

1 若鱷魚則異是、爾能以鈎釣之、以索勒之、

2 以繩繫其鼻、以圈貫其頰乎。

3 彼豈求爾諛爾。

4 與爾結約、爲爾服役乎。

5 豈可繫之若鳥、爲婢女所戲弄、

6 豈可作嘉肴、以供同儔、豈可臠其肉、以鬻商賈、

7 豈可以戈矛陷其皮、以魚叉貫其首。

8 爾欲徒搏鱷魚、思與鬥不勝則止、

9 執之盡屬虛願見之立爲喪膽、

10 猛士見鱷魚且莫敢攖、疇則敢與我爭。

11 天下萬物、皆我所有、孰能先施諸我、使我酬答乎。

12 若夫鱷魚之肢體、可詳言之焉、力甚雄巨、甲爲美觀、

13 孰能剝其膚、孰能近其口、

14 孰能啟其頰、可畏者其齒、

15 最美者其鱗、密若緘封、

16 連砌無間、氣不得通、

17 膠漆交融、不能相分、

18 嚏發有光、目啟若曙、

19 口吐火燄、點點若明燈之光、

20 鼻出煙霧、烝烝若釜甑之氣、

21 呼吸可燃炭、出口皆成燄、

22 項有力、人盡畏、

23 腹下肉、毫無腠理、堅不可動。

24 心剛如石、過於底磨。

25 鱷魚震動、英豪畏懼、手足失措、

26 人欲擊之、鋒刃不利、甲胄無益、

27 視鐵若蓬蒿、視銅若枯木、

28 射以矢、不思逃遁、發以石、等諸草芥、

29 人制梃、彼以爲蒭、人舞戈、彼亦不畏、

30 腹下之鱗、同於瓦片、比諸耙器、印泥有迹、

31 其下深淵、水激射若鼎沸、海翻騰若調膏、

32 其行波際、有光可迹、海爲之白、

33 天下莫與之儔、性無畏懼、

34 強悍者被其蔑視、爲鱗族之雄。


Chapter 41

1 CAN you catch the Leviathan with a hook? Or draw him out with a cord in his mouth?

2 Can you put a bridle in his mouth? Or bore his jaw with a thorn?

3 Will he make many supplications to you? Or will he speak flattering words to you?

4 Will he make a covenant with you? Or will you count him as a servant for ever?

5 Will you play with him as with a bird? Or will you keep him as a pet for your children?

6 Shall fishermen gather over him? Shall they divide him among many people?

7 Can you fill his skin with meat? Or bake his head with fire?

8 Try to capture him; such a battle you will have! You will never forget it.

9 Behold, Job, you now are set free from your afflictions. So your God will also remove your bitterness.

10 One cannot go far off when Leviathan is stirred up; but who then is able to stand before me?

11 Who has pre-eminence over me, so that I should surrender?

12 Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.

13 I will not keep silence because of his power, and the might of his sinews.

14 Who has removed his skin? Who can come near him when the net is lowered?

15 Who can open the doors of his mouth? His teeth are terrible round about.

16 His mouth is tied up, and closely shut, as with a seal.

17 His teeth are so close together that no air can come between them.

18 They are joined one to another, they stick together so that they cannot be separated.

19 His appearance is full of light, and his eyes are like rays of the dawn.

20 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.

21 Out of his nostrils goes smoke, like a flame spreading round the sides of a pot.

22 His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth.

23 He has great strength in his neck, and fear is to him like dancing.

24 His meat is good and fat, and it is nourishing.

25 His heart is never made to quake for fear, but is firm like a stone; yea as hard as flint.

26 Because of the fear of him, the mighty are afraid;

27 And the strong are humbled.

28 The wound of the sword is of no effect; the lances of the mighty he removes.

29 He considers iron like straw, and brass like rotten wood.

30 The bow cannot make him flee; he treats slingstones as stubble.

31 He laughs at the spear; he is at home in the deep as if he were on the dry land.

32 With his strong body he walks upon the ground.

33 He brings to destruction whatever is proud.

34 He is a king over all things in the deep.




Chapter 41

1 若鱷魚則異是、爾能以鈎釣之、以索勒之、

1 CAN you catch the Leviathan with a hook? Or draw him out with a cord in his mouth?

2 以繩繫其鼻、以圈貫其頰乎。

2 Can you put a bridle in his mouth? Or bore his jaw with a thorn?

3 彼豈求爾諛爾。

3 Will he make many supplications to you? Or will he speak flattering words to you?

4 與爾結約、爲爾服役乎。

4 Will he make a covenant with you? Or will you count him as a servant for ever?

5 豈可繫之若鳥、爲婢女所戲弄、

5 Will you play with him as with a bird? Or will you keep him as a pet for your children?

6 豈可作嘉肴、以供同儔、豈可臠其肉、以鬻商賈、

6 Shall fishermen gather over him? Shall they divide him among many people?

7 豈可以戈矛陷其皮、以魚叉貫其首。

7 Can you fill his skin with meat? Or bake his head with fire?

8 爾欲徒搏鱷魚、思與鬥不勝則止、

8 Try to capture him; such a battle you will have! You will never forget it.

9 執之盡屬虛願見之立爲喪膽、

9 Behold, Job, you now are set free from your afflictions. So your God will also remove your bitterness.

10 猛士見鱷魚且莫敢攖、疇則敢與我爭。

10 One cannot go far off when Leviathan is stirred up; but who then is able to stand before me?

11 天下萬物、皆我所有、孰能先施諸我、使我酬答乎。

11 Who has pre-eminence over me, so that I should surrender?

12 若夫鱷魚之肢體、可詳言之焉、力甚雄巨、甲爲美觀、

12 Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.

13 孰能剝其膚、孰能近其口、

13 I will not keep silence because of his power, and the might of his sinews.

14 孰能啟其頰、可畏者其齒、

14 Who has removed his skin? Who can come near him when the net is lowered?

15 最美者其鱗、密若緘封、

15 Who can open the doors of his mouth? His teeth are terrible round about.

16 連砌無間、氣不得通、

16 His mouth is tied up, and closely shut, as with a seal.

17 膠漆交融、不能相分、

17 His teeth are so close together that no air can come between them.

18 嚏發有光、目啟若曙、

18 They are joined one to another, they stick together so that they cannot be separated.

19 口吐火燄、點點若明燈之光、

19 His appearance is full of light, and his eyes are like rays of the dawn.

20 鼻出煙霧、烝烝若釜甑之氣、

20 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.

21 呼吸可燃炭、出口皆成燄、

21 Out of his nostrils goes smoke, like a flame spreading round the sides of a pot.

22 項有力、人盡畏、

22 His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth.

23 腹下肉、毫無腠理、堅不可動。

23 He has great strength in his neck, and fear is to him like dancing.

24 心剛如石、過於底磨。

24 His meat is good and fat, and it is nourishing.

25 鱷魚震動、英豪畏懼、手足失措、

25 His heart is never made to quake for fear, but is firm like a stone; yea as hard as flint.

26 人欲擊之、鋒刃不利、甲胄無益、

26 Because of the fear of him, the mighty are afraid;

27 視鐵若蓬蒿、視銅若枯木、

27 And the strong are humbled.

28 射以矢、不思逃遁、發以石、等諸草芥、

28 The wound of the sword is of no effect; the lances of the mighty he removes.

29 人制梃、彼以爲蒭、人舞戈、彼亦不畏、

29 He considers iron like straw, and brass like rotten wood.

30 腹下之鱗、同於瓦片、比諸耙器、印泥有迹、

30 The bow cannot make him flee; he treats slingstones as stubble.

31 其下深淵、水激射若鼎沸、海翻騰若調膏、

31 He laughs at the spear; he is at home in the deep as if he were on the dry land.

32 其行波際、有光可迹、海爲之白、

32 With his strong body he walks upon the ground.

33 天下莫與之儔、性無畏懼、

33 He brings to destruction whatever is proud.

34 強悍者被其蔑視、爲鱗族之雄。

34 He is a king over all things in the deep.
