

1 靈現在[Now the Spirit]明說,在後來的時候,必有人離棄信仰[faith],聽從那引誘人的邪靈和鬼魔的道理。

2 這是因為說謊之人的假冒;這等人的良心如同被熱鐵烙慣了一般。

3 他們禁止嫁娶,又禁戒食物,就是神所創造[created]、叫那信而明白真理[truth]的人感謝著領受的。

4 凡神所造的物都是好的,若感謝著領受,就沒有一樣不可受的[to be refused]

5 都因神的道和人的祈求成為聖潔了。

6 你若將這些事提醒弟兄們,便是耶穌基督[Jesus Christ]的好執事,在所信的[faith]話語和你向來所服從的善道上得了養育[nourished]

7 只是不可聽從[refuse]那世俗的言語和老婦荒渺的話,在敬虔上操練自己。

8 「操練身體,益處還少;唯獨敬虔,凡事都有益處,因有今生和來生的應許。」

9 這話是可信的,是十分可佩服的。

10 我們勞苦受辱[suffer reproach],正是為此,因我們的指望在乎永生的神;他是眾人的救主,更是信徒的救主。

11 這些事,你要吩咐人,也要教導人。

12 不可叫人小看你年輕,總要在言語、行為、愛心、靈性[in spirit]、信心、純潔[purity]上,都作信徒的榜樣。

13 你要以宣讀、勸勉、傳道[to doctrine]為念,直等到我來。

14 你不要輕忽所得的恩賜,就是從前藉著預言、在眾長老按手的時候賜給你的。

15 這些事你要默想[Meditate],並要在此專心,使眾人看出你的長進來。

16 你要謹慎自己和自己的道理[doctrine],要在這些事上恆心;因為這樣行,又能救自己,又能救聽你的人。

1 Timothy

Chapter 4

1 Now1161 the Spirit4151 speaks3004 expressly,4490 that in the latter5305 times5550 some5100 shall depart868 from the faith,4102 giving heed4337 to seducing4108 spirits,4151 and doctrines1319 of devils;1140

2 Speaking5573 lies5573 in hypocrisy;5272 having their conscience4893 seared2743 with a hot2743 iron;

3 Forbidding2967 to marry,1060 and commanding to abstain567 from meats,1033 which3739 God2316 has created2936 to be received3336 with thanksgiving2169 of them which believe4103 and know1921 the truth.225

4 For every3956 creature2938 of God2316 is good,2570 and nothing3762 to be refused,579 if it be received2983 with thanksgiving:2169

5 For it is sanctified37 by the word3056 of God2316 and prayer.1783

6 If you put5294 the brothers80 in remembrance5294 of these5023 things, you shall be a good2570 minister1249 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 nourished1789 up in the words3056 of faith4102 and of good2570 doctrine,1319 whereunto3739 you have attained.3877

7 But refuse3868 profane952 and old1126 wives'1126 fables,3454 and exercise1128 yourself4572 rather to godliness.2150

8 For bodily4984 exercise1129 profits5624 2076 little:3641 but godliness2150 is profitable5624 to all3956 things, having2192 promise1860 of the life2222 that now3568 is, and of that which is to come.3195

9 This3588 is a faithful4103 saying3056 and worthy514 of all3956 acceptation.594

10 For therefore1519 5124 we both2532 labor2872 and suffer reproach,3679 because3754 we trust1679 in the living2198 God,2316 who3739 is the Savior4990 of all3956 men,444 specially3122 of those that believe.4103

11 These5023 things command3853 and teach.1321

12 Let no3367 man3367 despise2706 your youth;3503 but be you an example5179 of the believers,4103 in word,3056 in conversation,391 in charity,26 in spirit,4151 in faith,4102 in purity.47

13 Till2193 I come,2064 give attendance4337 to reading,320 to exhortation,3874 to doctrine.1319

14 Neglect272 not the gift5486 that is in you, which3739 was given1325 you by prophecy,4394 with the laying1936 on1936 of the hands5495 of the presbytery.4244

15 Meditate3191 on these5023 things; give2468 yourself wholly1510 1722 to them; that your profiting4297 may appear5318 5600 to all.3956

16 Take heed1907 to yourself,4572 and to the doctrine;1319 continue1961 in them: for in doing4160 this5124 you shall both2532 save4982 yourself,4572 and them that hear191 you.



1 Timothy

Chapter 4

1 靈現在[Now the Spirit]明說,在後來的時候,必有人離棄信仰[faith],聽從那引誘人的邪靈和鬼魔的道理。

1 Now1161 the Spirit4151 speaks3004 expressly,4490 that in the latter5305 times5550 some5100 shall depart868 from the faith,4102 giving heed4337 to seducing4108 spirits,4151 and doctrines1319 of devils;1140

2 這是因為說謊之人的假冒;這等人的良心如同被熱鐵烙慣了一般。

2 Speaking5573 lies5573 in hypocrisy;5272 having their conscience4893 seared2743 with a hot2743 iron;

3 他們禁止嫁娶,又禁戒食物,就是神所創造[created]、叫那信而明白真理[truth]的人感謝著領受的。

3 Forbidding2967 to marry,1060 and commanding to abstain567 from meats,1033 which3739 God2316 has created2936 to be received3336 with thanksgiving2169 of them which believe4103 and know1921 the truth.225

4 凡神所造的物都是好的,若感謝著領受,就沒有一樣不可受的[to be refused]

4 For every3956 creature2938 of God2316 is good,2570 and nothing3762 to be refused,579 if it be received2983 with thanksgiving:2169

5 都因神的道和人的祈求成為聖潔了。

5 For it is sanctified37 by the word3056 of God2316 and prayer.1783

6 你若將這些事提醒弟兄們,便是耶穌基督[Jesus Christ]的好執事,在所信的[faith]話語和你向來所服從的善道上得了養育[nourished]

6 If you put5294 the brothers80 in remembrance5294 of these5023 things, you shall be a good2570 minister1249 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 nourished1789 up in the words3056 of faith4102 and of good2570 doctrine,1319 whereunto3739 you have attained.3877

7 只是不可聽從[refuse]那世俗的言語和老婦荒渺的話,在敬虔上操練自己。

7 But refuse3868 profane952 and old1126 wives'1126 fables,3454 and exercise1128 yourself4572 rather to godliness.2150

8 「操練身體,益處還少;唯獨敬虔,凡事都有益處,因有今生和來生的應許。」

8 For bodily4984 exercise1129 profits5624 2076 little:3641 but godliness2150 is profitable5624 to all3956 things, having2192 promise1860 of the life2222 that now3568 is, and of that which is to come.3195

9 這話是可信的,是十分可佩服的。

9 This3588 is a faithful4103 saying3056 and worthy514 of all3956 acceptation.594

10 我們勞苦受辱[suffer reproach],正是為此,因我們的指望在乎永生的神;他是眾人的救主,更是信徒的救主。

10 For therefore1519 5124 we both2532 labor2872 and suffer reproach,3679 because3754 we trust1679 in the living2198 God,2316 who3739 is the Savior4990 of all3956 men,444 specially3122 of those that believe.4103

11 這些事,你要吩咐人,也要教導人。

11 These5023 things command3853 and teach.1321

12 不可叫人小看你年輕,總要在言語、行為、愛心、靈性[in spirit]、信心、純潔[purity]上,都作信徒的榜樣。

12 Let no3367 man3367 despise2706 your youth;3503 but be you an example5179 of the believers,4103 in word,3056 in conversation,391 in charity,26 in spirit,4151 in faith,4102 in purity.47

13 你要以宣讀、勸勉、傳道[to doctrine]為念,直等到我來。

13 Till2193 I come,2064 give attendance4337 to reading,320 to exhortation,3874 to doctrine.1319

14 你不要輕忽所得的恩賜,就是從前藉著預言、在眾長老按手的時候賜給你的。

14 Neglect272 not the gift5486 that is in you, which3739 was given1325 you by prophecy,4394 with the laying1936 on1936 of the hands5495 of the presbytery.4244

15 這些事你要默想[Meditate],並要在此專心,使眾人看出你的長進來。

15 Meditate3191 on these5023 things; give2468 yourself wholly1510 1722 to them; that your profiting4297 may appear5318 5600 to all.3956

16 你要謹慎自己和自己的道理[doctrine],要在這些事上恆心;因為這樣行,又能救自己,又能救聽你的人。

16 Take heed1907 to yourself,4572 and to the doctrine;1319 continue1961 in them: for in doing4160 this5124 you shall both2532 save4982 yourself,4572 and them that hear191 you.