

1 信未篤者可納之、但勿詰所疑、

2 信者以爲百物可食、惟信未篤者乃食蔬、

3 食者勿藐視不食者、不食者勿擬議食者、上帝納之、

4 爾爲誰、敢擬議他人僕耶、其立與躓、惟主在焉、彼必立、上帝立之也、

5 或以某日異常日、或以日日同一日、人必精察而固守之、

6 守日者爲主、不守日者亦爲主、食者爲主、故謝上帝、不食者爲主、亦謝上帝、

7 吾人無爲己而生、亦無爲己而死、

8 蓋生爲主、死亦爲主也、故或生或死、莫非屬主、

9 基督死而復生、爲生者死者之主、

10 爾何擬議兄弟、藐視兄弟乎、我衆必至基督臺前、

11 記有之、主上帝云、吾指己而誓、萬膝必跽我、萬口必讚我、

12 是以我衆必鞫於上帝、

13 故勿相擬議、宜定意、毋俾兄弟躓礙、

14 我宗主耶穌知之深、原無不潔之物、然以之爲不潔、則不潔、

15 若爾以所食、使兄弟憂、則所爲不仁、基督且爲之死、爾勿以所食敗之、

16 勿以爾之可自由者、令人譭謗、

17 蓋上帝國不在飲食、惟義與和、與聖神賜我之樂、

18 行此而服基督者、爲上帝所喜、世人所悅、

19 故當求和、彼此輔德、

20 勿以食故、暴棄上帝所生成、凡物皆潔、而以所食妨人、則不可、

21 毋寕不食肉、不飲酒、不事事、致兄弟或躓或礙、而信不篤、

22 惟爾不疑、存此心於上帝前、所行而內不疚、乃爲有福、

23 心疑而食者見罪、以其疑也、凡疑而故行之者、罪也、〇


Chapter 14

1 He who is weak in the faith, assist him. And be consistent in your reasoning.

2 For one believes that he may eat all things: another who is weak, eats vegetables.

3 Let not him who eats despise him who eats not; and let not him who eats not judge him who eats: for God has received him also.

4 Who are you to judge another man's servant? for if he is a success, he is a success to his master; and if he is a failure, he is a failure to his master. As for his success, he will succeed for it is in the power of his master to make him succeed.

5 One person values one day above another: another values all days alike. Let every man be sure in his own mind.

6 He who is mindful concerning a day's duty is considerate of his master; and every one who is not mindful concerning a day's duty, is inconsiderate of his master. And he who is wasteful, is detrimental to his master even though he confesses it to God; and he who is not wasteful, is not wasteful to his master, yet he likewise tells it to God.

7 For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself.

8 For whether we live, we live unto our LORD; and whether we die, we die unto our LORD: whether we live therefore, or die, we belong to our LORD.

9 For to this end even Christ both died and came back to life, and rose to be LORD both of the dead and living.

10 Why, then, do you judge your brother? or why do you despise your brother? for we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

11 For it is written, As I live, said the LORD, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess me.

12 So then every one of us shall answer for himself to God.

13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but rather be mindful of this, that you should never place a stumblingblock in the way of your brother.

14 For I know, and I have confidence in the LORD Jesus, that nothing unclean comes from him: but to him who believes a thing to be unclean, to him only is it unclean.

15 But now if you have caused your brother to grieve on account of meat, then you are not living in harmony. Do not make food a cause to destroy a man for whose sake Christ died.

16 Let not our blessings be a reproach to any one:

17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

18 For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and is approved by men.

19 Now let us strive after peace, and help one another.

20 And let us not, because of food, destroy the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is wrong for the man who eats with offence.

21 It is better that we neither eat meat nor drink wine nor do any other thing whereby we cause our brother to stumble.

22 You who have a certain belief, keep it to yourself, before God. Blessed is he who does not condemn himself by doing those things which he believes to be wrong.

23 For he who is doubtful and eats, violates his beliefs: for whatever is not of faith, is sin. The strong must help the weak.




Chapter 14

1 信未篤者可納之、但勿詰所疑、

1 He who is weak in the faith, assist him. And be consistent in your reasoning.

2 信者以爲百物可食、惟信未篤者乃食蔬、

2 For one believes that he may eat all things: another who is weak, eats vegetables.

3 食者勿藐視不食者、不食者勿擬議食者、上帝納之、

3 Let not him who eats despise him who eats not; and let not him who eats not judge him who eats: for God has received him also.

4 爾爲誰、敢擬議他人僕耶、其立與躓、惟主在焉、彼必立、上帝立之也、

4 Who are you to judge another man's servant? for if he is a success, he is a success to his master; and if he is a failure, he is a failure to his master. As for his success, he will succeed for it is in the power of his master to make him succeed.

5 或以某日異常日、或以日日同一日、人必精察而固守之、

5 One person values one day above another: another values all days alike. Let every man be sure in his own mind.

6 守日者爲主、不守日者亦爲主、食者爲主、故謝上帝、不食者爲主、亦謝上帝、

6 He who is mindful concerning a day's duty is considerate of his master; and every one who is not mindful concerning a day's duty, is inconsiderate of his master. And he who is wasteful, is detrimental to his master even though he confesses it to God; and he who is not wasteful, is not wasteful to his master, yet he likewise tells it to God.

7 吾人無爲己而生、亦無爲己而死、

7 For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself.

8 蓋生爲主、死亦爲主也、故或生或死、莫非屬主、

8 For whether we live, we live unto our LORD; and whether we die, we die unto our LORD: whether we live therefore, or die, we belong to our LORD.

9 基督死而復生、爲生者死者之主、

9 For to this end even Christ both died and came back to life, and rose to be LORD both of the dead and living.

10 爾何擬議兄弟、藐視兄弟乎、我衆必至基督臺前、

10 Why, then, do you judge your brother? or why do you despise your brother? for we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

11 記有之、主上帝云、吾指己而誓、萬膝必跽我、萬口必讚我、

11 For it is written, As I live, said the LORD, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess me.

12 是以我衆必鞫於上帝、

12 So then every one of us shall answer for himself to God.

13 故勿相擬議、宜定意、毋俾兄弟躓礙、

13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but rather be mindful of this, that you should never place a stumblingblock in the way of your brother.

14 我宗主耶穌知之深、原無不潔之物、然以之爲不潔、則不潔、

14 For I know, and I have confidence in the LORD Jesus, that nothing unclean comes from him: but to him who believes a thing to be unclean, to him only is it unclean.

15 若爾以所食、使兄弟憂、則所爲不仁、基督且爲之死、爾勿以所食敗之、

15 But now if you have caused your brother to grieve on account of meat, then you are not living in harmony. Do not make food a cause to destroy a man for whose sake Christ died.

16 勿以爾之可自由者、令人譭謗、

16 Let not our blessings be a reproach to any one:

17 蓋上帝國不在飲食、惟義與和、與聖神賜我之樂、

17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

18 行此而服基督者、爲上帝所喜、世人所悅、

18 For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and is approved by men.

19 故當求和、彼此輔德、

19 Now let us strive after peace, and help one another.

20 勿以食故、暴棄上帝所生成、凡物皆潔、而以所食妨人、則不可、

20 And let us not, because of food, destroy the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is wrong for the man who eats with offence.

21 毋寕不食肉、不飲酒、不事事、致兄弟或躓或礙、而信不篤、

21 It is better that we neither eat meat nor drink wine nor do any other thing whereby we cause our brother to stumble.

22 惟爾不疑、存此心於上帝前、所行而內不疚、乃爲有福、

22 You who have a certain belief, keep it to yourself, before God. Blessed is he who does not condemn himself by doing those things which he believes to be wrong.

23 心疑而食者見罪、以其疑也、凡疑而故行之者、罪也、〇

23 For he who is doubtful and eats, violates his beliefs: for whatever is not of faith, is sin. The strong must help the weak.
