

1 當時、分封之君希律聞耶穌聲名、

2 語其臣曰、此乃施洗約翰死而復生、故建異能也、〇

3 初、希律以其兄弟腓力之妻希羅底事、執約翰繫獄、

4 約翰曾謂之曰、納此婦非義也、

5 希律欲殺之、惟懼衆、蓋衆以約翰爲先知也、

6 適希律誕、希羅底女舞於前、希律喜、

7 遂誓許所求、

8 女爲母所唆、曰、請以施洗約翰之首、盤上賜我、

9 王憂、然旣誓、又以同席者在、乃命賜之、

10 遣人斬約翰於獄、

11 盛首於盤以賜女、女卽奉母、

12 其徒至、取屍葬之、往告耶穌、

13 耶穌聞之、去彼登舟、潛往於野、衆知之、由諸邑步從、〇

14 耶穌出、見衆、憫之、醫有病者、

15 薄暮、門徒就之曰、此乃曠野、時已逝、請散衆、往鄉市食、

16 耶穌曰、毋庸衆往、爾與之食可也、

17 曰、我儕於此無所有、惟五餅二魚而已、

18 曰、取以與我、

19 遂命衆席草而坐、取五餅二魚、仰天祝而擘之、以餅予徒、徒予衆、

20 皆食而飽、拾其餘層、盈十二筐、

21 食者、婦幼外、約五千人、〇

22 耶穌欲散衆、令門徒登舟、先濟彼岸、

23 衆散、登山祈禱、旣暮、惟己獨在、

24 舟在海中、被浪搖撼、風逆故也、

25 四更時、耶穌履海就之、

26 門徒見其履海則懼、意爲怪物、驚而呼、

27 耶穌曰、安爾心、我也、勿懼、

28 彼得曰、果主也、則命我履水以就爾、

29 曰、來、彼得離舟、履水就耶穌、

30 覺風烈、則懼、將溺、呼曰、主、救我、

31 耶穌手援之曰、小信者、何疑乎、

32 甫登舟而風息、

33 舟中人拜曰、誠上帝子也、〇

34 旣濟、至革尼撒勒地、

35 其人識之、遣報四方、攜諸負病者至、

36 第求耶穌衣裾捫之、捫者得愈、


Chapter 14

1 AT that time Herod the tetrarch heard the news about Jesus.

2 And he said to his servants, This man is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead; this is why great miracles are wrought by him.

3 For Herod had arrested John, and bound him, and put him in prison, because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife.

4 For John had said to him, It is unlawful to have her as your wife.

5 So Herod wanted to kill him, but he was afraid of the people, because they accepted him as a prophet.

6 When Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before the guests, and it pleased Herod.

7 He therefore swore to her with oaths, that he would give her anything that she asked.

8 And she, because she was instructed by her mother, said, Give me right here on a tray the head of John the Baptist.

9 And the king was very sorry; but because of the oaths and the guests, he commanded that it be given to her.

10 So he sent and had John beheaded in the prison.

11 And his head was brought in on a tray, and given to the girl; and she took it to her mother.

12 Then his disciples came and took up his body and buried it, and they came and en_lbp_informed Jesus.

13 When Jesus heard it, he departed thence by boat, alone to a desert place; and when the people heard of it, they followed him by land from the cities.

14 And Jesus went out and saw large crowds, and he had pity for them, and healed their sick.

15 When it was evening, his disciples came to him, and they said to him, This is a lonely place, and it is getting late; dismiss the people so that the men may go to the villages and buy food for themselves.

16 But he said to them, It is not necessary for them to go; you give them something to eat.

17 They said to him, We have nothing here, except five loaves of bread and two fish.

18 Jesus said to them, Bring them here to me.

19 And he ordered the people to sit down on the ground, and he took the five loaves of bread and the two fish, and he looked up to heaven and he blessed them, and he broke them, and gave them to his disciples, and the disciples placed them before the people.

20 So they all ate, and were satisfied; and they took up the fragments which were left over, twelve full baskets.

21 And the men who ate were five thousand, not counting the women and children.

22 And immediately he urged his disciples to go up into the boat, in advance of him to the crossing place, while he dismissed the people.

23 And when he had dismissed the people, he went up to the mountain alone to pray; and when darkness fell he was still there alone.

24 But the boat was many miles away from the land, tossed by the waves, for the wind was against it.

25 And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on * the water.

26 And his disciples saw him walking on the water, and they were scared, and they said, It is a false vision; and they cried out because of their fear.

27 But Jesus spoke to them at once and said, Have courage; it is I; do not be afraid.

28 And Peter answered and said to him, My Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.

29 Jesus said to him, Come. So Peter went down from the boat, and walked on the water, to come to Jesus.

30 But when he saw that the wind was severe, he was afraid, and began to sink, and he raised his voice and said, My Lord, save me.

31 And our Lord immediately stretched out his hand and grasped him; and he said to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?

32 And when they went up into the boat, the wind quieted down.

33 And they who were in the boat came and worshipped him; and they said, Truly you are the Son of God.

34 And they rowed and came to the land of Gennesaret.

35 And the men of that country recognized him, and they sent word to all the villages around them; so they brought to him all who were seriously sick.

36 And they besought him, that they might touch even the edge of his robe; and those who touched it were healed.




Chapter 14

1 當時、分封之君希律聞耶穌聲名、

1 AT that time Herod the tetrarch heard the news about Jesus.

2 語其臣曰、此乃施洗約翰死而復生、故建異能也、〇

2 And he said to his servants, This man is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead; this is why great miracles are wrought by him.

3 初、希律以其兄弟腓力之妻希羅底事、執約翰繫獄、

3 For Herod had arrested John, and bound him, and put him in prison, because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife.

4 約翰曾謂之曰、納此婦非義也、

4 For John had said to him, It is unlawful to have her as your wife.

5 希律欲殺之、惟懼衆、蓋衆以約翰爲先知也、

5 So Herod wanted to kill him, but he was afraid of the people, because they accepted him as a prophet.

6 適希律誕、希羅底女舞於前、希律喜、

6 When Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before the guests, and it pleased Herod.

7 遂誓許所求、

7 He therefore swore to her with oaths, that he would give her anything that she asked.

8 女爲母所唆、曰、請以施洗約翰之首、盤上賜我、

8 And she, because she was instructed by her mother, said, Give me right here on a tray the head of John the Baptist.

9 王憂、然旣誓、又以同席者在、乃命賜之、

9 And the king was very sorry; but because of the oaths and the guests, he commanded that it be given to her.

10 遣人斬約翰於獄、

10 So he sent and had John beheaded in the prison.

11 盛首於盤以賜女、女卽奉母、

11 And his head was brought in on a tray, and given to the girl; and she took it to her mother.

12 其徒至、取屍葬之、往告耶穌、

12 Then his disciples came and took up his body and buried it, and they came and en_lbp_informed Jesus.

13 耶穌聞之、去彼登舟、潛往於野、衆知之、由諸邑步從、〇

13 When Jesus heard it, he departed thence by boat, alone to a desert place; and when the people heard of it, they followed him by land from the cities.

14 耶穌出、見衆、憫之、醫有病者、

14 And Jesus went out and saw large crowds, and he had pity for them, and healed their sick.

15 薄暮、門徒就之曰、此乃曠野、時已逝、請散衆、往鄉市食、

15 When it was evening, his disciples came to him, and they said to him, This is a lonely place, and it is getting late; dismiss the people so that the men may go to the villages and buy food for themselves.

16 耶穌曰、毋庸衆往、爾與之食可也、

16 But he said to them, It is not necessary for them to go; you give them something to eat.

17 曰、我儕於此無所有、惟五餅二魚而已、

17 They said to him, We have nothing here, except five loaves of bread and two fish.

18 曰、取以與我、

18 Jesus said to them, Bring them here to me.

19 遂命衆席草而坐、取五餅二魚、仰天祝而擘之、以餅予徒、徒予衆、

19 And he ordered the people to sit down on the ground, and he took the five loaves of bread and the two fish, and he looked up to heaven and he blessed them, and he broke them, and gave them to his disciples, and the disciples placed them before the people.

20 皆食而飽、拾其餘層、盈十二筐、

20 So they all ate, and were satisfied; and they took up the fragments which were left over, twelve full baskets.

21 食者、婦幼外、約五千人、〇

21 And the men who ate were five thousand, not counting the women and children.

22 耶穌欲散衆、令門徒登舟、先濟彼岸、

22 And immediately he urged his disciples to go up into the boat, in advance of him to the crossing place, while he dismissed the people.

23 衆散、登山祈禱、旣暮、惟己獨在、

23 And when he had dismissed the people, he went up to the mountain alone to pray; and when darkness fell he was still there alone.

24 舟在海中、被浪搖撼、風逆故也、

24 But the boat was many miles away from the land, tossed by the waves, for the wind was against it.

25 四更時、耶穌履海就之、

25 And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on * the water.

26 門徒見其履海則懼、意爲怪物、驚而呼、

26 And his disciples saw him walking on the water, and they were scared, and they said, It is a false vision; and they cried out because of their fear.

27 耶穌曰、安爾心、我也、勿懼、

27 But Jesus spoke to them at once and said, Have courage; it is I; do not be afraid.

28 彼得曰、果主也、則命我履水以就爾、

28 And Peter answered and said to him, My Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.

29 曰、來、彼得離舟、履水就耶穌、

29 Jesus said to him, Come. So Peter went down from the boat, and walked on the water, to come to Jesus.

30 覺風烈、則懼、將溺、呼曰、主、救我、

30 But when he saw that the wind was severe, he was afraid, and began to sink, and he raised his voice and said, My Lord, save me.

31 耶穌手援之曰、小信者、何疑乎、

31 And our Lord immediately stretched out his hand and grasped him; and he said to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?

32 甫登舟而風息、

32 And when they went up into the boat, the wind quieted down.

33 舟中人拜曰、誠上帝子也、〇

33 And they who were in the boat came and worshipped him; and they said, Truly you are the Son of God.

34 旣濟、至革尼撒勒地、

34 And they rowed and came to the land of Gennesaret.

35 其人識之、遣報四方、攜諸負病者至、

35 And the men of that country recognized him, and they sent word to all the villages around them; so they brought to him all who were seriously sick.

36 第求耶穌衣裾捫之、捫者得愈、

36 And they besought him, that they might touch even the edge of his robe; and those who touched it were healed.
