

1 耶和華要憐恤雅各,必再揀選以色列,將他們安置在本地;外邦人[strangers][be]與他們聯合,緊貼雅各家。

2 眾民[people]必將他們帶回本土。以色列家必在耶和華的地上得外邦人為僕婢。也要擄掠先前擄掠他們的;他們便[and they]轄制先前欺壓他們的。

3 當耶和華使你脫離愁苦、懼怕[fear],並人勉強你作縳人的苦工[hard bondage],得享安息的日子,

4 你必提起這箴言譏刺[take up thisproverb against]巴比倫王說:欺壓人的何竟息滅。金子的城[the golden city]何竟止息。

5 耶和華折斷了惡人的杖,[and]官長的權杖[sceptre of the rulers]

6 [He who]在忿怒中連連攻擊眾民的,在怒氣中轄制列國[he that]被逼迫無人阻止[is persecuted, and none hindereth]

7 現在全地得安息,享平靜;人皆發聲歌唱[singing]

8 松樹和黎巴嫩的香柏樹都因你歡樂,說:自從你仆倒,再無人上來砍伐我們。

9 在下的地獄[hell from beneath]就因你震動。[it]在你來的時候[at thy coming]迎接你,[it]因你驚動在世曾為首領的一切[all]死人[dead][it]使那曾為列國君王的,都離位起來[raised up]

10 他們都要發言對你說:你也變為軟弱像我們一樣嗎?你也成了我們的樣子嗎?

11 你的威勢和你琴瑟的聲音都下到墳墓[grave];你下鋪的是蟲,上蓋的是蛆。

12 路西弗[Lucifer],早晨之子啊,你何竟從天墜落。你這攻敗列國的,何竟被砍倒在地上。

13 [For]你心裏曾說:我要升到天上,我要高舉我的寶座在神眾星以上。我要坐在聚會的山上,在北方的極處。

14 我要升到高雲之上;我要與至上者同等。

15 然而你必墜落地獄[hell],到坑中之旁[sides]

16 凡看見你的都要定睛看你,留意看你,說:這人就是那[Is this the man that]使大地顫抖,使列國震動;

17 [That]使世界如同荒野,使城邑毀壞[destroyed]那不打開被囚者之牢的嗎?[that opened not the house of his prisoners]

18 列國的君王俱各在自己陵宅[house]的榮耀中安臥[lie]

19 唯獨你被拋[out]你的墳墓,好像可憎的枝子,也像[and as]被殺之人[of]衣,就是被刀刺透,墜落坑中石頭那裏的;你又像被踐踏的屍首一樣。

20 你不得與君王同葬;因為你敗壞你的國,殺戮你的民;惡人的後裔,必永不再有名聲[seed of evildoers shall never be renowned]

21 先人既有罪孽,就要預備殺戮他的子孫;使他們不得興起[that they do not rise]不得承受地土[nor possess the land]不得[nor]在世上修滿城邑。

22 大軍之耶和華說:[For]我必興起攻擊他們,將巴比倫的名號和所餘剩的人,連子帶孫一併剪除,這是耶和華說的。

23 我必使巴比倫為葦鳽[bittern]所得,又變為水池;我要用滅亡的掃帚掃淨它,這是大軍之耶和華說的。

24 大軍之耶和華起了誓[hath sworn]說:我怎樣思想,必照樣成就;我怎樣定意,必照樣成立。

25 就是在我地上打折亞述人,在我山上將他踐踏;這樣[then],他加的軛[then]必離開他們[them],他加的重擔必離開他們的肩頭。

26 這是向全地所定的旨意;這是向列國所伸出的手。

27 大軍之耶和華既然定意,誰能廢棄呢?他的手已經伸出,誰能轉回呢?

28 亞哈斯王駕崩[died]的那年,就有以下的默示。

29 巴勒斯坦[Palestina]全地啊,[thou]不要因擊打你的杖折斷就喜樂;因為從蛇的根必生出雞蛇[cockatrice],牠所生的必為會飛的火蛇[shall be a fiery flying serpent]

30 貧寒人的長子必有所食;窮乏人必安然躺臥;我必以饑荒治死你的根,他必殺戮你餘剩的人[he shall slay thy remnant]

31 門哪,應當哀號;城啊,應當呼喊;巴勒斯坦[Palestina]全地啊,你都消沒[dissolved]了。因為有煙從北方出來,他定期[appointed times]中並無獨自一人[alone]的。

32 [one]可怎樣回答外邦的使者呢?必說:耶和華建立了錫安;他百姓中的貧窮[poor]人必依靠它[trust in it]


Chapter 14

1 For3588 the LORD3068 will have mercy7355 on853 Jacob,3290 and will yet5750 choose977 Israel,3478 and set5117 them in5921 their own land:127 and the strangers1616 shall be joined3867 with5921 them, and they shall cleave5596 to5921 the house1004 of Jacob.3290

2 And the people5971 shall take3947 them, and bring935 them to413 their place:4725 and the house1004 of Israel3478 shall possess5157 them in5921 the land127 of the LORD3068 for servants5650 and handmaids:8198 and they shall take1961 them captives,7617 whose captives7617 they were; and they shall rule over7287 their oppressors.5065

3 And it shall come to pass1961 in the day3117 that the LORD3068 shall give thee rest5117 from thy sorrow,4480 6090 and from thy fear,4480 7267 and from4480 the hard7186 bondage5656 wherein834 thou wast made to serve,5647

4 That thou shalt take up5375 this2088 proverb4912 against5921 the king4428 of Babylon,894 and say,559 How349 hath the oppressor5065 ceased!7673 the golden city4062 ceased!7673

5 The LORD3068 hath broken7665 the staff4294 of the wicked,7563 and the scepter7626 of the rulers.4910

6 He who smote5221 the people5971 in wrath5678 with a continual stroke,1115 5627 4347 he that ruled7287 the nations1471 in anger,639 is persecuted,4783 and none1097 hindereth.2820

7 The whole3605 earth776 is at rest,5117 and is quiet:8252 they break forth6476 into singing.7440

8 Yea,1571 the fir trees1265 rejoice8055 at thee, and the cedars730 of Lebanon,3844 saying, Since4480 227 thou art laid down,7901 no3808 feller3772 is come up5927 against5921 us.

9 Hell7585 from beneath4480 8478 is moved7264 for thee to meet7122 thee at thy coming:935 it stirreth up5782 the dead7496 for thee, even all3605 the chief ones6260 of the earth;776 it hath raised up6965 from their thrones4480 3678 all3605 the kings4428 of the nations.1471

10 All3605 they shall speak6030 and say559 unto thee, Art thou859 also1571 become weak2470 as we? art thou become like4911 unto413 us?

11 Thy pomp1347 is brought down3381 to the grave,7585 and the noise1998 of thy viols:5035 the worm7415 is spread3331 under8478 thee, and the worms8438 cover4374 thee.

12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480 8064 O Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art thou cut down1438 to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522 5921 the nations!1471

13 For thou859 hast said559 in thine heart,3824 I will ascend5927 into heaven,8064 I will exalt7311 my throne3678 above4480 4605 the stars3556 of God:410 I will sit3427 also upon the mount2022 of the congregation,4150 in the sides3411 of the north: 6828

14 I will ascend5927 above5921 the heights1116 of the clouds;5645 I will be like1819 the most High.5945

15 Yet389 thou shalt be brought down3381 to413 hell,7585 to413 the sides3411 of the pit.953

16 They that see7200 thee shall narrowly look7688 upon413 thee, and consider995 thee, saying, Is this2088 the man376 that made the earth776 to tremble,7264 that did shake7493 kingdoms;4467

17 That made7760 the world8398 as a wilderness,4057 and destroyed2040 the cities5892 thereof; that opened6605 not3808 the house1004 of his prisoners?615

18 All3605 the kings4428 of the nations,1471 even all3605 of them, lie7901 in glory,3519 every one376 in his own house.1004

19 But thou859 art cast7993 out of thy grave4480 6913 like an abominable8581 branch,5342 and as the raiment3830 of those that are slain,2026 thrust through2944 with a sword,2719 that go down3381 to413 the stones68 of the pit;953 as a carcass6297 trodden under feet.947

20 Thou shalt not3808 be joined3161 with854 them in burial,6900 because3588 thou hast destroyed7843 thy land,776 and slain2026 thy people:5971 the seed2233 of evildoers7489 shall never3808 5769 be renowned.7121

21 Prepare3559 slaughter4293 for his children1121 for the iniquity5771 of their fathers;1 that they do not1077 rise,6965 nor possess3423 the land,776 nor fill4390 the face6440 of the world8398 with cities.5892

22 For I will rise up6965 against5921 them, saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and cut off3772 from Babylon894 the name,8034 and remnant,7605 and son,5209 and nephew,5220 saith5002 the LORD.3068

23 I will also make7760 it a possession4180 for the bittern,7090 and pools98 of water:4325 and I will sweep2894 it with the broom4292 of destruction,8045 saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

24 The LORD3068 of hosts6635 hath sworn,7650 saying,559 Surely518 3808 as834 I have thought,1819 so3651 shall it come to pass;1961 and as834 I have purposed,3289 so shall it1931 stand: 6965

25 That I will break7665 the Assyrian804 in my land,776 and upon5921 my mountains2022 tread him under foot:947 then shall his yoke5923 depart5493 from off4480 5921 them, and his burden5448 depart5493 from off4480 5921 their shoulders.7926

26 This2063 is the purpose6098 that is purposed3289 upon5921 the whole3605 earth:776 and this2063 is the hand3027 that is stretched out5186 upon5921 all3605 the nations.1471

27 For3588 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 hath purposed,3289 and who4310 shall disannul6565 it? and his hand3027 is stretched out,5186 and who4310 shall turn it back?7725

28 In the year8141 that king4428 Ahaz271 died4194 was1961 this2088 burden.4853

29 Rejoice8055 not408 thou, whole3605 Philistia,6429 because3588 the rod7626 of him that3588 smote5221 thee is broken:7665 for out of the serpent's root4480 8328 5175 shall come forth3318 a cockatrice,6848 and his fruit6529 shall be a fiery flying serpent.8314 5774

30 And the firstborn1060 of the poor1800 shall feed,7462 and the needy34 shall lie down7257 in safety:983 and I will kill4191 thy root8328 with famine,7458 and he shall slay2026 thy remnant.7611

31 Howl,3213 O gate;8179 cry,2199 O city;5892 thou, whole3605 Philistia,6429 art dissolved:4127 for3588 there shall come935 from the north4480 6828 a smoke,6227 and none369 shall be alone909 in his appointed times.4151

32 What4100 shall one then answer6030 the messengers4397 of the nation?1471 That3588 the LORD3068 hath founded3245 Zion,6726 and the poor6041 of his people5971 shall trust2620 in it.




Chapter 14

1 耶和華要憐恤雅各,必再揀選以色列,將他們安置在本地;外邦人[strangers][be]與他們聯合,緊貼雅各家。

1 For3588 the LORD3068 will have mercy7355 on853 Jacob,3290 and will yet5750 choose977 Israel,3478 and set5117 them in5921 their own land:127 and the strangers1616 shall be joined3867 with5921 them, and they shall cleave5596 to5921 the house1004 of Jacob.3290

2 眾民[people]必將他們帶回本土。以色列家必在耶和華的地上得外邦人為僕婢。也要擄掠先前擄掠他們的;他們便[and they]轄制先前欺壓他們的。

2 And the people5971 shall take3947 them, and bring935 them to413 their place:4725 and the house1004 of Israel3478 shall possess5157 them in5921 the land127 of the LORD3068 for servants5650 and handmaids:8198 and they shall take1961 them captives,7617 whose captives7617 they were; and they shall rule over7287 their oppressors.5065

3 當耶和華使你脫離愁苦、懼怕[fear],並人勉強你作縳人的苦工[hard bondage],得享安息的日子,

3 And it shall come to pass1961 in the day3117 that the LORD3068 shall give thee rest5117 from thy sorrow,4480 6090 and from thy fear,4480 7267 and from4480 the hard7186 bondage5656 wherein834 thou wast made to serve,5647

4 你必提起這箴言譏刺[take up thisproverb against]巴比倫王說:欺壓人的何竟息滅。金子的城[the golden city]何竟止息。

4 That thou shalt take up5375 this2088 proverb4912 against5921 the king4428 of Babylon,894 and say,559 How349 hath the oppressor5065 ceased!7673 the golden city4062 ceased!7673

5 耶和華折斷了惡人的杖,[and]官長的權杖[sceptre of the rulers]

5 The LORD3068 hath broken7665 the staff4294 of the wicked,7563 and the scepter7626 of the rulers.4910

6 [He who]在忿怒中連連攻擊眾民的,在怒氣中轄制列國[he that]被逼迫無人阻止[is persecuted, and none hindereth]

6 He who smote5221 the people5971 in wrath5678 with a continual stroke,1115 5627 4347 he that ruled7287 the nations1471 in anger,639 is persecuted,4783 and none1097 hindereth.2820

7 現在全地得安息,享平靜;人皆發聲歌唱[singing]

7 The whole3605 earth776 is at rest,5117 and is quiet:8252 they break forth6476 into singing.7440

8 松樹和黎巴嫩的香柏樹都因你歡樂,說:自從你仆倒,再無人上來砍伐我們。

8 Yea,1571 the fir trees1265 rejoice8055 at thee, and the cedars730 of Lebanon,3844 saying, Since4480 227 thou art laid down,7901 no3808 feller3772 is come up5927 against5921 us.

9 在下的地獄[hell from beneath]就因你震動。[it]在你來的時候[at thy coming]迎接你,[it]因你驚動在世曾為首領的一切[all]死人[dead][it]使那曾為列國君王的,都離位起來[raised up]

9 Hell7585 from beneath4480 8478 is moved7264 for thee to meet7122 thee at thy coming:935 it stirreth up5782 the dead7496 for thee, even all3605 the chief ones6260 of the earth;776 it hath raised up6965 from their thrones4480 3678 all3605 the kings4428 of the nations.1471

10 他們都要發言對你說:你也變為軟弱像我們一樣嗎?你也成了我們的樣子嗎?

10 All3605 they shall speak6030 and say559 unto thee, Art thou859 also1571 become weak2470 as we? art thou become like4911 unto413 us?

11 你的威勢和你琴瑟的聲音都下到墳墓[grave];你下鋪的是蟲,上蓋的是蛆。

11 Thy pomp1347 is brought down3381 to the grave,7585 and the noise1998 of thy viols:5035 the worm7415 is spread3331 under8478 thee, and the worms8438 cover4374 thee.

12 路西弗[Lucifer],早晨之子啊,你何竟從天墜落。你這攻敗列國的,何竟被砍倒在地上。

12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480 8064 O Lucifer,1966 son1121 of the morning!7837 how art thou cut down1438 to the ground,776 which didst weaken2522 5921 the nations!1471

13 [For]你心裏曾說:我要升到天上,我要高舉我的寶座在神眾星以上。我要坐在聚會的山上,在北方的極處。

13 For thou859 hast said559 in thine heart,3824 I will ascend5927 into heaven,8064 I will exalt7311 my throne3678 above4480 4605 the stars3556 of God:410 I will sit3427 also upon the mount2022 of the congregation,4150 in the sides3411 of the north: 6828

14 我要升到高雲之上;我要與至上者同等。

14 I will ascend5927 above5921 the heights1116 of the clouds;5645 I will be like1819 the most High.5945

15 然而你必墜落地獄[hell],到坑中之旁[sides]

15 Yet389 thou shalt be brought down3381 to413 hell,7585 to413 the sides3411 of the pit.953

16 凡看見你的都要定睛看你,留意看你,說:這人就是那[Is this the man that]使大地顫抖,使列國震動;

16 They that see7200 thee shall narrowly look7688 upon413 thee, and consider995 thee, saying, Is this2088 the man376 that made the earth776 to tremble,7264 that did shake7493 kingdoms;4467

17 [That]使世界如同荒野,使城邑毀壞[destroyed]那不打開被囚者之牢的嗎?[that opened not the house of his prisoners]

17 That made7760 the world8398 as a wilderness,4057 and destroyed2040 the cities5892 thereof; that opened6605 not3808 the house1004 of his prisoners?615

18 列國的君王俱各在自己陵宅[house]的榮耀中安臥[lie]

18 All3605 the kings4428 of the nations,1471 even all3605 of them, lie7901 in glory,3519 every one376 in his own house.1004

19 唯獨你被拋[out]你的墳墓,好像可憎的枝子,也像[and as]被殺之人[of]衣,就是被刀刺透,墜落坑中石頭那裏的;你又像被踐踏的屍首一樣。

19 But thou859 art cast7993 out of thy grave4480 6913 like an abominable8581 branch,5342 and as the raiment3830 of those that are slain,2026 thrust through2944 with a sword,2719 that go down3381 to413 the stones68 of the pit;953 as a carcass6297 trodden under feet.947

20 你不得與君王同葬;因為你敗壞你的國,殺戮你的民;惡人的後裔,必永不再有名聲[seed of evildoers shall never be renowned]

20 Thou shalt not3808 be joined3161 with854 them in burial,6900 because3588 thou hast destroyed7843 thy land,776 and slain2026 thy people:5971 the seed2233 of evildoers7489 shall never3808 5769 be renowned.7121

21 先人既有罪孽,就要預備殺戮他的子孫;使他們不得興起[that they do not rise]不得承受地土[nor possess the land]不得[nor]在世上修滿城邑。

21 Prepare3559 slaughter4293 for his children1121 for the iniquity5771 of their fathers;1 that they do not1077 rise,6965 nor possess3423 the land,776 nor fill4390 the face6440 of the world8398 with cities.5892

22 大軍之耶和華說:[For]我必興起攻擊他們,將巴比倫的名號和所餘剩的人,連子帶孫一併剪除,這是耶和華說的。

22 For I will rise up6965 against5921 them, saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and cut off3772 from Babylon894 the name,8034 and remnant,7605 and son,5209 and nephew,5220 saith5002 the LORD.3068

23 我必使巴比倫為葦鳽[bittern]所得,又變為水池;我要用滅亡的掃帚掃淨它,這是大軍之耶和華說的。

23 I will also make7760 it a possession4180 for the bittern,7090 and pools98 of water:4325 and I will sweep2894 it with the broom4292 of destruction,8045 saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

24 大軍之耶和華起了誓[hath sworn]說:我怎樣思想,必照樣成就;我怎樣定意,必照樣成立。

24 The LORD3068 of hosts6635 hath sworn,7650 saying,559 Surely518 3808 as834 I have thought,1819 so3651 shall it come to pass;1961 and as834 I have purposed,3289 so shall it1931 stand: 6965

25 就是在我地上打折亞述人,在我山上將他踐踏;這樣[then],他加的軛[then]必離開他們[them],他加的重擔必離開他們的肩頭。

25 That I will break7665 the Assyrian804 in my land,776 and upon5921 my mountains2022 tread him under foot:947 then shall his yoke5923 depart5493 from off4480 5921 them, and his burden5448 depart5493 from off4480 5921 their shoulders.7926

26 這是向全地所定的旨意;這是向列國所伸出的手。

26 This2063 is the purpose6098 that is purposed3289 upon5921 the whole3605 earth:776 and this2063 is the hand3027 that is stretched out5186 upon5921 all3605 the nations.1471

27 大軍之耶和華既然定意,誰能廢棄呢?他的手已經伸出,誰能轉回呢?

27 For3588 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 hath purposed,3289 and who4310 shall disannul6565 it? and his hand3027 is stretched out,5186 and who4310 shall turn it back?7725

28 亞哈斯王駕崩[died]的那年,就有以下的默示。

28 In the year8141 that king4428 Ahaz271 died4194 was1961 this2088 burden.4853

29 巴勒斯坦[Palestina]全地啊,[thou]不要因擊打你的杖折斷就喜樂;因為從蛇的根必生出雞蛇[cockatrice],牠所生的必為會飛的火蛇[shall be a fiery flying serpent]

29 Rejoice8055 not408 thou, whole3605 Philistia,6429 because3588 the rod7626 of him that3588 smote5221 thee is broken:7665 for out of the serpent's root4480 8328 5175 shall come forth3318 a cockatrice,6848 and his fruit6529 shall be a fiery flying serpent.8314 5774

30 貧寒人的長子必有所食;窮乏人必安然躺臥;我必以饑荒治死你的根,他必殺戮你餘剩的人[he shall slay thy remnant]

30 And the firstborn1060 of the poor1800 shall feed,7462 and the needy34 shall lie down7257 in safety:983 and I will kill4191 thy root8328 with famine,7458 and he shall slay2026 thy remnant.7611

31 門哪,應當哀號;城啊,應當呼喊;巴勒斯坦[Palestina]全地啊,你都消沒[dissolved]了。因為有煙從北方出來,他定期[appointed times]中並無獨自一人[alone]的。

31 Howl,3213 O gate;8179 cry,2199 O city;5892 thou, whole3605 Philistia,6429 art dissolved:4127 for3588 there shall come935 from the north4480 6828 a smoke,6227 and none369 shall be alone909 in his appointed times.4151

32 [one]可怎樣回答外邦的使者呢?必說:耶和華建立了錫安;他百姓中的貧窮[poor]人必依靠它[trust in it]

32 What4100 shall one then answer6030 the messengers4397 of the nation?1471 That3588 the LORD3068 hath founded3245 Zion,6726 and the poor6041 of his people5971 shall trust2620 in it.
