

1 猶大王亞哈士十二年、以哈子何西治以色列、在撒馬利亞爲王、凡歷九年、

2 行惡於耶和華前、較以色列昔之列王稍愈、

3 亞述王撒馬尼斯攻何西、何西臣服納貢、

4 厥後蓄異謀、遣使至埃及王瑣通好、歲貢之物不復進納、亞述王知而禁錮之、

5 至以色列遍地、環攻撒馬利亞、歷至二年。

6 何西王九年、亞述陷撒馬利亞、擄以色列族、至亞述地、置於坷散河旁之哈臘、哈拔及米太族諸邑。

7 昔以色列族之上帝耶和華、導民出埃及、脫於法老之手、厥後以色列族獲罪於耶和華、寅畏他上帝。

8 耶和華驅逐異邦人、所遺之禮儀、民從之、以色列列王所擅立之禮儀、民亦從之、

9 私行非義於其上帝耶和華前、自戍樓以至邑垣、悉建崇邱、

10 高岡之巔、茂林之下、立諸偶像、

11 從耶和華所驅之異邦人、在諸崇坵、焚香行諸惡事、干耶和華震怒、

12 犯耶和華禁、役事偶像。

13 耶和華遣其先知先見者、責以色列猶大二族、曰、當棄惡行、守我禁令禮儀、從我所命諸先知、傳爾列祖之律例、

14 斯民弗聽、強項不馴、不信其上帝耶和華、與列祖無異。

15 昔上帝與列祖立約、斯民背之、棄其所命、違其禮儀、崇事虛無、亦爲放誕、四周之異邦人、耶和華曾命、勿效其尤、彼不聽從、反崇信焉。

16 棄其上帝耶和華之命、鑄二金犢、樹立木偶、崇拜天象、奉事巴力、

17 焚獻子女、專用卜筮、維惡是務、干耶和華震怒。

18 故耶和華怒以色列族、驅於其前、靡有孑遺、所餘者惟猶大族而已。

19 猶大族亦不守其上帝耶和華之誡命、從以色列族所擅立之禮儀。

20 耶和華棄以色列苗裔、降以禍災、爲人所虜、驅於其前、

21 奪大闢所治之以色列。以色列族旣立尼八子耶羅破暗爲王、王使以色列族不從耶和華、陷於大罪。

22 以色列族從耶羅破暗所爲、恒行惡事、

23 迨耶和華驅之於前、循衆僕先知所言、於是以色列族被虜離斯土、至亞述、迄今尚未歸焉。

24 以色列族被虜、亞述王使人自巴比倫、古他、亞瓦、哈末、西法瓦音、至撒馬利亞諸邑、據其地、居其城、

25 始居之時、民不寅畏耶和華、故耶和華使獅殺數人。

26 或告亞述王曰、爾所遷徙之民、居於撒馬利亞諸邑者、不識斯土上帝之例、故見殺於獅。

27 亞述王命曰、所虜之祭司、可反其一、使居乎彼、以其上帝之例、教誨乎衆。

28 於是自撒馬利亞被擄之祭司一人來、居伯特利、教民畏耶和華、

29 然民住於諸邑各造諸上帝像、置於撒馬利亞人所作崇坵之室。

30 巴比倫人作數割庇納像、古他人作匿甲像、哈末人作亞示馬像、

31 亞瓦人作作匿哈與大撻像、西法瓦音人焚其子、奉事其上帝、亞得米勒、亞拿米勒。

32 又畏耶和華、以凡庸之民爲崇坵祭司、獻祭於崇坵之室、

33 如是畏耶和華、亦事他上帝、循諸族所自出之例、

34 遷於撒馬利亞之人、其所作爲、迄今亦然、彼不誠畏耶和華、不順從其禮儀法度、律法禁令、卽耶和華所命雅各子孫者。雅各亦名以色列。

35 昔耶和華與以色列族立約、命之曰、毋畏他上帝、毋崇拜、毋服事、毋祭祀、

36 乃敬畏崇拜祭祀乎我、以大能巨力導爾出埃及者、

37 恒守我所錄之禮儀法度、律法禁令、毋畏他上帝、

38 我與汝所立之約、毋或遺忘、毋畏他上帝、

39 乃畏乎我、我乃爾之上帝耶和華、將拯爾脫於諸敵之手、

40 遷於撒馬利亞之民仍不聽從、輒蹈前轍、

41 雖畏耶和華又事偶像、其祖行是、子孫濟惡、迄於今日、亦若是焉。

2 Kings

Chapter 17

1 In the twelfth8147 6240 year8141 of Ahaz271 king4428 of Judah3063 began Hoshea1954 the son1121 of Elah425 to reign4427 in Samaria8111 over5921 Israel3478 nine8672 years.8141

2 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 but7535 not3808 as the kings4428 of Israel3478 that834 were1961 before6440 him.

3 Against5921 him came up5927 Shalmaneser8022 king4428 of Assyria;804 and Hoshea1954 became1961 his servant,5650 and gave7725 him presents.4503

4 And the king4428 of Assyria804 found4672 conspiracy7195 in Hoshea:1954 for he had sent7971 messengers4397 to413 So5471 king4428 of Egypt,4714 and brought5927 no3808 present4503 to the king4428 of Assyria,804 as he had done year8141 by year:8141 therefore the king4428 of Assyria804 shut him up,6113 and bound631 him in prison.1004 3608

5 Then the king4428 of Assyria804 came up5927 throughout all3605 the land,776 and went up5927 to Samaria,8111 and besieged6696 5921 it three7969 years.8141

6 In the ninth8671 year8141 of Hoshea1954 the king4428 of Assyria804 took3920 853 Samaria,8111 and carried Israel away1540 853 3478 into Assyria,804 and placed3427 them in Halah2477 and in Habor2249 by the river5104 of Gozan,1470 and in the cities5892 of the Medes.4074

7 For so it was,1961 that3588 the children1121 of Israel3478 had sinned2398 against the LORD3068 their God,430 which had brought them up5927 853 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt,4714 from under4480 8478 the hand3027 of Pharaoh6547 king4428 of Egypt,4714 and had feared3372 other312 gods,430

8 And walked1980 in the statutes2708 of the heathen,1471 whom834 the LORD3068 cast out3423 from before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and of the kings4428 of Israel,3478 which834 they had made.6213

9 And the children1121 of Israel3478 did secretly2644 those things1697 that834 were not3808 right3651 against5921 the LORD3068 their God,430 and they built1129 them high places1116 in all3605 their cities,5892 from the tower4480 4026 of the watchmen5341 to5704 the fenced4013 city.5892

10 And they set them up5324 images4676 and groves842 in5921 every3605 high1364 hill,1389 and under8478 every3605 green7488 tree: 6086

11 And there8033 they burnt incense6999 in all3605 the high places,1116 as did the heathen1471 whom834 the LORD3068 carried away1540 before4480 6440 them; and wrought6213 wicked7451 things1697 to provoke3707 853 the LORD3068 to anger:

12 For they served5647 idols,1544 whereof834 the LORD3068 had said559 unto them, Ye shall not3808 do6213 853 this2088 thing.1697

13 Yet the LORD3068 testified5749 against Israel,3478 and against Judah,3063 by3027 all3605 the prophets,5030 and by all3605 the seers,2374 saying,559 Turn7725 ye from your evil ways,4480 1870 7451 and keep8104 my commandments4687 and my statutes,2708 according to all3605 the law8451 which834 I commanded6680 853 your fathers,1 and which834 I sent7971 to413 you by3027 my servants5650 the prophets.5030

14 Notwithstanding they would not3808 hear,8085 but hardened7185 853 their necks,6203 like to the neck6203 of their fathers,1 that834 did not3808 believe539 in the LORD3068 their God.430

15 And they rejected3988 853 his statutes,2706 and his covenant1285 that834 he made3772 with854 their fathers,1 and his testimonies5715 which834 he testified5749 against them; and they followed1980 310 vanity,1892 and became vain,1891 and went after310 the heathen1471 that834 were round about5439 them, concerning whom834 the LORD3068 had charged6680 them, that they should not1115 do6213 like them.

16 And they left5800 853 all3605 the commandments4687 of the LORD3068 their God,430 and made6213 them molten images,4541 even two8147 calves,5695 and made6213 a grove,842 and worshiped7812 all3605 the host6635 of heaven,8064 and served5647 853 Baal.1168

17 And they caused853 their sons1121 and their daughters1323 to pass through5674 the fire,784 and used7080 divination7081 and enchantments,5172 and sold themselves4376 to do6213 evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 to provoke him to anger.3707

18 Therefore the LORD3068 was very angry599 3966 with Israel,3478 and removed5493 them out of4480 5921 his sight:6440 there was none3808 left7604 but7535 the tribe7626 of Judah3063 only.905

19 Also1571 Judah3063 kept8104 not3808 853 the commandments4687 of the LORD3068 their God,430 but walked1980 in the statutes2708 of Israel3478 which834 they made.6213

20 And the LORD3068 rejected3988 all3605 the seed2233 of Israel,3478 and afflicted6031 them, and delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of spoilers,8154 until5704 834 he had cast them out7993 of his sight.4480 6440

21 For3588 he rent7167 Israel3478 from4480 5921 the house1004 of David;1732 and they made853 Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat5028 king:4427 and Jeroboam3379 drove5080 853 Israel3478 from following4480 310 the LORD,3068 and made them sin2398 a great1419 sin.2401

22 For the children1121 of Israel3478 walked1980 in all3605 the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 which834 he did;6213 they departed5493 not3808 from4480 them;

23 Until5704 834 the LORD3068 removed5493 853 Israel3478 out of4480 5921 his sight,6440 as834 he had said1696 by3027 all3605 his servants5650 the prophets.5030 So was Israel3478 carried away1540 out of4480 5921 their own land127 to Assyria804 unto5704 this2088 day.3117

24 And the king4428 of Assyria804 brought935 men from Babylon,4480 894 and from Cuthah,4480 3575 and from Ava,4480 5755 and from Hamath,4480 2574 and from Sepharvaim,5617 and placed3427 them in the cities5892 of Samaria8111 instead8478 of the children1121 of Israel:3478 and they possessed3423 853 Samaria,8111 and dwelt3427 in the cities5892 thereof.

25 And so it was1961 at the beginning8462 of their dwelling3427 there,8033 that they feared3372 not3808 853 the LORD:3068 therefore the LORD3068 sent7971 853 lions738 among them, which slew2026 some of them.

26 Wherefore they spoke559 to the king4428 of Assyria,804 saying,559 The nations1471 which834 thou hast removed,1540 and placed3427 in the cities5892 of Samaria,8111 know3045 not3808 853 the manner4941 of the God430 of the land:776 therefore he hath sent7971 853 lions738 among them, and, behold,2009 they slay4191 them, because834 they know3045 not369 853 the manner4941 of the God430 of the land.776

27 Then the king4428 of Assyria804 commanded,6680 saying,559 Carry1980 thither8033 one259 of the priests4480 3548 whom834 ye brought1540 from thence;4480 8033 and let them go1980 and dwell3427 there,8033 and let him teach3384 them853 the manner4941 of the God430 of the land.776

28 Then one259 of the priests4480 3548 whom834 they had carried away1540 from Samaria4480 8111 came935 and dwelt3427 in Bethel,1008 and taught3384 them how349 they should fear3372 853 the LORD.3068

29 Howbeit every nation1471 1471 made6213 gods430 of their own, and put5117 them in the houses1004 of the high places1116 which834 the Samaritans8118 had made,6213 every nation1471 1471 in their cities5892 wherein834 8033 they1992 dwelt.3427

30 And the men376 of Babylon894 made6213 853 Succothbenoth,5524 and the men376 of Cuth3575 made6213 853 Nergal,5370 and the men376 of Hamath2574 made6213 853 Ashima,807

31 And the Avites5761 made6213 Nibhaz5026 and Tartak,8662 and the Sepharvites5617 burnt8313 853 their children1121 in fire784 to Adrammelech152 and Anammelech,6048 the gods430 of Sepharvaim.5617

32 So they feared1961 3372 853 the LORD,3068 and made6213 unto themselves of the lowest4480 7098 of them priests3548 of the high places,1116 which sacrificed6213 for them in the houses1004 of the high places.1116

33 They feared1961 3372 853 the LORD,3068 and served1961 5647 their own gods,430 after the manner4941 of the nations1471 whom834 853 they carried away1540 from thence.4480 8033

34 Unto5704 this2088 day3117 they1992 do6213 after the former7223 manners:4941 they fear3372 not369 853 the LORD,3068 neither369 do6213 they after their statutes,2708 or after their ordinances,4941 or after the law8451 and commandment4687 which834 the LORD3068 commanded6680 853 the children1121 of Jacob,3290 whom834 he named7760 8034 Israel;3478

35 With854 whom the LORD3068 had made3772 a covenant,1285 and charged6680 them, saying,559 Ye shall not3808 fear3372 other312 gods,430 nor3808 bow yourselves7812 to them, nor3808 serve5647 them, nor3808 sacrifice2076 to them:

36 But3588 518 853 the LORD,3068 who834 brought you up5927 853 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt4714 with great1419 power3581 and a stretched out5186 arm,2220 him shall ye fear,3372 and him shall ye worship,7812 and to him shall ye do sacrifice.2076

37 And the statutes,2706 and the ordinances,4941 and the law,8451 and the commandment,4687 which834 he wrote3789 for you, ye shall observe8104 to do6213 forevermore;3605 3117 and ye shall not3808 fear3372 other312 gods.430

38 And the covenant1285 that834 I have made3772 with854 you ye shall not3808 forget;7911 neither3808 shall ye fear3372 other312 gods.430

39 But3588 518 853 the LORD3068 your God430 ye shall fear;3372 and he1931 shall deliver5337 you out of the hand4480 3027 of all3605 your enemies.341

40 Howbeit they did not3808 hearken,8085 but3588 518 they1992 did6213 after their former7223 manner.4941

41 So these428 nations1471 feared1961 3372 853 the LORD,3068 and served5647 their graven images,6456 both1571 their children,1121 and their children's1121 children:1121 as834 did6213 their fathers,1 so do6213 they1992 unto5704 this2088 day.3117



2 Kings

Chapter 17

1 猶大王亞哈士十二年、以哈子何西治以色列、在撒馬利亞爲王、凡歷九年、

1 In the twelfth8147 6240 year8141 of Ahaz271 king4428 of Judah3063 began Hoshea1954 the son1121 of Elah425 to reign4427 in Samaria8111 over5921 Israel3478 nine8672 years.8141

2 行惡於耶和華前、較以色列昔之列王稍愈、

2 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 but7535 not3808 as the kings4428 of Israel3478 that834 were1961 before6440 him.

3 亞述王撒馬尼斯攻何西、何西臣服納貢、

3 Against5921 him came up5927 Shalmaneser8022 king4428 of Assyria;804 and Hoshea1954 became1961 his servant,5650 and gave7725 him presents.4503

4 厥後蓄異謀、遣使至埃及王瑣通好、歲貢之物不復進納、亞述王知而禁錮之、

4 And the king4428 of Assyria804 found4672 conspiracy7195 in Hoshea:1954 for he had sent7971 messengers4397 to413 So5471 king4428 of Egypt,4714 and brought5927 no3808 present4503 to the king4428 of Assyria,804 as he had done year8141 by year:8141 therefore the king4428 of Assyria804 shut him up,6113 and bound631 him in prison.1004 3608

5 至以色列遍地、環攻撒馬利亞、歷至二年。

5 Then the king4428 of Assyria804 came up5927 throughout all3605 the land,776 and went up5927 to Samaria,8111 and besieged6696 5921 it three7969 years.8141

6 何西王九年、亞述陷撒馬利亞、擄以色列族、至亞述地、置於坷散河旁之哈臘、哈拔及米太族諸邑。

6 In the ninth8671 year8141 of Hoshea1954 the king4428 of Assyria804 took3920 853 Samaria,8111 and carried Israel away1540 853 3478 into Assyria,804 and placed3427 them in Halah2477 and in Habor2249 by the river5104 of Gozan,1470 and in the cities5892 of the Medes.4074

7 昔以色列族之上帝耶和華、導民出埃及、脫於法老之手、厥後以色列族獲罪於耶和華、寅畏他上帝。

7 For so it was,1961 that3588 the children1121 of Israel3478 had sinned2398 against the LORD3068 their God,430 which had brought them up5927 853 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt,4714 from under4480 8478 the hand3027 of Pharaoh6547 king4428 of Egypt,4714 and had feared3372 other312 gods,430

8 耶和華驅逐異邦人、所遺之禮儀、民從之、以色列列王所擅立之禮儀、民亦從之、

8 And walked1980 in the statutes2708 of the heathen,1471 whom834 the LORD3068 cast out3423 from before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and of the kings4428 of Israel,3478 which834 they had made.6213

9 私行非義於其上帝耶和華前、自戍樓以至邑垣、悉建崇邱、

9 And the children1121 of Israel3478 did secretly2644 those things1697 that834 were not3808 right3651 against5921 the LORD3068 their God,430 and they built1129 them high places1116 in all3605 their cities,5892 from the tower4480 4026 of the watchmen5341 to5704 the fenced4013 city.5892

10 高岡之巔、茂林之下、立諸偶像、

10 And they set them up5324 images4676 and groves842 in5921 every3605 high1364 hill,1389 and under8478 every3605 green7488 tree: 6086

11 從耶和華所驅之異邦人、在諸崇坵、焚香行諸惡事、干耶和華震怒、

11 And there8033 they burnt incense6999 in all3605 the high places,1116 as did the heathen1471 whom834 the LORD3068 carried away1540 before4480 6440 them; and wrought6213 wicked7451 things1697 to provoke3707 853 the LORD3068 to anger:

12 犯耶和華禁、役事偶像。

12 For they served5647 idols,1544 whereof834 the LORD3068 had said559 unto them, Ye shall not3808 do6213 853 this2088 thing.1697

13 耶和華遣其先知先見者、責以色列猶大二族、曰、當棄惡行、守我禁令禮儀、從我所命諸先知、傳爾列祖之律例、

13 Yet the LORD3068 testified5749 against Israel,3478 and against Judah,3063 by3027 all3605 the prophets,5030 and by all3605 the seers,2374 saying,559 Turn7725 ye from your evil ways,4480 1870 7451 and keep8104 my commandments4687 and my statutes,2708 according to all3605 the law8451 which834 I commanded6680 853 your fathers,1 and which834 I sent7971 to413 you by3027 my servants5650 the prophets.5030

14 斯民弗聽、強項不馴、不信其上帝耶和華、與列祖無異。

14 Notwithstanding they would not3808 hear,8085 but hardened7185 853 their necks,6203 like to the neck6203 of their fathers,1 that834 did not3808 believe539 in the LORD3068 their God.430

15 昔上帝與列祖立約、斯民背之、棄其所命、違其禮儀、崇事虛無、亦爲放誕、四周之異邦人、耶和華曾命、勿效其尤、彼不聽從、反崇信焉。

15 And they rejected3988 853 his statutes,2706 and his covenant1285 that834 he made3772 with854 their fathers,1 and his testimonies5715 which834 he testified5749 against them; and they followed1980 310 vanity,1892 and became vain,1891 and went after310 the heathen1471 that834 were round about5439 them, concerning whom834 the LORD3068 had charged6680 them, that they should not1115 do6213 like them.

16 棄其上帝耶和華之命、鑄二金犢、樹立木偶、崇拜天象、奉事巴力、

16 And they left5800 853 all3605 the commandments4687 of the LORD3068 their God,430 and made6213 them molten images,4541 even two8147 calves,5695 and made6213 a grove,842 and worshiped7812 all3605 the host6635 of heaven,8064 and served5647 853 Baal.1168

17 焚獻子女、專用卜筮、維惡是務、干耶和華震怒。

17 And they caused853 their sons1121 and their daughters1323 to pass through5674 the fire,784 and used7080 divination7081 and enchantments,5172 and sold themselves4376 to do6213 evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 to provoke him to anger.3707

18 故耶和華怒以色列族、驅於其前、靡有孑遺、所餘者惟猶大族而已。

18 Therefore the LORD3068 was very angry599 3966 with Israel,3478 and removed5493 them out of4480 5921 his sight:6440 there was none3808 left7604 but7535 the tribe7626 of Judah3063 only.905

19 猶大族亦不守其上帝耶和華之誡命、從以色列族所擅立之禮儀。

19 Also1571 Judah3063 kept8104 not3808 853 the commandments4687 of the LORD3068 their God,430 but walked1980 in the statutes2708 of Israel3478 which834 they made.6213

20 耶和華棄以色列苗裔、降以禍災、爲人所虜、驅於其前、

20 And the LORD3068 rejected3988 all3605 the seed2233 of Israel,3478 and afflicted6031 them, and delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of spoilers,8154 until5704 834 he had cast them out7993 of his sight.4480 6440

21 奪大闢所治之以色列。以色列族旣立尼八子耶羅破暗爲王、王使以色列族不從耶和華、陷於大罪。

21 For3588 he rent7167 Israel3478 from4480 5921 the house1004 of David;1732 and they made853 Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat5028 king:4427 and Jeroboam3379 drove5080 853 Israel3478 from following4480 310 the LORD,3068 and made them sin2398 a great1419 sin.2401

22 以色列族從耶羅破暗所爲、恒行惡事、

22 For the children1121 of Israel3478 walked1980 in all3605 the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 which834 he did;6213 they departed5493 not3808 from4480 them;

23 迨耶和華驅之於前、循衆僕先知所言、於是以色列族被虜離斯土、至亞述、迄今尚未歸焉。

23 Until5704 834 the LORD3068 removed5493 853 Israel3478 out of4480 5921 his sight,6440 as834 he had said1696 by3027 all3605 his servants5650 the prophets.5030 So was Israel3478 carried away1540 out of4480 5921 their own land127 to Assyria804 unto5704 this2088 day.3117

24 以色列族被虜、亞述王使人自巴比倫、古他、亞瓦、哈末、西法瓦音、至撒馬利亞諸邑、據其地、居其城、

24 And the king4428 of Assyria804 brought935 men from Babylon,4480 894 and from Cuthah,4480 3575 and from Ava,4480 5755 and from Hamath,4480 2574 and from Sepharvaim,5617 and placed3427 them in the cities5892 of Samaria8111 instead8478 of the children1121 of Israel:3478 and they possessed3423 853 Samaria,8111 and dwelt3427 in the cities5892 thereof.

25 始居之時、民不寅畏耶和華、故耶和華使獅殺數人。

25 And so it was1961 at the beginning8462 of their dwelling3427 there,8033 that they feared3372 not3808 853 the LORD:3068 therefore the LORD3068 sent7971 853 lions738 among them, which slew2026 some of them.

26 或告亞述王曰、爾所遷徙之民、居於撒馬利亞諸邑者、不識斯土上帝之例、故見殺於獅。

26 Wherefore they spoke559 to the king4428 of Assyria,804 saying,559 The nations1471 which834 thou hast removed,1540 and placed3427 in the cities5892 of Samaria,8111 know3045 not3808 853 the manner4941 of the God430 of the land:776 therefore he hath sent7971 853 lions738 among them, and, behold,2009 they slay4191 them, because834 they know3045 not369 853 the manner4941 of the God430 of the land.776

27 亞述王命曰、所虜之祭司、可反其一、使居乎彼、以其上帝之例、教誨乎衆。

27 Then the king4428 of Assyria804 commanded,6680 saying,559 Carry1980 thither8033 one259 of the priests4480 3548 whom834 ye brought1540 from thence;4480 8033 and let them go1980 and dwell3427 there,8033 and let him teach3384 them853 the manner4941 of the God430 of the land.776

28 於是自撒馬利亞被擄之祭司一人來、居伯特利、教民畏耶和華、

28 Then one259 of the priests4480 3548 whom834 they had carried away1540 from Samaria4480 8111 came935 and dwelt3427 in Bethel,1008 and taught3384 them how349 they should fear3372 853 the LORD.3068

29 然民住於諸邑各造諸上帝像、置於撒馬利亞人所作崇坵之室。

29 Howbeit every nation1471 1471 made6213 gods430 of their own, and put5117 them in the houses1004 of the high places1116 which834 the Samaritans8118 had made,6213 every nation1471 1471 in their cities5892 wherein834 8033 they1992 dwelt.3427

30 巴比倫人作數割庇納像、古他人作匿甲像、哈末人作亞示馬像、

30 And the men376 of Babylon894 made6213 853 Succothbenoth,5524 and the men376 of Cuth3575 made6213 853 Nergal,5370 and the men376 of Hamath2574 made6213 853 Ashima,807

31 亞瓦人作作匿哈與大撻像、西法瓦音人焚其子、奉事其上帝、亞得米勒、亞拿米勒。

31 And the Avites5761 made6213 Nibhaz5026 and Tartak,8662 and the Sepharvites5617 burnt8313 853 their children1121 in fire784 to Adrammelech152 and Anammelech,6048 the gods430 of Sepharvaim.5617

32 又畏耶和華、以凡庸之民爲崇坵祭司、獻祭於崇坵之室、

32 So they feared1961 3372 853 the LORD,3068 and made6213 unto themselves of the lowest4480 7098 of them priests3548 of the high places,1116 which sacrificed6213 for them in the houses1004 of the high places.1116

33 如是畏耶和華、亦事他上帝、循諸族所自出之例、

33 They feared1961 3372 853 the LORD,3068 and served1961 5647 their own gods,430 after the manner4941 of the nations1471 whom834 853 they carried away1540 from thence.4480 8033

34 遷於撒馬利亞之人、其所作爲、迄今亦然、彼不誠畏耶和華、不順從其禮儀法度、律法禁令、卽耶和華所命雅各子孫者。雅各亦名以色列。

34 Unto5704 this2088 day3117 they1992 do6213 after the former7223 manners:4941 they fear3372 not369 853 the LORD,3068 neither369 do6213 they after their statutes,2708 or after their ordinances,4941 or after the law8451 and commandment4687 which834 the LORD3068 commanded6680 853 the children1121 of Jacob,3290 whom834 he named7760 8034 Israel;3478

35 昔耶和華與以色列族立約、命之曰、毋畏他上帝、毋崇拜、毋服事、毋祭祀、

35 With854 whom the LORD3068 had made3772 a covenant,1285 and charged6680 them, saying,559 Ye shall not3808 fear3372 other312 gods,430 nor3808 bow yourselves7812 to them, nor3808 serve5647 them, nor3808 sacrifice2076 to them:

36 乃敬畏崇拜祭祀乎我、以大能巨力導爾出埃及者、

36 But3588 518 853 the LORD,3068 who834 brought you up5927 853 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt4714 with great1419 power3581 and a stretched out5186 arm,2220 him shall ye fear,3372 and him shall ye worship,7812 and to him shall ye do sacrifice.2076

37 恒守我所錄之禮儀法度、律法禁令、毋畏他上帝、

37 And the statutes,2706 and the ordinances,4941 and the law,8451 and the commandment,4687 which834 he wrote3789 for you, ye shall observe8104 to do6213 forevermore;3605 3117 and ye shall not3808 fear3372 other312 gods.430

38 我與汝所立之約、毋或遺忘、毋畏他上帝、

38 And the covenant1285 that834 I have made3772 with854 you ye shall not3808 forget;7911 neither3808 shall ye fear3372 other312 gods.430

39 乃畏乎我、我乃爾之上帝耶和華、將拯爾脫於諸敵之手、

39 But3588 518 853 the LORD3068 your God430 ye shall fear;3372 and he1931 shall deliver5337 you out of the hand4480 3027 of all3605 your enemies.341

40 遷於撒馬利亞之民仍不聽從、輒蹈前轍、

40 Howbeit they did not3808 hearken,8085 but3588 518 they1992 did6213 after their former7223 manner.4941

41 雖畏耶和華又事偶像、其祖行是、子孫濟惡、迄於今日、亦若是焉。

41 So these428 nations1471 feared1961 3372 853 the LORD,3068 and served5647 their graven images,6456 both1571 their children,1121 and their children's1121 children:1121 as834 did6213 their fathers,1 so do6213 they1992 unto5704 this2088 day.3117
