

1 來吧,我們歸向耶和華。他撕裂我們,也必醫治;他打傷我們,也必包紮[bind us up]

2 過兩天他必使我們甦醒,第三天他必使我們興起,我們就在他[sight]前得以存活。

3 我們務要認識耶和華,竭力追求認識他。他出現確如晨光;他必臨到我們像甘雨,像滋潤田地的春雨秋雨[former rain]

4 主說:以法蓮哪,我可向你怎樣行呢?猶大啊,我可向你怎樣作呢?因為你們的良善如同早晨的雲霧,又如消散的朝露[the early dew it goeth away]

5 因此,我藉先知砍伐他們,以我口中的話殺戮他們;我施行的審判如光發出。

6 我喜愛憐恤[mercy],不喜愛祭祀;喜愛認識神,甚於[more than]燔祭。

7 他們卻如眾人[men]背約,在境內向我行事詭詐。

8 基列是作孽之人的城,被血沾染。

9 強盜成群,怎樣埋伏殺人,祭司結黨,也照樣在路上一同殺戮[in the way by consent]都因他們行了邪淫[for they commit lewdness]

10 在以色列家,我見了可怕[horrible]的事;在以法蓮那裏有淫行,以色列被玷污。

11 猶大啊,我使被擄之民歸回的時候,必有為你所命定的收割[harvest]


Chapter 6

1 THEY shall say, Come, let us return and go to the LORD who has smitten us, and he will heal us; he has wounded us, and he will bind us up.

2 After two days he will revive us, and on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his presence.

3 Then shall we know to follow after the knowledge of the LORD; his going forth is prepared as the dawn; and he shall come to us as the rain, as the spring rain which waters the earth.

4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away.

5 Therefore have I cut off the prophets, I have slain them by the words of my mouth; and my judgments shall go forth as the light.

6 For I desired mercy and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

7 But they like men have transgressed my covenant; there have they dealt treacherously against me.

8 Gilead is a city of those who work iniquity, and wallows in blood. Your strength is as that of a robber.

9 The priests have joined them on the way, and they have destroyed Shechem, because they have committed iniquities.

10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: there Ephraim committed whoredom, and Israel was defiled.

11 And you also, O Judah, set a day of harvest for yourself when I will bring back the captivity of my people.




Chapter 6

1 來吧,我們歸向耶和華。他撕裂我們,也必醫治;他打傷我們,也必包紮[bind us up]

1 THEY shall say, Come, let us return and go to the LORD who has smitten us, and he will heal us; he has wounded us, and he will bind us up.

2 過兩天他必使我們甦醒,第三天他必使我們興起,我們就在他[sight]前得以存活。

2 After two days he will revive us, and on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his presence.

3 我們務要認識耶和華,竭力追求認識他。他出現確如晨光;他必臨到我們像甘雨,像滋潤田地的春雨秋雨[former rain]

3 Then shall we know to follow after the knowledge of the LORD; his going forth is prepared as the dawn; and he shall come to us as the rain, as the spring rain which waters the earth.

4 主說:以法蓮哪,我可向你怎樣行呢?猶大啊,我可向你怎樣作呢?因為你們的良善如同早晨的雲霧,又如消散的朝露[the early dew it goeth away]

4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away.

5 因此,我藉先知砍伐他們,以我口中的話殺戮他們;我施行的審判如光發出。

5 Therefore have I cut off the prophets, I have slain them by the words of my mouth; and my judgments shall go forth as the light.

6 我喜愛憐恤[mercy],不喜愛祭祀;喜愛認識神,甚於[more than]燔祭。

6 For I desired mercy and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

7 他們卻如眾人[men]背約,在境內向我行事詭詐。

7 But they like men have transgressed my covenant; there have they dealt treacherously against me.

8 基列是作孽之人的城,被血沾染。

8 Gilead is a city of those who work iniquity, and wallows in blood. Your strength is as that of a robber.

9 強盜成群,怎樣埋伏殺人,祭司結黨,也照樣在路上一同殺戮[in the way by consent]都因他們行了邪淫[for they commit lewdness]

9 The priests have joined them on the way, and they have destroyed Shechem, because they have committed iniquities.

10 在以色列家,我見了可怕[horrible]的事;在以法蓮那裏有淫行,以色列被玷污。

10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: there Ephraim committed whoredom, and Israel was defiled.

11 猶大啊,我使被擄之民歸回的時候,必有為你所命定的收割[harvest]

11 And you also, O Judah, set a day of harvest for yourself when I will bring back the captivity of my people.