

1 以色列王耶羅波安二十七年,猶大王亞瑪謝的兒子亞撒利雅登基,

2 他登基的時候年十六歲,在耶路撒冷作王五十二年。他母親名叫耶可利雅,是耶路撒冷人。

3 亞撒利雅行耶和華眼中看為正的事,效法他父親亞瑪謝一切所行的;

4 只是眾高邱[high places]還沒有除去[removed];百姓仍在那裏獻祭燒香。

5 耶和華降災與王,使他長大痲瘋,直到死日,他就住在別的宮裏。他的兒子約坦管理家事,治理國民。

6 亞撒利雅其餘的事,凡他所行的,[not]都寫在猶大列王記上嗎?

7 亞撒利雅與他列祖同睡,葬在大衛城他列祖的墳地裏。他兒子約坦接續他作王。

8 猶大王亞撒利雅三十八年,耶羅波安的兒子撒迦利雅在撒瑪利亞作以色列王六個月。

9 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法他列祖所行的;[he]不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

10 雅比的兒子沙龍背叛他,在百姓面前擊殺他,篡了他的位。

11 撒迦利雅其餘的事,都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

12 這是從前耶和華應許耶戶說:「你的子孫必坐以色列的國位直到四代。」這話果然應驗了。

13 猶大王烏西雅[Uzziah]三十九年,雅比的兒子沙龍登基在撒瑪利亞作王一個[full]月。

14 迦底的兒子米拿現從得撒上撒瑪利亞,殺了雅比的兒子沙龍,篡了他的位。

15 沙龍其餘的事和他背叛的情形都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

16 那時米拿現從得撒起攻打提斐薩和其四境,擊殺城中一切的人,剖開其中所有的孕婦,都因他們沒有給他開城。

17 猶大王亞撒利雅三十九年,迦底的兒子米拿現登基,在撒瑪利亞作以色列王十年。

18 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事;[he]終身不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

19 亞述王普勒來攻擊以色列,米拿現給他一千他連得銀子,請普勒幫助他堅定國位。

20 米拿現向以色列一切大富戶索[money],使他們各出五十舍客勒銀子[silver],就給了亞述王。於是亞述王回去,不在國中停留。

21 米拿現其餘的事,凡他所行的,[not]都寫在以色列諸王記上嗎?

22 米拿現與他列祖同睡。他兒子比加轄接續他作王。

23 猶大王亞撒利雅五十年,米拿現的兒子比加轄在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王二年。

24 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事;[he]不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

25 比加轄的將軍、利瑪利的兒子比加背叛他,在撒瑪利亞王宮裏的衛所殺了他。亞珥歌伯和亞利耶並基列的五十人幫助比加;比加擊殺他,篡了他的位。

26 比加轄其餘的事,凡他所行的都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

27 猶大王亞撒利雅五十二年,利瑪利的兒子比加在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王二十年。

28 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事;[he]不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

29 以色列王比加年間,亞述王提革拉.毗列色來奪了以雲、亞伯.伯.瑪迦[Abel-beth-maachah]、亞挪、基低斯、夏瑣、基列、加利利,和拿弗他利全地,將這些地方的居民都擄到亞述去了。

30 烏西雅的兒子約坦二十年,以拉的兒子何細亞背叛利瑪利的兒子比加,擊殺他,篡了他的位。

31 比加其餘的事,凡他所行的都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

32 以色列王利瑪利的兒子比加第二年,猶大王烏西雅的兒子約坦登基。

33 他登基的時候年二十五歲,在耶路撒冷作王十六年。他母親名叫耶路沙,是撒督的女兒。

34 約坦行耶和華眼中看為正的事,效法他父親烏西雅一切所行的;

35 只是眾高邱[high places]還沒有廢去;百姓仍在那裏獻祭燒香。約坦建立耶和華殿的上門。

36 約坦其餘的事,凡他所行的,不都[are they not]寫在猶大列王記上嗎?

37 在那些日子,耶和華才使敘利亞王利汛和利瑪利的兒子比加去攻擊猶大。

38 約坦與他列祖同睡,葬在他祖大衛城他列祖的墳地裏。他兒子亞哈斯接續他作王。

2 Kings

Chapter 15

1 In the twenty6242 and seventh7651 year8141 of Jeroboam3379 king4428 of Israel3478 began Azariah5838 son1121 of Amaziah558 king4428 of Judah3063 to reign.4427

2 Sixteen8337 6240 years8141 old1121 was he when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 two8147 and fifty2572 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Jecholiah3203 of Jerusalem.3389

3 And he did6213 that which was right3477 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 according to all3605 that his father1 Amaziah558 had done;6213

4 Save7535 that the high1116 places were not removed:5493 the people5971 sacrificed2076 and burnt6999 incense6999 still5750 on the high1116 places.

5 And the LORD3068 smote5221 the king,4428 so that he was a leper6879 to the day3117 of his death,4194 and dwelled3427 in a several2669 house.1004 And Jotham3147 the king's4428 son1121 was over5921 the house,1004 judging8199 the people5971 of the land.776

6 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Azariah,5838 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Judah?3063

7 So Azariah5838 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and they buried6912 him with his fathers1 in the city5892 of David:1732 and Jotham3147 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

8 In the thirty7970 and eighth8083 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 did Zachariah2148 the son1121 of Jeroboam3379 reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria8111 six8337 months.2320

9 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 as his fathers1 had done:6213 he departed5493 not from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

10 And Shallum7967 the son1121 of Jabesh3003 conspired7194 against5921 him, and smote5221 him before6905 the people,5971 and slew4191 him, and reigned4427 in his stead.8478

11 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Zachariah,2148 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

12 This1931 was the word1697 of the LORD3068 which834 he spoke1696 to Jehu,3058 saying,559 Your sons1121 shall sit3427 on5921 the throne3678 of Israel3478 to the fourth7243 generation. And so3651 it came1961 to pass.

13 Shallum7967 the son1121 of Jabesh3003 began to reign4427 in the nine8672 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of Uzziah5818 king4428 of Judah;3063 and he reigned4427 a full3117 month3391 in Samaria.8111

14 For Menahem4505 the son1121 of Gadi1424 went5927 up from Tirzah,8656 and came935 to Samaria,8111 and smote5221 Shallum7967 the son1121 of Jabesh3003 in Samaria,8111 and slew4191 him, and reigned4427 in his stead.8478

15 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Shallum,7967 and his conspiracy7195 which834 he made,7194 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

16 Then227 Menahem4505 smote5221 Tiphsah,8607 and all3605 that were therein, and the coasts1366 thereof from Tirzah:8656 because3588 they opened6605 not to him, therefore he smote5221 it; and all3605 the women therein that were with child2030 he ripped1234 up.

17 In the nine8672 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 began Menahem4505 the son1121 of Gadi1424 to reign4427 over5921 Israel,3478 and reigned ten6235 years8141 in Samaria.8111

18 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he departed5493 not all3605 his days3117 from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

19 And Pul6322 the king4428 of Assyria804 came935 against5921 the land:776 and Menahem4505 gave5414 Pul6322 a thousand505 talents3603 of silver,3701 that his hand3027 might be with him to confirm2388 the kingdom4467 in his hand.3027

20 And Menahem4505 exacted3318 the money3701 of Israel,3478 even of all3605 the mighty1368 men of wealth,2428 of each259 man376 fifty2572 shekels8255 of silver,3701 to give5414 to the king4428 of Assyria.804 So the king4428 of Assyria804 turned7725 back,7725 and stayed5975 not there8033 in the land.776

21 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Menahem,4505 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel?3478

22 And Menahem4505 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and Pekahiah6494 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

23 In the fiftieth2572 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 Pekahiah6494 the son1121 of Menahem4505 began to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned two years.8141

24 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he departed5493 not from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

25 But Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah,7425 a captain7991 of his, conspired7194 against5921 him, and smote5221 him in Samaria,8111 in the palace759 of the king's4428 house,1004 with Argob709 and Arieh,745 and with him fifty2572 men376 of the Gileadites:1569 and he killed4191 him, and reigned4427 in his room.8478

26 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Pekahiah,6494 and all3605 that he did,6213 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

27 In the two8147 and fiftieth2572 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah7425 began to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned twenty6242 years.8141

28 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he departed5493 not from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

29 In the days3117 of Pekah6492 king4428 of Israel3478 came935 Tiglathpileser8407 king4428 of Assyria,804 and took3947 Ijon,5859 and Abelbethmaachah,62 and Janoah,3239 and Kedesh,6943 and Hazor,2674 and Gilead,1568 and Galilee,1551 all3605 the land776 of Naphtali,5321 and carried1540 them captive1540 to Assyria.804

30 And Hoshea1954 the son1121 of Elah425 made a conspiracy7195 against5921 Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah,7425 and smote5221 him, and slew4191 him, and reigned4427 in his stead,8478 in the twentieth6242 year8141 of Jotham3147 the son1121 of Uzziah.5818

31 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Pekah,6492 and all3605 that he did,6213 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

32 In the second8147 year8141 of Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah7425 king4428 of Israel3478 began Jotham3147 the son1121 of Uzziah5818 king4428 of Judah3063 to reign.4427

33 Five2568 and twenty6242 years8141 old1121 was he when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 sixteen8337 6240 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Jerusha,3388 the daughter1323 of Zadok.6659

34 And he did6213 that which was right3477 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he did6213 according to all3605 that his father1 Uzziah5818 had done.6213

35 However, the high1116 places were not removed:5493 the people5971 sacrificed2076 and burned6999 incense6999 still5750 in the high1116 places. He built1129 the higher5945 gate8179 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068

36 Now the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Jotham,3147 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Judah?3063

37 In those1992 days3117 the LORD3068 began2490 to send7971 against Judah3063 Rezin7526 the king4428 of Syria,758 and Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah.7425

38 And Jotham3147 slept7901 with his fathers,1 and was buried6912 with his fathers1 in the city5892 of David1732 his father:1 and Ahaz271 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478



2 Kings

Chapter 15

1 以色列王耶羅波安二十七年,猶大王亞瑪謝的兒子亞撒利雅登基,

1 In the twenty6242 and seventh7651 year8141 of Jeroboam3379 king4428 of Israel3478 began Azariah5838 son1121 of Amaziah558 king4428 of Judah3063 to reign.4427

2 他登基的時候年十六歲,在耶路撒冷作王五十二年。他母親名叫耶可利雅,是耶路撒冷人。

2 Sixteen8337 6240 years8141 old1121 was he when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 two8147 and fifty2572 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Jecholiah3203 of Jerusalem.3389

3 亞撒利雅行耶和華眼中看為正的事,效法他父親亞瑪謝一切所行的;

3 And he did6213 that which was right3477 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 according to all3605 that his father1 Amaziah558 had done;6213

4 只是眾高邱[high places]還沒有除去[removed];百姓仍在那裏獻祭燒香。

4 Save7535 that the high1116 places were not removed:5493 the people5971 sacrificed2076 and burnt6999 incense6999 still5750 on the high1116 places.

5 耶和華降災與王,使他長大痲瘋,直到死日,他就住在別的宮裏。他的兒子約坦管理家事,治理國民。

5 And the LORD3068 smote5221 the king,4428 so that he was a leper6879 to the day3117 of his death,4194 and dwelled3427 in a several2669 house.1004 And Jotham3147 the king's4428 son1121 was over5921 the house,1004 judging8199 the people5971 of the land.776

6 亞撒利雅其餘的事,凡他所行的,[not]都寫在猶大列王記上嗎?

6 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Azariah,5838 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Judah?3063

7 亞撒利雅與他列祖同睡,葬在大衛城他列祖的墳地裏。他兒子約坦接續他作王。

7 So Azariah5838 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and they buried6912 him with his fathers1 in the city5892 of David:1732 and Jotham3147 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

8 猶大王亞撒利雅三十八年,耶羅波安的兒子撒迦利雅在撒瑪利亞作以色列王六個月。

8 In the thirty7970 and eighth8083 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 did Zachariah2148 the son1121 of Jeroboam3379 reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria8111 six8337 months.2320

9 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法他列祖所行的;[he]不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

9 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 as his fathers1 had done:6213 he departed5493 not from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

10 雅比的兒子沙龍背叛他,在百姓面前擊殺他,篡了他的位。

10 And Shallum7967 the son1121 of Jabesh3003 conspired7194 against5921 him, and smote5221 him before6905 the people,5971 and slew4191 him, and reigned4427 in his stead.8478

11 撒迦利雅其餘的事,都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

11 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Zachariah,2148 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

12 這是從前耶和華應許耶戶說:「你的子孫必坐以色列的國位直到四代。」這話果然應驗了。

12 This1931 was the word1697 of the LORD3068 which834 he spoke1696 to Jehu,3058 saying,559 Your sons1121 shall sit3427 on5921 the throne3678 of Israel3478 to the fourth7243 generation. And so3651 it came1961 to pass.

13 猶大王烏西雅[Uzziah]三十九年,雅比的兒子沙龍登基在撒瑪利亞作王一個[full]月。

13 Shallum7967 the son1121 of Jabesh3003 began to reign4427 in the nine8672 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of Uzziah5818 king4428 of Judah;3063 and he reigned4427 a full3117 month3391 in Samaria.8111

14 迦底的兒子米拿現從得撒上撒瑪利亞,殺了雅比的兒子沙龍,篡了他的位。

14 For Menahem4505 the son1121 of Gadi1424 went5927 up from Tirzah,8656 and came935 to Samaria,8111 and smote5221 Shallum7967 the son1121 of Jabesh3003 in Samaria,8111 and slew4191 him, and reigned4427 in his stead.8478

15 沙龍其餘的事和他背叛的情形都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

15 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Shallum,7967 and his conspiracy7195 which834 he made,7194 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

16 那時米拿現從得撒起攻打提斐薩和其四境,擊殺城中一切的人,剖開其中所有的孕婦,都因他們沒有給他開城。

16 Then227 Menahem4505 smote5221 Tiphsah,8607 and all3605 that were therein, and the coasts1366 thereof from Tirzah:8656 because3588 they opened6605 not to him, therefore he smote5221 it; and all3605 the women therein that were with child2030 he ripped1234 up.

17 猶大王亞撒利雅三十九年,迦底的兒子米拿現登基,在撒瑪利亞作以色列王十年。

17 In the nine8672 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 began Menahem4505 the son1121 of Gadi1424 to reign4427 over5921 Israel,3478 and reigned ten6235 years8141 in Samaria.8111

18 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事;[he]終身不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

18 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he departed5493 not all3605 his days3117 from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

19 亞述王普勒來攻擊以色列,米拿現給他一千他連得銀子,請普勒幫助他堅定國位。

19 And Pul6322 the king4428 of Assyria804 came935 against5921 the land:776 and Menahem4505 gave5414 Pul6322 a thousand505 talents3603 of silver,3701 that his hand3027 might be with him to confirm2388 the kingdom4467 in his hand.3027

20 米拿現向以色列一切大富戶索[money],使他們各出五十舍客勒銀子[silver],就給了亞述王。於是亞述王回去,不在國中停留。

20 And Menahem4505 exacted3318 the money3701 of Israel,3478 even of all3605 the mighty1368 men of wealth,2428 of each259 man376 fifty2572 shekels8255 of silver,3701 to give5414 to the king4428 of Assyria.804 So the king4428 of Assyria804 turned7725 back,7725 and stayed5975 not there8033 in the land.776

21 米拿現其餘的事,凡他所行的,[not]都寫在以色列諸王記上嗎?

21 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Menahem,4505 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel?3478

22 米拿現與他列祖同睡。他兒子比加轄接續他作王。

22 And Menahem4505 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and Pekahiah6494 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

23 猶大王亞撒利雅五十年,米拿現的兒子比加轄在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王二年。

23 In the fiftieth2572 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 Pekahiah6494 the son1121 of Menahem4505 began to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned two years.8141

24 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事;[he]不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

24 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he departed5493 not from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

25 比加轄的將軍、利瑪利的兒子比加背叛他,在撒瑪利亞王宮裏的衛所殺了他。亞珥歌伯和亞利耶並基列的五十人幫助比加;比加擊殺他,篡了他的位。

25 But Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah,7425 a captain7991 of his, conspired7194 against5921 him, and smote5221 him in Samaria,8111 in the palace759 of the king's4428 house,1004 with Argob709 and Arieh,745 and with him fifty2572 men376 of the Gileadites:1569 and he killed4191 him, and reigned4427 in his room.8478

26 比加轄其餘的事,凡他所行的都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

26 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Pekahiah,6494 and all3605 that he did,6213 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

27 猶大王亞撒利雅五十二年,利瑪利的兒子比加在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王二十年。

27 In the two8147 and fiftieth2572 year8141 of Azariah5838 king4428 of Judah3063 Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah7425 began to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned twenty6242 years.8141

28 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事;[he]不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪。

28 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he departed5493 not from the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 to sin.2398

29 以色列王比加年間,亞述王提革拉.毗列色來奪了以雲、亞伯.伯.瑪迦[Abel-beth-maachah]、亞挪、基低斯、夏瑣、基列、加利利,和拿弗他利全地,將這些地方的居民都擄到亞述去了。

29 In the days3117 of Pekah6492 king4428 of Israel3478 came935 Tiglathpileser8407 king4428 of Assyria,804 and took3947 Ijon,5859 and Abelbethmaachah,62 and Janoah,3239 and Kedesh,6943 and Hazor,2674 and Gilead,1568 and Galilee,1551 all3605 the land776 of Naphtali,5321 and carried1540 them captive1540 to Assyria.804

30 烏西雅的兒子約坦二十年,以拉的兒子何細亞背叛利瑪利的兒子比加,擊殺他,篡了他的位。

30 And Hoshea1954 the son1121 of Elah425 made a conspiracy7195 against5921 Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah,7425 and smote5221 him, and slew4191 him, and reigned4427 in his stead,8478 in the twentieth6242 year8141 of Jotham3147 the son1121 of Uzziah.5818

31 比加其餘的事,凡他所行的都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

31 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Pekah,6492 and all3605 that he did,6213 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

32 以色列王利瑪利的兒子比加第二年,猶大王烏西雅的兒子約坦登基。

32 In the second8147 year8141 of Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah7425 king4428 of Israel3478 began Jotham3147 the son1121 of Uzziah5818 king4428 of Judah3063 to reign.4427

33 他登基的時候年二十五歲,在耶路撒冷作王十六年。他母親名叫耶路沙,是撒督的女兒。

33 Five2568 and twenty6242 years8141 old1121 was he when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 sixteen8337 6240 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389 And his mother's517 name8034 was Jerusha,3388 the daughter1323 of Zadok.6659

34 約坦行耶和華眼中看為正的事,效法他父親烏西雅一切所行的;

34 And he did6213 that which was right3477 in the sight5869 of the LORD:3068 he did6213 according to all3605 that his father1 Uzziah5818 had done.6213

35 只是眾高邱[high places]還沒有廢去;百姓仍在那裏獻祭燒香。約坦建立耶和華殿的上門。

35 However, the high1116 places were not removed:5493 the people5971 sacrificed2076 and burned6999 incense6999 still5750 in the high1116 places. He built1129 the higher5945 gate8179 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068

36 約坦其餘的事,凡他所行的,不都[are they not]寫在猶大列王記上嗎?

36 Now the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Jotham,3147 and all3605 that he did,6213 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Judah?3063

37 在那些日子,耶和華才使敘利亞王利汛和利瑪利的兒子比加去攻擊猶大。

37 In those1992 days3117 the LORD3068 began2490 to send7971 against Judah3063 Rezin7526 the king4428 of Syria,758 and Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah.7425

38 約坦與他列祖同睡,葬在他祖大衛城他列祖的墳地裏。他兒子亞哈斯接續他作王。

38 And Jotham3147 slept7901 with his fathers,1 and was buried6912 with his fathers1 in the city5892 of David1732 his father:1 and Ahaz271 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478