

1 亞基帕謂保羅曰、許爾自陳、保羅舉手訴曰、

2 亞基帕王乎、今日我爲猶太人所訟者、得訴於王前、幸甚、

3 更可喜者、爾知猶太人例與教法、故求寬聽我言、

4 我自幼於耶路撒冷與吾民居、所爲之事、猶太人皆知之、

5 倘肯爲我證、則知我初崇拜、奉極嚴之教、所爲效法利賽人、

6 今爲望上帝所許列祖言、我立而被審、

7 且我十二支派、日夜慇懃從事、亦望獲所許耳、亞基帕王歟、我望此、乃爲猶太人所訟、

8 得毋上帝使死者復生、爾曹以爲不可信乎、

9 昔我於拿撒勒耶穌名、以爲當多方攻之、

10 在耶路撒冷、我果行是、旣藉祭司諸長權、囚諸聖徒、觀其見殺、我謂應爾、

11 屢刑諸會堂、强使毀耶穌、攻之益狂、窘逐至外邑、

12 後藉祭司諸長權、奉命往大馬色、

13 王乎、時當正午、道中忽見自天有光、燦耀於日、環照我與同行者、

14 衆皆仆地、我聞聲、以希伯來方言、謂我曰、掃羅、掃羅、何窘逐我、爾以足觸莿難矣、

15 我曰、子爲誰、曰、我乃爾所窘逐之耶穌也、

16 爾起、立、我顯與爾、選爾爲執事、可以爾所見、及將示爾之事爲證、

17 今我遣爾至以色列民、及異邦有害汝者、吾拯爾、

18 俾明厥目、轉暗爲光、離撒但勢、歸於上帝、使衆信我、可得罪赦、同獲聖徒之業、

19 亞基帕王乎、是以我不違天之顯現、

20 乃先於大馬色、次於耶路撒冷、舉猶太地、爰及異邦、我告人悔改、歸上帝、而行事以彰悔改、

21 猶太人執我于殿、欲殺我、

22 然上帝祐我、故今日猶存、當尊卑前所證、無非先知及摩西預言之事、

23 卽基督當受害、而爲死者復生之始、光施以色列民、及異邦人也、

24 保羅訴時、非士都大聲曰、保羅、爾狂乎、爾多文、而狂矣、

25 曰、非士都閣下、我非狂、我所言者、眞實無妄、

26 王知此、我侃侃言於王前、蓋此非行於屋漏、無隱乎王也、

27 亞基帕王歟、爾信先知乎、我知爾信也、

28 亞基帕謂保羅曰、爾幾使我爲基督徒矣、

29 保羅曰、豈幾之云乎、豈獨爾一人乎、我求上帝、凡今日聽我者、一切與我無異、惟毋若我械繫耳、

30 保羅言竟、王與方伯、及伯尼基、幷同坐者皆起、

31 退而相語曰、此人所爲、無當死當繫之事、

32 亞基帕謂非士都曰、此人若不叩該撒、則可釋之矣、


Chapter 26

1 THEN A-grip'pa said to Paul, You have permission to speak in your own behalf. Then Paul stretched forth his hand, and answered, saying,

2 In view of all the things whereof I am accused by the Jews, I consider myself blessed, O King A-grip'pa, to defend myself today before you.

3 Especially because I know you are familiar with all the customs and questions and laws of the Jews: wherefore, I beg you to hear me patiently.

4 Even the Jews themselves, if they would be willing to testify, know well my manner of life from my childhood which started first among mine own people at Jerusalem.

5 For they have been acquainted with me a long time, and know that I was brought up with the excellent doctrine of the Phar'i-sees.

6 And now I stand and am on trial for the hope of the promise made of God to our fathers.

7 It is to the fulfillment of this hope that our twelve tribes expect to come, by means of earnest prayers day and night. And for this very hope's sake, I am accused by the Jews, O King A-grip'pa.

8 How can you judge? Is it improper to believe that God can raise the dead?

9 For I at the very beginning was determined that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

10 Which I also did at Jerusalem: I cast many of the saints into prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when some were put to death, I took part with those who condemned them.

11 And I tortured them in every synagogue, thus compelling them to blaspheme the name of Jesus; and being exceedingly mad against them, I also went to other cities to persecute them.

12 I was on the way to Damascus for this purpose, with authority and commission from the chief priests, when,

13 At mid-day on the road, O king, I saw a light from heaven more powerful than that of the sun, shining round about me and upon those who journeyed with me.

14 When we all fell to the ground, then I heard a voice speaking unto me, in the Hebrew tongue (Ar-a-ma'ic), Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the pricks.

15 And I said, My LORD, who are you? And our LORD said to me, I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you persecute.

16 Then he said to me, Rise and stand upon your feet: for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you a minister and a witness both of these things in which you have seen me, and of those things in which you will also see me again.

17 And I will deliver you from the Jewish people, and from the other people to whom I send you;

18 To open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, and receive forgiveness of sins, and a portion with the saints who are of the faith in me.

19 Whereupon, O King A-grip'pa, I did not disobey the heavenly vision:

20 But I preached first to them of Damascus and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the villages of Judµa, and then to the Gentiles, that they might repent and turn to God and do works worthy of repentance.

21 For these causes the Jews seized me in the temple, and wanted to kill me.

22 But God has helped me to this very day, and behold I stand and testify to the humble and to the great, saying nothing contrary to Moses and the prophets, but the very things which they said were to take place;

23 That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first to rise from the dead, and that he should preach light to the people and to the Gentiles.

24 And while Paul was pleading in this manner, Festus cried with a loud voice: Paul, you are overwrought. Much study has made you mad.

25 But Paul said to him, I am not mad, O most excellent Festus; but I speak the words of truth and soberness.

26 And King A-grip'pa is also familiar with these things, and this is why I am speaking openly before him: because I think not one of these words has been hidden from him; for they were not done in secret.

27 King A-grip'pa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe.

28 Then King A-grip'pa said to him, With little effort you almost persuade me to become a Christian. *

29 And Paul said, I pray God that not only you, but also all of those who hear me today, were as I am, except for these bonds.

30 Then the king arose, and the governor, and Ber-ni'ce and they that sat with them:

31 And when they had departed, they talked between themselves, saying, This man has done nothing worthy of death or of imprisonment.

32 Then Agrip'pa said to Festus, This man could have been released had he not appealed to Cµsar.




Chapter 26

1 亞基帕謂保羅曰、許爾自陳、保羅舉手訴曰、

1 THEN A-grip'pa said to Paul, You have permission to speak in your own behalf. Then Paul stretched forth his hand, and answered, saying,

2 亞基帕王乎、今日我爲猶太人所訟者、得訴於王前、幸甚、

2 In view of all the things whereof I am accused by the Jews, I consider myself blessed, O King A-grip'pa, to defend myself today before you.

3 更可喜者、爾知猶太人例與教法、故求寬聽我言、

3 Especially because I know you are familiar with all the customs and questions and laws of the Jews: wherefore, I beg you to hear me patiently.

4 我自幼於耶路撒冷與吾民居、所爲之事、猶太人皆知之、

4 Even the Jews themselves, if they would be willing to testify, know well my manner of life from my childhood which started first among mine own people at Jerusalem.

5 倘肯爲我證、則知我初崇拜、奉極嚴之教、所爲效法利賽人、

5 For they have been acquainted with me a long time, and know that I was brought up with the excellent doctrine of the Phar'i-sees.

6 今爲望上帝所許列祖言、我立而被審、

6 And now I stand and am on trial for the hope of the promise made of God to our fathers.

7 且我十二支派、日夜慇懃從事、亦望獲所許耳、亞基帕王歟、我望此、乃爲猶太人所訟、

7 It is to the fulfillment of this hope that our twelve tribes expect to come, by means of earnest prayers day and night. And for this very hope's sake, I am accused by the Jews, O King A-grip'pa.

8 得毋上帝使死者復生、爾曹以爲不可信乎、

8 How can you judge? Is it improper to believe that God can raise the dead?

9 昔我於拿撒勒耶穌名、以爲當多方攻之、

9 For I at the very beginning was determined that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

10 在耶路撒冷、我果行是、旣藉祭司諸長權、囚諸聖徒、觀其見殺、我謂應爾、

10 Which I also did at Jerusalem: I cast many of the saints into prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when some were put to death, I took part with those who condemned them.

11 屢刑諸會堂、强使毀耶穌、攻之益狂、窘逐至外邑、

11 And I tortured them in every synagogue, thus compelling them to blaspheme the name of Jesus; and being exceedingly mad against them, I also went to other cities to persecute them.

12 後藉祭司諸長權、奉命往大馬色、

12 I was on the way to Damascus for this purpose, with authority and commission from the chief priests, when,

13 王乎、時當正午、道中忽見自天有光、燦耀於日、環照我與同行者、

13 At mid-day on the road, O king, I saw a light from heaven more powerful than that of the sun, shining round about me and upon those who journeyed with me.

14 衆皆仆地、我聞聲、以希伯來方言、謂我曰、掃羅、掃羅、何窘逐我、爾以足觸莿難矣、

14 When we all fell to the ground, then I heard a voice speaking unto me, in the Hebrew tongue (Ar-a-ma'ic), Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the pricks.

15 我曰、子爲誰、曰、我乃爾所窘逐之耶穌也、

15 And I said, My LORD, who are you? And our LORD said to me, I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you persecute.

16 爾起、立、我顯與爾、選爾爲執事、可以爾所見、及將示爾之事爲證、

16 Then he said to me, Rise and stand upon your feet: for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you a minister and a witness both of these things in which you have seen me, and of those things in which you will also see me again.

17 今我遣爾至以色列民、及異邦有害汝者、吾拯爾、

17 And I will deliver you from the Jewish people, and from the other people to whom I send you;

18 俾明厥目、轉暗爲光、離撒但勢、歸於上帝、使衆信我、可得罪赦、同獲聖徒之業、

18 To open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, and receive forgiveness of sins, and a portion with the saints who are of the faith in me.

19 亞基帕王乎、是以我不違天之顯現、

19 Whereupon, O King A-grip'pa, I did not disobey the heavenly vision:

20 乃先於大馬色、次於耶路撒冷、舉猶太地、爰及異邦、我告人悔改、歸上帝、而行事以彰悔改、

20 But I preached first to them of Damascus and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the villages of Judµa, and then to the Gentiles, that they might repent and turn to God and do works worthy of repentance.

21 猶太人執我于殿、欲殺我、

21 For these causes the Jews seized me in the temple, and wanted to kill me.

22 然上帝祐我、故今日猶存、當尊卑前所證、無非先知及摩西預言之事、

22 But God has helped me to this very day, and behold I stand and testify to the humble and to the great, saying nothing contrary to Moses and the prophets, but the very things which they said were to take place;

23 卽基督當受害、而爲死者復生之始、光施以色列民、及異邦人也、

23 That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first to rise from the dead, and that he should preach light to the people and to the Gentiles.

24 保羅訴時、非士都大聲曰、保羅、爾狂乎、爾多文、而狂矣、

24 And while Paul was pleading in this manner, Festus cried with a loud voice: Paul, you are overwrought. Much study has made you mad.

25 曰、非士都閣下、我非狂、我所言者、眞實無妄、

25 But Paul said to him, I am not mad, O most excellent Festus; but I speak the words of truth and soberness.

26 王知此、我侃侃言於王前、蓋此非行於屋漏、無隱乎王也、

26 And King A-grip'pa is also familiar with these things, and this is why I am speaking openly before him: because I think not one of these words has been hidden from him; for they were not done in secret.

27 亞基帕王歟、爾信先知乎、我知爾信也、

27 King A-grip'pa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe.

28 亞基帕謂保羅曰、爾幾使我爲基督徒矣、

28 Then King A-grip'pa said to him, With little effort you almost persuade me to become a Christian. *

29 保羅曰、豈幾之云乎、豈獨爾一人乎、我求上帝、凡今日聽我者、一切與我無異、惟毋若我械繫耳、

29 And Paul said, I pray God that not only you, but also all of those who hear me today, were as I am, except for these bonds.

30 保羅言竟、王與方伯、及伯尼基、幷同坐者皆起、

30 Then the king arose, and the governor, and Ber-ni'ce and they that sat with them:

31 退而相語曰、此人所爲、無當死當繫之事、

31 And when they had departed, they talked between themselves, saying, This man has done nothing worthy of death or of imprisonment.

32 亞基帕謂非士都曰、此人若不叩該撒、則可釋之矣、

32 Then Agrip'pa said to Festus, This man could have been released had he not appealed to Cµsar.
