
Chapter 18

1 JESUS said these things and went out with his disciples across the brook Kidron, to a place where there was a garden, where he and his disciples entered.

2 Judas the traitor also knew that place; because Jesus and his disciples frequently gathered there.

3 Judas, therefore, took a company of soldiers, and also guards from the high priests and the Pharisees, and he came there with torches and lamps and weapons.

4 Jesus, knowing everything that was to happen, went out and said to them. Whom do you want?

5 They said to him, Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus said to them, I am he. Judas the traitor was also standing with them.

6 When Jesus said to them, I am he, they drew back and fell to the ground.

7 Jesus again asked them, Whom do you want? They said, Jesus the Nazarene.

8 Jesus said to them, I have told you that I am he; if then you want me, let these men go away;

9 That the word which he said might be fulfilled, Of those whom you gave me, I have lost not even one.

10 But Simon Peter had a sword, and he drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malech.

11 And Jesus said to Peter, Put the sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup which my Father has given me?

12 Then the soldiers and the captains, and the Jewish guards seized Jesus and bound him,

13 And they brought him first to Annas, because he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the high priest of that year.

14 Caiaphas was the one who had counselled the Jews, that it was better for one man to die instead of the people.

15 Simon Peter and one of the other disciples followed Jesus. The high priest knew that disciple, so he entered with Jesus into the courtyard.

16 But Simon stood outside near the door. Then the other disciple, whom the high priest knew, went out and told the portress, and brought in Simon.

17 The young portress then said to Simon, Why, are you also one of the disciples of this man? He said to her, No.

18 And the servants and guards were standing and making a fire, to warm themselves because it was cold; Simon also stood with them and warmed himself.

19 The high priest then questioned Jesus concerning his disciples and concerning his teaching.

20 Jesus said to him, I have spoken openly to the people, and I have always taught in the synagogue and in the temple, where all Jews assemble; and I have spoken nothing secretly.

21 Why do you ask me? ask those who heard what I have spoken to them; behold, they know everything which I said.

22 And as he said these things, one of the guards who stood by, struck Jesus on his cheek, and said to him, Is this how you answer the high priest?

23 Jesus answered and said to him, If I have spoken any evil, testify to the evil; but if it is good, why did you strike me?

24 Annas then sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas the high priest.

25 Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They said to him, Why, are you also one of his disciples? He denied and said, I am not.

26 Then one of the servants of the high priest, a kinsman of him whose ear Simon had cut off, Did I not see you with him in the garden?

27 Simon again denied; and at that very hour the cock crew.

28 Then they brought Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium; and it was morning; and they did not enter into the praetorium, so that they may not be defiled before they ate the passover.

29 Pilate then went outside where they were, and said to them, What accusation do you have against this man?

30 They answered and said to him, If he were not an evil-doer, we would not have delivered him up also to you.

31 Then said Pilate to them, Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your own law. The Jews said to him, We have no power to kill a man;

32 So that the word which Jesus had said might be fulfilled, when he signified by what kind of death he was to die.

33 Pilate then entered into the praetorium, and called Jesus and said to him. Are you the King of the Jews?

34 Jesus said to him, Do you say this of yourself, or have others told it to you concerning me?

35 Pilate said to him, Why, am I a Jew? Your own people and the high priests have delivered you to me; what have you done?

36 Jesus said to him, My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have fought so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here.

37 Pilate said to him, Then are you a king? Jesus said to him, You say that I am a king.* For this I was born, and for this very thing I came to the world, that I may bear witness concerning the truth. Whoever is of the truth will hear my voice.

38 Pilate said to him, What is this truth? And as he said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I am unable to find even one cause against him.

39 You have a custom that I should release to you one at the passover; do you wish, therefore, that I release to you this ôking of the Jewsö?

40 They all cried out saying, Not him, but Bar-Abbas. Now this Bar-Abbas was a bandit.



1 耶穌說了這些[these]話,就同門徒出去,過了汲淪溪。在那裏有一個園子,他和門徒進去了。

2 賣耶穌的猶大也知道那地方,因為耶穌和門徒屢次上那裏去聚集。

3 猶大領了一隊[men],和祭司長並法利賽人的差役,拿著燈籠、火把、兵器,就來到園裏。

4 耶穌知道將要臨到自己的一切事,就出來對他們說:「你們找誰?」

5 他們回答[him]說:「找拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌。」耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「我就是。」賣他的猶大也同他們站在那裏。

6 耶穌一說「我就是」,他們就退後倒在地上。

7 他又問他們說:「你們找誰?」他們說:「找拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌。」

8 耶穌說:「我已經告訴你們,我就是。你們若找我,就讓這些人去吧。」

9 這要應驗耶穌從前的話,說:「你所賜給我的人,我沒有失落一個。」

10 西門.彼得帶著一把刀,就拔出來,將大祭司的僕人襲了一把[smote],削掉他的右耳;那僕人名叫馬勒古。

11 耶穌就對彼得說:「收刀入鞘吧,我父所給我的那杯,我豈可不喝呢?」

12 那隊兵和軍長[captain],並猶太人的差役就拿住耶穌,把他捆綁了,

13 先帶到亞那面前,因為亞那是本年作大祭司該亞法的岳父。

14 這該亞法就是從前向猶太人發議論,說「一個人替百姓死是有益的」那位。

15 西門.彼得跟著耶穌,還有一個門徒跟著。那門徒是大祭司所認識的,他就同耶穌進了大祭司的院子。

16 彼得卻站在門外。大祭司所認識的那個門徒出來,和看門的使女說了一聲,就領彼得進去。

17 那看門的女子[damsel]對彼得說:「你不也是這人的門徒嗎?」他說:「我不是。」

18 僕人和差役因為天冷,就生了炭火;他們就[and they]站在那裏烤火自暖[warmed themselves]。彼得也同他們站著烤火自暖[warmed himself]

19 大祭司就以耶穌的門徒和他的道理[doctrine]盤問他。

20 耶穌回答說:「我從來是明明的對世人說話。我常在會堂和殿裏,就是猶太人常常[always]聚集的地方教訓人;我在暗地裏並沒有說甚麼。

21 你為甚麼問我呢?可以問那聽見的人,我對他們說的是甚麼;看哪[behold],我所說的,他們都知道。」

22 耶穌說了這話,旁邊站著的一個差役用手掌打他,說:「你這樣回答大祭司嗎?」

23 耶穌說:「我若說的不是,你可以指證那不是;我若說的是,你為甚麼打我呢?」

24 亞那就把耶穌[sent]到大祭司該亞法那裏,仍是捆著[bound]去的。

25 西門.彼得站著烤火自暖[stood and warmed himself]於是[therefore]他們[They]對他說:「你不也是他的門徒嗎?」彼得不承認這事[it],說:「我不是。」

26 有大祭司的一個僕人,是彼得削掉耳朵那人的親屬,說:「我不是看見你同他在園子裏嗎?」

27 彼得又不承認;立時雞就叫了。

28 眾人將耶穌從該亞法那裏往審判廳[judgment hall][led]去,那時天還早。他們自己卻不進審判廳[judgment hall],恐怕染了污穢,不能吃逾越節的筵席。

29 彼拉多就出來,到他們那裏,說:「你們告這人是為甚麼事呢?」

30 他們回答[him]說:「這人若不是作惡的,我們就不把他交給你。」

31 彼拉多便[Then]對他們[unto them]說:「你們自己帶他去,按著你們的律法審問他吧。」猶太人[therefore]對他[unto him]說:「我們沒有把人治死[put any men to death]的權柄。」

32 這要應驗耶穌所說自己將要怎樣死的話了。

33 彼拉多又進了審判廳[judgment hall],叫耶穌來,對他說:「你是猶太人的王嗎?」

34 耶穌回答說:「這話是你自己說的,還是別人論我對你說的呢?」

35 彼拉多說:「我豈是猶太人呢?你本國的人和祭司長把你交給我。你作了甚麼事呢?」

36 耶穌回答說:「我的國不屬這世界;我的國若屬這世界,我的臣僕必要爭戰,使我不至於被交給猶太人;只是如今[now]我的國不屬這世界。」

37 彼拉多就對他說:「這樣,你是王嗎?」耶穌回答說:「你說我是王。我為此而生,也為此來到世間,特為給真理作見證。凡屬真理的人就聽我的話。」

38 彼拉多說:「真理是甚麼呢?」說了這話,又出來到猶太人那裏,對他們說:「我查不出他有甚麼[fault]來。

39 但你們有個規矩,在逾越節要我給你們釋放一個人;故此[therefore],你們要我給你們釋放猶太人的王嗎?」

40 他們又[all]喊著說:「不要這人,要巴拉巴。」這巴拉巴是個強盜。


Chapter 18



1 JESUS said these things and went out with his disciples across the brook Kidron, to a place where there was a garden, where he and his disciples entered.

1 耶穌說了這些[these]話,就同門徒出去,過了汲淪溪。在那裏有一個園子,他和門徒進去了。

2 Judas the traitor also knew that place; because Jesus and his disciples frequently gathered there.

2 賣耶穌的猶大也知道那地方,因為耶穌和門徒屢次上那裏去聚集。

3 Judas, therefore, took a company of soldiers, and also guards from the high priests and the Pharisees, and he came there with torches and lamps and weapons.

3 猶大領了一隊[men],和祭司長並法利賽人的差役,拿著燈籠、火把、兵器,就來到園裏。

4 Jesus, knowing everything that was to happen, went out and said to them. Whom do you want?

4 耶穌知道將要臨到自己的一切事,就出來對他們說:「你們找誰?」

5 They said to him, Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus said to them, I am he. Judas the traitor was also standing with them.

5 他們回答[him]說:「找拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌。」耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「我就是。」賣他的猶大也同他們站在那裏。

6 When Jesus said to them, I am he, they drew back and fell to the ground.

6 耶穌一說「我就是」,他們就退後倒在地上。

7 Jesus again asked them, Whom do you want? They said, Jesus the Nazarene.

7 他又問他們說:「你們找誰?」他們說:「找拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌。」

8 Jesus said to them, I have told you that I am he; if then you want me, let these men go away;

8 耶穌說:「我已經告訴你們,我就是。你們若找我,就讓這些人去吧。」

9 That the word which he said might be fulfilled, Of those whom you gave me, I have lost not even one.

9 這要應驗耶穌從前的話,說:「你所賜給我的人,我沒有失落一個。」

10 But Simon Peter had a sword, and he drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malech.

10 西門.彼得帶著一把刀,就拔出來,將大祭司的僕人襲了一把[smote],削掉他的右耳;那僕人名叫馬勒古。

11 And Jesus said to Peter, Put the sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup which my Father has given me?

11 耶穌就對彼得說:「收刀入鞘吧,我父所給我的那杯,我豈可不喝呢?」

12 Then the soldiers and the captains, and the Jewish guards seized Jesus and bound him,

12 那隊兵和軍長[captain],並猶太人的差役就拿住耶穌,把他捆綁了,

13 And they brought him first to Annas, because he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the high priest of that year.

13 先帶到亞那面前,因為亞那是本年作大祭司該亞法的岳父。

14 Caiaphas was the one who had counselled the Jews, that it was better for one man to die instead of the people.

14 這該亞法就是從前向猶太人發議論,說「一個人替百姓死是有益的」那位。

15 Simon Peter and one of the other disciples followed Jesus. The high priest knew that disciple, so he entered with Jesus into the courtyard.

15 西門.彼得跟著耶穌,還有一個門徒跟著。那門徒是大祭司所認識的,他就同耶穌進了大祭司的院子。

16 But Simon stood outside near the door. Then the other disciple, whom the high priest knew, went out and told the portress, and brought in Simon.

16 彼得卻站在門外。大祭司所認識的那個門徒出來,和看門的使女說了一聲,就領彼得進去。

17 The young portress then said to Simon, Why, are you also one of the disciples of this man? He said to her, No.

17 那看門的女子[damsel]對彼得說:「你不也是這人的門徒嗎?」他說:「我不是。」

18 And the servants and guards were standing and making a fire, to warm themselves because it was cold; Simon also stood with them and warmed himself.

18 僕人和差役因為天冷,就生了炭火;他們就[and they]站在那裏烤火自暖[warmed themselves]。彼得也同他們站著烤火自暖[warmed himself]

19 The high priest then questioned Jesus concerning his disciples and concerning his teaching.

19 大祭司就以耶穌的門徒和他的道理[doctrine]盤問他。

20 Jesus said to him, I have spoken openly to the people, and I have always taught in the synagogue and in the temple, where all Jews assemble; and I have spoken nothing secretly.

20 耶穌回答說:「我從來是明明的對世人說話。我常在會堂和殿裏,就是猶太人常常[always]聚集的地方教訓人;我在暗地裏並沒有說甚麼。

21 Why do you ask me? ask those who heard what I have spoken to them; behold, they know everything which I said.

21 你為甚麼問我呢?可以問那聽見的人,我對他們說的是甚麼;看哪[behold],我所說的,他們都知道。」

22 And as he said these things, one of the guards who stood by, struck Jesus on his cheek, and said to him, Is this how you answer the high priest?

22 耶穌說了這話,旁邊站著的一個差役用手掌打他,說:「你這樣回答大祭司嗎?」

23 Jesus answered and said to him, If I have spoken any evil, testify to the evil; but if it is good, why did you strike me?

23 耶穌說:「我若說的不是,你可以指證那不是;我若說的是,你為甚麼打我呢?」

24 Annas then sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas the high priest.

24 亞那就把耶穌[sent]到大祭司該亞法那裏,仍是捆著[bound]去的。

25 Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They said to him, Why, are you also one of his disciples? He denied and said, I am not.

25 西門.彼得站著烤火自暖[stood and warmed himself]於是[therefore]他們[They]對他說:「你不也是他的門徒嗎?」彼得不承認這事[it],說:「我不是。」

26 Then one of the servants of the high priest, a kinsman of him whose ear Simon had cut off, Did I not see you with him in the garden?

26 有大祭司的一個僕人,是彼得削掉耳朵那人的親屬,說:「我不是看見你同他在園子裏嗎?」

27 Simon again denied; and at that very hour the cock crew.

27 彼得又不承認;立時雞就叫了。

28 Then they brought Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium; and it was morning; and they did not enter into the praetorium, so that they may not be defiled before they ate the passover.

28 眾人將耶穌從該亞法那裏往審判廳[judgment hall][led]去,那時天還早。他們自己卻不進審判廳[judgment hall],恐怕染了污穢,不能吃逾越節的筵席。

29 Pilate then went outside where they were, and said to them, What accusation do you have against this man?

29 彼拉多就出來,到他們那裏,說:「你們告這人是為甚麼事呢?」

30 They answered and said to him, If he were not an evil-doer, we would not have delivered him up also to you.

30 他們回答[him]說:「這人若不是作惡的,我們就不把他交給你。」

31 Then said Pilate to them, Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your own law. The Jews said to him, We have no power to kill a man;

31 彼拉多便[Then]對他們[unto them]說:「你們自己帶他去,按著你們的律法審問他吧。」猶太人[therefore]對他[unto him]說:「我們沒有把人治死[put any men to death]的權柄。」

32 So that the word which Jesus had said might be fulfilled, when he signified by what kind of death he was to die.

32 這要應驗耶穌所說自己將要怎樣死的話了。

33 Pilate then entered into the praetorium, and called Jesus and said to him. Are you the King of the Jews?

33 彼拉多又進了審判廳[judgment hall],叫耶穌來,對他說:「你是猶太人的王嗎?」

34 Jesus said to him, Do you say this of yourself, or have others told it to you concerning me?

34 耶穌回答說:「這話是你自己說的,還是別人論我對你說的呢?」

35 Pilate said to him, Why, am I a Jew? Your own people and the high priests have delivered you to me; what have you done?

35 彼拉多說:「我豈是猶太人呢?你本國的人和祭司長把你交給我。你作了甚麼事呢?」

36 Jesus said to him, My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have fought so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here.

36 耶穌回答說:「我的國不屬這世界;我的國若屬這世界,我的臣僕必要爭戰,使我不至於被交給猶太人;只是如今[now]我的國不屬這世界。」

37 Pilate said to him, Then are you a king? Jesus said to him, You say that I am a king.* For this I was born, and for this very thing I came to the world, that I may bear witness concerning the truth. Whoever is of the truth will hear my voice.

37 彼拉多就對他說:「這樣,你是王嗎?」耶穌回答說:「你說我是王。我為此而生,也為此來到世間,特為給真理作見證。凡屬真理的人就聽我的話。」

38 Pilate said to him, What is this truth? And as he said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I am unable to find even one cause against him.

38 彼拉多說:「真理是甚麼呢?」說了這話,又出來到猶太人那裏,對他們說:「我查不出他有甚麼[fault]來。

39 You have a custom that I should release to you one at the passover; do you wish, therefore, that I release to you this ôking of the Jewsö?

39 但你們有個規矩,在逾越節要我給你們釋放一個人;故此[therefore],你們要我給你們釋放猶太人的王嗎?」

40 They all cried out saying, Not him, but Bar-Abbas. Now this Bar-Abbas was a bandit.

40 他們又[all]喊著說:「不要這人,要巴拉巴。」這巴拉巴是個強盜。