

1 惡者雖居顯要、毋懷不平、毋與偕處、

2 其心存奸險、口出莠言。

3 爾欲宮室告成、必用智慧。

4 貨財充棟、必施睿心。

5 智者必有勇、壯夫爲之辟易。

6 先思而後戰、集衆議、國以安。

7 道其高矣哉、愚人不能企及、在公庭不知所措詞。

8 謀不軌者、是謂惡人。

9 頑愚之念、動輒得罪、侮慢之人、衆所深疾。

10 臨難而畏葸、無勇也。

11 無罪而就死地、爾其拯之、

12 勿諉曰不知、鑒察人心、保爾生命者、莫不悉爾隱微、彼豈不視人所行、而加賞罰。

13 爾小子、蜂房之蜜、爾知其味而甘之、

14 智慧在心亦若是、獲之有益、所望必遂。

15 義士安居、惡人勿陰加陷害、

16 蓋義人七敗而復興、惡者一蹶而不振。

17 仇人顛趾而仆、爾勿欣喜、

18 恐耶和華鑒之而不悅、反怒及爾。

19 惡者雖居顯要、勿懷不平。

20 惡者不獲賞、其燈必滅。

21 爾小子、宜畏耶和華而尊王、勿交厭故喜新之人。

22 其災速至、无威國憲、不可逭也。

23 哲士有云、聽訟時毋偏袒。

24 視惡爲善、民人怨詛。

25 譴責惡人、必蒙純嘏、以欣以悅。

26 善於應對、人必接吻以爲禮。

27 先務農事、後建宮室。

28 毋妄證、毋欺人。

29 勿以惡報惡、

30 惰者之田、愚者之園、我嘗過焉。

31 草萊蔓延、荊棘叢生、牆垣傾圮、

32 我觀而思之、遂明其道、

33 人束手而寢、言欲少寐、俄頃卽起、

34 不知貧乏之至、速如行旅、迅如武士。


Chapter 24

1 BE not envious of evil men, neither desire to be with them,

2 For their hearts devise evil and their lips talk of iniquity.

3 Through wisdom a house is built; and by understanding it is established;

4 And by knowledge the inner chambers are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

5 A wise man is better than a strong man; yea, a man of knowledge than a mighty man.

6 For by provocation is war waged; and in a multitude of counsels there is salvation.

7 Wisdom crushes a fool; he opens not his mouth in the gate.

8 He who devises to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.

9 The thought of a fool is sin; and an abomination of men is evil.

10 The wicked shall be driven away by evil in the day of affliction.

11 Deliver those who are led away to death, and spare not to redeem those who are held to be slain.

12 If you say, Behold, I did not know it, then know that it is God who searches the thought of the heart; and he who keeps your soul knows it, and shall render to every man according to his works.

13 My son, eat honey because it is good, and the honeycomb, which is sweet to your taste.

14 Thus shall wisdom find your soul; and you will have good prospects, and your hope shall not be cut off.

15 Do not devise plots of iniquity in the dwelling of the righteous; do not spoil his resting place;

16 For a righteous man falls seven times and rises up again; but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

17 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he is overthrown,

18 Lest the LORD see it and it displease him and he turn away his anger from him.

19 Do not envy evildoers nor be jealous of the wicked;

20 For there shall be no future for evil men, and the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.

21 My son, fear the LORD and give good counsel; and meddle not with the fools;

22 For their calamity shall come suddenly; and who knows the end of their years?

23 These things I say to the wise: It is not good to show partiality in judgment,

24 Nor to say to a wicked man, You are righteous; him shall the people curse, and nations shall abhor him.

25 But to those who rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.

26 The people shall kiss the lips of those who give admonition.

27 Prepare your work out of doors, and make it ready in the field; and afterwards build your house.

28 Be not a false witness against your neighbor; and do not deceive him with your lips.

29 Say not, I will do so to him as he has done to me; I will render to him according to his works.

30 I passed by the field of a sluggard, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding,

31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and its stone wall was broken down.

32 Then I looked upon it, and considered it well, and I received instruction:

33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands upon your chest;

34 So shall poverty come upon you, and want shall overtake you suddenly like a runner.




Chapter 24

1 惡者雖居顯要、毋懷不平、毋與偕處、

1 BE not envious of evil men, neither desire to be with them,

2 其心存奸險、口出莠言。

2 For their hearts devise evil and their lips talk of iniquity.

3 爾欲宮室告成、必用智慧。

3 Through wisdom a house is built; and by understanding it is established;

4 貨財充棟、必施睿心。

4 And by knowledge the inner chambers are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

5 智者必有勇、壯夫爲之辟易。

5 A wise man is better than a strong man; yea, a man of knowledge than a mighty man.

6 先思而後戰、集衆議、國以安。

6 For by provocation is war waged; and in a multitude of counsels there is salvation.

7 道其高矣哉、愚人不能企及、在公庭不知所措詞。

7 Wisdom crushes a fool; he opens not his mouth in the gate.

8 謀不軌者、是謂惡人。

8 He who devises to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.

9 頑愚之念、動輒得罪、侮慢之人、衆所深疾。

9 The thought of a fool is sin; and an abomination of men is evil.

10 臨難而畏葸、無勇也。

10 The wicked shall be driven away by evil in the day of affliction.

11 無罪而就死地、爾其拯之、

11 Deliver those who are led away to death, and spare not to redeem those who are held to be slain.

12 勿諉曰不知、鑒察人心、保爾生命者、莫不悉爾隱微、彼豈不視人所行、而加賞罰。

12 If you say, Behold, I did not know it, then know that it is God who searches the thought of the heart; and he who keeps your soul knows it, and shall render to every man according to his works.

13 爾小子、蜂房之蜜、爾知其味而甘之、

13 My son, eat honey because it is good, and the honeycomb, which is sweet to your taste.

14 智慧在心亦若是、獲之有益、所望必遂。

14 Thus shall wisdom find your soul; and you will have good prospects, and your hope shall not be cut off.

15 義士安居、惡人勿陰加陷害、

15 Do not devise plots of iniquity in the dwelling of the righteous; do not spoil his resting place;

16 蓋義人七敗而復興、惡者一蹶而不振。

16 For a righteous man falls seven times and rises up again; but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

17 仇人顛趾而仆、爾勿欣喜、

17 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he is overthrown,

18 恐耶和華鑒之而不悅、反怒及爾。

18 Lest the LORD see it and it displease him and he turn away his anger from him.

19 惡者雖居顯要、勿懷不平。

19 Do not envy evildoers nor be jealous of the wicked;

20 惡者不獲賞、其燈必滅。

20 For there shall be no future for evil men, and the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.

21 爾小子、宜畏耶和華而尊王、勿交厭故喜新之人。

21 My son, fear the LORD and give good counsel; and meddle not with the fools;

22 其災速至、无威國憲、不可逭也。

22 For their calamity shall come suddenly; and who knows the end of their years?

23 哲士有云、聽訟時毋偏袒。

23 These things I say to the wise: It is not good to show partiality in judgment,

24 視惡爲善、民人怨詛。

24 Nor to say to a wicked man, You are righteous; him shall the people curse, and nations shall abhor him.

25 譴責惡人、必蒙純嘏、以欣以悅。

25 But to those who rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.

26 善於應對、人必接吻以爲禮。

26 The people shall kiss the lips of those who give admonition.

27 先務農事、後建宮室。

27 Prepare your work out of doors, and make it ready in the field; and afterwards build your house.

28 毋妄證、毋欺人。

28 Be not a false witness against your neighbor; and do not deceive him with your lips.

29 勿以惡報惡、

29 Say not, I will do so to him as he has done to me; I will render to him according to his works.

30 惰者之田、愚者之園、我嘗過焉。

30 I passed by the field of a sluggard, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding,

31 草萊蔓延、荊棘叢生、牆垣傾圮、

31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and its stone wall was broken down.

32 我觀而思之、遂明其道、

32 Then I looked upon it, and considered it well, and I received instruction:

33 人束手而寢、言欲少寐、俄頃卽起、

33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands upon your chest;

34 不知貧乏之至、速如行旅、迅如武士。

34 So shall poverty come upon you, and want shall overtake you suddenly like a runner.
