

1 我所言之純嘏咒詛、旣降臨於爾、爾之上帝耶和華驅逐爾衆、散於四方、而爾追憶是事、與子孫一心一意、歸爾上帝耶和華、遵從其言、

2 併於上節

3 則爾上帝耶和華將矜憫爾曹、使被虜者得返故土、昔散爾於列邦、今必使爾復集。

4 如爾曹被逐至於天涯、爾之上帝耶和華必使由彼而歸。

5 爾祖所得據之土、爾之上帝耶和華必使爾恢復、仍據其地、降福於爾、使爾昌熾、較祖尤衆。

6 爾之上帝耶和華將潔爾心、爰及苗裔、使一心一意、愛爾上帝耶和華可以得生。

7 爾之上帝耶和華必以是詛降於爾敵、及銜憾爾、追襲爾者。

8 爾將旋歸、服事耶和華、遵我今日所傳之命。

9 如爾聽從爾上帝耶和華命、守此律法所載之禁令禮儀、一心一意、歸爾上帝耶和華、則爾所作爲、及身之所生、畜之所產、土之所出、爾上帝之耶和華必使豐裕、昔嘗悅爾祖、今必悅爾曹、以降福祉。

10 併於上節

11 我今日所諭爾之命、非行之甚難、非離爾甚遠不在天上、

12 勿意謂孰能升天、攜之以至、俾我聽從。

13 不在海外、勿意謂誰能濟海、攜之以至、俾我聽從。

14 蓋道在邇、在爾口、在爾心、爾其遵行。

15 我於今日、或以生命純嘏、或以死亡災害、置於爾前。

16 如我今所諭、爾誠聽從、愛爾上帝耶和華、遵從其道、守其禁令、禮儀法度、則爾可得生、寖昌寖熾、爾之上帝耶和華、必於爾所往據有之地、降以福祉。

17 如爾心違逆不從斯命、見誘於人、服事崇拜他上帝、

18 我明告爾、爾必滅亡、今濟約但據有斯土、不得享遐齡。

19 我今指天地以立證、我以生命死亡、純嘏咒詛、置於爾前、爾簡生命、俾得爾生、爰及子孫。

20 汝當愛爾上帝耶和華、聽從其言、恒供役事、耶和華賜爾得生命、享遐齡。昔耶和華誓爾祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、以斯土賜爾、爾可安居焉。


Chapter 30

1 And it shall come to pass,1961 when3588 all3605 these428 things1697 are come935 upon5921 thee, the blessing1293 and the curse,7045 which834 I have set5414 before6440 thee, and thou shalt call7725 them to413 mind3824 among all3605 the nations,1471 whither834 8033 the LORD3068 thy God430 hath driven5080 thee,

2 And shalt return7725 unto5704 the LORD3068 thy God,430 and shalt obey8085 his voice6963 according to all3605 that834 I595 command6680 thee this day,3117 thou859 and thy children,1121 with all3605 thine heart,3824 and with all3605 thy soul;5315

3 That then the LORD3068 thy God430 will turn7725 853 thy captivity,7622 and have compassion7355 upon thee, and will return7725 and gather6908 thee from all4480 3605 the nations,5971 whither834 8033 the LORD3068 thy God430 hath scattered6327 thee.

4 If518 any of thine be1961 driven out5080 unto the outermost7097 parts of heaven,8064 from thence4480 8033 will the LORD3068 thy God430 gather6908 thee, and from thence4480 8033 will he fetch3947 thee:

5 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will bring935 thee into413 the land776 which834 thy fathers1 possessed,3423 and thou shalt possess3423 it; and he will do thee good,3190 and multiply7235 thee above thy fathers.4480 1

6 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will circumcise4135 853 thine heart,3824 and the heart3824 of thy seed,2233 to love157 853 the LORD3068 thy God430 with all3605 thine heart,3824 and with all3605 thy soul,5315 that4616 thou mayest live.2416

7 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will put5414 853 all3605 these428 curses423 upon5921 thine enemies,341 and on5921 them that hate8130 thee, which834 persecuted7291 thee.

8 And thou859 shalt return7725 and obey8085 the voice6963 of the LORD,3068 and do6213 853 all3605 his commandments4687 which834 I595 command6680 thee this day.3117

9 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will make thee plenteous3498 in every3605 work4639 of thine hand,3027 in the fruit6529 of thy body,990 and in the fruit6529 of thy cattle,929 and in the fruit6529 of thy land,127 for good:2896 for3588 the LORD3068 will again7725 rejoice7797 over5921 thee for good,2896 as834 he rejoiced7797 over5921 thy fathers: 1

10 If3588 thou shalt hearken8085 unto the voice6963 of the LORD3068 thy God,430 to keep8104 his commandments4687 and his statutes2708 which are written3789 in this2088 book5612 of the law,8451 and if3588 thou turn7725 unto413 the LORD3068 thy God430 with all3605 thine heart,3824 and with all3605 thy soul.5315

11 For3588 this2063 commandment4687 which834 I595 command6680 thee this day,3117 it1931 is not3808 hidden6381 from4480 thee, neither3808 is it1931 far off.7350

12 It1931 is not3808 in heaven,8064 that thou shouldest say,559 Who4310 shall go up5927 for us to heaven,8064 and bring3947 it unto us, that we may hear8085 it, and do6213 it?

13 Neither3808 is it1931 beyond4480 5676 the sea,3220 that thou shouldest say,559 Who4310 shall go5674 over413 5676 the sea3220 for us, and bring3947 it unto us, that we may hear8085 it, and do6213 it?

14 But3588 the word1697 is very3966 nigh7138 unto413 thee, in thy mouth,6310 and in thy heart,3824 that thou mayest do6213 it.

15 See,7200 I have set5414 before6440 thee this day3117 853 life2416 and good,2896 and death4194 and evil;7451

16 In that834 I595 command6680 thee this day3117 to love157 853 the LORD3068 thy God,430 to walk1980 in his ways,1870 and to keep8104 his commandments4687 and his statutes2708 and his judgments,4941 that thou mayest live2421 and multiply:7235 and the LORD3068 thy God430 shall bless1288 thee in the land776 whither834 8033 thou859 goest935 to possess3423 it.

17 But if518 thine heart3824 turn away,6437 so that thou wilt not3808 hear,8085 but shalt be drawn away,5080 and worship7812 other312 gods,430 and serve5647 them;

18 I denounce5046 unto you this day,3117 that3588 ye shall surely perish,6 6 and that ye shall not3808 prolong748 your days3117 upon5921 the land,127 whither834 8033 thou859 passest over5674 853 Jordan3383 to go935 to possess3423 it.

19 I call5749 853 heaven8064 and earth776 to record this day3117 against you, that I have set5414 before6440 you life2416 and death,4194 blessing1293 and cursing:7045 therefore choose977 life,2416 that4616 both thou859 and thy seed2233 may live: 2421

20 That thou mayest love157 853 the LORD3068 thy God,430 and that thou mayest obey8085 his voice,6963 and that thou mayest cleave1692 unto him: for3588 he1931 is thy life,2416 and the length753 of thy days:3117 that thou mayest dwell3427 in5921 the land127 which834 the LORD3068 swore7650 unto thy fathers,1 to Abraham,85 to Isaac,3327 and to Jacob,3290 to give5414 them.




Chapter 30

1 我所言之純嘏咒詛、旣降臨於爾、爾之上帝耶和華驅逐爾衆、散於四方、而爾追憶是事、與子孫一心一意、歸爾上帝耶和華、遵從其言、

1 And it shall come to pass,1961 when3588 all3605 these428 things1697 are come935 upon5921 thee, the blessing1293 and the curse,7045 which834 I have set5414 before6440 thee, and thou shalt call7725 them to413 mind3824 among all3605 the nations,1471 whither834 8033 the LORD3068 thy God430 hath driven5080 thee,

2 併於上節

2 And shalt return7725 unto5704 the LORD3068 thy God,430 and shalt obey8085 his voice6963 according to all3605 that834 I595 command6680 thee this day,3117 thou859 and thy children,1121 with all3605 thine heart,3824 and with all3605 thy soul;5315

3 則爾上帝耶和華將矜憫爾曹、使被虜者得返故土、昔散爾於列邦、今必使爾復集。

3 That then the LORD3068 thy God430 will turn7725 853 thy captivity,7622 and have compassion7355 upon thee, and will return7725 and gather6908 thee from all4480 3605 the nations,5971 whither834 8033 the LORD3068 thy God430 hath scattered6327 thee.

4 如爾曹被逐至於天涯、爾之上帝耶和華必使由彼而歸。

4 If518 any of thine be1961 driven out5080 unto the outermost7097 parts of heaven,8064 from thence4480 8033 will the LORD3068 thy God430 gather6908 thee, and from thence4480 8033 will he fetch3947 thee:

5 爾祖所得據之土、爾之上帝耶和華必使爾恢復、仍據其地、降福於爾、使爾昌熾、較祖尤衆。

5 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will bring935 thee into413 the land776 which834 thy fathers1 possessed,3423 and thou shalt possess3423 it; and he will do thee good,3190 and multiply7235 thee above thy fathers.4480 1

6 爾之上帝耶和華將潔爾心、爰及苗裔、使一心一意、愛爾上帝耶和華可以得生。

6 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will circumcise4135 853 thine heart,3824 and the heart3824 of thy seed,2233 to love157 853 the LORD3068 thy God430 with all3605 thine heart,3824 and with all3605 thy soul,5315 that4616 thou mayest live.2416

7 爾之上帝耶和華必以是詛降於爾敵、及銜憾爾、追襲爾者。

7 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will put5414 853 all3605 these428 curses423 upon5921 thine enemies,341 and on5921 them that hate8130 thee, which834 persecuted7291 thee.

8 爾將旋歸、服事耶和華、遵我今日所傳之命。

8 And thou859 shalt return7725 and obey8085 the voice6963 of the LORD,3068 and do6213 853 all3605 his commandments4687 which834 I595 command6680 thee this day.3117

9 如爾聽從爾上帝耶和華命、守此律法所載之禁令禮儀、一心一意、歸爾上帝耶和華、則爾所作爲、及身之所生、畜之所產、土之所出、爾上帝之耶和華必使豐裕、昔嘗悅爾祖、今必悅爾曹、以降福祉。

9 And the LORD3068 thy God430 will make thee plenteous3498 in every3605 work4639 of thine hand,3027 in the fruit6529 of thy body,990 and in the fruit6529 of thy cattle,929 and in the fruit6529 of thy land,127 for good:2896 for3588 the LORD3068 will again7725 rejoice7797 over5921 thee for good,2896 as834 he rejoiced7797 over5921 thy fathers: 1

10 併於上節

10 If3588 thou shalt hearken8085 unto the voice6963 of the LORD3068 thy God,430 to keep8104 his commandments4687 and his statutes2708 which are written3789 in this2088 book5612 of the law,8451 and if3588 thou turn7725 unto413 the LORD3068 thy God430 with all3605 thine heart,3824 and with all3605 thy soul.5315

11 我今日所諭爾之命、非行之甚難、非離爾甚遠不在天上、

11 For3588 this2063 commandment4687 which834 I595 command6680 thee this day,3117 it1931 is not3808 hidden6381 from4480 thee, neither3808 is it1931 far off.7350

12 勿意謂孰能升天、攜之以至、俾我聽從。

12 It1931 is not3808 in heaven,8064 that thou shouldest say,559 Who4310 shall go up5927 for us to heaven,8064 and bring3947 it unto us, that we may hear8085 it, and do6213 it?

13 不在海外、勿意謂誰能濟海、攜之以至、俾我聽從。

13 Neither3808 is it1931 beyond4480 5676 the sea,3220 that thou shouldest say,559 Who4310 shall go5674 over413 5676 the sea3220 for us, and bring3947 it unto us, that we may hear8085 it, and do6213 it?

14 蓋道在邇、在爾口、在爾心、爾其遵行。

14 But3588 the word1697 is very3966 nigh7138 unto413 thee, in thy mouth,6310 and in thy heart,3824 that thou mayest do6213 it.

15 我於今日、或以生命純嘏、或以死亡災害、置於爾前。

15 See,7200 I have set5414 before6440 thee this day3117 853 life2416 and good,2896 and death4194 and evil;7451

16 如我今所諭、爾誠聽從、愛爾上帝耶和華、遵從其道、守其禁令、禮儀法度、則爾可得生、寖昌寖熾、爾之上帝耶和華、必於爾所往據有之地、降以福祉。

16 In that834 I595 command6680 thee this day3117 to love157 853 the LORD3068 thy God,430 to walk1980 in his ways,1870 and to keep8104 his commandments4687 and his statutes2708 and his judgments,4941 that thou mayest live2421 and multiply:7235 and the LORD3068 thy God430 shall bless1288 thee in the land776 whither834 8033 thou859 goest935 to possess3423 it.

17 如爾心違逆不從斯命、見誘於人、服事崇拜他上帝、

17 But if518 thine heart3824 turn away,6437 so that thou wilt not3808 hear,8085 but shalt be drawn away,5080 and worship7812 other312 gods,430 and serve5647 them;

18 我明告爾、爾必滅亡、今濟約但據有斯土、不得享遐齡。

18 I denounce5046 unto you this day,3117 that3588 ye shall surely perish,6 6 and that ye shall not3808 prolong748 your days3117 upon5921 the land,127 whither834 8033 thou859 passest over5674 853 Jordan3383 to go935 to possess3423 it.

19 我今指天地以立證、我以生命死亡、純嘏咒詛、置於爾前、爾簡生命、俾得爾生、爰及子孫。

19 I call5749 853 heaven8064 and earth776 to record this day3117 against you, that I have set5414 before6440 you life2416 and death,4194 blessing1293 and cursing:7045 therefore choose977 life,2416 that4616 both thou859 and thy seed2233 may live: 2421

20 汝當愛爾上帝耶和華、聽從其言、恒供役事、耶和華賜爾得生命、享遐齡。昔耶和華誓爾祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、以斯土賜爾、爾可安居焉。

20 That thou mayest love157 853 the LORD3068 thy God,430 and that thou mayest obey8085 his voice,6963 and that thou mayest cleave1692 unto him: for3588 he1931 is thy life,2416 and the length753 of thy days:3117 that thou mayest dwell3427 in5921 the land127 which834 the LORD3068 swore7650 unto thy fathers,1 to Abraham,85 to Isaac,3327 and to Jacob,3290 to give5414 them.
