
Chapter 36

1 Elihu453 also proceeded,3254 and said,559

2 Suffer3803 me a little,2191 and I will show2331 you that I have yet5750 to speak4405 on God's433 behalf.

3 I will fetch5375 my knowledge1843 from afar,7350 and will ascribe5414 righteousness6664 to my Maker.6466

4 For truly551 my words4405 shall not be false:8267 he that is perfect8549 in knowledge1844 is with you.

5 Behold,2005 God410 is mighty,3524 and despises3988 not any: he is mighty3524 in strength3581 and wisdom.3820

6 He preserves2421 not the life2421 of the wicked:7563 but gives5414 right4941 to the poor.6041

7 He withdraws1639 not his eyes5869 from the righteous:6662 but with kings4428 are they on the throne;3678 yes, he does establish3427 them for ever,5331 and they are exalted.1361

8 And if518 they be bound631 in fetters,2131 and be held3920 in cords2256 of affliction;6040

9 Then he shows5046 them their work,6467 and their transgressions6588 that they have exceeded.1396

10 He opens1540 also their ear241 to discipline,4148 and commands559 that they return7725 from iniquity.205

11 If518 they obey8085 and serve5647 him, they shall spend3615 their days3117 in prosperity,2896 and their years8141 in pleasures.5273

12 But if518 they obey8085 not, they shall perish5674 by the sword,7973 and they shall die1478 without1097 knowledge.1847

13 But the hypocrites2611 in heart3820 heap7760 up wrath:639 they cry7768 not when3588 he binds631 them.

14 They die4191 in youth,5290 and their life2416 is among the unclean.6945

15 He delivers2502 the poor6041 in his affliction,6040 and opens1540 their ears241 in oppression.3906

16 Even so would he have removed5496 you out of the strait6862 into a broad7338 place, where there is no3808 narrow place;4164 and that which should be set5183 on your table7979 should be full4390 of fatness.1880

17 But you have fulfilled4390 the judgment1779 of the wicked:7563 judgment1779 and justice4941 take8551 hold8551 on you.

18 Because3588 there is wrath,2534 beware lest6435 he take5496 you away5496 with his stroke:5607 then a great7227 ransom3724 cannot3808 deliver5186 you.

19 Will he esteem6186 your riches?7769 no,3808 not gold,1222 nor3808 all3605 the forces3981 of strength.3581

20 Desire7602 not the night,3915 when people5971 are cut5927 off in their place.8478

21 Take heed,8104 regard6437 not iniquity:205 for this2088 have you chosen970 rather than affliction.6040

22 Behold,2005 God410 exalts7682 by his power:3581 who4310 teaches3384 like3644 him?

23 Who4310 has enjoined6485 him his way?1870 or who4310 can say,559 You have worked6466 iniquity?5766

24 Remember2142 that you magnify7679 his work,6467 which834 men582 behold.7891

25 Every3605 man120 may see2372 it; man582 may behold5027 it afar7350 off.

26 Behold,2005 God410 is great,7689 and we know3045 him not, neither3808 can the number4557 of his years8141 be searched2714 out.

27 For he makes small1639 the drops5197 of water:4325 they pour2212 down rain4306 according to the vapor108 thereof:

28 Which834 the clouds7834 do drop5140 and distil7491 on man120 abundantly.7227

29 Also637 can any understand995 the spreading4666 of the clouds,5645 or the noise8663 of his tabernacle?5521

30 Behold,2005 he spreads6566 his light216 on it, and covers3680 the bottom8328 of the sea.3220

31 For by them judges1777 he the people;5971 he gives5414 meat400 in abundance.4342

32 With clouds3709 he covers3680 the light;216 and commands6680 it not to shine by the cloud that comes6293 between.6293

33 The noise7452 thereof shows5046 concerning5921 it, the cattle4735 also637 concerning5921 the vapor.5927



1 以利戶又接著說:

2 你再容我片時,我就指示你,因我還有話為神說。

3 我要將所知道的從遠處引來,將公義歸給我的造物主[my Maker]

4 我的言語真不虛謊;[that]知識全備的與你同在。

5 看哪[Behold],神有大能,並不藐視人;他的能力甚大[he is mighty in strength],他的智慧甚廣。

6 他不保護惡人的性命;卻為貧窮[poor]人伸冤。

7 他時常看顧義人。[but]使他們和君王同坐寶座;他永遠堅立他們[he doth establish them for ever]他們就[and they]被高舉。

8 他們若被鎖鏈捆住,被苦難的繩索纏住,

9 他就把他們的作為和他們所犯的[they have exceeded]過犯指示他們。

10 他也開通他們的耳朵得受教訓,吩咐他們離開罪孽轉回。

11 他們若聽從事奉他,就必度日亨通,歷年福樂。

12 他們[they]若不聽從,[But]要被刀殺滅,無知無識而死。

13 偽善人心中[But the hypocrites in heart]積蓄怒氣;[he]捆綁他們,他們竟不求救。

14 他們[they]在青年時死亡,終身列在污穢人中[their life is among the unclean]

15 貧窮人在困苦中,他救拔他們[He delivereth the poor in his affliction];趁他們受欺壓開通他們的耳朵。

16 神也必引你出離患難,進入寬闊不狹窄之地;擺在你席上的必滿有肥甘。

17 但你成就了[fulfilled]惡人當受的審判[judgment of the wicked];判斷和刑罰抓住你。

18 既有忿怒[Because there is wrath]就當謹慎[beware]免得他把你擊打除去[lest he take thee away with his stroke]那時贖價雖大,也不能救你[then a great ransom cannot deliver thee]

19 他豈重看你的資財[will he esteem thy riches]他不重看金子[no, not gold]也不重看一切的勢力[nor all the forces of strength]

20 不要切慕黑夜,就是百姓[people]在本處被剪除[cut off]的時候。

21 須要謹慎[Take heed],不可重看罪孽;因你選擇罪孽過於選擇苦難。

22 看哪[Behold],神用能力高舉[exalteth by his power];教訓人的有誰像他呢?

23 誰派定他的道路?[or]誰能說:你所行的為惡[iniquity]

24 你不可忘記稱讚他所行的為大,就是人所看見[behold]的。

25 他所行的,眾人都看見;世人也從遠處觀看。

26 看哪[Behold],神為大,我們不能全知,他的年數[neither]不能測度。

27使水滴化小[maketh small the drops of water]水滴澆下成雨如同霧一般[they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof]

28 雲彩將雨落下,沛然降與世人。


30 看哪[Behold],他將他的[his]亮光普照在其上[upon it][and]遮覆海底。

31 他用它們[them]審判百姓[people][he]賜豐富的糧食。

32 他以雲彩[clouds][light]又藉雲彩來到中間,命光不得照耀[and commandeth it not to shine by the cloud that cometh betwixt]

33 其中的聲音表明此事[The noise thereof sheweth concerning it],又向牲畜指明雲霧[vapour]


Chapter 36



1 Elihu453 also proceeded,3254 and said,559

1 以利戶又接著說:

2 Suffer3803 me a little,2191 and I will show2331 you that I have yet5750 to speak4405 on God's433 behalf.

2 你再容我片時,我就指示你,因我還有話為神說。

3 I will fetch5375 my knowledge1843 from afar,7350 and will ascribe5414 righteousness6664 to my Maker.6466

3 我要將所知道的從遠處引來,將公義歸給我的造物主[my Maker]

4 For truly551 my words4405 shall not be false:8267 he that is perfect8549 in knowledge1844 is with you.

4 我的言語真不虛謊;[that]知識全備的與你同在。

5 Behold,2005 God410 is mighty,3524 and despises3988 not any: he is mighty3524 in strength3581 and wisdom.3820

5 看哪[Behold],神有大能,並不藐視人;他的能力甚大[he is mighty in strength],他的智慧甚廣。

6 He preserves2421 not the life2421 of the wicked:7563 but gives5414 right4941 to the poor.6041

6 他不保護惡人的性命;卻為貧窮[poor]人伸冤。

7 He withdraws1639 not his eyes5869 from the righteous:6662 but with kings4428 are they on the throne;3678 yes, he does establish3427 them for ever,5331 and they are exalted.1361

7 他時常看顧義人。[but]使他們和君王同坐寶座;他永遠堅立他們[he doth establish them for ever]他們就[and they]被高舉。

8 And if518 they be bound631 in fetters,2131 and be held3920 in cords2256 of affliction;6040

8 他們若被鎖鏈捆住,被苦難的繩索纏住,

9 Then he shows5046 them their work,6467 and their transgressions6588 that they have exceeded.1396

9 他就把他們的作為和他們所犯的[they have exceeded]過犯指示他們。

10 He opens1540 also their ear241 to discipline,4148 and commands559 that they return7725 from iniquity.205

10 他也開通他們的耳朵得受教訓,吩咐他們離開罪孽轉回。

11 If518 they obey8085 and serve5647 him, they shall spend3615 their days3117 in prosperity,2896 and their years8141 in pleasures.5273

11 他們若聽從事奉他,就必度日亨通,歷年福樂。

12 But if518 they obey8085 not, they shall perish5674 by the sword,7973 and they shall die1478 without1097 knowledge.1847

12 他們[they]若不聽從,[But]要被刀殺滅,無知無識而死。

13 But the hypocrites2611 in heart3820 heap7760 up wrath:639 they cry7768 not when3588 he binds631 them.

13 偽善人心中[But the hypocrites in heart]積蓄怒氣;[he]捆綁他們,他們竟不求救。

14 They die4191 in youth,5290 and their life2416 is among the unclean.6945

14 他們[they]在青年時死亡,終身列在污穢人中[their life is among the unclean]

15 He delivers2502 the poor6041 in his affliction,6040 and opens1540 their ears241 in oppression.3906

15 貧窮人在困苦中,他救拔他們[He delivereth the poor in his affliction];趁他們受欺壓開通他們的耳朵。

16 Even so would he have removed5496 you out of the strait6862 into a broad7338 place, where there is no3808 narrow place;4164 and that which should be set5183 on your table7979 should be full4390 of fatness.1880

16 神也必引你出離患難,進入寬闊不狹窄之地;擺在你席上的必滿有肥甘。

17 But you have fulfilled4390 the judgment1779 of the wicked:7563 judgment1779 and justice4941 take8551 hold8551 on you.

17 但你成就了[fulfilled]惡人當受的審判[judgment of the wicked];判斷和刑罰抓住你。

18 Because3588 there is wrath,2534 beware lest6435 he take5496 you away5496 with his stroke:5607 then a great7227 ransom3724 cannot3808 deliver5186 you.

18 既有忿怒[Because there is wrath]就當謹慎[beware]免得他把你擊打除去[lest he take thee away with his stroke]那時贖價雖大,也不能救你[then a great ransom cannot deliver thee]

19 Will he esteem6186 your riches?7769 no,3808 not gold,1222 nor3808 all3605 the forces3981 of strength.3581

19 他豈重看你的資財[will he esteem thy riches]他不重看金子[no, not gold]也不重看一切的勢力[nor all the forces of strength]

20 Desire7602 not the night,3915 when people5971 are cut5927 off in their place.8478

20 不要切慕黑夜,就是百姓[people]在本處被剪除[cut off]的時候。

21 Take heed,8104 regard6437 not iniquity:205 for this2088 have you chosen970 rather than affliction.6040

21 須要謹慎[Take heed],不可重看罪孽;因你選擇罪孽過於選擇苦難。

22 Behold,2005 God410 exalts7682 by his power:3581 who4310 teaches3384 like3644 him?

22 看哪[Behold],神用能力高舉[exalteth by his power];教訓人的有誰像他呢?

23 Who4310 has enjoined6485 him his way?1870 or who4310 can say,559 You have worked6466 iniquity?5766

23 誰派定他的道路?[or]誰能說:你所行的為惡[iniquity]

24 Remember2142 that you magnify7679 his work,6467 which834 men582 behold.7891

24 你不可忘記稱讚他所行的為大,就是人所看見[behold]的。

25 Every3605 man120 may see2372 it; man582 may behold5027 it afar7350 off.

25 他所行的,眾人都看見;世人也從遠處觀看。

26 Behold,2005 God410 is great,7689 and we know3045 him not, neither3808 can the number4557 of his years8141 be searched2714 out.

26 看哪[Behold],神為大,我們不能全知,他的年數[neither]不能測度。

27 For he makes small1639 the drops5197 of water:4325 they pour2212 down rain4306 according to the vapor108 thereof:

27使水滴化小[maketh small the drops of water]水滴澆下成雨如同霧一般[they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof]

28 Which834 the clouds7834 do drop5140 and distil7491 on man120 abundantly.7227

28 雲彩將雨落下,沛然降與世人。

29 Also637 can any understand995 the spreading4666 of the clouds,5645 or the noise8663 of his tabernacle?5521


30 Behold,2005 he spreads6566 his light216 on it, and covers3680 the bottom8328 of the sea.3220

30 看哪[Behold],他將他的[his]亮光普照在其上[upon it][and]遮覆海底。

31 For by them judges1777 he the people;5971 he gives5414 meat400 in abundance.4342

31 他用它們[them]審判百姓[people][he]賜豐富的糧食。

32 With clouds3709 he covers3680 the light;216 and commands6680 it not to shine by the cloud that comes6293 between.6293

32 他以雲彩[clouds][light]又藉雲彩來到中間,命光不得照耀[and commandeth it not to shine by the cloud that cometh betwixt]

33 The noise7452 thereof shows5046 concerning5921 it, the cattle4735 also637 concerning5921 the vapor.5927

33 其中的聲音表明此事[The noise thereof sheweth concerning it],又向牲畜指明雲霧[vapour]