

1 我的氣息衰敗[breath is corrupt],我的日子滅盡,墳墓為我預備好了。

2 戲笑我的,豈不在我這裏嗎[Are there not mockers with me]?我眼豈不[not]常見他們惹動我嗎。

3 如今躺下,使我與你作保[Lay down now, put me in a surety with thee]誰肯與我擊掌呢[who is he that will strike hands with me]

4 因你使他們心不明理;所以你必不高舉他們。

5 向他的朋友說奉承話[speaketh flattery to his friends]的,連他兒女的眼睛也要失明。

6 [He][also]使我作了民中的笑談;從前我就像鼓一樣[and aforetime I was as a tabret]

7 我的眼睛[also]因憂愁昏花,我的百體好像影兒。

8 正直人因此必驚奇;無辜的人要興起攻擊偽善之人[hypocrite]

9 義人且[The righteous also]要持守所行的道,手潔的人要力上加力。

10 至於你們眾人,如今[now]再來辯論吧。因為[for]你們中間,我找不著一個智慧人。

11 我的日子已經過了,我的謀算、我心所想望的已經斷絕。

12 他們將黑夜變為[change the night into]白晝;亮光因黑暗而短少[is short because of darkness]

13 我若等候,墳墓[wait, the grave]為我的房屋;我安了庄[I have made my bed]在黑暗中。

14 [I]對朽壞說:你是我的父;對蟲說:你是我的母親姊妹。

15 這樣,我的盼望[hope]如今[now]在哪裏呢?我所盼望[hope]的,誰能看見呢?

16 等到我們[our]安息在塵土中,指望都[they]必下到坑中[pit]的門閂那裏了。


Chapter 17

1 MY spirit is weary, my days are extinct; the grave is ready for me,

2 For there is no falsehood in me, and yet my spirit dwells in their bitterness.

3 Make me, I pray thee, a hostage with thee; then I will surrender myself.

4 For thou hast hid their heart from understanding; therefore they shall exalt themselves in their deception.

5 When a friend behaves insolently toward his friend, even the eyes of his children shall fail.

6 He has granted power to the nations; I shall be derided before them.

7 My eye is dim because of anger, and all my senses are like a shadow.

8 Upright men shall be amazed at this, and the innocent shall stir himself up against the guilty.

9 The righteous also shall hold to his way, and he that has clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

10 But as for you all, you are hypocritical, and yet you return and come to me; but I cannot find a wise man among you.

11 O you time wasters! Dawdlers! Who think about nothing! O you destroyers of the hearts of the people!

12 You change the night into day; and you bring forth the light before the darkness is over.

13 If I wait, Sheol is my house; I have made my bed in the darkness.

14 I have said to corruption, You are my father; to the worm, You are my mother and my sister.

15 Where is now my hope and my trust? As for my hope, who shall find it?

16 They shall go down to the bottom of Sheol; they shall descend together into the dust.




Chapter 17

1 我的氣息衰敗[breath is corrupt],我的日子滅盡,墳墓為我預備好了。

1 MY spirit is weary, my days are extinct; the grave is ready for me,

2 戲笑我的,豈不在我這裏嗎[Are there not mockers with me]?我眼豈不[not]常見他們惹動我嗎。

2 For there is no falsehood in me, and yet my spirit dwells in their bitterness.

3 如今躺下,使我與你作保[Lay down now, put me in a surety with thee]誰肯與我擊掌呢[who is he that will strike hands with me]

3 Make me, I pray thee, a hostage with thee; then I will surrender myself.

4 因你使他們心不明理;所以你必不高舉他們。

4 For thou hast hid their heart from understanding; therefore they shall exalt themselves in their deception.

5 向他的朋友說奉承話[speaketh flattery to his friends]的,連他兒女的眼睛也要失明。

5 When a friend behaves insolently toward his friend, even the eyes of his children shall fail.

6 [He][also]使我作了民中的笑談;從前我就像鼓一樣[and aforetime I was as a tabret]

6 He has granted power to the nations; I shall be derided before them.

7 我的眼睛[also]因憂愁昏花,我的百體好像影兒。

7 My eye is dim because of anger, and all my senses are like a shadow.

8 正直人因此必驚奇;無辜的人要興起攻擊偽善之人[hypocrite]

8 Upright men shall be amazed at this, and the innocent shall stir himself up against the guilty.

9 義人且[The righteous also]要持守所行的道,手潔的人要力上加力。

9 The righteous also shall hold to his way, and he that has clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

10 至於你們眾人,如今[now]再來辯論吧。因為[for]你們中間,我找不著一個智慧人。

10 But as for you all, you are hypocritical, and yet you return and come to me; but I cannot find a wise man among you.

11 我的日子已經過了,我的謀算、我心所想望的已經斷絕。

11 O you time wasters! Dawdlers! Who think about nothing! O you destroyers of the hearts of the people!

12 他們將黑夜變為[change the night into]白晝;亮光因黑暗而短少[is short because of darkness]

12 You change the night into day; and you bring forth the light before the darkness is over.

13 我若等候,墳墓[wait, the grave]為我的房屋;我安了庄[I have made my bed]在黑暗中。

13 If I wait, Sheol is my house; I have made my bed in the darkness.

14 [I]對朽壞說:你是我的父;對蟲說:你是我的母親姊妹。

14 I have said to corruption, You are my father; to the worm, You are my mother and my sister.

15 這樣,我的盼望[hope]如今[now]在哪裏呢?我所盼望[hope]的,誰能看見呢?

15 Where is now my hope and my trust? As for my hope, who shall find it?

16 等到我們[our]安息在塵土中,指望都[they]必下到坑中[pit]的門閂那裏了。

16 They shall go down to the bottom of Sheol; they shall descend together into the dust.
