

1 王遣人召猶大耶路撒冷諸長老、

2 及其居民、祭司、先知、由尊逮卑、咸入耶和華殿、王誦殿中所得之約書、使民咸聞。

3 王立於臺、在耶和華前立約、一心一志、從事耶和華、守其禁令、法度禮儀、遵約書所載、民咸樂從。

4 王命祭司長希勒家、及祭司之次者、曁閽人、取所奉巴力亞大綠及天象之器皿、出耶和華殿、燬於耶路撒冷外、汲淪田間、攜其灰至伯特利。

5 昔猶大列王、立祭司、在猶大諸邑、及耶路撒冷四周、崇坵之上、焚香奉巴力、日月、十二躔次、及諸天象、至是約西亞廢其職、

6 耶和華殿所有之亞大綠像、出耶路撒冷外、燬於汲淪溪濱、擣之成粉、揚於民塚。

7 昔耶和華殿側、羣女織亞大綠幕、旁有孌童之室、約西亞毀之。

8 昔自基巴至別是巴、皆有崇坵、衆祭司焚香其上、今爲約西亞所汚、邑宰約書亞門左、亦有崇坵、約西亞毀之、

9 徙猶大諸邑崇坵之祭司於耶路撒冷、不許附耶和華祭壇、惟在同儕中食無酵餅而已。

10 在便欣嫩谷之陀法、約西亞汚之、免人在彼焚獻子女、以奉摩洛。

11 昔猶大列王、獻馬以奉日、畜於耶和華殿側、宦豎拿單米勒室旁之廊、約西亞去之、奉日之車、亦爲其所燬。

12 猶大列王曾築祭壇、置於亞哈士樓巔、馬拿西亦築祭壇、置於耶和華殿二院中、皆爲王所毀、清其灰於汲淪溪濱。

13 昔以色列王所羅門、在耶路撒冷邪僻山側、曾築崇坵、奉西頓人可惡之物亞大綠、摩押人可惡之物基抹、亞捫族可惡之物密君、皆爲王所汚、

14 毀其像、斫其偶、以骸骨充其所。

15 昔尼八子耶羅破暗、陷以色列族於罪戾、在伯特利立崇坵、築祭壇、約西亞毀其祭壇、廢其崇坵、焚其偶像、擣之成粉。

16 約西亞囘視山旁之墓、遣人取其骨、焚於祭壇以汚之、應上帝僕奉耶和華所宣之言。

17 約西亞見碑、問曰、斯何碑也。邑人曰、昔上帝之僕、自猶大而來、預言爾所行於伯特利壇之事、斯其墓也。

18 王曰、毋遷其骨、遂弗遷。撒馬利亞先知之骨亦弗遷。

19 昔以色列列王、在撒馬利亞諸邑、作崇坵之室、干耶和華震怒、約西亞毀之、無異於伯特利所行、

20 在壇殺崇坵之祭司、焚人骨於上、後歸耶路撒冷。

21 王命億兆曰、爾當守爾上帝耶和華之逾越節禮、循約書所載。

22 約西亞王十八年、在耶路撒冷守逾越節禮、奉事耶和華、

23 自士師治以色列、以及列王統轄以色列猶大之時、守逾越節禮者、未有若是之盛也。

24 猶大地及耶路撒冷邑、見有憑於卜神、巫覡、以及偶像可惡之物、約西亞盡去之、遵祭司希勒家在耶和華殿所得律法之書。

25 約西亞循摩西律例、一心一志、盡其能力、歸於耶和華、自昔迄今、至於後世、未有王若是之善也。

26 然馬拿西作不善、干耶和華震怒、故耶和華之於猶大族怒猶未息。

27 耶和華曰、我將驅猶大族、與驅以色列族無異、昔我簡耶路撒冷、爰及此殿、爲龥我名之所、今必厭棄之。

28 約西亞事實、備載於猶大列王紀畧。

29 當時埃及王法老尼哥、往百辣河、攻亞述王、約西亞王禦之、被殺於米吉多。

30 臣僕舁其屍、載之於車、自米吉多至耶路撒冷、葬於墓、斯土之民立約西亞子約哈斯爲王、沐之以膏、使繼父位。

31 約哈斯乃立拿人耶利米女哈母達所出、年二十有三、卽位於耶路撒冷、僅歷三月、

32 行惡於耶和華前、惟列祖所爲是效、

33 法老尼哥幽之於哈末之立拉、不許在耶路撒冷爲王、厥後放之、至埃及而薨。

34 法老尼哥徵猶大民銀十五萬、金千有五百、使約西亞子以利亞金代父爲王、易名約雅金。

35 約亞金遵法老尼哥命、徵斯土之稅、橫征居民、各以其金餽法老尼哥。

36 約雅金乃魯馬人比太亞女西布大所出、年二十有五、卽位於耶路撒冷、凡歷十一年、

37 行惡於耶和華前、惟列祖所爲是效。

2 Kings

Chapter 23

1 And the king4428 sent,7971 and they gathered622 to him all3605 the elders2205 of Judah3063 and of Jerusalem.3389

2 And the king4428 went5927 up into the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and all3605 the men376 of Judah3063 and all3605 the inhabitants3427 of Jerusalem3389 with him, and the priests,3548 and the prophets,5030 and all3605 the people,5971 both small6996 and great:1419 and he read7121 in their ears241 all3605 the words1697 of the book5612 of the covenant1285 which was found4672 in the house1004 of the LORD.3068

3 And the king4428 stood5975 by a pillar,5982 and made3772 a covenant1285 before6440 the LORD,3068 to walk3212 after310 the LORD,3068 and to keep8104 his commandments4687 and his testimonies5715 and his statutes2708 with all3605 their heart3820 and all3605 their soul,5315 to perform6965 the words1697 of this2063 covenant1285 that were written3789 in this2088 book.5612 And all3605 the people5971 stood5975 to the covenant.1285

4 And the king4428 commanded6680 Hilkiah2518 the high1419 priest,3548 and the priests3548 of the second4932 order, and the keepers8104 of the door,5592 to bring3318 forth3318 out of the temple1964 of the LORD3068 all3605 the vessels3627 that were made for Baal,1168 and for the grove,842 and for all3605 the host6635 of heaven:8064 and he burned8313 them without2351 Jerusalem3389 in the fields7709 of Kidron,6939 and carried5375 the ashes6083 of them to Bethel.1008

5 And he put7673 down7673 the idolatrous3649 priests, whom834 the kings4428 of Judah3063 had ordained5414 to burn6999 incense6999 in the high1116 places in the cities5892 of Judah,3063 and in the places round4524 about Jerusalem;3389 them also that burned6999 incense6999 to Baal,1168 to the sun,8121 and to the moon,3394 and to the planets,4208 and to all3605 the host6635 of heaven.8064

6 And he brought3318 out the grove842 from the house1004 of the LORD,3068 without2351 Jerusalem,3389 to the brook5158 Kidron,6939 and burned8313 it at the brook5158 Kidron,6939 and stamped1854 it small1854 to powder,6083 and cast7993 the powder6083 thereof on the graves6913 of the children1121 of the people.5971

7 And he broke5422 down5422 the houses1004 of the sodomites,6945 that were by the house1004 of the LORD,3068 where834 8033 the women802 wove707 hangings1004 for the grove.842

8 And he brought935 all3605 the priests3548 out of the cities5892 of Judah,3063 and defiled2930 the high1116 places where834 8033 the priests3548 had burned6999 incense,6999 from Geba1387 to Beersheba,884 and broke5422 down the high1116 places of the gates8179 that were in the entering6607 in of the gate8179 of Joshua3091 the governor8269 of the city,5892 which834 were on5921 a man's376 left8040 hand at the gate8179 of the city.5892

9 Nevertheless389 the priests3548 of the high1116 places came5927 not up to the altar4196 of the LORD3068 in Jerusalem,3389 but they did eat398 of the unleavened4682 bread among8432 their brothers.251

10 And he defiled2930 Topheth,8612 which834 is in the valley1516 of the children1121 of Hinnom,2011 that no1115 man376 might make his son1121 or his daughter1323 to pass5674 through the fire784 to Molech.4432

11 And he took7673 away7673 the horses5483 that the kings4428 of Judah3063 had given5414 to the sun,8121 at the entering935 in of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 by the chamber3957 of Nathanmelech5419 the chamberlain,5631 which834 was in the suburbs,6503 and burned8313 the chariots7393 of the sun8121 with fire.784

12 And the altars4196 that were on5921 the top1406 of the upper5944 chamber5944 of Ahaz,271 which834 the kings4428 of Judah3063 had made,6213 and the altars4196 which834 Manasseh4519 had made6213 in the two8147 courts2691 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 did the king4428 beat5422 down, and broke7323 them down7323 from there,8033 and cast7993 the dust6083 of them into413 the brook5158 Kidron.6939

13 And the high1116 places that were before5921 6440 Jerusalem,3389 which834 were on the right3225 hand3225 of the mount2022 of corruption,4889 which834 Solomon8010 the king4428 of Israel3478 had built1129 for Ashtoreth6252 the abomination8251 of the Zidonians,6722 and for Chemosh3645 the abomination8251 of the Moabites,4124 and for Milcom4445 the abomination8441 of the children1121 of Ammon,5983 did the king4428 defile.2930

14 And he broke7665 in pieces the images,4676 and cut3772 down the groves,842 and filled4390 their places4725 with the bones6106 of men.120

15 Moreover1571 the altar4196 that was at Bethel,1008 and the high1116 place which834 Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin,2398 had made,6213 both1571 that altar4196 and the high1116 place he broke5422 down,5422 and burned8313 the high1116 place, and stamped1854 it small1854 to powder,6083 and burned8313 the grove.842

16 And as Josiah2977 turned6437 himself, he spied7200 the sepulchers6913 that were there8033 in the mount,2022 and sent,7971 and took3947 the bones6106 out of the sepulchers,6913 and burned8313 them on the altar,4196 and polluted2930 it, according to the word1697 of the LORD3068 which834 the man376 of God430 proclaimed,7121 who834 proclaimed7121 these428 words.1697

17 Then he said,559 What4100 title6725 is that that I see?7200 And the men582 of the city5892 told559 him, It is the sepulcher6913 of the man376 of God,430 which834 came935 from Judah,3063 and proclaimed7121 these428 things1697 that you have done6213 against5921 the altar4196 of Bethel.1008

18 And he said,559 Let3240 him alone; let3240 no408 man376 move5128 his bones.6106 So they let his bones6106 alone,4422 with the bones6106 of the prophet5030 that came935 out of Samaria.8111

19 And all3605 the houses1004 also1571 of the high1116 places that were in the cities5892 of Samaria,8111 which834 the kings4428 of Israel3478 had made6213 to provoke the Lord to anger,3707 Josiah2977 took5493 away,5493 and did6213 to them according to all3605 the acts4639 that he had done6213 in Bethel.1008

20 And he slew2076 all3605 the priests3548 of the high1116 places that were there8033 on the altars,4196 and burned8313 men's120 bones6106 on them, and returned7725 to Jerusalem.3389

21 And the king4428 commanded6680 all3605 the people,5971 saying,559 Keep6213 the passover6453 to the LORD3068 your God,430 as it is written3789 in the book5612 of this2088 covenant.1285

22 Surely3588 there was not held6213 such2088 a passover6453 from the days3117 of the judges8199 that judged8199 Israel,3478 nor in all3605 the days3117 of the kings4428 of Israel,3478 nor of the kings4428 of Judah;3063

23 But in the eighteenth6240 year8141 of king4428 Josiah,2977 wherein this2088 passover6453 was held6213 to the LORD3068 in Jerusalem.3389

24 Moreover1571 the workers with familiar spirits,178 and the wizards,3049 and the images,8655 and the idols,1544 and all3605 the abominations8251 that were spied7200 in the land776 of Judah3063 and in Jerusalem,3389 did Josiah2977 put1197 away,1197 that he might perform6965 the words1697 of the law8451 which were written3789 in the book5612 that Hilkiah2518 the priest3548 found4672 in the house1004 of the LORD.3068

25 And like3644 to him was there no3808 king4428 before6440 him, that turned7725 to the LORD3068 with all3605 his heart,3824 and with all3605 his soul,5315 and with all3605 his might,3966 according to all3605 the law8451 of Moses;4872 neither3808 after310 him arose6965 there any like3644 him.

26 Notwithstanding389 the LORD3068 turned7725 not from the fierceness2740 of his great1419 wrath,639 with which834 his anger639 was kindled2734 against Judah,3063 because5921 of all3605 the provocations3708 that Manasseh4519 had provoked3707 him with.

27 And the LORD3068 said,559 I will remove5493 Judah3063 also1571 out of my sight,6440 as I have removed5493 Israel,3478 and will cast3988 off this2063 city5892 Jerusalem3389 which834 I have chosen,977 and the house1004 of which834 I said,559 My name8034 shall be there.8033

28 Now the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Josiah,2977 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Judah?3063

29 In his days3117 Pharaohnechoh6549 king4428 of Egypt4714 went5927 up against5921 the king4428 of Assyria804 to the river5104 Euphrates:6578 and king4428 Josiah2977 went3212 against7125 him; and he slew4191 him at Megiddo,4023 when he had seen7200 him.

30 And his servants5650 carried7392 him in a chariot dead4191 from Megiddo,4023 and brought935 him to Jerusalem,3389 and buried6912 him in his own sepulcher.6900 And the people5971 of the land776 took3947 Jehoahaz3059 the son1121 of Josiah,2977 and anointed4886 him, and made him king4427 in his father's1 stead.8478

31 Jehoahaz3059 was twenty6242 and three7969 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign;4427 and he reigned4427 three7969 months2320 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Hamutal,2537 the daughter1323 of Jeremiah3414 of Libnah.3841

32 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 according to all3605 that his fathers1 had done.6213

33 And Pharaohnechoh6549 put him in bands631 at Riblah7247 in the land776 of Hamath,2574 that he might not reign4427 in Jerusalem;3389 and put the land776 to a tribute6066 of an hundred3967 talents3603 of silver,3701 and a talent3603 of gold.2091

34 And Pharaohnechoh6549 made Eliakim471 the son1121 of Josiah2977 king4427 in the room8478 of Josiah2977 his father,1 and turned5437 his name8034 to Jehoiakim,3079 and took3947 Jehoahaz3059 away: and he came935 to Egypt,4714 and died4191 there.8033

35 And Jehoiakim3079 gave5414 the silver3701 and the gold2091 to Pharaoh;6547 but he taxed6186 the land776 to give5414 the money3701 according5921 to the commandment6310 of Pharaoh:6547 he exacted5065 the silver3701 and the gold2091 of the people5971 of the land,776 of every376 one376 according to his taxation,6187 to give5414 it to Pharaohnechoh.6549

36 Jehoiakim3079 was twenty6242 and five2568 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign;4427 and he reigned4427 eleven259 6240 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Zebudah,2081 the daughter1323 of Pedaiah6305 of Rumah.7316

37 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 according to all3605 that his fathers1 had done.6213



2 Kings

Chapter 23

1 王遣人召猶大耶路撒冷諸長老、

1 And the king4428 sent,7971 and they gathered622 to him all3605 the elders2205 of Judah3063 and of Jerusalem.3389

2 及其居民、祭司、先知、由尊逮卑、咸入耶和華殿、王誦殿中所得之約書、使民咸聞。

2 And the king4428 went5927 up into the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and all3605 the men376 of Judah3063 and all3605 the inhabitants3427 of Jerusalem3389 with him, and the priests,3548 and the prophets,5030 and all3605 the people,5971 both small6996 and great:1419 and he read7121 in their ears241 all3605 the words1697 of the book5612 of the covenant1285 which was found4672 in the house1004 of the LORD.3068

3 王立於臺、在耶和華前立約、一心一志、從事耶和華、守其禁令、法度禮儀、遵約書所載、民咸樂從。

3 And the king4428 stood5975 by a pillar,5982 and made3772 a covenant1285 before6440 the LORD,3068 to walk3212 after310 the LORD,3068 and to keep8104 his commandments4687 and his testimonies5715 and his statutes2708 with all3605 their heart3820 and all3605 their soul,5315 to perform6965 the words1697 of this2063 covenant1285 that were written3789 in this2088 book.5612 And all3605 the people5971 stood5975 to the covenant.1285

4 王命祭司長希勒家、及祭司之次者、曁閽人、取所奉巴力亞大綠及天象之器皿、出耶和華殿、燬於耶路撒冷外、汲淪田間、攜其灰至伯特利。

4 And the king4428 commanded6680 Hilkiah2518 the high1419 priest,3548 and the priests3548 of the second4932 order, and the keepers8104 of the door,5592 to bring3318 forth3318 out of the temple1964 of the LORD3068 all3605 the vessels3627 that were made for Baal,1168 and for the grove,842 and for all3605 the host6635 of heaven:8064 and he burned8313 them without2351 Jerusalem3389 in the fields7709 of Kidron,6939 and carried5375 the ashes6083 of them to Bethel.1008

5 昔猶大列王、立祭司、在猶大諸邑、及耶路撒冷四周、崇坵之上、焚香奉巴力、日月、十二躔次、及諸天象、至是約西亞廢其職、

5 And he put7673 down7673 the idolatrous3649 priests, whom834 the kings4428 of Judah3063 had ordained5414 to burn6999 incense6999 in the high1116 places in the cities5892 of Judah,3063 and in the places round4524 about Jerusalem;3389 them also that burned6999 incense6999 to Baal,1168 to the sun,8121 and to the moon,3394 and to the planets,4208 and to all3605 the host6635 of heaven.8064

6 耶和華殿所有之亞大綠像、出耶路撒冷外、燬於汲淪溪濱、擣之成粉、揚於民塚。

6 And he brought3318 out the grove842 from the house1004 of the LORD,3068 without2351 Jerusalem,3389 to the brook5158 Kidron,6939 and burned8313 it at the brook5158 Kidron,6939 and stamped1854 it small1854 to powder,6083 and cast7993 the powder6083 thereof on the graves6913 of the children1121 of the people.5971

7 昔耶和華殿側、羣女織亞大綠幕、旁有孌童之室、約西亞毀之。

7 And he broke5422 down5422 the houses1004 of the sodomites,6945 that were by the house1004 of the LORD,3068 where834 8033 the women802 wove707 hangings1004 for the grove.842

8 昔自基巴至別是巴、皆有崇坵、衆祭司焚香其上、今爲約西亞所汚、邑宰約書亞門左、亦有崇坵、約西亞毀之、

8 And he brought935 all3605 the priests3548 out of the cities5892 of Judah,3063 and defiled2930 the high1116 places where834 8033 the priests3548 had burned6999 incense,6999 from Geba1387 to Beersheba,884 and broke5422 down the high1116 places of the gates8179 that were in the entering6607 in of the gate8179 of Joshua3091 the governor8269 of the city,5892 which834 were on5921 a man's376 left8040 hand at the gate8179 of the city.5892

9 徙猶大諸邑崇坵之祭司於耶路撒冷、不許附耶和華祭壇、惟在同儕中食無酵餅而已。

9 Nevertheless389 the priests3548 of the high1116 places came5927 not up to the altar4196 of the LORD3068 in Jerusalem,3389 but they did eat398 of the unleavened4682 bread among8432 their brothers.251

10 在便欣嫩谷之陀法、約西亞汚之、免人在彼焚獻子女、以奉摩洛。

10 And he defiled2930 Topheth,8612 which834 is in the valley1516 of the children1121 of Hinnom,2011 that no1115 man376 might make his son1121 or his daughter1323 to pass5674 through the fire784 to Molech.4432

11 昔猶大列王、獻馬以奉日、畜於耶和華殿側、宦豎拿單米勒室旁之廊、約西亞去之、奉日之車、亦爲其所燬。

11 And he took7673 away7673 the horses5483 that the kings4428 of Judah3063 had given5414 to the sun,8121 at the entering935 in of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 by the chamber3957 of Nathanmelech5419 the chamberlain,5631 which834 was in the suburbs,6503 and burned8313 the chariots7393 of the sun8121 with fire.784

12 猶大列王曾築祭壇、置於亞哈士樓巔、馬拿西亦築祭壇、置於耶和華殿二院中、皆爲王所毀、清其灰於汲淪溪濱。

12 And the altars4196 that were on5921 the top1406 of the upper5944 chamber5944 of Ahaz,271 which834 the kings4428 of Judah3063 had made,6213 and the altars4196 which834 Manasseh4519 had made6213 in the two8147 courts2691 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 did the king4428 beat5422 down, and broke7323 them down7323 from there,8033 and cast7993 the dust6083 of them into413 the brook5158 Kidron.6939

13 昔以色列王所羅門、在耶路撒冷邪僻山側、曾築崇坵、奉西頓人可惡之物亞大綠、摩押人可惡之物基抹、亞捫族可惡之物密君、皆爲王所汚、

13 And the high1116 places that were before5921 6440 Jerusalem,3389 which834 were on the right3225 hand3225 of the mount2022 of corruption,4889 which834 Solomon8010 the king4428 of Israel3478 had built1129 for Ashtoreth6252 the abomination8251 of the Zidonians,6722 and for Chemosh3645 the abomination8251 of the Moabites,4124 and for Milcom4445 the abomination8441 of the children1121 of Ammon,5983 did the king4428 defile.2930

14 毀其像、斫其偶、以骸骨充其所。

14 And he broke7665 in pieces the images,4676 and cut3772 down the groves,842 and filled4390 their places4725 with the bones6106 of men.120

15 昔尼八子耶羅破暗、陷以色列族於罪戾、在伯特利立崇坵、築祭壇、約西亞毀其祭壇、廢其崇坵、焚其偶像、擣之成粉。

15 Moreover1571 the altar4196 that was at Bethel,1008 and the high1116 place which834 Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin,2398 had made,6213 both1571 that altar4196 and the high1116 place he broke5422 down,5422 and burned8313 the high1116 place, and stamped1854 it small1854 to powder,6083 and burned8313 the grove.842

16 約西亞囘視山旁之墓、遣人取其骨、焚於祭壇以汚之、應上帝僕奉耶和華所宣之言。

16 And as Josiah2977 turned6437 himself, he spied7200 the sepulchers6913 that were there8033 in the mount,2022 and sent,7971 and took3947 the bones6106 out of the sepulchers,6913 and burned8313 them on the altar,4196 and polluted2930 it, according to the word1697 of the LORD3068 which834 the man376 of God430 proclaimed,7121 who834 proclaimed7121 these428 words.1697

17 約西亞見碑、問曰、斯何碑也。邑人曰、昔上帝之僕、自猶大而來、預言爾所行於伯特利壇之事、斯其墓也。

17 Then he said,559 What4100 title6725 is that that I see?7200 And the men582 of the city5892 told559 him, It is the sepulcher6913 of the man376 of God,430 which834 came935 from Judah,3063 and proclaimed7121 these428 things1697 that you have done6213 against5921 the altar4196 of Bethel.1008

18 王曰、毋遷其骨、遂弗遷。撒馬利亞先知之骨亦弗遷。

18 And he said,559 Let3240 him alone; let3240 no408 man376 move5128 his bones.6106 So they let his bones6106 alone,4422 with the bones6106 of the prophet5030 that came935 out of Samaria.8111

19 昔以色列列王、在撒馬利亞諸邑、作崇坵之室、干耶和華震怒、約西亞毀之、無異於伯特利所行、

19 And all3605 the houses1004 also1571 of the high1116 places that were in the cities5892 of Samaria,8111 which834 the kings4428 of Israel3478 had made6213 to provoke the Lord to anger,3707 Josiah2977 took5493 away,5493 and did6213 to them according to all3605 the acts4639 that he had done6213 in Bethel.1008

20 在壇殺崇坵之祭司、焚人骨於上、後歸耶路撒冷。

20 And he slew2076 all3605 the priests3548 of the high1116 places that were there8033 on the altars,4196 and burned8313 men's120 bones6106 on them, and returned7725 to Jerusalem.3389

21 王命億兆曰、爾當守爾上帝耶和華之逾越節禮、循約書所載。

21 And the king4428 commanded6680 all3605 the people,5971 saying,559 Keep6213 the passover6453 to the LORD3068 your God,430 as it is written3789 in the book5612 of this2088 covenant.1285

22 約西亞王十八年、在耶路撒冷守逾越節禮、奉事耶和華、

22 Surely3588 there was not held6213 such2088 a passover6453 from the days3117 of the judges8199 that judged8199 Israel,3478 nor in all3605 the days3117 of the kings4428 of Israel,3478 nor of the kings4428 of Judah;3063

23 自士師治以色列、以及列王統轄以色列猶大之時、守逾越節禮者、未有若是之盛也。

23 But in the eighteenth6240 year8141 of king4428 Josiah,2977 wherein this2088 passover6453 was held6213 to the LORD3068 in Jerusalem.3389

24 猶大地及耶路撒冷邑、見有憑於卜神、巫覡、以及偶像可惡之物、約西亞盡去之、遵祭司希勒家在耶和華殿所得律法之書。

24 Moreover1571 the workers with familiar spirits,178 and the wizards,3049 and the images,8655 and the idols,1544 and all3605 the abominations8251 that were spied7200 in the land776 of Judah3063 and in Jerusalem,3389 did Josiah2977 put1197 away,1197 that he might perform6965 the words1697 of the law8451 which were written3789 in the book5612 that Hilkiah2518 the priest3548 found4672 in the house1004 of the LORD.3068

25 約西亞循摩西律例、一心一志、盡其能力、歸於耶和華、自昔迄今、至於後世、未有王若是之善也。

25 And like3644 to him was there no3808 king4428 before6440 him, that turned7725 to the LORD3068 with all3605 his heart,3824 and with all3605 his soul,5315 and with all3605 his might,3966 according to all3605 the law8451 of Moses;4872 neither3808 after310 him arose6965 there any like3644 him.

26 然馬拿西作不善、干耶和華震怒、故耶和華之於猶大族怒猶未息。

26 Notwithstanding389 the LORD3068 turned7725 not from the fierceness2740 of his great1419 wrath,639 with which834 his anger639 was kindled2734 against Judah,3063 because5921 of all3605 the provocations3708 that Manasseh4519 had provoked3707 him with.

27 耶和華曰、我將驅猶大族、與驅以色列族無異、昔我簡耶路撒冷、爰及此殿、爲龥我名之所、今必厭棄之。

27 And the LORD3068 said,559 I will remove5493 Judah3063 also1571 out of my sight,6440 as I have removed5493 Israel,3478 and will cast3988 off this2063 city5892 Jerusalem3389 which834 I have chosen,977 and the house1004 of which834 I said,559 My name8034 shall be there.8033

28 約西亞事實、備載於猶大列王紀畧。

28 Now the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Josiah,2977 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Judah?3063

29 當時埃及王法老尼哥、往百辣河、攻亞述王、約西亞王禦之、被殺於米吉多。

29 In his days3117 Pharaohnechoh6549 king4428 of Egypt4714 went5927 up against5921 the king4428 of Assyria804 to the river5104 Euphrates:6578 and king4428 Josiah2977 went3212 against7125 him; and he slew4191 him at Megiddo,4023 when he had seen7200 him.

30 臣僕舁其屍、載之於車、自米吉多至耶路撒冷、葬於墓、斯土之民立約西亞子約哈斯爲王、沐之以膏、使繼父位。

30 And his servants5650 carried7392 him in a chariot dead4191 from Megiddo,4023 and brought935 him to Jerusalem,3389 and buried6912 him in his own sepulcher.6900 And the people5971 of the land776 took3947 Jehoahaz3059 the son1121 of Josiah,2977 and anointed4886 him, and made him king4427 in his father's1 stead.8478

31 約哈斯乃立拿人耶利米女哈母達所出、年二十有三、卽位於耶路撒冷、僅歷三月、

31 Jehoahaz3059 was twenty6242 and three7969 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign;4427 and he reigned4427 three7969 months2320 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Hamutal,2537 the daughter1323 of Jeremiah3414 of Libnah.3841

32 行惡於耶和華前、惟列祖所爲是效、

32 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 according to all3605 that his fathers1 had done.6213

33 法老尼哥幽之於哈末之立拉、不許在耶路撒冷爲王、厥後放之、至埃及而薨。

33 And Pharaohnechoh6549 put him in bands631 at Riblah7247 in the land776 of Hamath,2574 that he might not reign4427 in Jerusalem;3389 and put the land776 to a tribute6066 of an hundred3967 talents3603 of silver,3701 and a talent3603 of gold.2091

34 法老尼哥徵猶大民銀十五萬、金千有五百、使約西亞子以利亞金代父爲王、易名約雅金。

34 And Pharaohnechoh6549 made Eliakim471 the son1121 of Josiah2977 king4427 in the room8478 of Josiah2977 his father,1 and turned5437 his name8034 to Jehoiakim,3079 and took3947 Jehoahaz3059 away: and he came935 to Egypt,4714 and died4191 there.8033

35 約亞金遵法老尼哥命、徵斯土之稅、橫征居民、各以其金餽法老尼哥。

35 And Jehoiakim3079 gave5414 the silver3701 and the gold2091 to Pharaoh;6547 but he taxed6186 the land776 to give5414 the money3701 according5921 to the commandment6310 of Pharaoh:6547 he exacted5065 the silver3701 and the gold2091 of the people5971 of the land,776 of every376 one376 according to his taxation,6187 to give5414 it to Pharaohnechoh.6549

36 約雅金乃魯馬人比太亞女西布大所出、年二十有五、卽位於耶路撒冷、凡歷十一年、

36 Jehoiakim3079 was twenty6242 and five2568 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign;4427 and he reigned4427 eleven259 6240 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Zebudah,2081 the daughter1323 of Pedaiah6305 of Rumah.7316

37 行惡於耶和華前、惟列祖所爲是效。

37 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 according to all3605 that his fathers1 had done.6213