

1 波斯王塞魯士第三年,有事顯給稱為伯提沙撒的但以理。這事是真的,但定期是許久的[but the time appointed was long];但以理通達這事,明白這異象。

2 那些日子[those days],我─但以理悲傷了三個七日。

3 美味我沒有吃,酒肉沒有入我的口,也沒有用油抹我的身,直到滿了三個七日。

4 正月二十四日,我在希底結大河邊,

5 舉目觀看,見有一人身穿細麻衣,腰束烏法精金帶。

6 他身體如水蒼玉,面貌如閃電,眼目如火燈[lamps of fire],手和腳如光明的銅,說話的聲音如大眾的聲音。

7 這異象唯有我─但以理一人看見,同著我的人沒有看見。他們卻大大戰兢,逃跑隱藏,

8 只剩下我一人。我見了這大異象便渾身無力,面貌失色,毫無氣力。

9 我卻聽見他說話的聲音,一聽見就面伏在地沉睡了。

10 忽然,有一手按在我身上,使我用膝和手掌支持微起。

11 他對我說:「大蒙眷愛的但以理啊,要明白我與你所說的話,只管站起來,因為我現在奉差遣來到你這裏。」他對我說這話,我便戰戰兢兢地立起來。

12 他就說:「但以理啊,不要懼怕。因為從你第一天專心求明白將來的事,又在你神面前刻苦己心,你的言語已蒙聽允[heard];我是因你的言語而來。

13 但波斯國的[prince]攔阻我二十一日。忽然有大君中的一個米迦勒來幫助我,我就停留在波斯諸王那裏。

14 現在我來,要使你明白本國之民日後必遭遇的事,因為這異象關乎後來許多的日子。」

15 他向我這樣說,我就臉面朝地,啞口無聲。

16 不料,有一個像人的,摸我的嘴唇,我便開口向那站在我面前的說:「我主啊,因見這異象,我大大愁苦,毫無氣力。

17 我主的僕人怎能與我主說話呢?我一見異象就渾身無力,毫無氣息。」

18 [again]有一個形狀像人的[came]摸我,使我有力量,

19 [And said]:「大蒙眷愛的人哪,不要懼怕,願你平安。你總要堅強。」他向我說了這話[had spoken unto me],我便覺得有力量,說:「我主請說,因你使我有力量。」

20 他就說:「你知道我為何來見你嗎?現在我要回去與波斯的[prince]爭戰,我去後,希臘[Grecia][prince]必來。

21 但我要將那[noted]真理之聖經[scripture of truth]上的事指示[shew]你。除了你們的大君米迦勒之外,沒有在這些事幫助我的[none that holdeth with me in these things]。」


Chapter 10

1 In the third7969 year8141 of Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia6539 a thing1697 was revealed1540 to Daniel,1840 whose834 name8034 was called7121 Belteshazzar;1095 and the thing1697 was true,571 but the time appointed6635 was long:1419 and he understood995 the thing,1697 and had understanding998 of the vision.4758

2 In those1992 days3117 I Daniel1840 was mourning56 three7969 full3117 weeks.7620

3 I ate398 no3808 pleasant2530 bread,3899 neither3808 came935 flesh1320 nor3808 wine3196 in my mouth,6310 neither3808 did I anoint5480 myself at all, till5704 three7969 whole3117 weeks7620 were fulfilled.4390

4 And in the four702 and twentieth6242 day3117 of the first7223 month,2320 as I was by the side3027 of the great1419 river,5104 which1931 is Hiddekel;2313

5 Then I lifted5375 up my eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and behold2009 a certain259 man376 clothed3847 in linen,906 whose loins4975 were girded2296 with fine gold3800 of Uphaz:210

6 His body1472 also was like the beryl,8658 and his face6440 as the appearance4758 of lightning,1300 and his eyes5869 as lamps3940 of fire,784 and his arms2220 and his feet4772 like in color5869 to polished7044 brass,5178 and the voice6963 of his words1697 like the voice6963 of a multitude.1995

7 And I Daniel1840 alone905 saw7200 the vision:4759 for the men582 that were with me saw7200 not the vision;4759 but a great1419 quaking2731 fell5307 on them, so that they fled1272 to hide2244 themselves.

8 Therefore I was left7604 alone,905 and saw7200 this great1419 vision,4759 and there remained7604 no3808 strength3581 in me: for my comeliness1935 was turned2015 in me into corruption,4889 and I retained6113 no3808 strength.3581

9 Yet heard8085 I the voice6963 of his words:1697 and when I heard8085 the voice6963 of his words,1697 then was I in a deep7290 sleep7290 on5921 my face,6440 and my face6440 toward the ground.776

10 And, behold,2009 an hand3027 touched5060 me, which set5128 me on my knees1290 and on the palms3709 of my hands.3027

11 And he said559 to me, O Daniel,1840 a man376 greatly beloved,2530 understand995 the words1697 that I speak1696 to you, and stand5975 upright:5977 for to you am I now6258 sent.7971 And when he had spoken1696 this2088 word1697 to me, I stood5975 trembling.7460

12 Then said559 he to me, Fear3372 not, Daniel:1840 for from the first7223 day3117 that you did set5414 your heart3820 to understand,995 and to chasten6031 yourself before6440 your God,430 your words1697 were heard,8085 and I am come935 for your words.1697

13 But the prince8269 of the kingdom4438 of Persia6539 withstood5975 me one259 and twenty6242 days:3117 but, see,2009 Michael,4317 one259 of the chief7223 princes,8269 came935 to help5826 me; and I remained3498 there8033 with the kings4428 of Persia.6539

14 Now I am come935 to make you understand995 what853 834 shall befall7136 your people5971 in the latter319 days:3117 for yet5750 the vision2377 is for many days.3117

15 And when he had spoken1696 such428 words1697 to me, I set5414 my face6440 toward the ground,776 and I became481 dumb.481

16 And, behold,2009 one like the similitude1823 of the sons1121 of men120 touched5060 my lips:8193 then I opened6605 my mouth,6310 and spoke,1696 and said559 to him that stood5975 before5048 me, O my lord,113 by the vision4758 my sorrows6735 are turned2015 on me, and I have retained6113 no3808 strength.3581

17 For how1963 can3201 the servant5650 of this2088 my lord113 talk1696 with this2088 my lord?113 for as for me, straightway6258 there remained5975 no3808 strength3581 in me, neither3808 is there breath5397 left7604 in me.

18 Then there came again3254 and touched5060 me one like the appearance4758 of a man,120 and he strengthened2388 me,

19 And said,559 O man376 greatly beloved,2530 fear3372 not: peace7965 be to you, be strong,2388 yes, be strong.2388 And when he had spoken1696 to me, I was strengthened,2388 and said,559 Let my lord113 speak;1696 for you have strengthened2388 me.

20 Then said559 he, Know3045 you why4100 I come935 to you? and now6258 will I return7725 to fight3898 with the prince8269 of Persia:6539 and when I am gone3318 forth,3318 see,2009 the prince8269 of Grecia3120 shall come.935

21 But I will show5046 you that which is noted7559 in the scripture3791 of truth:571 and there is none369 that holds2388 with me in these428 things, but Michael4317 your prince.8269




Chapter 10

1 波斯王塞魯士第三年,有事顯給稱為伯提沙撒的但以理。這事是真的,但定期是許久的[but the time appointed was long];但以理通達這事,明白這異象。

1 In the third7969 year8141 of Cyrus3566 king4428 of Persia6539 a thing1697 was revealed1540 to Daniel,1840 whose834 name8034 was called7121 Belteshazzar;1095 and the thing1697 was true,571 but the time appointed6635 was long:1419 and he understood995 the thing,1697 and had understanding998 of the vision.4758

2 那些日子[those days],我─但以理悲傷了三個七日。

2 In those1992 days3117 I Daniel1840 was mourning56 three7969 full3117 weeks.7620

3 美味我沒有吃,酒肉沒有入我的口,也沒有用油抹我的身,直到滿了三個七日。

3 I ate398 no3808 pleasant2530 bread,3899 neither3808 came935 flesh1320 nor3808 wine3196 in my mouth,6310 neither3808 did I anoint5480 myself at all, till5704 three7969 whole3117 weeks7620 were fulfilled.4390

4 正月二十四日,我在希底結大河邊,

4 And in the four702 and twentieth6242 day3117 of the first7223 month,2320 as I was by the side3027 of the great1419 river,5104 which1931 is Hiddekel;2313

5 舉目觀看,見有一人身穿細麻衣,腰束烏法精金帶。

5 Then I lifted5375 up my eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and behold2009 a certain259 man376 clothed3847 in linen,906 whose loins4975 were girded2296 with fine gold3800 of Uphaz:210

6 他身體如水蒼玉,面貌如閃電,眼目如火燈[lamps of fire],手和腳如光明的銅,說話的聲音如大眾的聲音。

6 His body1472 also was like the beryl,8658 and his face6440 as the appearance4758 of lightning,1300 and his eyes5869 as lamps3940 of fire,784 and his arms2220 and his feet4772 like in color5869 to polished7044 brass,5178 and the voice6963 of his words1697 like the voice6963 of a multitude.1995

7 這異象唯有我─但以理一人看見,同著我的人沒有看見。他們卻大大戰兢,逃跑隱藏,

7 And I Daniel1840 alone905 saw7200 the vision:4759 for the men582 that were with me saw7200 not the vision;4759 but a great1419 quaking2731 fell5307 on them, so that they fled1272 to hide2244 themselves.

8 只剩下我一人。我見了這大異象便渾身無力,面貌失色,毫無氣力。

8 Therefore I was left7604 alone,905 and saw7200 this great1419 vision,4759 and there remained7604 no3808 strength3581 in me: for my comeliness1935 was turned2015 in me into corruption,4889 and I retained6113 no3808 strength.3581

9 我卻聽見他說話的聲音,一聽見就面伏在地沉睡了。

9 Yet heard8085 I the voice6963 of his words:1697 and when I heard8085 the voice6963 of his words,1697 then was I in a deep7290 sleep7290 on5921 my face,6440 and my face6440 toward the ground.776

10 忽然,有一手按在我身上,使我用膝和手掌支持微起。

10 And, behold,2009 an hand3027 touched5060 me, which set5128 me on my knees1290 and on the palms3709 of my hands.3027

11 他對我說:「大蒙眷愛的但以理啊,要明白我與你所說的話,只管站起來,因為我現在奉差遣來到你這裏。」他對我說這話,我便戰戰兢兢地立起來。

11 And he said559 to me, O Daniel,1840 a man376 greatly beloved,2530 understand995 the words1697 that I speak1696 to you, and stand5975 upright:5977 for to you am I now6258 sent.7971 And when he had spoken1696 this2088 word1697 to me, I stood5975 trembling.7460

12 他就說:「但以理啊,不要懼怕。因為從你第一天專心求明白將來的事,又在你神面前刻苦己心,你的言語已蒙聽允[heard];我是因你的言語而來。

12 Then said559 he to me, Fear3372 not, Daniel:1840 for from the first7223 day3117 that you did set5414 your heart3820 to understand,995 and to chasten6031 yourself before6440 your God,430 your words1697 were heard,8085 and I am come935 for your words.1697

13 但波斯國的[prince]攔阻我二十一日。忽然有大君中的一個米迦勒來幫助我,我就停留在波斯諸王那裏。

13 But the prince8269 of the kingdom4438 of Persia6539 withstood5975 me one259 and twenty6242 days:3117 but, see,2009 Michael,4317 one259 of the chief7223 princes,8269 came935 to help5826 me; and I remained3498 there8033 with the kings4428 of Persia.6539

14 現在我來,要使你明白本國之民日後必遭遇的事,因為這異象關乎後來許多的日子。」

14 Now I am come935 to make you understand995 what853 834 shall befall7136 your people5971 in the latter319 days:3117 for yet5750 the vision2377 is for many days.3117

15 他向我這樣說,我就臉面朝地,啞口無聲。

15 And when he had spoken1696 such428 words1697 to me, I set5414 my face6440 toward the ground,776 and I became481 dumb.481

16 不料,有一個像人的,摸我的嘴唇,我便開口向那站在我面前的說:「我主啊,因見這異象,我大大愁苦,毫無氣力。

16 And, behold,2009 one like the similitude1823 of the sons1121 of men120 touched5060 my lips:8193 then I opened6605 my mouth,6310 and spoke,1696 and said559 to him that stood5975 before5048 me, O my lord,113 by the vision4758 my sorrows6735 are turned2015 on me, and I have retained6113 no3808 strength.3581

17 我主的僕人怎能與我主說話呢?我一見異象就渾身無力,毫無氣息。」

17 For how1963 can3201 the servant5650 of this2088 my lord113 talk1696 with this2088 my lord?113 for as for me, straightway6258 there remained5975 no3808 strength3581 in me, neither3808 is there breath5397 left7604 in me.

18 [again]有一個形狀像人的[came]摸我,使我有力量,

18 Then there came again3254 and touched5060 me one like the appearance4758 of a man,120 and he strengthened2388 me,

19 [And said]:「大蒙眷愛的人哪,不要懼怕,願你平安。你總要堅強。」他向我說了這話[had spoken unto me],我便覺得有力量,說:「我主請說,因你使我有力量。」

19 And said,559 O man376 greatly beloved,2530 fear3372 not: peace7965 be to you, be strong,2388 yes, be strong.2388 And when he had spoken1696 to me, I was strengthened,2388 and said,559 Let my lord113 speak;1696 for you have strengthened2388 me.

20 他就說:「你知道我為何來見你嗎?現在我要回去與波斯的[prince]爭戰,我去後,希臘[Grecia][prince]必來。

20 Then said559 he, Know3045 you why4100 I come935 to you? and now6258 will I return7725 to fight3898 with the prince8269 of Persia:6539 and when I am gone3318 forth,3318 see,2009 the prince8269 of Grecia3120 shall come.935

21 但我要將那[noted]真理之聖經[scripture of truth]上的事指示[shew]你。除了你們的大君米迦勒之外,沒有在這些事幫助我的[none that holdeth with me in these things]。」

21 But I will show5046 you that which is noted7559 in the scripture3791 of truth:571 and there is none369 that holds2388 with me in these428 things, but Michael4317 your prince.8269