

1 爾小子、宜受我教、以此默識乎於心。

2 傾爾聽道、專心學理、

3 大聲而呼、亟求明哲、欲得智慧、

4 索之若金、尋之若寶、

5 夫如是、則耶和華上帝、所當寅畏、可得而知矣。

6 耶和華賜人以智慧、畀人以明哲。

7 錫嘏善士、護衛義人、

8 秉公義之理、保敬虔之士、

9 爾旣求智、則百善由此而知、仁義由此而明。

10 若大道之洽於心、快於意、

11 如是必得護衛、

12 免爲惡人忤逆者所誘、

13 彼離正道、行於幽暗、

14 喜於作惡、悅於爲不善、

15 所行邪曲、所爲橫逆。

16 淫婦善媚、爾旣守道、免爲所惑、

17 彼棄夫子之道、背上帝之約、

18 人造其家、若履死域、若歸陰府。

19 凡詣之者、不得復歸、不獲生道。

20 爾當行善人之途、守義人之路、

21 義者得士、恒居弗替、

22 惡者見絕、踪跡泯滅。


Chapter 2

1 MY son, if you will receive my words and hide my commandments in your heart,

2 And incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding,

3 Yea, if you cry after knowledge and lift up your voice to understanding,

4 If you seek it as silver, and search for it as for hidden treasure;

5 Then you will understand how to worship the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

6 For it is the LORD who gives wisdom; out of his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

7 He stores up hope for the upright; he helps those who walk without blemish.

8 He keeps the paths of justice, and preserves the ways of his saints.

9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice and the uprightness of all good ways.

10 When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge is pleasant to your soul.

11 Intelligence shall preserve you, and the understanding of the pious men shall deliver you;

12 That you might be delivered from evil ways, from men who speak perverse things,

13 Who forsake the path of uprightness to walk in the way of darkness;

14 Who rejoice to do evil and delight in the perverseness of evil things;

15 Men whose ways are crooked and whose paths are perverse.

16 Wisdom shall deliver you from a strange woman who flatters with her words,

17 Who has forsaken the mother of her youth and forgotten the covenant of her God.

18 For she has forgotten the threshold of her house and the way of her paths.

19 None who go to her return again, neither do they remember the path of life.

20 Therefore you must walk in the way of good men and keep the path of the righteous.

21 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and those who are unblemished shall remain in it.

22 But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the ungodly shall be rooted out of it.




Chapter 2

1 爾小子、宜受我教、以此默識乎於心。

1 MY son, if you will receive my words and hide my commandments in your heart,

2 傾爾聽道、專心學理、

2 And incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding,

3 大聲而呼、亟求明哲、欲得智慧、

3 Yea, if you cry after knowledge and lift up your voice to understanding,

4 索之若金、尋之若寶、

4 If you seek it as silver, and search for it as for hidden treasure;

5 夫如是、則耶和華上帝、所當寅畏、可得而知矣。

5 Then you will understand how to worship the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

6 耶和華賜人以智慧、畀人以明哲。

6 For it is the LORD who gives wisdom; out of his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

7 錫嘏善士、護衛義人、

7 He stores up hope for the upright; he helps those who walk without blemish.

8 秉公義之理、保敬虔之士、

8 He keeps the paths of justice, and preserves the ways of his saints.

9 爾旣求智、則百善由此而知、仁義由此而明。

9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice and the uprightness of all good ways.

10 若大道之洽於心、快於意、

10 When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge is pleasant to your soul.

11 如是必得護衛、

11 Intelligence shall preserve you, and the understanding of the pious men shall deliver you;

12 免爲惡人忤逆者所誘、

12 That you might be delivered from evil ways, from men who speak perverse things,

13 彼離正道、行於幽暗、

13 Who forsake the path of uprightness to walk in the way of darkness;

14 喜於作惡、悅於爲不善、

14 Who rejoice to do evil and delight in the perverseness of evil things;

15 所行邪曲、所爲橫逆。

15 Men whose ways are crooked and whose paths are perverse.

16 淫婦善媚、爾旣守道、免爲所惑、

16 Wisdom shall deliver you from a strange woman who flatters with her words,

17 彼棄夫子之道、背上帝之約、

17 Who has forsaken the mother of her youth and forgotten the covenant of her God.

18 人造其家、若履死域、若歸陰府。

18 For she has forgotten the threshold of her house and the way of her paths.

19 凡詣之者、不得復歸、不獲生道。

19 None who go to her return again, neither do they remember the path of life.

20 爾當行善人之途、守義人之路、

20 Therefore you must walk in the way of good men and keep the path of the righteous.

21 義者得士、恒居弗替、

21 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and those who are unblemished shall remain in it.

22 惡者見絕、踪跡泯滅。

22 But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the ungodly shall be rooted out of it.
