
Chapter 40

1 MOREOVER the LORD answered Job, and said,

2 Many are the counsels of God; he who reproves God must answer for it.

3 Then Job answered the LORD, and said,

4 Behold, I am unworthy; what shall I answer thee? I will lay my hand upon my mouth.

5 Once I have spoken; but I will not answer; yea, twice, but I will proceed no further.

6 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,

7 Gird up your loins now like a man; I will question you, and you shall declare to me.

8 Will you disannul my judgment? Will you even condemn me, that you may be justified?

9 Have you an arm like God? Or can you thunder with a voice like him?

10 Deck yourself now with majesty and excellency; and array yourself with glory and beauty.

11 Cast away the rage of your wrath; and look upon everyone that is proud, and abase him;

12 And cast the sinners into their place.

13 Bury them in the earth together; cover their faces with fine dust.

14 Then will I also give you credit when your own right hand has saved you.

15 Behold now the hippopotamus which I made for you; he eats grass like an ox.

16 Lo, his strength is in his loins, and his tail stands erect like a cedar tree.

17 The sinews of his thighs bulge out.

18 His bones are strong as pieces of brass; yea, they are like bars of iron.

19 He is the chief among God's creations; for he made him powerful to fight.

20 He roams about the mountains, and all the wild beasts of the field lie down under his protection.

21 He lurks in the covert of reeds, he couches as a lion.

22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook encircle him.

23 Behold, if he plunges into the river, he is not afraid; he is confident, though the Jordan reaches to his mouth.

24 Can one take him with a hook, or catch him with a net? Can one snare him in a trap, or can one bind his tongue with a rope?



1 耶和華又曰語約百曰、

2 我全能之上帝也、爾昔欲與我辨、今何詞以對。

3 約百曰、

4 渺我微軀、弗能應對、無以措辭、

5 我昔言之、一而再、今則不敢復贅一說。

6 於是大風復至。耶和華告約百曰、

7 當鼓爾氣、勿愧丈夫、我問爾答。

8 爾豈可廢棄我命、自以爲義、而以不義之名委我。

9 爾有巨能若我、爾可行雷若我。

10 試以威嚴爲外飾、試以尊榮爲衣服、

11 爾施震怒、使矜高者卑微、驕肆者喪敗、作惡者蹂躪。

12 併於上節

13 藏之窀穸、繫之陰府。

14 我則謂爾有能足以自救。

15 我造人之時、亦造巨獸、食草若牛、

16 腰勁腹便、

17 股筋環束、尾搖若柏香木、

18 骨堅若銅柱鐵幹、

19 我造生物、巨獸爲最、賜以長齒、利若鋒刃、

20 登岸覓食、百獸不懼、

21 伏於蓮渚、藏於蘆叢、

22 蓮葉蔽之、堤柳繞之、

23 溪河漲溢、彼不畏葸、約但泛濫、彼尚安居、

24 人設坎阱而獲之、以繩貫其鼻。


Chapter 40



1 MOREOVER the LORD answered Job, and said,

1 耶和華又曰語約百曰、

2 Many are the counsels of God; he who reproves God must answer for it.

2 我全能之上帝也、爾昔欲與我辨、今何詞以對。

3 Then Job answered the LORD, and said,

3 約百曰、

4 Behold, I am unworthy; what shall I answer thee? I will lay my hand upon my mouth.

4 渺我微軀、弗能應對、無以措辭、

5 Once I have spoken; but I will not answer; yea, twice, but I will proceed no further.

5 我昔言之、一而再、今則不敢復贅一說。

6 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,

6 於是大風復至。耶和華告約百曰、

7 Gird up your loins now like a man; I will question you, and you shall declare to me.

7 當鼓爾氣、勿愧丈夫、我問爾答。

8 Will you disannul my judgment? Will you even condemn me, that you may be justified?

8 爾豈可廢棄我命、自以爲義、而以不義之名委我。

9 Have you an arm like God? Or can you thunder with a voice like him?

9 爾有巨能若我、爾可行雷若我。

10 Deck yourself now with majesty and excellency; and array yourself with glory and beauty.

10 試以威嚴爲外飾、試以尊榮爲衣服、

11 Cast away the rage of your wrath; and look upon everyone that is proud, and abase him;

11 爾施震怒、使矜高者卑微、驕肆者喪敗、作惡者蹂躪。

12 And cast the sinners into their place.

12 併於上節

13 Bury them in the earth together; cover their faces with fine dust.

13 藏之窀穸、繫之陰府。

14 Then will I also give you credit when your own right hand has saved you.

14 我則謂爾有能足以自救。

15 Behold now the hippopotamus which I made for you; he eats grass like an ox.

15 我造人之時、亦造巨獸、食草若牛、

16 Lo, his strength is in his loins, and his tail stands erect like a cedar tree.

16 腰勁腹便、

17 The sinews of his thighs bulge out.

17 股筋環束、尾搖若柏香木、

18 His bones are strong as pieces of brass; yea, they are like bars of iron.

18 骨堅若銅柱鐵幹、

19 He is the chief among God's creations; for he made him powerful to fight.

19 我造生物、巨獸爲最、賜以長齒、利若鋒刃、

20 He roams about the mountains, and all the wild beasts of the field lie down under his protection.

20 登岸覓食、百獸不懼、

21 He lurks in the covert of reeds, he couches as a lion.

21 伏於蓮渚、藏於蘆叢、

22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook encircle him.

22 蓮葉蔽之、堤柳繞之、

23 Behold, if he plunges into the river, he is not afraid; he is confident, though the Jordan reaches to his mouth.

23 溪河漲溢、彼不畏葸、約但泛濫、彼尚安居、

24 Can one take him with a hook, or catch him with a net? Can one snare him in a trap, or can one bind his tongue with a rope?

24 人設坎阱而獲之、以繩貫其鼻。
