

1 爾爲上帝愛子、當效上帝、

2 亦當用愛、效基督愛我、緣我舍身、獻己爲祭、馨香於上帝前、

3 聖徒不言淫行、污穢、貪婪、乃其宜也、

4 淫辭、浮言、戲謔、則非其宜、務善言、

5 爾知貪婪與拜偶像者、一也、其與淫行、污穢、皆不得基督及上帝國、

6 勿爲虛言所誘、以此故、上帝怒不信之人、

7 勿與同羣、

8 爾素昏昏、今宗主而昭昭、宜效昭昭之人、

9 聖神之結實、仁與義與誠、

10 以明主所悅、

11 闇昧之行無益、爾不可與、當責之、

12 彼之隱行、言之辱也、

13 事有可責者、光燭之之故、以燭之者光也、

14 經云、寢宜寤、死當起、基督賜爾光、

15 愼所爾行、勿效無智、思齊有智、

16 日有患難、寸陰是惜、

17 不可不智、務悉主心、

18 勿酗酒蕩檢、惟感以聖神、

19 彼此酬答、以詩章、歌頌、神賦、口唱、心和而讚美乎主、

20 恆託我主耶穌基督名、萬事謝父上帝、

21 當畏上帝、彼此相服、

22 婦從主命、當順其夫、

23 夫爲婦綱、猶基督爲會綱、救會全體、

24 會服基督、婦凡事服夫、亦宜如是、

25 夫當愛婦、猶基督捨身愛會、

26 水濯以潔之、傳道而使爲聖、

27 會旣榮矣、無若瑕垢皺容、必潔而無玷、立於己前、

28 夫當愛婦如己、亦若是、愛婦卽愛己、

29 人未有惡己身者、乃保養之、如主之於會焉、

30 我儕爲主身之百體、骨肉、

31 經云、人離父母、膠漆其妻、成爲一體、

32 此意良深、吾引之以指基督與會、

33 爾曹宜各愛妻如己、婦當敬夫、


Chapter 5

1 Be you therefore3767 followers3402 of God,2316 as dear27 children;5043

2 And walk4043 in love,26 as Christ5547 also2532 has loved26 us, and has given3860 himself1438 for us an offering4376 and a sacrifice2378 to God2316 for a sweet smelling2175 smell.3744

3 But fornication,4202 and all3956 uncleanness,167 or2228 covetousness,4124 let it not be once3366 named3687 among1722 you, as becomes4241 saints;40

4 Neither2532 3756 filthiness,151 nor2532 foolish3473 talking,3473 nor2228 jesting,2160 which3588 are not convenient:433 but rather3123 giving of thanks.2169

5 For this5124 you know,1097 that no3956 3756 fornicator,4205 nor2228 unclean169 person, nor2228 covetous4123 man, who3739 is an idolater,1496 has2192 any inheritance2817 in the kingdom932 of Christ5547 and of God.2316

6 Let no3367 man3367 deceive538 you with vain2756 words:3056 for because1223 of these5023 things comes2064 the wrath3709 of God2316 on the children5207 of disobedience.543

7 Be not you therefore3767 partakers4830 with them.

8 For you were sometimes4218 darkness,4655 but now3568 are you light5457 in the Lord:2962 walk4043 as children5043 of light:5457

9 (For the fruit2590 of the Spirit4151 is in all3956 goodness19 and righteousness1343 and truth;226)

10 Proving1381 what5101 is acceptable2101 to the Lord.2962

11 And have no3361 fellowship4790 with the unfruitful175 works2041 of darkness,4655 but rather3123 reprove1651 them.

12 For it is a shame149 even2532 to speak3004 of those3588 things which are done1096 of them in secret.2931

13 But all3956 things that are reproved1651 are made5319 manifest5319 by the light:5457 for whatever3956 does make5319 manifest5319 is light.5457

14 Why1352 he said,3004 Awake1453 you that sleep,2518 and arise450 from the dead,3498 and Christ5547 shall give you light.2017

15 See991 then3767 that you walk4043 circumspectly,199 not as fools,781 but as wise,4680

16 Redeeming1805 the time,2540 because3754 the days2250 are evil.4190

17 Why1223 5124 be you not unwise,878 but understanding4920 what5101 the will2307 of the Lord2962 is.

18 And be not drunk3182 with wine,3631 wherein1722 3757 is excess;810 but be filled4137 with the Spirit;4151

19 Speaking2980 to yourselves1438 in psalms5568 and hymns5215 and spiritual4152 songs,5603 singing103 and making5567 melody5567 in your5216 heart2588 to the Lord;2962

20 Giving thanks2168 always3842 for all3956 things to God2316 and the Father3962 in the name3686 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ;5547

21 Submitting5293 yourselves one240 to another240 in the fear5401 of God.2316

22 Wives,1135 submit5293 yourselves to your3588 own2398 husbands,435 as to the Lord.2962

23 For the husband435 is the head2776 of the wife,1135 even2532 as Christ5547 is the head2776 of the church:1577 and he is the savior4990 of the body.4983

24 Therefore235 as the church1577 is subject5293 to Christ,5547 so3779 let the wives1135 be to their own2398 husbands435 in every3956 thing.

25 Husbands,435 love25 your1438 wives,1135 even2531 as Christ5547 also2532 loved25 the church,1577 and gave3860 himself1438 for it;

26 That he might sanctify37 and cleanse2511 it with the washing3067 of water5204 by the word,4487

27 That he might present3936 it to himself1438 a glorious1741 church,1577 not having2192 spot,4696 or2228 wrinkle,4512 or2228 any5100 such5108 thing; but that it should be holy40 and without299 blemish.299

28 So3779 ought3784 men435 to love25 their wives1135 as their own1438 bodies.4983 He that loves25 his wife1135 loves25 himself.1438

29 For no3762 man3762 ever4218 yet hated3404 his own1438 flesh;4561 but nourishes1625 and cherishes2282 it, even2532 as the Lord2962 the church:1577

30 For we are members3196 of his body,4983 of his flesh,4561 and of his bones.3747

31 For this5127 cause473 shall a man444 leave2641 his father3962 and mother,3384 and shall be joined4347 to his wife,1135 and they two1417 shall be one3391 flesh.4561

32 This5124 is a great3173 mystery:3466 but I speak3004 concerning1519 Christ5547 and the church.1577

33 Nevertheless4133 let every2596 1520 one of you in particular3588 so3779 love25 his wife1135 even5613 as himself;1438 and the wife1135 see that she reverence5399 her husband.435




Chapter 5

1 爾爲上帝愛子、當效上帝、

1 Be you therefore3767 followers3402 of God,2316 as dear27 children;5043

2 亦當用愛、效基督愛我、緣我舍身、獻己爲祭、馨香於上帝前、

2 And walk4043 in love,26 as Christ5547 also2532 has loved26 us, and has given3860 himself1438 for us an offering4376 and a sacrifice2378 to God2316 for a sweet smelling2175 smell.3744

3 聖徒不言淫行、污穢、貪婪、乃其宜也、

3 But fornication,4202 and all3956 uncleanness,167 or2228 covetousness,4124 let it not be once3366 named3687 among1722 you, as becomes4241 saints;40

4 淫辭、浮言、戲謔、則非其宜、務善言、

4 Neither2532 3756 filthiness,151 nor2532 foolish3473 talking,3473 nor2228 jesting,2160 which3588 are not convenient:433 but rather3123 giving of thanks.2169

5 爾知貪婪與拜偶像者、一也、其與淫行、污穢、皆不得基督及上帝國、

5 For this5124 you know,1097 that no3956 3756 fornicator,4205 nor2228 unclean169 person, nor2228 covetous4123 man, who3739 is an idolater,1496 has2192 any inheritance2817 in the kingdom932 of Christ5547 and of God.2316

6 勿爲虛言所誘、以此故、上帝怒不信之人、

6 Let no3367 man3367 deceive538 you with vain2756 words:3056 for because1223 of these5023 things comes2064 the wrath3709 of God2316 on the children5207 of disobedience.543

7 勿與同羣、

7 Be not you therefore3767 partakers4830 with them.

8 爾素昏昏、今宗主而昭昭、宜效昭昭之人、

8 For you were sometimes4218 darkness,4655 but now3568 are you light5457 in the Lord:2962 walk4043 as children5043 of light:5457

9 聖神之結實、仁與義與誠、

9 (For the fruit2590 of the Spirit4151 is in all3956 goodness19 and righteousness1343 and truth;226)

10 以明主所悅、

10 Proving1381 what5101 is acceptable2101 to the Lord.2962

11 闇昧之行無益、爾不可與、當責之、

11 And have no3361 fellowship4790 with the unfruitful175 works2041 of darkness,4655 but rather3123 reprove1651 them.

12 彼之隱行、言之辱也、

12 For it is a shame149 even2532 to speak3004 of those3588 things which are done1096 of them in secret.2931

13 事有可責者、光燭之之故、以燭之者光也、

13 But all3956 things that are reproved1651 are made5319 manifest5319 by the light:5457 for whatever3956 does make5319 manifest5319 is light.5457

14 經云、寢宜寤、死當起、基督賜爾光、

14 Why1352 he said,3004 Awake1453 you that sleep,2518 and arise450 from the dead,3498 and Christ5547 shall give you light.2017

15 愼所爾行、勿效無智、思齊有智、

15 See991 then3767 that you walk4043 circumspectly,199 not as fools,781 but as wise,4680

16 日有患難、寸陰是惜、

16 Redeeming1805 the time,2540 because3754 the days2250 are evil.4190

17 不可不智、務悉主心、

17 Why1223 5124 be you not unwise,878 but understanding4920 what5101 the will2307 of the Lord2962 is.

18 勿酗酒蕩檢、惟感以聖神、

18 And be not drunk3182 with wine,3631 wherein1722 3757 is excess;810 but be filled4137 with the Spirit;4151

19 彼此酬答、以詩章、歌頌、神賦、口唱、心和而讚美乎主、

19 Speaking2980 to yourselves1438 in psalms5568 and hymns5215 and spiritual4152 songs,5603 singing103 and making5567 melody5567 in your5216 heart2588 to the Lord;2962

20 恆託我主耶穌基督名、萬事謝父上帝、

20 Giving thanks2168 always3842 for all3956 things to God2316 and the Father3962 in the name3686 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ;5547

21 當畏上帝、彼此相服、

21 Submitting5293 yourselves one240 to another240 in the fear5401 of God.2316

22 婦從主命、當順其夫、

22 Wives,1135 submit5293 yourselves to your3588 own2398 husbands,435 as to the Lord.2962

23 夫爲婦綱、猶基督爲會綱、救會全體、

23 For the husband435 is the head2776 of the wife,1135 even2532 as Christ5547 is the head2776 of the church:1577 and he is the savior4990 of the body.4983

24 會服基督、婦凡事服夫、亦宜如是、

24 Therefore235 as the church1577 is subject5293 to Christ,5547 so3779 let the wives1135 be to their own2398 husbands435 in every3956 thing.

25 夫當愛婦、猶基督捨身愛會、

25 Husbands,435 love25 your1438 wives,1135 even2531 as Christ5547 also2532 loved25 the church,1577 and gave3860 himself1438 for it;

26 水濯以潔之、傳道而使爲聖、

26 That he might sanctify37 and cleanse2511 it with the washing3067 of water5204 by the word,4487

27 會旣榮矣、無若瑕垢皺容、必潔而無玷、立於己前、

27 That he might present3936 it to himself1438 a glorious1741 church,1577 not having2192 spot,4696 or2228 wrinkle,4512 or2228 any5100 such5108 thing; but that it should be holy40 and without299 blemish.299

28 夫當愛婦如己、亦若是、愛婦卽愛己、

28 So3779 ought3784 men435 to love25 their wives1135 as their own1438 bodies.4983 He that loves25 his wife1135 loves25 himself.1438

29 人未有惡己身者、乃保養之、如主之於會焉、

29 For no3762 man3762 ever4218 yet hated3404 his own1438 flesh;4561 but nourishes1625 and cherishes2282 it, even2532 as the Lord2962 the church:1577

30 我儕爲主身之百體、骨肉、

30 For we are members3196 of his body,4983 of his flesh,4561 and of his bones.3747

31 經云、人離父母、膠漆其妻、成爲一體、

31 For this5127 cause473 shall a man444 leave2641 his father3962 and mother,3384 and shall be joined4347 to his wife,1135 and they two1417 shall be one3391 flesh.4561

32 此意良深、吾引之以指基督與會、

32 This5124 is a great3173 mystery:3466 but I speak3004 concerning1519 Christ5547 and the church.1577

33 爾曹宜各愛妻如己、婦當敬夫、

33 Nevertheless4133 let every2596 1520 one of you in particular3588 so3779 love25 his wife1135 even5613 as himself;1438 and the wife1135 see that she reverence5399 her husband.435