

1 那日[day],底波拉和亞比挪菴的兒子巴拉唱歌[sang],說:

2 因為以色列報仇[avenging],百姓也甘心獻上[offered]自己,你們應當讚美[praise]耶和華。

3 君王啊,要聽。王子啊,要側耳而聽。我要向耶和華歌唱;我要歌頌耶和華─以色列的神。

4 耶和華啊,你從西珥出來,由以東地大步出行[marchedst out],那時大地顫動[the earth trembled]諸天滴漏[heavens dropped],雲也落雨。

5 山見耶和華的面就熔化[melted],西奈山見耶和華─以色列神的面也是如此。

6 在亞拿之子珊迦的時候,又在雅億的日子,大道無人行走,都是繞道而行。

7 村民斷絕[The inhabitants of the villages ceased]他們都從以色列斷絕了[they ceased in Israel],直到我底波拉興起,等我興起作以色列的母。

8 他們[They]選擇新的[new]眾神;爭戰的事就臨到城門。那時,以色列四萬人中豈能見盾牌槍矛呢?

9 我心傾向以色列的首領,他們在民中甘心獻上[offered]自己。你們應當頌讚耶和華。

10 騎白驢的、坐在審判座位[in judgment]的、行路的,你們都當傳揚。

11 在打水之處、得脫離弓箭手喊聲的人[They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water]他們必在那裏[there shall they]述說耶和華公義的作為,就是他在以色列向他村民所行[toward the inhabitants of his villages in Israel]公義的作為;那時耶和華的民下到城門。

12 底波拉啊,醒起[Awake]醒起[awake]。你當醒起[awake]醒起[awake]、唱歌。亞比挪菴的兒子巴拉啊,你當起來[arise],擄掠你的敵人。

13 那時他使餘剩的轄管民中的貴族[Then he made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people]耶和華立我轄管勇士[the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty]

14 有根本在亞瑪力人的地,從以法蓮下來的;便雅憫在民中跟隨你。有掌權的從瑪吉下來;有持[pen of the writer]的從西布倫下來;

15 以薩迦的首領與底波拉同來;以薩迦怎樣,巴拉也怎樣。他奉派步行下到谷地[he was sent on foot into the valley]原來[For]在呂便的支派中[divisions]有心中定大志的。

16 你為何[abodest]在羊圈內聽群中叫喊[bleatings]的聲音呢?原來[For]在呂便的支派中[divisions]有心中設大謀的。

17 基列人安居在約旦河外。但人為何等在船上?亞設人在海口靜坐,在港口安居。

18 西布倫人是拚命敢死的;拿弗他利人在田野的高處也是如此。

19 君王都來爭戰。那時迦南諸王在米吉多水旁的他納爭戰,卻未得擄掠錢財[money]

20 星宿從天上爭戰,從其軌道攻擊西西拉。

21 基順古河把敵人沖沒;我的[soul]啊,應當踹下勇力[trodden down strength]

22 那時馬蹄因勇士馳驅踏破[horsehoofs broken by the means of the pransings, the pransings of their mighty ones]

23 耶和華的天使[angel]說:應當咒詛米羅斯,大大咒詛其中的居民;因為他們不來幫助耶和華,不來幫助耶和華攻擊勇士。

24 願基尼人希百的妻雅億比眾婦人多得福氣,比住帳棚的婦人更蒙福祉。

25 西西拉求水,雅億給他奶子,用寶貴的盤子給他奶油。

26 雅億左手拿著帳棚的釘子[nail],右手拿著匠人的鎚子[hammer],擊打西西拉,打傷他的頭,把他的鬢角打破穿通。

27 西西拉在她腳前曲身仆倒,在她腳前曲身倒臥;在哪裏曲身,就在那裏死亡。

28 西西拉的母親從窗戶裏往外觀看,從窗格中呼叫說:他的戰車為何耽延不來呢?他的車輪為何行得慢呢?

29 聰明的宮女回答[answered]她,她也自言自語地說:

30 他們莫非得財而分?每人得了一兩個女子?西西拉得了彩衣為擄物,得繡花的彩衣為掠物。這彩衣兩面繡花,乃是披在掠物[take the spoil]之人頸項上的。

31 耶和華啊,願你的仇敵都這樣滅亡。願愛你的人如日頭出現,光輝烈烈。這樣,國中太平四十年。


Chapter 5

1 Then sang7891 Deborah1683 and Barak1301 the son1121 of Abinoam42 on that1931 day,3117 saying,559

2 Praise1288 ye the LORD3068 for the avenging6544 6546 of Israel,3478 when the people5971 willingly offered themselves.5068

3 Hear,8085 O ye kings;4428 give ear,238 O ye princes;7336 I,595 even I,595 will sing7891 unto the LORD;3068 I will sing2167 praise to the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

4 LORD,3068 when thou wentest out3318 of Seir,4480 8165 when thou marchedst6805 out of the field4480 7704 of Edom,123 the earth776 trembled,7493 and1571 the heavens8064 dropped,5197 the clouds5645 also1571 dropped5197 water.4325

5 The mountains2022 melted5140 from before4480 6440 the LORD,3068 even that2088 Sinai5514 from before4480 6440 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

6 In the days3117 of Shamgar8044 the son1121 of Anath,6067 in the days3117 of Jael,3278 the highways734 were unoccupied,2308 and the travelers1980 5410 walked1980 through byways.734 6128

7 The inhabitants of the villages6520 ceased,2308 they ceased2308 in Israel,3478 until that5704 that I Deborah1683 arose,7945 6965 that I arose6965 a mother517 in Israel.3478

8 They chose977 new2319 gods;430 then227 was war3901 in the gates:8179 was there a shield4043 or spear7420 seen7200 among forty705 thousand505 in Israel?3478

9 My heart3820 is toward the governors2710 of Israel,3478 that offered themselves willingly5068 among the people.5971 Bless1288 ye the LORD.3068

10 Speak,7878 ye that ride7392 on white6715 asses,860 ye that sit3427 in5921 judgment,4055 and walk1980 by5921 the way.1870

11 They that are delivered from the noise4480 6963 of archers2686 in996 the places of drawing water,4857 there8033 shall they rehearse8567 the righteous acts6666 of the LORD,3068 even the righteous acts6666 toward the inhabitants of his villages6520 in Israel:3478 then227 shall the people5971 of the LORD3068 go down3381 to the gates.8179

12 Awake,5782 awake,5782 Deborah:1683 awake,5782 awake,5782 utter1696 a song:7892 arise,6965 Barak,1301 and lead thy captivity captive,7617 7628 thou son1121 of Abinoam.42

13 Then227 he made him that remaineth8300 have dominion7287 over the nobles117 among the people:5971 the LORD3068 made me have dominion7287 over the mighty.1368

14 Out of4480 Ephraim669 was there a root8328 of them against Amalek;6002 after310 thee, Benjamin,1144 among thy people;5971 out of4480 Machir4353 came down3381 governors,2710 and out of Zebulun4480 2074 they that handle4900 the pen7626 of the writer.5608

15 And the princes8269 of Issachar3485 were with5973 Deborah;1683 even Issachar,3485 and also3651 Barak:1301 he was sent7971 on foot7272 into the valley.6010 For the divisions6391 of Reuben7205 there were great1419 thoughts2711 of heart.3820

16 Why4100 abodest3427 thou among996 the sheepfolds,4942 to hear8085 the bleatings8292 of the flocks?5739 For the divisions6391 of Reuben7205 there were great1419 searchings2714 of heart.3820

17 Gilead1568 abode7931 beyond5676 Jordan:3383 and why4100 did Dan1835 remain1481 in ships?591 Asher836 continued3427 on the sea3220 shore,2348 and abode7931 in5921 his breaches.4664

18 Zebulun2074 and Naphtali5321 were a people5971 that jeopardized2778 their lives5315 unto the death4191 in5921 the high places4791 of the field.7704

19 The kings4428 came935 and fought,3898 then227 fought3898 the kings4428 of Canaan3667 in Taanach8590 by5921 the waters4325 of Megiddo;4023 they took3947 no3808 gain1214 of money.3701

20 They fought3898 from4480 heaven;8064 the stars3556 in their courses4480 4546 fought3898 against5973 Sisera.5516

21 The river5158 of Kishon7028 swept them away,1640 that ancient6917 river,5158 the river5158 Kishon.7028 O my soul,5315 thou hast trodden down1869 strength.5797

22 Then227 were the horses'5483 hooves6119 broken1986 by the means of the prancings,4480 1726 the prancings1726 of their mighty ones.47

23 Curse779 ye Meroz,4789 said559 the angel4397 of the LORD,3068 curse ye bitterly779 779 the inhabitants3427 thereof; because3588 they came935 not3808 to the help5833 of the LORD,3068 to the help5833 of the LORD3068 against the mighty.1368

24 Blessed1288 above women4480 802 shall Jael3278 the wife802 of Heber2268 the Kenite7017 be, blessed1288 shall she be above women4480 802 in the tent.168

25 He asked7592 water,4325 and she gave5414 him milk;2461 she brought forth7126 butter2529 in a lordly117 dish.5602

26 She put7971 her hand3027 to the nail,3489 and her right hand3225 to the workmen's6001 hammer;1989 and with the hammer she smote1986 Sisera,5516 she smote off4277 his head,7218 when she had pierced4272 and stricken through2498 his temples.7451

27 At996 her feet7272 he bowed,3766 he fell,5307 he lay down:7901 at996 her feet7272 he bowed,3766 he fell:5307 where834 he bowed,3766 there8033 he fell down5307 dead.7703

28 The mother517 of Sisera5516 looked out8259 at1157 a window,2474 and cried2980 through1157 the lattice,822 Why4069 is954 his chariot7393 so long954 in coming?935 why4069 tarry309 the wheels6471 of his chariots?4818

29 Her wise2450 ladies8282 answered6030 her, yea,637 she1931 returned7725 answer561 to herself,

30 Have they not3808 sped?4672 have they not divided2505 the prey;7998 to every7218 man1397 a damsel or two;7356 7356 to Sisera5516 a prey7998 of divers colors,6648 a prey7998 of divers colors6648 of needlework,7553 of divers colors6648 of needlework7553 on both sides, meet for the necks6677 of them that take the spoil?7998

31 So3651 let all3605 thine enemies341 perish,6 O LORD:3068 but let them that love157 him be as the sun8121 when he goeth forth3318 in his might.1369 And the land776 had rest8252 forty705 years.8141




Chapter 5

1 那日[day],底波拉和亞比挪菴的兒子巴拉唱歌[sang],說:

1 Then sang7891 Deborah1683 and Barak1301 the son1121 of Abinoam42 on that1931 day,3117 saying,559

2 因為以色列報仇[avenging],百姓也甘心獻上[offered]自己,你們應當讚美[praise]耶和華。

2 Praise1288 ye the LORD3068 for the avenging6544 6546 of Israel,3478 when the people5971 willingly offered themselves.5068

3 君王啊,要聽。王子啊,要側耳而聽。我要向耶和華歌唱;我要歌頌耶和華─以色列的神。

3 Hear,8085 O ye kings;4428 give ear,238 O ye princes;7336 I,595 even I,595 will sing7891 unto the LORD;3068 I will sing2167 praise to the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

4 耶和華啊,你從西珥出來,由以東地大步出行[marchedst out],那時大地顫動[the earth trembled]諸天滴漏[heavens dropped],雲也落雨。

4 LORD,3068 when thou wentest out3318 of Seir,4480 8165 when thou marchedst6805 out of the field4480 7704 of Edom,123 the earth776 trembled,7493 and1571 the heavens8064 dropped,5197 the clouds5645 also1571 dropped5197 water.4325

5 山見耶和華的面就熔化[melted],西奈山見耶和華─以色列神的面也是如此。

5 The mountains2022 melted5140 from before4480 6440 the LORD,3068 even that2088 Sinai5514 from before4480 6440 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

6 在亞拿之子珊迦的時候,又在雅億的日子,大道無人行走,都是繞道而行。

6 In the days3117 of Shamgar8044 the son1121 of Anath,6067 in the days3117 of Jael,3278 the highways734 were unoccupied,2308 and the travelers1980 5410 walked1980 through byways.734 6128

7 村民斷絕[The inhabitants of the villages ceased]他們都從以色列斷絕了[they ceased in Israel],直到我底波拉興起,等我興起作以色列的母。

7 The inhabitants of the villages6520 ceased,2308 they ceased2308 in Israel,3478 until that5704 that I Deborah1683 arose,7945 6965 that I arose6965 a mother517 in Israel.3478

8 他們[They]選擇新的[new]眾神;爭戰的事就臨到城門。那時,以色列四萬人中豈能見盾牌槍矛呢?

8 They chose977 new2319 gods;430 then227 was war3901 in the gates:8179 was there a shield4043 or spear7420 seen7200 among forty705 thousand505 in Israel?3478

9 我心傾向以色列的首領,他們在民中甘心獻上[offered]自己。你們應當頌讚耶和華。

9 My heart3820 is toward the governors2710 of Israel,3478 that offered themselves willingly5068 among the people.5971 Bless1288 ye the LORD.3068

10 騎白驢的、坐在審判座位[in judgment]的、行路的,你們都當傳揚。

10 Speak,7878 ye that ride7392 on white6715 asses,860 ye that sit3427 in5921 judgment,4055 and walk1980 by5921 the way.1870

11 在打水之處、得脫離弓箭手喊聲的人[They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water]他們必在那裏[there shall they]述說耶和華公義的作為,就是他在以色列向他村民所行[toward the inhabitants of his villages in Israel]公義的作為;那時耶和華的民下到城門。

11 They that are delivered from the noise4480 6963 of archers2686 in996 the places of drawing water,4857 there8033 shall they rehearse8567 the righteous acts6666 of the LORD,3068 even the righteous acts6666 toward the inhabitants of his villages6520 in Israel:3478 then227 shall the people5971 of the LORD3068 go down3381 to the gates.8179

12 底波拉啊,醒起[Awake]醒起[awake]。你當醒起[awake]醒起[awake]、唱歌。亞比挪菴的兒子巴拉啊,你當起來[arise],擄掠你的敵人。

12 Awake,5782 awake,5782 Deborah:1683 awake,5782 awake,5782 utter1696 a song:7892 arise,6965 Barak,1301 and lead thy captivity captive,7617 7628 thou son1121 of Abinoam.42

13 那時他使餘剩的轄管民中的貴族[Then he made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people]耶和華立我轄管勇士[the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty]

13 Then227 he made him that remaineth8300 have dominion7287 over the nobles117 among the people:5971 the LORD3068 made me have dominion7287 over the mighty.1368

14 有根本在亞瑪力人的地,從以法蓮下來的;便雅憫在民中跟隨你。有掌權的從瑪吉下來;有持[pen of the writer]的從西布倫下來;

14 Out of4480 Ephraim669 was there a root8328 of them against Amalek;6002 after310 thee, Benjamin,1144 among thy people;5971 out of4480 Machir4353 came down3381 governors,2710 and out of Zebulun4480 2074 they that handle4900 the pen7626 of the writer.5608

15 以薩迦的首領與底波拉同來;以薩迦怎樣,巴拉也怎樣。他奉派步行下到谷地[he was sent on foot into the valley]原來[For]在呂便的支派中[divisions]有心中定大志的。

15 And the princes8269 of Issachar3485 were with5973 Deborah;1683 even Issachar,3485 and also3651 Barak:1301 he was sent7971 on foot7272 into the valley.6010 For the divisions6391 of Reuben7205 there were great1419 thoughts2711 of heart.3820

16 你為何[abodest]在羊圈內聽群中叫喊[bleatings]的聲音呢?原來[For]在呂便的支派中[divisions]有心中設大謀的。

16 Why4100 abodest3427 thou among996 the sheepfolds,4942 to hear8085 the bleatings8292 of the flocks?5739 For the divisions6391 of Reuben7205 there were great1419 searchings2714 of heart.3820

17 基列人安居在約旦河外。但人為何等在船上?亞設人在海口靜坐,在港口安居。

17 Gilead1568 abode7931 beyond5676 Jordan:3383 and why4100 did Dan1835 remain1481 in ships?591 Asher836 continued3427 on the sea3220 shore,2348 and abode7931 in5921 his breaches.4664

18 西布倫人是拚命敢死的;拿弗他利人在田野的高處也是如此。

18 Zebulun2074 and Naphtali5321 were a people5971 that jeopardized2778 their lives5315 unto the death4191 in5921 the high places4791 of the field.7704

19 君王都來爭戰。那時迦南諸王在米吉多水旁的他納爭戰,卻未得擄掠錢財[money]

19 The kings4428 came935 and fought,3898 then227 fought3898 the kings4428 of Canaan3667 in Taanach8590 by5921 the waters4325 of Megiddo;4023 they took3947 no3808 gain1214 of money.3701

20 星宿從天上爭戰,從其軌道攻擊西西拉。

20 They fought3898 from4480 heaven;8064 the stars3556 in their courses4480 4546 fought3898 against5973 Sisera.5516

21 基順古河把敵人沖沒;我的[soul]啊,應當踹下勇力[trodden down strength]

21 The river5158 of Kishon7028 swept them away,1640 that ancient6917 river,5158 the river5158 Kishon.7028 O my soul,5315 thou hast trodden down1869 strength.5797

22 那時馬蹄因勇士馳驅踏破[horsehoofs broken by the means of the pransings, the pransings of their mighty ones]

22 Then227 were the horses'5483 hooves6119 broken1986 by the means of the prancings,4480 1726 the prancings1726 of their mighty ones.47

23 耶和華的天使[angel]說:應當咒詛米羅斯,大大咒詛其中的居民;因為他們不來幫助耶和華,不來幫助耶和華攻擊勇士。

23 Curse779 ye Meroz,4789 said559 the angel4397 of the LORD,3068 curse ye bitterly779 779 the inhabitants3427 thereof; because3588 they came935 not3808 to the help5833 of the LORD,3068 to the help5833 of the LORD3068 against the mighty.1368

24 願基尼人希百的妻雅億比眾婦人多得福氣,比住帳棚的婦人更蒙福祉。

24 Blessed1288 above women4480 802 shall Jael3278 the wife802 of Heber2268 the Kenite7017 be, blessed1288 shall she be above women4480 802 in the tent.168

25 西西拉求水,雅億給他奶子,用寶貴的盤子給他奶油。

25 He asked7592 water,4325 and she gave5414 him milk;2461 she brought forth7126 butter2529 in a lordly117 dish.5602

26 雅億左手拿著帳棚的釘子[nail],右手拿著匠人的鎚子[hammer],擊打西西拉,打傷他的頭,把他的鬢角打破穿通。

26 She put7971 her hand3027 to the nail,3489 and her right hand3225 to the workmen's6001 hammer;1989 and with the hammer she smote1986 Sisera,5516 she smote off4277 his head,7218 when she had pierced4272 and stricken through2498 his temples.7451

27 西西拉在她腳前曲身仆倒,在她腳前曲身倒臥;在哪裏曲身,就在那裏死亡。

27 At996 her feet7272 he bowed,3766 he fell,5307 he lay down:7901 at996 her feet7272 he bowed,3766 he fell:5307 where834 he bowed,3766 there8033 he fell down5307 dead.7703

28 西西拉的母親從窗戶裏往外觀看,從窗格中呼叫說:他的戰車為何耽延不來呢?他的車輪為何行得慢呢?

28 The mother517 of Sisera5516 looked out8259 at1157 a window,2474 and cried2980 through1157 the lattice,822 Why4069 is954 his chariot7393 so long954 in coming?935 why4069 tarry309 the wheels6471 of his chariots?4818

29 聰明的宮女回答[answered]她,她也自言自語地說:

29 Her wise2450 ladies8282 answered6030 her, yea,637 she1931 returned7725 answer561 to herself,

30 他們莫非得財而分?每人得了一兩個女子?西西拉得了彩衣為擄物,得繡花的彩衣為掠物。這彩衣兩面繡花,乃是披在掠物[take the spoil]之人頸項上的。

30 Have they not3808 sped?4672 have they not divided2505 the prey;7998 to every7218 man1397 a damsel or two;7356 7356 to Sisera5516 a prey7998 of divers colors,6648 a prey7998 of divers colors6648 of needlework,7553 of divers colors6648 of needlework7553 on both sides, meet for the necks6677 of them that take the spoil?7998

31 耶和華啊,願你的仇敵都這樣滅亡。願愛你的人如日頭出現,光輝烈烈。這樣,國中太平四十年。

31 So3651 let all3605 thine enemies341 perish,6 O LORD:3068 but let them that love157 him be as the sun8121 when he goeth forth3318 in his might.1369 And the land776 had rest8252 forty705 years.8141
