

1 約百曰、

2 如爾之言、聞之素矣。爾意在慰藉、反使我心戚戚。

3 虛誕之詞、可已而不已、孰使爾嘵嘵舌戰耶。

4 浸假爾與我易地以處、則我亦能長言以責爾、搖首以欺爾。

5 然我不爲也、必以口強爾志、以舌解爾憂。

6 今我言、不得自解其憂、不言、不得自釋其悶。

7 上帝使我躬遑遽、我家凌替、

8 束縛我體、俾我憔悴、以證我之不善。

9 逢仇之怒、殘傷我體、緣其憾我、怒目切齒、攻我特甚。

10 張吻吞噬、批頰凌辱、彼此共謀伐我。

11 上帝使作惡者陷我、不義者害我。

12 我享平康、彼來搖撼、執我之頸、擲之於地、以我作的、射之以矢。

13 矢人環我、剖我腎、瀝我膽、不蒙矜宥。

14 屢加撻伐、突如其來、若壯士之攻擊。

15 我身衣麻、崩厥角於塵埃。

16 因哭顏赤、陰翳蒙目。

17 然我行無不義、祈無不誠。

18 地歟、勿埋沒我血、勿阻塞我籲。

19 惟天可表、在上實鑒之。

20 而友朋嘲笑、不禁潸然出涕、求於上帝、

21 願得在上帝前明辨其寃、如與同儕言者然。

22 復閱數載、我必長逝不返矣。


Chapter 16

1 THEN Job answered and said,

2 I have heard many such things; wicked comforters are you all.

3 Do not grieve my spirit with words; even though you speak, I will not answer.

4 I also could speak as you do; I wish you were in my place, then I could try you out with words, and shake my head at you.

5 I would prove you with your own words, and the words of my lips would not spare you.

6 If I speak, my pain is not assuaged; and if I forbear, who can comfort me?

7 But now he has troubled me, and yet has preserved all of my testimony.

8 Thou didst appoint me and I became a witness, but my lies have testified against me; and I spoke in his presence.

9 He has torn me and broken me in his wrath; he gnashes upon me with his teeth; my enemy sharpens his eyes against me.

10 They have gaped upon me with their mouth reproachfully; they have smitten me upon my cheeks; they were filled with rage against me.

11 God has delivered me to the ungodly, and turned me over into the hands of the wicked.

12 I was at ease, but he has smitten me; he has also taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his target.

13 His arrows are round about me, he shoots at my kidneys and does not spare; he pours out my gall on the ground.

14 He breaks me with breach upon breach; he runs against me like a giant.

15 I have girded sackcloth upon my skin, and I have covered my head with dust.

16 My face is troubled with weeping, and on my eyelids is the shadow of death;

17 But not for any iniquity in my hands; my prayer also is pure.

18 O earth, cover not my blood, and let my cry have no place!

19 And now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my acquaintances are on high.

20 O my brethren and my neighbors! my eyes pour out tears to God!

21 O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleads for his neighbor!

22 For the number of a man's years will come to an end; then he shall go the way from whence he shall not return.




Chapter 16

1 約百曰、

1 THEN Job answered and said,

2 如爾之言、聞之素矣。爾意在慰藉、反使我心戚戚。

2 I have heard many such things; wicked comforters are you all.

3 虛誕之詞、可已而不已、孰使爾嘵嘵舌戰耶。

3 Do not grieve my spirit with words; even though you speak, I will not answer.

4 浸假爾與我易地以處、則我亦能長言以責爾、搖首以欺爾。

4 I also could speak as you do; I wish you were in my place, then I could try you out with words, and shake my head at you.

5 然我不爲也、必以口強爾志、以舌解爾憂。

5 I would prove you with your own words, and the words of my lips would not spare you.

6 今我言、不得自解其憂、不言、不得自釋其悶。

6 If I speak, my pain is not assuaged; and if I forbear, who can comfort me?

7 上帝使我躬遑遽、我家凌替、

7 But now he has troubled me, and yet has preserved all of my testimony.

8 束縛我體、俾我憔悴、以證我之不善。

8 Thou didst appoint me and I became a witness, but my lies have testified against me; and I spoke in his presence.

9 逢仇之怒、殘傷我體、緣其憾我、怒目切齒、攻我特甚。

9 He has torn me and broken me in his wrath; he gnashes upon me with his teeth; my enemy sharpens his eyes against me.

10 張吻吞噬、批頰凌辱、彼此共謀伐我。

10 They have gaped upon me with their mouth reproachfully; they have smitten me upon my cheeks; they were filled with rage against me.

11 上帝使作惡者陷我、不義者害我。

11 God has delivered me to the ungodly, and turned me over into the hands of the wicked.

12 我享平康、彼來搖撼、執我之頸、擲之於地、以我作的、射之以矢。

12 I was at ease, but he has smitten me; he has also taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his target.

13 矢人環我、剖我腎、瀝我膽、不蒙矜宥。

13 His arrows are round about me, he shoots at my kidneys and does not spare; he pours out my gall on the ground.

14 屢加撻伐、突如其來、若壯士之攻擊。

14 He breaks me with breach upon breach; he runs against me like a giant.

15 我身衣麻、崩厥角於塵埃。

15 I have girded sackcloth upon my skin, and I have covered my head with dust.

16 因哭顏赤、陰翳蒙目。

16 My face is troubled with weeping, and on my eyelids is the shadow of death;

17 然我行無不義、祈無不誠。

17 But not for any iniquity in my hands; my prayer also is pure.

18 地歟、勿埋沒我血、勿阻塞我籲。

18 O earth, cover not my blood, and let my cry have no place!

19 惟天可表、在上實鑒之。

19 And now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my acquaintances are on high.

20 而友朋嘲笑、不禁潸然出涕、求於上帝、

20 O my brethren and my neighbors! my eyes pour out tears to God!

21 願得在上帝前明辨其寃、如與同儕言者然。

21 O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleads for his neighbor!

22 復閱數載、我必長逝不返矣。

22 For the number of a man's years will come to an end; then he shall go the way from whence he shall not return.
