

1 吾非使徒、得自由乎、非己見吾主耶穌基督乎、爾宗主、非我之功效乎、

2 他人不以我爲使徒、爾曹當以我爲使徒、蓋爾宗主、卽吾爲使徒之印證也、

3 有詰我者、我以是告之、

4 余豈不能使爾供飲食乎、

5 宗主之姊妹、余非得娶乎、如他使徒、及主之兄弟、與磯法然、

6 抑我及巴拿巴、非得不工而食乎、

7 誰作軍士、自食其食乎、誰樹葡萄、不食其菓乎、誰牧畜、不食其乳乎、

8 吾言此、豈若人言、律法不言如是乎、

9 摩西律載云、輾穀之牛、勿籠其口、上帝意豈在牛乎、

10 此非爲我言乎、固爲我言也、使耕者望穡而耕、打稻者共得所望焉、

11 吾播爾者、感神之道、則穫爾養身之物、豈爲過歟、

12 他人且操此權、况我乎、然我不爲之、寕忍諸難、恐阻基督福音、

13 詎不知助祭司者食諸殿、侍祭壇者、頒諸壇乎、

14 如是主命傳福音、則以福音而生、明矣、

15 然我、不爲之、我遺書、非欲得此、蓋余寕死、不可使吾所自詡者、歸於鳥有、

16 夫我傳福音、無可自詡、不得已耳、誠以不傳福音、則爲有禍、

17 且無爲而爲之、此吾所以自詡、有爲而爲之、則吾惟任其責、

18 我自詡何歟、卽傳基督福音、未嘗傷人之財、雖有權、而我不妄用其權、

19 我原不役於衆、而甘爲衆役、致衆獲救、

20 於猶太人我效之、以救猶太人、於法下人我效之、以救法下人、

21 於法外人我效之、以救法外人、然吾不外上帝法、懷基督法矣、

22 於知未至者我效之、以救乎知末至者、於衆而效衆、庶救數人、

23 吾爲福音行是、欲與爾同受大賚、

24 豈不知馳逐角勝者、其人雖多、而得賞則一、爾曹馳逐角勝、則得賞矣、

25 奮勇爭先者、撙節調劑、冀得易敝之冠、孰若吾所求、乃不敝之冠哉、

26 故我角勝、無復狐疑、我力搏、非如虛擊、

27 吾克己、使百體從令、恐教人而自治疏焉、

1 Corinthians

Chapter 9

1 AM I not a free man? am I not an apostle? have I not seen Jesus Christ our LORD? are you not my work in my LORD?

2 If I am not an apostle to others, yet to you I am: for you are the seal of my apostleship.

3 So my answer to those who criticize me is this,

4 Have we not the right to eat and to drink?

5 And have we not the right to travel with a Christian wife, just as the rest of the apostles, and as the brothers of our LORD, and as Cephas?

6 Or only I and Barnabas, have not we the right to live without working?

7 What officer commands an army at his own expense? or who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruits? or who feeds sheep, and does not eat of the milk of his flock?

8 I say these things as a man. Behold the law says them also.

9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. Why? Is God concerned only for the ox?

10 No. It is known that he said it for our sakes and it was written for our sakes because the ploughman must plough in hope, and he who threshes, threshes in hope of the crop.

11 Now if we have sown among you spiritual things, is it too much that we should reap material things from you?

12 If others have this authority over you, have we not the more right? Nevertheless we have not used this authority; but we have endured all things so that we would not hinder the gospel of Christ.

13 Do you not know that those who work in the holy place are maintained out of the temple? And those who minister at the altar share the offerings with the altar?

14 Even so has our LORD commanded that those who preach his gospel should live by his gospel.

15 But I have used none of these privileges: neither have I written these things that it should be so done to me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should declare my pride in my teaching worthless.

16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for I am under obligation; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel!

17 For if I do this thing willingly, I have my reward: but if against my will, it is like a stewardship intrusted to me.

18 What then is my wage? This is it. When I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, I do it without thought of recompense, and I have not abused the power given to me in the gospel.

19 Because I am free from all these things, I have served all men that I may gain many.

20 So with the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win the Jews; and with those who are under the law, I became as one who is under the law, in order to win those who are under the law.

21 To those who are without law, I became like one who is without law, though I am not lawless before God because I am under the law of Christ, that I might win them who are without law.

22 With the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak: I became everything to every man, that I might by all means save everyone.

23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker of it.

24 Do you not know that the runners in a race, all run, but only one is victorious? So you must run, that you may obtain victory.

25 And every man who battles in the contest, frees his mind from every thing else. And yet they run to win a garland which is perishable; but we to win one which is everlasting.

26 I therefore so run, not for something that is uncertain; and I so fight, not as one who beats the air:

27 But I conquer and subdue my body so that, by no chance, when I have preached to others, will I despise myself.



1 Corinthians

Chapter 9

1 吾非使徒、得自由乎、非己見吾主耶穌基督乎、爾宗主、非我之功效乎、

1 AM I not a free man? am I not an apostle? have I not seen Jesus Christ our LORD? are you not my work in my LORD?

2 他人不以我爲使徒、爾曹當以我爲使徒、蓋爾宗主、卽吾爲使徒之印證也、

2 If I am not an apostle to others, yet to you I am: for you are the seal of my apostleship.

3 有詰我者、我以是告之、

3 So my answer to those who criticize me is this,

4 余豈不能使爾供飲食乎、

4 Have we not the right to eat and to drink?

5 宗主之姊妹、余非得娶乎、如他使徒、及主之兄弟、與磯法然、

5 And have we not the right to travel with a Christian wife, just as the rest of the apostles, and as the brothers of our LORD, and as Cephas?

6 抑我及巴拿巴、非得不工而食乎、

6 Or only I and Barnabas, have not we the right to live without working?

7 誰作軍士、自食其食乎、誰樹葡萄、不食其菓乎、誰牧畜、不食其乳乎、

7 What officer commands an army at his own expense? or who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruits? or who feeds sheep, and does not eat of the milk of his flock?

8 吾言此、豈若人言、律法不言如是乎、

8 I say these things as a man. Behold the law says them also.

9 摩西律載云、輾穀之牛、勿籠其口、上帝意豈在牛乎、

9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. Why? Is God concerned only for the ox?

10 此非爲我言乎、固爲我言也、使耕者望穡而耕、打稻者共得所望焉、

10 No. It is known that he said it for our sakes and it was written for our sakes because the ploughman must plough in hope, and he who threshes, threshes in hope of the crop.

11 吾播爾者、感神之道、則穫爾養身之物、豈爲過歟、

11 Now if we have sown among you spiritual things, is it too much that we should reap material things from you?

12 他人且操此權、况我乎、然我不爲之、寕忍諸難、恐阻基督福音、

12 If others have this authority over you, have we not the more right? Nevertheless we have not used this authority; but we have endured all things so that we would not hinder the gospel of Christ.

13 詎不知助祭司者食諸殿、侍祭壇者、頒諸壇乎、

13 Do you not know that those who work in the holy place are maintained out of the temple? And those who minister at the altar share the offerings with the altar?

14 如是主命傳福音、則以福音而生、明矣、

14 Even so has our LORD commanded that those who preach his gospel should live by his gospel.

15 然我、不爲之、我遺書、非欲得此、蓋余寕死、不可使吾所自詡者、歸於鳥有、

15 But I have used none of these privileges: neither have I written these things that it should be so done to me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should declare my pride in my teaching worthless.

16 夫我傳福音、無可自詡、不得已耳、誠以不傳福音、則爲有禍、

16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for I am under obligation; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel!

17 且無爲而爲之、此吾所以自詡、有爲而爲之、則吾惟任其責、

17 For if I do this thing willingly, I have my reward: but if against my will, it is like a stewardship intrusted to me.

18 我自詡何歟、卽傳基督福音、未嘗傷人之財、雖有權、而我不妄用其權、

18 What then is my wage? This is it. When I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, I do it without thought of recompense, and I have not abused the power given to me in the gospel.

19 我原不役於衆、而甘爲衆役、致衆獲救、

19 Because I am free from all these things, I have served all men that I may gain many.

20 於猶太人我效之、以救猶太人、於法下人我效之、以救法下人、

20 So with the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win the Jews; and with those who are under the law, I became as one who is under the law, in order to win those who are under the law.

21 於法外人我效之、以救法外人、然吾不外上帝法、懷基督法矣、

21 To those who are without law, I became like one who is without law, though I am not lawless before God because I am under the law of Christ, that I might win them who are without law.

22 於知未至者我效之、以救乎知末至者、於衆而效衆、庶救數人、

22 With the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak: I became everything to every man, that I might by all means save everyone.

23 吾爲福音行是、欲與爾同受大賚、

23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker of it.

24 豈不知馳逐角勝者、其人雖多、而得賞則一、爾曹馳逐角勝、則得賞矣、

24 Do you not know that the runners in a race, all run, but only one is victorious? So you must run, that you may obtain victory.

25 奮勇爭先者、撙節調劑、冀得易敝之冠、孰若吾所求、乃不敝之冠哉、

25 And every man who battles in the contest, frees his mind from every thing else. And yet they run to win a garland which is perishable; but we to win one which is everlasting.

26 故我角勝、無復狐疑、我力搏、非如虛擊、

26 I therefore so run, not for something that is uncertain; and I so fight, not as one who beats the air:

27 吾克己、使百體從令、恐教人而自治疏焉、

27 But I conquer and subdue my body so that, by no chance, when I have preached to others, will I despise myself.
