

1 耶穌過去的時候,看見一個人生來是瞎眼的。

2 他的[his]門徒問耶穌說:「夫子[Master],這人生來是瞎眼的,是誰犯了罪,是這人呢,[or]是他父母呢?」

3 耶穌回答說:「也不是這人犯了罪,也不是他父母犯了罪,是要在他身上顯出神的作為來。

4 趁著白日,[I]必須作那差我來者的工。黑夜將到,就沒有人能作工了。

5 我在世上的時候,是世上的光。」

6 耶穌說了這話,就吐唾沫在地上,用唾沫和泥抹在瞎子的眼睛上,

7 對他說:「你往西羅亞池子裏去洗(西羅亞翻出來就是奉差遣)。」他去一洗,回頭就看見了。

8 他的鄰居和那素常見他是瞎眼[blind]的,就說:「這不是那從前坐著乞討[begged]的人嗎?」

9 有人說:「是他。」又有人說:「不是,卻是像他。」他[but]說:「我就是他[I am he]。」

10 他們對他說:「你的眼睛是怎麼開的呢?」

11 他回答說:「有一個人,名叫耶穌,他和泥抹我的眼睛,對我說:『你往西羅亞池子去洗。』我去一洗,就看見了。」

12 他們說:「那個人在哪裏?」他說:「我不知道。」

13 他們把從前瞎眼的人帶到法利賽人那裏。

14 耶穌和泥開他眼睛的日子是安息日。

15 法利賽人也問他是怎麼得看見的。瞎子對他們說:「他把泥抹在我的眼睛上,我去一洗,就看見了。」

16 法利賽人中有的說:「這個人不是從神來的,因為他不守安息日。」又有人說:「一個罪人怎能行這樣的神蹟呢?」他們就起了紛爭。

17 他們又對瞎子說:「他既然開了你的眼睛,你說他是怎樣的人呢?」他說:「是個先知。」

18 猶太人不信他從前是瞎眼,後來能看見的,等到叫了他的父母來,

19 問他們說:「這是你們的兒子嗎?你們說他生來是瞎眼的,如今怎麼能看見了呢?」

20 他父母回答說:「他是我們的兒子,生來就瞎眼,這是我們知道的。

21 至於他如今怎麼能看見,我們卻不知道;是誰開了他的眼睛,我們也不知道。他已經成了人,你們問他吧,他自己必能說。」

22 他父母說這些[these]話,是怕猶太人;因為猶太人已經商議定了,若有認耶穌是基督的,要把他趕出會堂。

23 因此他父母說:「他已經成了人,你們問他吧。」

24 所以法利賽人[again]叫了那從前瞎眼的人來,對他說:「你該將讚美[praise]歸給神,我們知道這人是個罪人。」

25 他說:「他是個罪人不是,我不知道;有一件事我知道,從前我是眼瞎的,如今能看見了。」

26 他們就[again]問他說:「他向你作甚麼?是怎麼開了你的眼睛呢?」

27 他回答說:「我方才告訴你們,你們不聽,為甚麼又要聽呢?莫非你們也要作他的門徒嗎?」

28 他們就罵他說:「你是他的門徒;我們是摩西的門徒。

29 神對摩西說話是我們知道的;只是這個人,我們不知道他從哪裏來。」

30 那人回答說:「他開了我的眼睛,你們竟不知道他從哪裏來,這真是奇怪。

31 我們知道神不聽罪人,唯有敬拜[worshipper]神、遵行他旨意的,神才聽他。

32 從創世以來,未曾聽見有人把生來是瞎子的眼睛開了。

33 這人若不是從神來的,甚麼也不能作。」

34 他們回答[him]說:「你全然生在罪孽中,還要教訓我們嗎?」於是他們[they]把他趕出去了。

35 耶穌聽說他們把他趕[had]出去;後來耶穌[he]遇見他,就對他[unto him]說:「你信神的兒子麼?」

36 他回答說:「主啊,誰是神的兒子,叫我信他呢?」

37 耶穌對他[unto him]說:「你已經看見他,現在和你說話的就是他。」

38 他說:「主啊,我信。」[he]敬拜[worshipped]耶穌。

39 耶穌說:「我為審判到這世上來,叫不能看見的,可以看見;能看見的,反瞎了眼。」

40 同他在那裏[were]好些[some]法利賽人聽見這些[these]話,就說:「難道我們也瞎了眼嗎?」

41 耶穌對他們說:「你們若瞎了眼,就沒有罪了;但如今你們說『我們能看見』,所以你們的罪還在。」


Chapter 9

1 And as Jesus passed3855 by, he saw1492 a man444 which was blind5185 from his birth.1079

2 And his disciples3101 asked2065 him, saying,3004 Master,4461 who5101 did sin,264 this3778 man, or2228 his parents,1118 that he was born1080 blind?5185

3 Jesus2424 answered,611 Neither3777 has this3778 man sinned,264 nor3777 his parents:1118 but that the works2041 of God2316 should be made manifest5319 in him.

4 I must1163 work2038 the works2041 of him that sent3992 me, while2193 it is day:2250 the night3571 comes,2064 when3753 no3762 man3762 can1410 work.2038

5 As long3752 as I am1510 in the world,2889 I am1510 the light5457 of the world.2889

6 When he had thus5023 spoken,2036 he spat4429 on5476 the ground,5476 and made4160 clay4081 of the spittle,4427 and he anointed2025 1909 the eyes3788 of the blind5185 man with the clay,4081

7 And said2036 to him, Go,5217 wash3538 in the pool2861 of Siloam,4611 (which3739 is by interpretation,2059 Sent.649) He went565 his way therefore,3767 and washed,3538 and came2064 seeing.991

8 The neighbors1069 therefore,3767 and they which before4386 had seen2334 him that he was blind,5185 said,3004 Is not this3778 he that sat2521 and begged?4319

9 Some243 said,3004 This3778 is he: others243 said, He is like3664 him: but he said,3004 I am1510 he.

10 Therefore3767 said3004 they to him, How4459 were your4675 eyes3788 opened?455

11 He answered611 and said,2036 A man444 that is called3004 Jesus2424 made4160 clay,4081 and anointed2025 my3450 eyes,3788 and said2036 to me, Go5217 to the pool2861 of Siloam,4611 and wash:3538 and I went565 and washed,3538 and I received308 sight.308

12 Then3767 said2036 they to him, Where4226 is he? He said,3004 I know1492 not.

13 They brought71 to the Pharisees5330 him that aforetime4218 was blind.5185

14 And it was the sabbath4521 day when3753 Jesus2424 made4160 the clay,4081 and opened455 his eyes.3788

15 Then3767 again3825 the Pharisees5330 also2532 asked2065 him how4459 he had received308 his sight.308 He said2036 to them, He put2007 clay4081 on my3450 eyes,3788 and I washed,3538 and do see.991

16 Therefore3767 said3004 some5100 of the Pharisees,5330 This3778 man444 is not of God,2316 because3754 he keeps5083 not the sabbath4521 day. Others243 said,3004 How4459 can1410 a man444 that is a sinner268 do4160 such5108 miracles?4592 And there was a division4978 among1722 them.

17 They say3004 to the blind5185 man again,3825 What5101 say3004 you of him, that he has opened455 your4675 eyes?3788 He said,2036 He is a prophet.4396

18 But the Jews2453 did not believe4100 concerning4012 him, that he had been2258 blind,5185 and received308 his sight,308 until2193 they called5455 the parents1118 of him that had received308 his sight.308

19 And they asked2065 them, saying,3004 Is this3778 your5216 son,5207 who3739 you say3004 was born1080 blind?5185 how4459 then3767 does he now737 see?991

20 His parents1118 answered611 them and said,2036 We know1492 that this3778 is our son,5207 and that he was born1080 blind:5185

21 But by what4459 means4459 he now3568 sees,991 we know1492 not; or2228 who5101 has opened455 his eyes,3788 we know1492 not: he is of age;2244 ask2065 him: he shall speak2980 for himself.848

22 These5023 words spoke2036 his parents,1118 because3754 they feared5399 the Jews:2453 for the Jews2453 had agreed4934 already,2235 that if1437 any5100 man did confess3670 that he was Christ,5547 he should be put out of the synagogue.656

23 Therefore1223 5124 said2036 his parents,1118 He is of age;2244 ask2065 him.

24 Then3767 again1537 1208 called5455 they the man444 that was blind,5185 and said2036 to him, Give1325 God2316 the praise:1391 we know1492 that this3778 man444 is a sinner.268

25 He answered611 and said,2036 Whether1487 he be a sinner268 or no, I know1492 not: one1520 thing I know,1492 that, whereas I was blind,5185 now737 I see.991

26 Then1161 said2036 they to him again,3825 What5101 did4160 he to you? how4459 opened455 he your4675 eyes?3788

27 He answered611 them, I have told2036 you already,2235 and you did not hear:191 why5101 would2309 you hear191 it again?3825 will2309 you also2532 be his disciples?3101

28 Then3767 they reviled3058 him, and said,2036 You are1488 his disciple;3101 but we are Moses'3475 disciples.3101

29 We know1492 that God2316 spoke2980 to Moses:3475 as for this5126 fellow, we know1492 not from where4159 he is.

30 The man444 answered611 and said2036 to them, Why1063 herein1722 5129 is a marvelous2298 thing, that you know1492 not from where4159 he is, and yet he has opened455 my3450 eyes.3788

31 Now1161 we know1492 that God2316 hears191 not sinners:268 but if1437 any5100 man be a worshipper2318 of God,2318 and does4160 his will,2307 him he hears.191

32 Since1537 the world165 began was it not heard191 that any5100 man opened455 the eyes3788 of one that was born1080 blind.5185

33 If1487 this3778 man were not of God,2316 he could1410 do4160 nothing.3762

34 They answered611 and said2036 to him, You were altogether3650 born1080 in sins,266 and do you teach1321 us? And they cast1544 him out.

35 Jesus2424 heard191 that they had cast1544 him out; and when he had found2147 him, he said2036 to him, Do you believe4100 on1519 the Son5207 of God?2316

36 He answered611 and said,2036 Who5101 is he, Lord,2962 that I might believe4100 on1519 him?

37 And Jesus2424 said2036 to him, You have both2532 seen3708 him, and it is he that talks2980 with you.

38 And he said,5346 Lord,2962 I believe.4100 And he worshipped4352 him.

39 And Jesus2424 said,2036 For judgment2917 I am come2064 into1519 this5126 world,2889 that they which see991 not might see;991 and that they which see991 might be made1096 blind.5185

40 And some of the Pharisees5330 which3588 were with him heard191 these5023 words, and said2036 to him, Are we blind5185 also?2532

41 Jesus2424 said2036 to them, If1487 you were blind,5185 you should have2192 no3756 sin:266 but now3568 you say,3004 We see;991 therefore3767 your5216 sin266 remains.3306




Chapter 9

1 耶穌過去的時候,看見一個人生來是瞎眼的。

1 And as Jesus passed3855 by, he saw1492 a man444 which was blind5185 from his birth.1079

2 他的[his]門徒問耶穌說:「夫子[Master],這人生來是瞎眼的,是誰犯了罪,是這人呢,[or]是他父母呢?」

2 And his disciples3101 asked2065 him, saying,3004 Master,4461 who5101 did sin,264 this3778 man, or2228 his parents,1118 that he was born1080 blind?5185

3 耶穌回答說:「也不是這人犯了罪,也不是他父母犯了罪,是要在他身上顯出神的作為來。

3 Jesus2424 answered,611 Neither3777 has this3778 man sinned,264 nor3777 his parents:1118 but that the works2041 of God2316 should be made manifest5319 in him.

4 趁著白日,[I]必須作那差我來者的工。黑夜將到,就沒有人能作工了。

4 I must1163 work2038 the works2041 of him that sent3992 me, while2193 it is day:2250 the night3571 comes,2064 when3753 no3762 man3762 can1410 work.2038

5 我在世上的時候,是世上的光。」

5 As long3752 as I am1510 in the world,2889 I am1510 the light5457 of the world.2889

6 耶穌說了這話,就吐唾沫在地上,用唾沫和泥抹在瞎子的眼睛上,

6 When he had thus5023 spoken,2036 he spat4429 on5476 the ground,5476 and made4160 clay4081 of the spittle,4427 and he anointed2025 1909 the eyes3788 of the blind5185 man with the clay,4081

7 對他說:「你往西羅亞池子裏去洗(西羅亞翻出來就是奉差遣)。」他去一洗,回頭就看見了。

7 And said2036 to him, Go,5217 wash3538 in the pool2861 of Siloam,4611 (which3739 is by interpretation,2059 Sent.649) He went565 his way therefore,3767 and washed,3538 and came2064 seeing.991

8 他的鄰居和那素常見他是瞎眼[blind]的,就說:「這不是那從前坐著乞討[begged]的人嗎?」

8 The neighbors1069 therefore,3767 and they which before4386 had seen2334 him that he was blind,5185 said,3004 Is not this3778 he that sat2521 and begged?4319

9 有人說:「是他。」又有人說:「不是,卻是像他。」他[but]說:「我就是他[I am he]。」

9 Some243 said,3004 This3778 is he: others243 said, He is like3664 him: but he said,3004 I am1510 he.

10 他們對他說:「你的眼睛是怎麼開的呢?」

10 Therefore3767 said3004 they to him, How4459 were your4675 eyes3788 opened?455

11 他回答說:「有一個人,名叫耶穌,他和泥抹我的眼睛,對我說:『你往西羅亞池子去洗。』我去一洗,就看見了。」

11 He answered611 and said,2036 A man444 that is called3004 Jesus2424 made4160 clay,4081 and anointed2025 my3450 eyes,3788 and said2036 to me, Go5217 to the pool2861 of Siloam,4611 and wash:3538 and I went565 and washed,3538 and I received308 sight.308

12 他們說:「那個人在哪裏?」他說:「我不知道。」

12 Then3767 said2036 they to him, Where4226 is he? He said,3004 I know1492 not.

13 他們把從前瞎眼的人帶到法利賽人那裏。

13 They brought71 to the Pharisees5330 him that aforetime4218 was blind.5185

14 耶穌和泥開他眼睛的日子是安息日。

14 And it was the sabbath4521 day when3753 Jesus2424 made4160 the clay,4081 and opened455 his eyes.3788

15 法利賽人也問他是怎麼得看見的。瞎子對他們說:「他把泥抹在我的眼睛上,我去一洗,就看見了。」

15 Then3767 again3825 the Pharisees5330 also2532 asked2065 him how4459 he had received308 his sight.308 He said2036 to them, He put2007 clay4081 on my3450 eyes,3788 and I washed,3538 and do see.991

16 法利賽人中有的說:「這個人不是從神來的,因為他不守安息日。」又有人說:「一個罪人怎能行這樣的神蹟呢?」他們就起了紛爭。

16 Therefore3767 said3004 some5100 of the Pharisees,5330 This3778 man444 is not of God,2316 because3754 he keeps5083 not the sabbath4521 day. Others243 said,3004 How4459 can1410 a man444 that is a sinner268 do4160 such5108 miracles?4592 And there was a division4978 among1722 them.

17 他們又對瞎子說:「他既然開了你的眼睛,你說他是怎樣的人呢?」他說:「是個先知。」

17 They say3004 to the blind5185 man again,3825 What5101 say3004 you of him, that he has opened455 your4675 eyes?3788 He said,2036 He is a prophet.4396

18 猶太人不信他從前是瞎眼,後來能看見的,等到叫了他的父母來,

18 But the Jews2453 did not believe4100 concerning4012 him, that he had been2258 blind,5185 and received308 his sight,308 until2193 they called5455 the parents1118 of him that had received308 his sight.308

19 問他們說:「這是你們的兒子嗎?你們說他生來是瞎眼的,如今怎麼能看見了呢?」

19 And they asked2065 them, saying,3004 Is this3778 your5216 son,5207 who3739 you say3004 was born1080 blind?5185 how4459 then3767 does he now737 see?991

20 他父母回答說:「他是我們的兒子,生來就瞎眼,這是我們知道的。

20 His parents1118 answered611 them and said,2036 We know1492 that this3778 is our son,5207 and that he was born1080 blind:5185

21 至於他如今怎麼能看見,我們卻不知道;是誰開了他的眼睛,我們也不知道。他已經成了人,你們問他吧,他自己必能說。」

21 But by what4459 means4459 he now3568 sees,991 we know1492 not; or2228 who5101 has opened455 his eyes,3788 we know1492 not: he is of age;2244 ask2065 him: he shall speak2980 for himself.848

22 他父母說這些[these]話,是怕猶太人;因為猶太人已經商議定了,若有認耶穌是基督的,要把他趕出會堂。

22 These5023 words spoke2036 his parents,1118 because3754 they feared5399 the Jews:2453 for the Jews2453 had agreed4934 already,2235 that if1437 any5100 man did confess3670 that he was Christ,5547 he should be put out of the synagogue.656

23 因此他父母說:「他已經成了人,你們問他吧。」

23 Therefore1223 5124 said2036 his parents,1118 He is of age;2244 ask2065 him.

24 所以法利賽人[again]叫了那從前瞎眼的人來,對他說:「你該將讚美[praise]歸給神,我們知道這人是個罪人。」

24 Then3767 again1537 1208 called5455 they the man444 that was blind,5185 and said2036 to him, Give1325 God2316 the praise:1391 we know1492 that this3778 man444 is a sinner.268

25 他說:「他是個罪人不是,我不知道;有一件事我知道,從前我是眼瞎的,如今能看見了。」

25 He answered611 and said,2036 Whether1487 he be a sinner268 or no, I know1492 not: one1520 thing I know,1492 that, whereas I was blind,5185 now737 I see.991

26 他們就[again]問他說:「他向你作甚麼?是怎麼開了你的眼睛呢?」

26 Then1161 said2036 they to him again,3825 What5101 did4160 he to you? how4459 opened455 he your4675 eyes?3788

27 他回答說:「我方才告訴你們,你們不聽,為甚麼又要聽呢?莫非你們也要作他的門徒嗎?」

27 He answered611 them, I have told2036 you already,2235 and you did not hear:191 why5101 would2309 you hear191 it again?3825 will2309 you also2532 be his disciples?3101

28 他們就罵他說:「你是他的門徒;我們是摩西的門徒。

28 Then3767 they reviled3058 him, and said,2036 You are1488 his disciple;3101 but we are Moses'3475 disciples.3101

29 神對摩西說話是我們知道的;只是這個人,我們不知道他從哪裏來。」

29 We know1492 that God2316 spoke2980 to Moses:3475 as for this5126 fellow, we know1492 not from where4159 he is.

30 那人回答說:「他開了我的眼睛,你們竟不知道他從哪裏來,這真是奇怪。

30 The man444 answered611 and said2036 to them, Why1063 herein1722 5129 is a marvelous2298 thing, that you know1492 not from where4159 he is, and yet he has opened455 my3450 eyes.3788

31 我們知道神不聽罪人,唯有敬拜[worshipper]神、遵行他旨意的,神才聽他。

31 Now1161 we know1492 that God2316 hears191 not sinners:268 but if1437 any5100 man be a worshipper2318 of God,2318 and does4160 his will,2307 him he hears.191

32 從創世以來,未曾聽見有人把生來是瞎子的眼睛開了。

32 Since1537 the world165 began was it not heard191 that any5100 man opened455 the eyes3788 of one that was born1080 blind.5185

33 這人若不是從神來的,甚麼也不能作。」

33 If1487 this3778 man were not of God,2316 he could1410 do4160 nothing.3762

34 他們回答[him]說:「你全然生在罪孽中,還要教訓我們嗎?」於是他們[they]把他趕出去了。

34 They answered611 and said2036 to him, You were altogether3650 born1080 in sins,266 and do you teach1321 us? And they cast1544 him out.

35 耶穌聽說他們把他趕[had]出去;後來耶穌[he]遇見他,就對他[unto him]說:「你信神的兒子麼?」

35 Jesus2424 heard191 that they had cast1544 him out; and when he had found2147 him, he said2036 to him, Do you believe4100 on1519 the Son5207 of God?2316

36 他回答說:「主啊,誰是神的兒子,叫我信他呢?」

36 He answered611 and said,2036 Who5101 is he, Lord,2962 that I might believe4100 on1519 him?

37 耶穌對他[unto him]說:「你已經看見他,現在和你說話的就是他。」

37 And Jesus2424 said2036 to him, You have both2532 seen3708 him, and it is he that talks2980 with you.

38 他說:「主啊,我信。」[he]敬拜[worshipped]耶穌。

38 And he said,5346 Lord,2962 I believe.4100 And he worshipped4352 him.

39 耶穌說:「我為審判到這世上來,叫不能看見的,可以看見;能看見的,反瞎了眼。」

39 And Jesus2424 said,2036 For judgment2917 I am come2064 into1519 this5126 world,2889 that they which see991 not might see;991 and that they which see991 might be made1096 blind.5185

40 同他在那裏[were]好些[some]法利賽人聽見這些[these]話,就說:「難道我們也瞎了眼嗎?」

40 And some of the Pharisees5330 which3588 were with him heard191 these5023 words, and said2036 to him, Are we blind5185 also?2532

41 耶穌對他們說:「你們若瞎了眼,就沒有罪了;但如今你們說『我們能看見』,所以你們的罪還在。」

41 Jesus2424 said2036 to them, If1487 you were blind,5185 you should have2192 no3756 sin:266 but now3568 you say,3004 We see;991 therefore3767 your5216 sin266 remains.3306