55 And when3753 you see the south3558 wind blow,4154 you say,3004 There will be heat;2742 and it comes1096 to pass.

56 偽善者乎、爾識別天地色象、何不能別此時乎、

56 You hypocrites,5273 you can1492 discern1381 the face4383 of the sky3772 and of the earth;1093 but how4459 is it that you do not discern this5126 time?2540

57 何不自審所宜乎、

57 Yes, and why5101 even2532 of yourselves1438 judge2919 you not what3588 is right?1342

58 與訟爾者往見有司、途間當盡心求釋、恐曳爾於衆士師、士師發爾於吏、吏下爾於獄、

58 When5613 you go5217 with your4675 adversary476 to the magistrate,758 as you are in the way,3598 give1325 diligence2039 that you may be delivered525 from him; lest3379 he hale2694 you to the judge,2923 and the judge2923 deliver3860 you to the officer,4233 and the officer4233 cast906 you into1519 prison.5438

59 吾語汝、毫釐未償、斷不出彼也、

59 I tell3004 you, you shall not depart1831 there,1564 till2193 you have paid591 the very last2078 mite.3016
