

1 禍哉。這流人血的城,充滿謊詐和搶奪[robbery]擄掠[prey]的事總不止息。

2 鞭聲響亮,車輪轟轟,馬匹踢跳,車輛奔騰,

3 馬兵舉起發光的刀劍和閃爍的槍矛[lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear]。被殺的甚多,屍首數目也多[and a great number];屍骸無數;人絆在屍體之上[stumble upon their corpses]

4 都因那美貌的妓女多有淫行,慣行邪術,藉淫行[selleth]列國,用邪術[selleth]多族。

5 大軍之耶和華說:看哪[Behold],我與你為敵;我必揭起你的衣襟,蒙在你臉上,使列[nations]看見你的赤體,使列[kingdoms]觀看你的醜陋。

6 我必將可憎污穢之物拋在你身上,辱沒你,為眾目所觀。

7 凡看見你的,都必逃跑離開你,說:尼尼微荒涼了。有誰為你悲傷呢?我何處尋得安慰你的人呢?

8 你豈比人口眾多的挪[populous No]強呢?[that]坐落在眾河之間,周圍有水;海作她的濠溝,又作她的城牆。

9 埃塞俄比亞和埃及是她無窮的力量;弗人和路比族是她的幫手。

10 但她被遷移,被擄去;她的嬰孩在各[streets]口上也被摔[pieces]。人為她的尊貴人擲籤[cast lots],她所有的大人都被鏈子鎖著。

11 你也必喝醉,必被埋藏,並因仇敵的緣故尋求力量[strength]

12 你一切保障必像無花果樹上初熟的無花果,若一搖撼就落在想吃之人的口中。

13 看哪[Behold],你地上的人民都是[are]婦女;你國中的關口向仇敵敞開;你的門閂被火焚燒。

14 你要打水預備受困;要堅固你的保障,踹土和泥,修補燒磚爐[brickkiln]

15 在那裏,火必吞滅[devour]你;刀必剪除你[cut thee off],吞滅你如同尺蠖[cankerworm]。任你加增人數多如尺蠖[cankerworm],多如蝗蟲吧。

16 你增添商家[merchants],多過天上的星;尺蠖[cankerworm]吃盡而去。

17 你的首領多如蝗蟲;你的軍長彷彿成群的蚱蜢[grasshoppers],天涼的時候齊落在籬笆上,日頭一出便都[flee]去,人不知道落在何處。

18 亞述王啊,你的牧人打盹[slumber];你的貴族必住在塵土[shall dwell in the dust];你的人民散在山間,無人招聚他們[them]

19 你的損傷無法醫治;你的傷痕極其重大。凡聽你信息的必都因此向你拍掌。你所行的惡誰沒有時常遭遇呢?


Chapter 3

1 Woe1945 to the bloody1818 city!5892 it is all3605 full4392 of lies3585 and robbery;6563 the prey2964 departeth4185 not;3808

2 The noise6963 of a whip,7752 and the noise6963 of the rattling7494 of the wheels,212 and of the prancing1725 horses,5483 and of the jumping7540 chariots.4818

3 The horseman6571 lifteth up5927 both the bright3851 sword2719 and the glittering1300 spear:2595 and there is a multitude7230 of slain,2491 and a great number3514 of carcasses;6297 and there is none369 end7097 of their corpses;1472 they stumble3782 upon their corpses: 1472

4 Because of the multitude4480 7230 of the whoredoms2183 of the well favored2896 2580 harlot,2181 the mistress1172 of witchcrafts,3785 that selleth4376 nations1471 through her whoredoms,2183 and families4940 through her witchcrafts.3785

5 Behold,2009 I am against413 thee, saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 and I will discover1540 thy skirts7757 upon5921 thy face,6440 and I will show7200 the nations1471 thy nakedness,4626 and the kingdoms4467 thy shame.7036

6 And I will cast7993 abominable filth8251 upon5921 thee, and make thee vile,5034 and will set7760 thee as a gazingstock.7210

7 And it shall come to pass,1961 that all3605 they that look upon7200 thee shall flee5074 from4480 thee, and say,559 Nineveh5210 is laid waste:7703 who4310 will bemoan5110 her? whence4480 370 shall I seek1245 comforters5162 for thee?

8 Art thou better3190 than populous528 No,4480 4996 that was situate3427 among the rivers,2975 that had the waters4325 round about5439 it, whose834 rampart2426 was the sea,3220 and her wall2346 was from the sea?4480 3220

9 Ethiopia3568 and Egypt4714 were her strength,6109 and it was infinite;369 7097 Put6316 and Lubim3864 were1961 thy helpers.5833

10 Yet1571 was she1931 carried away,1473 she went1980 into captivity:7628 her young children5768 also1571 were dashed in pieces7376 at the top7218 of all3605 the streets:2351 and they cast3032 lots1486 for5921 her honorable men,3513 and all3605 her great men1419 were bound7576 in chains.2131

11 Thou859 also1571 shalt be drunken:7937 thou shalt be1961 hid,5956 thou859 also1571 shalt seek1245 strength4581 because of the enemy.4480 341

12 All3605 thy strongholds4013 shall be like fig trees8384 with5973 the firstripe figs:1061 if518 they be shaken,5128 they shall even fall5307 into5921 the mouth6310 of the eater.398

13 Behold,2009 thy people5971 in the midst7130 of thee are women:802 the gates8179 of thy land776 shall be set wide open6605 6605 unto thine enemies:341 the fire784 shall devour398 thy bars.1280

14 Draw7579 thee waters4325 for the siege,4692 fortify2388 thy strongholds:4013 go935 into clay,2916 and tread7429 the mortar,2563 make strong2388 the brickkiln.4404

15 There8033 shall the fire784 devour398 thee; the sword2719 shall cut thee off,3772 it shall eat thee up398 like the cankerworm:3218 make thyself many3513 as the cankerworm,3218 make thyself many3513 as the locusts.697

16 Thou hast multiplied7235 thy merchants7402 above the stars4480 3556 of heaven:8064 the cankerworm3218 spoileth,6584 and flieth away.5774

17 Thy crowned4502 are as the locusts,697 and thy captains2951 as the great grasshoppers,1462 1462 which camp2583 in the hedges1448 in the cold7135 day,3117 but when the sun8121 ariseth2224 they flee away,5074 and their place4725 is not known3045 3808 where335 they are.

18 Thy shepherds7462 slumber,5123 O king4428 of Assyria:804 thy nobles117 shall dwell7931 in the dust: thy people5971 is scattered6335 upon5921 the mountains,2022 and no man369 gathereth6908 them.

19 There is no369 healing3545 of thy bruise;7667 thy wound4347 is grievous:2470 all3605 that hear8085 the bruit8088 of thee shall clap8628 the hands3709 over5921 thee: for3588 upon5921 whom4310 hath not3808 thy wickedness7451 passed5674 continually?8548




Chapter 3

1 禍哉。這流人血的城,充滿謊詐和搶奪[robbery]擄掠[prey]的事總不止息。

1 Woe1945 to the bloody1818 city!5892 it is all3605 full4392 of lies3585 and robbery;6563 the prey2964 departeth4185 not;3808

2 鞭聲響亮,車輪轟轟,馬匹踢跳,車輛奔騰,

2 The noise6963 of a whip,7752 and the noise6963 of the rattling7494 of the wheels,212 and of the prancing1725 horses,5483 and of the jumping7540 chariots.4818

3 馬兵舉起發光的刀劍和閃爍的槍矛[lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear]。被殺的甚多,屍首數目也多[and a great number];屍骸無數;人絆在屍體之上[stumble upon their corpses]

3 The horseman6571 lifteth up5927 both the bright3851 sword2719 and the glittering1300 spear:2595 and there is a multitude7230 of slain,2491 and a great number3514 of carcasses;6297 and there is none369 end7097 of their corpses;1472 they stumble3782 upon their corpses: 1472

4 都因那美貌的妓女多有淫行,慣行邪術,藉淫行[selleth]列國,用邪術[selleth]多族。

4 Because of the multitude4480 7230 of the whoredoms2183 of the well favored2896 2580 harlot,2181 the mistress1172 of witchcrafts,3785 that selleth4376 nations1471 through her whoredoms,2183 and families4940 through her witchcrafts.3785

5 大軍之耶和華說:看哪[Behold],我與你為敵;我必揭起你的衣襟,蒙在你臉上,使列[nations]看見你的赤體,使列[kingdoms]觀看你的醜陋。

5 Behold,2009 I am against413 thee, saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 and I will discover1540 thy skirts7757 upon5921 thy face,6440 and I will show7200 the nations1471 thy nakedness,4626 and the kingdoms4467 thy shame.7036

6 我必將可憎污穢之物拋在你身上,辱沒你,為眾目所觀。

6 And I will cast7993 abominable filth8251 upon5921 thee, and make thee vile,5034 and will set7760 thee as a gazingstock.7210

7 凡看見你的,都必逃跑離開你,說:尼尼微荒涼了。有誰為你悲傷呢?我何處尋得安慰你的人呢?

7 And it shall come to pass,1961 that all3605 they that look upon7200 thee shall flee5074 from4480 thee, and say,559 Nineveh5210 is laid waste:7703 who4310 will bemoan5110 her? whence4480 370 shall I seek1245 comforters5162 for thee?

8 你豈比人口眾多的挪[populous No]強呢?[that]坐落在眾河之間,周圍有水;海作她的濠溝,又作她的城牆。

8 Art thou better3190 than populous528 No,4480 4996 that was situate3427 among the rivers,2975 that had the waters4325 round about5439 it, whose834 rampart2426 was the sea,3220 and her wall2346 was from the sea?4480 3220

9 埃塞俄比亞和埃及是她無窮的力量;弗人和路比族是她的幫手。

9 Ethiopia3568 and Egypt4714 were her strength,6109 and it was infinite;369 7097 Put6316 and Lubim3864 were1961 thy helpers.5833

10 但她被遷移,被擄去;她的嬰孩在各[streets]口上也被摔[pieces]。人為她的尊貴人擲籤[cast lots],她所有的大人都被鏈子鎖著。

10 Yet1571 was she1931 carried away,1473 she went1980 into captivity:7628 her young children5768 also1571 were dashed in pieces7376 at the top7218 of all3605 the streets:2351 and they cast3032 lots1486 for5921 her honorable men,3513 and all3605 her great men1419 were bound7576 in chains.2131

11 你也必喝醉,必被埋藏,並因仇敵的緣故尋求力量[strength]

11 Thou859 also1571 shalt be drunken:7937 thou shalt be1961 hid,5956 thou859 also1571 shalt seek1245 strength4581 because of the enemy.4480 341

12 你一切保障必像無花果樹上初熟的無花果,若一搖撼就落在想吃之人的口中。

12 All3605 thy strongholds4013 shall be like fig trees8384 with5973 the firstripe figs:1061 if518 they be shaken,5128 they shall even fall5307 into5921 the mouth6310 of the eater.398

13 看哪[Behold],你地上的人民都是[are]婦女;你國中的關口向仇敵敞開;你的門閂被火焚燒。

13 Behold,2009 thy people5971 in the midst7130 of thee are women:802 the gates8179 of thy land776 shall be set wide open6605 6605 unto thine enemies:341 the fire784 shall devour398 thy bars.1280

14 你要打水預備受困;要堅固你的保障,踹土和泥,修補燒磚爐[brickkiln]

14 Draw7579 thee waters4325 for the siege,4692 fortify2388 thy strongholds:4013 go935 into clay,2916 and tread7429 the mortar,2563 make strong2388 the brickkiln.4404

15 在那裏,火必吞滅[devour]你;刀必剪除你[cut thee off],吞滅你如同尺蠖[cankerworm]。任你加增人數多如尺蠖[cankerworm],多如蝗蟲吧。

15 There8033 shall the fire784 devour398 thee; the sword2719 shall cut thee off,3772 it shall eat thee up398 like the cankerworm:3218 make thyself many3513 as the cankerworm,3218 make thyself many3513 as the locusts.697

16 你增添商家[merchants],多過天上的星;尺蠖[cankerworm]吃盡而去。

16 Thou hast multiplied7235 thy merchants7402 above the stars4480 3556 of heaven:8064 the cankerworm3218 spoileth,6584 and flieth away.5774

17 你的首領多如蝗蟲;你的軍長彷彿成群的蚱蜢[grasshoppers],天涼的時候齊落在籬笆上,日頭一出便都[flee]去,人不知道落在何處。

17 Thy crowned4502 are as the locusts,697 and thy captains2951 as the great grasshoppers,1462 1462 which camp2583 in the hedges1448 in the cold7135 day,3117 but when the sun8121 ariseth2224 they flee away,5074 and their place4725 is not known3045 3808 where335 they are.

18 亞述王啊,你的牧人打盹[slumber];你的貴族必住在塵土[shall dwell in the dust];你的人民散在山間,無人招聚他們[them]

18 Thy shepherds7462 slumber,5123 O king4428 of Assyria:804 thy nobles117 shall dwell7931 in the dust: thy people5971 is scattered6335 upon5921 the mountains,2022 and no man369 gathereth6908 them.

19 你的損傷無法醫治;你的傷痕極其重大。凡聽你信息的必都因此向你拍掌。你所行的惡誰沒有時常遭遇呢?

19 There is no369 healing3545 of thy bruise;7667 thy wound4347 is grievous:2470 all3605 that hear8085 the bruit8088 of thee shall clap8628 the hands3709 over5921 thee: for3588 upon5921 whom4310 hath not3808 thy wickedness7451 passed5674 continually?8548