

1 美名勝過大財;恩寵過於[rather than]金銀。

2 富戶窮人在世相遇,都為耶和華所造。

3 通達人見禍藏躲;[but]愚蒙人前往受害。

4 敬畏耶和華心存謙卑,就得富有、尊榮、生命為賞賜。

5 乖僻人的路上有荊棘和網羅;保守自己生命的,必要遠離。

6 教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。

7 富戶管轄窮人;欠債的是債主的僕人。

8 撒罪孽的,必收虛空[vanity];他逞怒的杖也必廢掉。

9 眼目慈善的,就必蒙福,因他將食物分給窮人。

10 趕出褻慢人,爭端就消除;紛爭和羞辱也必止息。

11 喜愛心中純淨[pureness of heart]的人因他嘴上的恩言,王必與他為友。

12 耶和華的眼目眷顧聰明人,卻傾敗犯法的人[transgressor]的言語。

13 懶惰人說:外頭有獅子;我在街上就必被殺。

14 外女[strange women]的口為深坑;耶和華所憎惡的,必陷在其中。

15 愚蒙迷住孩童的心;[but]用管教的杖可以遠遠趕除。

16 欺壓貧窮為要利己的,並送禮與富戶的,都必缺乏。

17 你須側耳聽受智慧人的言語,留心領會我的知識。

18 你若心中存記,嘴上咬定,這便為美。

19 我今日以此特特指教你,為要使你倚靠耶和華。

20 謀略和知識的美事,我豈沒有寫給你,

21 要使你知道真言的實理,你好將真言回覆那打發你來的人嗎?

22 貧窮人,你不可因他貧窮就搶奪他的物,也不可在城門口欺壓困苦人;

23 因耶和華必為他辨屈;搶奪他的,耶和華必奪取那人的命。

24 好生氣的人,不可與他結交;暴怒的人,[thou]不可與他來往;

25 恐怕你效法他的行為,自己就陷在網羅裏。

26 不要與人擊掌,不要為欠債的作保。

27 你若沒有甚麼償還,何必使人奪去你睡臥的床呢?

28 你先祖所立的地界,你不可挪移。

29 你看見辦事殷勤的人嗎?他必站在君王面前,必不站在下賤人面前。


Chapter 22

1 A good name8034 is rather to be chosen977 than great7227 riches,4480 6239 and loving2896 favor2580 rather than silver4480 3701 and gold.4480 2091

2 The rich6223 and poor7326 meet together:6298 the LORD3068 is the maker6213 of them all.3605

3 A prudent6175 man foreseeth7200 the evil,7451 and hideth himself:5641 but the simple6612 pass on,5674 and are punished.6064

4 By6118 humility6038 and the fear3374 of the LORD3068 are riches,6239 and honor,3519 and life.2416

5 Thorns6791 and snares6341 are in the way1870 of the froward:6141 he that doth keep8104 his soul5315 shall be far7368 from4480 them.

6 Train up2596 a child5288 in5921 the way1870 he should go:6310 and1571 when3588 he is old,2204 he will not3808 depart5493 from4480 it.

7 The rich6223 ruleth4910 over the poor,7326 and the borrower3867 is servant5650 to the lender.376 3867

8 He that soweth2232 iniquity5766 shall reap7114 vanity:205 and the rod7626 of his anger5678 shall fail.3615

9 He1931 that hath a bountiful2896 eye5869 shall be blessed;1288 for3588 he giveth5414 of his bread4480 3899 to the poor.1800

10 Cast out1644 the scorner,3887 and contention4066 shall go out;3318 yea, strife1779 and reproach7036 shall cease.7673

11 He that loveth157 pureness2890 of heart,3820 for the grace2580 of his lips8193 the king4428 shall be his friend.7453

12 The eyes5869 of the LORD3068 preserve5341 knowledge,1847 and he overthroweth5557 the words1697 of the transgressor.898

13 The slothful6102 man saith,559 There is a lion738 without,2351 I shall be slain7523 in8432 the streets.7339

14 The mouth6310 of strange women2114 is a deep6013 pit:7745 he that is abhorred2194 of the LORD3068 shall fall5307 therein.8033

15 Foolishness200 is bound7194 in the heart3820 of a child;5288 but the rod7626 of correction4148 shall drive it far7368 from4480 him.

16 He that oppresseth6231 the poor1800 to increase7235 his riches, and he that giveth5414 to the rich,6223 shall surely389 come to want.4270

17 Bow down5186 thine ear,241 and hear8085 the words1697 of the wise,2450 and apply7896 thine heart3820 unto my knowledge.1847

18 For3588 it is a pleasant5273 thing if3588 thou keep8104 them within990 thee; they shall withal3162 be fitted3559 in5921 thy lips.8193

19 That thy trust4009 may be1961 in the LORD,3068 I have made known3045 to thee this day,3117 even637 to thee.859

20 Have not3808 I written3789 to thee excellent things7991 in counsels4156 and knowledge,1847

21 That I might make thee know3045 the certainty7189 of the words561 of truth;571 that thou mightest answer7725 the words561 of truth571 to them that send7971 unto thee?

22 Rob1497 not408 the poor,1800 because3588 he1931 is poor:1800 neither408 oppress1792 the afflicted6041 in the gate: 8179

23 For3588 the LORD3068 will plead7378 their cause,7379 and spoil6906 the soul5315 of853 those that spoiled6906 them.

24 Make no408 friendship7462 with854 an angry639 man;1167 and with854 a furious2534 man376 thou shalt not3808 go: 935

25 Lest6435 thou learn502 his ways,734 and get3947 a snare4170 to thy soul.5315

26 Be1961 not408 thou one of them that strike8628 hands,3709 or of them that are sureties6148 for debts.4859

27 If518 thou hast nothing369 to pay,7999 why4100 should he take away3947 thy bed4904 from under4480 8478 thee?

28 Remove5253 not408 the ancient5769 landmark,1366 which834 thy fathers1 have set.6213

29 Seest2372 thou a man376 diligent4106 in his business?4399 he shall stand3320 before6440 kings;4428 he shall not1077 stand3320 before6440 mean2823 men.




Chapter 22

1 美名勝過大財;恩寵過於[rather than]金銀。

1 A good name8034 is rather to be chosen977 than great7227 riches,4480 6239 and loving2896 favor2580 rather than silver4480 3701 and gold.4480 2091

2 富戶窮人在世相遇,都為耶和華所造。

2 The rich6223 and poor7326 meet together:6298 the LORD3068 is the maker6213 of them all.3605

3 通達人見禍藏躲;[but]愚蒙人前往受害。

3 A prudent6175 man foreseeth7200 the evil,7451 and hideth himself:5641 but the simple6612 pass on,5674 and are punished.6064

4 敬畏耶和華心存謙卑,就得富有、尊榮、生命為賞賜。

4 By6118 humility6038 and the fear3374 of the LORD3068 are riches,6239 and honor,3519 and life.2416

5 乖僻人的路上有荊棘和網羅;保守自己生命的,必要遠離。

5 Thorns6791 and snares6341 are in the way1870 of the froward:6141 he that doth keep8104 his soul5315 shall be far7368 from4480 them.

6 教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。

6 Train up2596 a child5288 in5921 the way1870 he should go:6310 and1571 when3588 he is old,2204 he will not3808 depart5493 from4480 it.

7 富戶管轄窮人;欠債的是債主的僕人。

7 The rich6223 ruleth4910 over the poor,7326 and the borrower3867 is servant5650 to the lender.376 3867

8 撒罪孽的,必收虛空[vanity];他逞怒的杖也必廢掉。

8 He that soweth2232 iniquity5766 shall reap7114 vanity:205 and the rod7626 of his anger5678 shall fail.3615

9 眼目慈善的,就必蒙福,因他將食物分給窮人。

9 He1931 that hath a bountiful2896 eye5869 shall be blessed;1288 for3588 he giveth5414 of his bread4480 3899 to the poor.1800

10 趕出褻慢人,爭端就消除;紛爭和羞辱也必止息。

10 Cast out1644 the scorner,3887 and contention4066 shall go out;3318 yea, strife1779 and reproach7036 shall cease.7673

11 喜愛心中純淨[pureness of heart]的人因他嘴上的恩言,王必與他為友。

11 He that loveth157 pureness2890 of heart,3820 for the grace2580 of his lips8193 the king4428 shall be his friend.7453

12 耶和華的眼目眷顧聰明人,卻傾敗犯法的人[transgressor]的言語。

12 The eyes5869 of the LORD3068 preserve5341 knowledge,1847 and he overthroweth5557 the words1697 of the transgressor.898

13 懶惰人說:外頭有獅子;我在街上就必被殺。

13 The slothful6102 man saith,559 There is a lion738 without,2351 I shall be slain7523 in8432 the streets.7339

14 外女[strange women]的口為深坑;耶和華所憎惡的,必陷在其中。

14 The mouth6310 of strange women2114 is a deep6013 pit:7745 he that is abhorred2194 of the LORD3068 shall fall5307 therein.8033

15 愚蒙迷住孩童的心;[but]用管教的杖可以遠遠趕除。

15 Foolishness200 is bound7194 in the heart3820 of a child;5288 but the rod7626 of correction4148 shall drive it far7368 from4480 him.

16 欺壓貧窮為要利己的,並送禮與富戶的,都必缺乏。

16 He that oppresseth6231 the poor1800 to increase7235 his riches, and he that giveth5414 to the rich,6223 shall surely389 come to want.4270

17 你須側耳聽受智慧人的言語,留心領會我的知識。

17 Bow down5186 thine ear,241 and hear8085 the words1697 of the wise,2450 and apply7896 thine heart3820 unto my knowledge.1847

18 你若心中存記,嘴上咬定,這便為美。

18 For3588 it is a pleasant5273 thing if3588 thou keep8104 them within990 thee; they shall withal3162 be fitted3559 in5921 thy lips.8193

19 我今日以此特特指教你,為要使你倚靠耶和華。

19 That thy trust4009 may be1961 in the LORD,3068 I have made known3045 to thee this day,3117 even637 to thee.859

20 謀略和知識的美事,我豈沒有寫給你,

20 Have not3808 I written3789 to thee excellent things7991 in counsels4156 and knowledge,1847

21 要使你知道真言的實理,你好將真言回覆那打發你來的人嗎?

21 That I might make thee know3045 the certainty7189 of the words561 of truth;571 that thou mightest answer7725 the words561 of truth571 to them that send7971 unto thee?

22 貧窮人,你不可因他貧窮就搶奪他的物,也不可在城門口欺壓困苦人;

22 Rob1497 not408 the poor,1800 because3588 he1931 is poor:1800 neither408 oppress1792 the afflicted6041 in the gate: 8179

23 因耶和華必為他辨屈;搶奪他的,耶和華必奪取那人的命。

23 For3588 the LORD3068 will plead7378 their cause,7379 and spoil6906 the soul5315 of853 those that spoiled6906 them.

24 好生氣的人,不可與他結交;暴怒的人,[thou]不可與他來往;

24 Make no408 friendship7462 with854 an angry639 man;1167 and with854 a furious2534 man376 thou shalt not3808 go: 935

25 恐怕你效法他的行為,自己就陷在網羅裏。

25 Lest6435 thou learn502 his ways,734 and get3947 a snare4170 to thy soul.5315

26 不要與人擊掌,不要為欠債的作保。

26 Be1961 not408 thou one of them that strike8628 hands,3709 or of them that are sureties6148 for debts.4859

27 你若沒有甚麼償還,何必使人奪去你睡臥的床呢?

27 If518 thou hast nothing369 to pay,7999 why4100 should he take away3947 thy bed4904 from under4480 8478 thee?

28 你先祖所立的地界,你不可挪移。

28 Remove5253 not408 the ancient5769 landmark,1366 which834 thy fathers1 have set.6213

29 你看見辦事殷勤的人嗎?他必站在君王面前,必不站在下賤人面前。

29 Seest2372 thou a man376 diligent4106 in his business?4399 he shall stand3320 before6440 kings;4428 he shall not1077 stand3320 before6440 mean2823 men.