

1 以色列是空存的[empty]葡萄樹,他所結的果只歸他自己[he bringeth forth fruit unto himself]。果子越多,就越增添祭壇;地土越肥美,就越造美麗的[images]

2 他們心懷二意,現今要定為有[faulty]。耶和華必拆毀他們的祭壇,毀壞他們的眾像[images]

3 他們必說:我們沒有王,因為我們不敬畏耶和華。王能為我們作甚麼呢?

4 他們為立約說謊言,起假誓;因此,災罰如苦菜滋生在田間的犁溝中。

5 撒瑪利亞的居民必因伯.亞文的牛犢驚恐;崇拜牛犢的民和喜愛牛犢的祭司都必因榮耀離開它,為它悲哀。

6 人必將牛犢[also]帶到亞述當作禮物,獻給耶雷布王。以法蓮必蒙羞;以色列必因自己的計謀慚愧。

7 至於撒瑪利亞,她的王必滅沒,如水面的沫子一樣。

8 亞文[Aven]眾高邱[high places]─就是以色列取罪的地方必被毀滅。蒺藜和薊[Thorns also and thistle]必長在他們的祭壇上;他們必對大山說:遮蓋我們;對小山說:倒在我們身上。

9 以色列啊,你從基比亞的日子以來時常犯罪。你們的先人曾站在那裏,現今住基比亞的人以為攻擊罪孽之輩的戰事臨不到自己。

10 我必隨意懲罰他們。他們在自己兩犁溝中自捆的時候[when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows],列邦的民必聚集攻擊他們。

11 以法蓮是馴良的母牛犢,喜愛踹穀,我卻將軛加在她肥美的頸項上,我要使以法蓮被騎[to ride]。猶大必耕田;雅各必耙地。

12 你們要為自己栽種公義,就能收割慈愛。現今正是尋求耶和華的時候;你們要開墾荒地,等他臨到,使公義如雨降在你們身上。

13 你們耕種的是奸惡,收割的是罪孽,吃的是謊話的果子。因你倚靠自己的行為,仰賴勇士眾多,

14 所以在[thy]民中必有鬨嚷之聲,你一切的保障必被拆毀,就如沙勒幔在爭戰的日子拆毀伯.亞比勒,將其中的母摔碎在自己兒女上[dashed in pieces upon her children]

15你們[your]的大惡,伯.特利必使你們遭遇如此:早晨以內[in a morning],以色列的王必全然剪除[cut off]


Chapter 10

1 ISRAEL is a vine full of branches that brings forth its fruit; according to the multitude of his fruit he has increased the altars; according to the goodness of his land they have built shrines.

2 Their heart is wavering; and from now they shall be condemned; he shall demolish their altars; he shall plunder their shrines.

3 For from now they shall say, We have no king because we feared not the LORD; what then can a king do for us?

4 They have spoken words belonging to false altars; they have broken the covenant and paid the penalty; they are like briers in a barren field.

5 The inhabitants of Samaria shall sojourn to the shrine of the calf of Beth-aon; for they sat down mourning over it together with its priests; they shall rejoice over it, and over its glory because it is departed from it.

6 Even the idol itself shall be also carried to Assyria for a present to the great king; Ephraim shall receive shame, and Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel.

7 Samaria has cast away her king like a chip on the face of the water.

8 The high places of the idol of Aon, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed; thorns and thistles shall grow up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall on us.

9 O Israel, you have sinned from the days of Ramtha; there they shall remain, and the battle in Ramtha against the children of iniquity shall not overtake them.

10 In my rebuke I will chastise them; and the people shall be gathered against them when they shall be chastised for their two follies.

11 Ephraim is like a heifer that is trained, and loves to tread out the wheat; but I bent her neck under the yoke; I will make Ephraim to be ridden upon, I will cause Judah to tread wheat, and Jacob shall be plundered.

12 Sow for yourselves righteousness, and reap a harvest of mercy; light a lamp for yourselves; for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and reveal his righteousness to you.

13 You have plowed sin and wickedness, you have reaped iniquity; you have eaten the fruit of lies. Because you have trusted in your ways, and in the multitude of your mighty men;

14 Therefore destruction shall come upon your people, and all your provinces shall be despoiled as plunder is divided when peace is concluded, even from Beth-el as far as the northern border; in the day of the battle the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children.

15 So they did to you, O Beth-el, because of your great wickedness; in a morning was the king of Israel confounded and ashamed.




Chapter 10

1 以色列是空存的[empty]葡萄樹,他所結的果只歸他自己[he bringeth forth fruit unto himself]。果子越多,就越增添祭壇;地土越肥美,就越造美麗的[images]

1 ISRAEL is a vine full of branches that brings forth its fruit; according to the multitude of his fruit he has increased the altars; according to the goodness of his land they have built shrines.

2 他們心懷二意,現今要定為有[faulty]。耶和華必拆毀他們的祭壇,毀壞他們的眾像[images]

2 Their heart is wavering; and from now they shall be condemned; he shall demolish their altars; he shall plunder their shrines.

3 他們必說:我們沒有王,因為我們不敬畏耶和華。王能為我們作甚麼呢?

3 For from now they shall say, We have no king because we feared not the LORD; what then can a king do for us?

4 他們為立約說謊言,起假誓;因此,災罰如苦菜滋生在田間的犁溝中。

4 They have spoken words belonging to false altars; they have broken the covenant and paid the penalty; they are like briers in a barren field.

5 撒瑪利亞的居民必因伯.亞文的牛犢驚恐;崇拜牛犢的民和喜愛牛犢的祭司都必因榮耀離開它,為它悲哀。

5 The inhabitants of Samaria shall sojourn to the shrine of the calf of Beth-aon; for they sat down mourning over it together with its priests; they shall rejoice over it, and over its glory because it is departed from it.

6 人必將牛犢[also]帶到亞述當作禮物,獻給耶雷布王。以法蓮必蒙羞;以色列必因自己的計謀慚愧。

6 Even the idol itself shall be also carried to Assyria for a present to the great king; Ephraim shall receive shame, and Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel.

7 至於撒瑪利亞,她的王必滅沒,如水面的沫子一樣。

7 Samaria has cast away her king like a chip on the face of the water.

8 亞文[Aven]眾高邱[high places]─就是以色列取罪的地方必被毀滅。蒺藜和薊[Thorns also and thistle]必長在他們的祭壇上;他們必對大山說:遮蓋我們;對小山說:倒在我們身上。

8 The high places of the idol of Aon, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed; thorns and thistles shall grow up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall on us.

9 以色列啊,你從基比亞的日子以來時常犯罪。你們的先人曾站在那裏,現今住基比亞的人以為攻擊罪孽之輩的戰事臨不到自己。

9 O Israel, you have sinned from the days of Ramtha; there they shall remain, and the battle in Ramtha against the children of iniquity shall not overtake them.

10 我必隨意懲罰他們。他們在自己兩犁溝中自捆的時候[when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows],列邦的民必聚集攻擊他們。

10 In my rebuke I will chastise them; and the people shall be gathered against them when they shall be chastised for their two follies.

11 以法蓮是馴良的母牛犢,喜愛踹穀,我卻將軛加在她肥美的頸項上,我要使以法蓮被騎[to ride]。猶大必耕田;雅各必耙地。

11 Ephraim is like a heifer that is trained, and loves to tread out the wheat; but I bent her neck under the yoke; I will make Ephraim to be ridden upon, I will cause Judah to tread wheat, and Jacob shall be plundered.

12 你們要為自己栽種公義,就能收割慈愛。現今正是尋求耶和華的時候;你們要開墾荒地,等他臨到,使公義如雨降在你們身上。

12 Sow for yourselves righteousness, and reap a harvest of mercy; light a lamp for yourselves; for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and reveal his righteousness to you.

13 你們耕種的是奸惡,收割的是罪孽,吃的是謊話的果子。因你倚靠自己的行為,仰賴勇士眾多,

13 You have plowed sin and wickedness, you have reaped iniquity; you have eaten the fruit of lies. Because you have trusted in your ways, and in the multitude of your mighty men;

14 所以在[thy]民中必有鬨嚷之聲,你一切的保障必被拆毀,就如沙勒幔在爭戰的日子拆毀伯.亞比勒,將其中的母摔碎在自己兒女上[dashed in pieces upon her children]

14 Therefore destruction shall come upon your people, and all your provinces shall be despoiled as plunder is divided when peace is concluded, even from Beth-el as far as the northern border; in the day of the battle the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children.

15你們[your]的大惡,伯.特利必使你們遭遇如此:早晨以內[in a morning],以色列的王必全然剪除[cut off]

15 So they did to you, O Beth-el, because of your great wickedness; in a morning was the king of Israel confounded and ashamed.