

1 該撒提庇留在位之十五年、本丟彼拉多爲猶太方伯、希律爲分封之君、國於加利利、其兄弟腓力、爲分封之君、國於以土利亞、及特拉可尼地、呂撒聶爲分封之君、國於亞比利尼、

2 亞那該亞法爲祭司長時、撒加利亞子約翰居於野、上帝之命降之、

3 乃來約但四方、傳悔改之洗禮、俾得罪赦、

4 如書載先知以賽亞言云、野有聲呼云、備主道、直其徑、

5 諸谷填之、岡陵卑之、屈曲使直、崎嶇使平、

6 凡有血氣者、得見上帝救主、

7 衆出受洗、約翰曰、蝮類乎、誰示爾避後日之刑乎、

8 故當結果、以彰悔改、勿自以爲亞伯拉罕我祖也、吾語汝、上帝能起此石、爲亞伯拉罕子孫焉、

9 今斧置樹根、凡樹不結善果者、則斫之委火、

10 衆問曰、我當何爲、

11 曰、有二衣、則分彼無衣者、有食亦然、

12 稅吏至、欲受洗、問曰、先生、我當何爲、

13 曰、定賦之外勿取、

14 軍士問曰、我當何爲、曰、勿强索人、勿誣詐人、以所得之糧足矣、〇

15 民望基督、疑約翰卽是否、

16 約翰謂衆曰、我以水施洗爾、惟有勝我者來、解其履帶、我亦不堪、彼將以聖神及火施洗爾、

17 其手執箕、將盡簸厥禾塲、斂穀入倉、而燒糠以不滅之火、

18 約翰多方勸慰、報嘉音於民、

19 分封之君希律、以兄弟腓力妻希羅底事、及所爲不道故、見謫於約翰、

20 轉增其暴、囚約翰於獄、〇

21 當衆民受洗畢、耶穌亦受洗、祈禱時、天開、

22 聖神降臨其上、狀如鴿、自天有聲云、爾乃我愛子、我所喜悅者、〇

23 耶穌年甫三十、人以爲約瑟子、其上爲希里、

24 其上爲馬塔、其上爲利未、其上爲麥基、其上爲雅拿、其上爲約瑟、

25 其上爲馬大提亞、其上爲亞麽士、其上爲拿翁、其上爲以士里、其上爲拿該、

26 其上爲馬押、其上爲馬大提亞、其上爲西美、其上爲約瑟、其上爲猶大、

27 其上爲約亞拿、其上爲利撒、其上爲所羅把伯、其上爲撒拉鐵、其上爲尼利、

28 其上爲麥基、其上爲亞底、其上爲哥桑、其上爲以摩堂、其上爲耳、

29 其上爲約細、其上爲以列撒、其上爲約令、其上爲馬塔、其上爲利未、

30 其上爲西面、其上爲猶大、其上爲約瑟、其上爲約南、其上爲以利亞金、

31 其上爲米利亞、其上爲買南、其上爲馬達他、其上爲拿單、其上爲大闢、

32 其上爲耶西、其上爲阿伯、其上爲波士、其上爲撒門、其上爲拿順、

33 其上爲亞米拿達、其上爲亞蘭、其上爲以士崙、其上爲法勒士、其上爲猶大、

34 其上爲雅各、其上爲以撒、其上爲亞伯拉罕、其上爲他拉、其上爲拿鹤、

35 其上爲撒鹿、其上爲拉苟、其上爲法勒、其上爲希百、其上爲撒拉、

36 其上爲該南、其上爲亞法撒、其上爲閃、其上爲挪亞、其上爲拉麥、

37 其上爲馬土撒拉、其上爲以諾、其上爲雅列、其上爲馬勒列、其上爲該南、

38 其上爲以挪士、其上爲設、其上爲亞當、其上爲上帝、


Chapter 3

1 Now1161 in the fifteenth4003 year2094 of the reign2231 of Tiberius5086 Caesar,2541 Pontius4194 Pilate4091 being governor2230 of Judaea,2449 and Herod2264 being tetrarch5075 of Galilee,1056 and his brother80 Philip5376 tetrarch5075 of Ituraea2484 and of the region5561 of Trachonitis,5139 and Lysanias3078 the tetrarch5075 of Abilene,9

2 Annas452 and Caiaphas2533 being1909 the high749 priests,749 the word4487 of God2316 came1096 to John2491 the son5207 of Zacharias2197 in the wilderness.2048

3 And he came2064 into1519 all3956 the country4066 about4066 Jordan,2446 preaching2784 the baptism908 of repentance3341 for the remission859 of sins;266

4 As it is written1125 in the book976 of the words3056 of Esaias2268 the prophet,4396 saying,3004 The voice5456 of one crying994 in the wilderness,2048 Prepare2090 you the way3598 of the Lord,2962 make4160 his paths5147 straight.2117

5 Every3956 valley5327 shall be filled,4137 and every3956 mountain3735 and hill1015 shall be brought5013 low;5013 and the crooked4646 shall be made1519 straight,2117 and the rough5138 ways3598 shall be made1519 smooth;3006

6 And all3956 flesh4561 shall see3700 the salvation4992 of God.2316

7 Then3767 said3004 he to the multitude3793 that came1607 forth1607 to be baptized907 of him, O generation1081 of vipers,2191 who5101 has warned5263 you to flee5343 from the wrath3709 to come?3195

8 Bring4160 forth4160 therefore3767 fruits2590 worthy514 of repentance,3341 and begin756 not to say3004 within1722 yourselves,1438 We have2192 Abraham11 to our father:3962 for I say3004 to you, That God2316 is able1410 of these5130 stones3037 to raise1453 up children5043 to Abraham.11

9 And now2235 also2532 the ax513 is laid2749 to the root4491 of the trees:1186 every3956 tree1186 therefore3767 which brings4160 not forth4160 good2570 fruit2590 is hewn1581 down,1581 and cast906 into1519 the fire.4442

10 And the people3793 asked1905 him, saying,3004 What5101 shall we do4160 then?3767

11 He answers611 and said3004 to them, He that has2192 two1417 coats,5509 let him impart3330 to him that has2192 none;3361 and he that has2192 meat,1033 let him do4160 likewise.3668

12 Then1161 came2064 also2532 publicans5057 to be baptized,907 and said2036 to him, Master,1320 what5101 shall we do?4160

13 And he said2036 to them, Exact4238 no3367 more4119 than3844 that which is appointed1299 you.

14 And the soldiers4754 likewise2532 demanded1905 of him, saying,3004 And what5101 shall we do?4160 And he said2036 to them, Do1286 violence1286 to no3367 man,3367 neither3366 accuse4811 any falsely; and be content714 with your5216 wages.3800

15 And as the people2992 were in expectation,4328 and all3956 men mused1260 in their hearts2588 of John,2491 whether3379 he were the Christ,5547 or not;

16 John2491 answered,611 saying3004 to them all,537 I indeed3303 baptize907 you with water;5204 but one mightier2478 than I comes,2064 the lace2438 of whose3739 shoes5266 I am1510 not worthy2425 to unloose:3089 he shall baptize907 you with the Holy40 Ghost4151 and with fire:4442

17 Whose3739 fan4425 is in his hand,5495 and he will thoroughly1245 purge1245 his floor,257 and will gather4863 the wheat4621 into1519 his garner;596 but the chaff892 he will burn2618 with fire4442 unquenchable.762

18 And many4183 other2087 things in his exhortation3870 preached2097 he to the people.2992

19 But Herod2264 the tetrarch,5076 being reproved1651 by him for Herodias2266 his brother80 Philip's5376 wife,1135 and for all3956 the evils4190 which3739 Herod2264 had done,4160

20 Added4369 yet2596 this5124 above1909 all,3956 that he shut2623 up John2491 in prison.5438

21 Now1161 when1722 3588 all537 the people2992 were baptized,907 it came1096 to pass, that Jesus2424 also2532 being baptized,907 and praying,4336 the heaven3772 was opened,455

22 And the Holy40 Ghost4151 descended2597 in a bodily4984 shape1491 like5616 a dove4058 on him, and a voice5456 came1096 from heaven,3772 which said,3004 You are1488 my beloved27 Son;5207 in you I am well2106 pleased.2106

23 And Jesus2424 himself846 began756 to be about5616 thirty5144 years2094 of age, being5607 (as was supposed)3543 the son5207 of Joseph,2501 which was the son of Heli,2242

24 Which was the son of Matthat,3158 which was the son of Levi,3017 which was the son of Melchi,3197 which was the son of Janna,2388 which was the son of Joseph,2501

25 Which was the son of Mattathias,3161 which was the son of Amos,301 which was the son of Naum,3486 which was the son of Esli,2069 which was the son of Nagge,3477

26 Which was the son of Maath,3092 which was the son of Mattathias,3161 which was the son of Semei,4584 which was the son of Joseph,2501 which was the son of Juda,2455

27 Which was the son of Joanna,2489 which was the son of Rhesa,4488 which was the son of Zorobabel,2216 which was the son of Salathiel,4528 which was the son of Neri,3518

28 Which was the son of Melchi,3197 which was the son of Addi,78 which was the son of Cosam,2973 which was the son of Elmodam,1678 which was the son of Er,2262

29 Which was the son of Jose,2499 which was the son of Eliezer,1663 which was the son of Jorim,2497 which was the son of Matthat,3158 which was the son of Levi,3017

30 Which was the son of Simeon,4826 which was the son of Juda,2455 which was the son of Joseph,2501 which was the son of Jonan,2494 which was the son of Eliakim,1662

31 Which was the son of Melea,3190 which was the son of Menan,3104 which was the son of Mattatha,3160 which was the son of Nathan,3481 which was the son of David,1138

32 Which was the son of Jesse,2421 which was the son of Obed,5601 which was the son of Booz,1003 which was the son of Salmon,4533 which was the son of Naasson,3476

33 Which was the son of Aminadab,284 which was the son of Aram,689 which was the son of Esrom,2074 which was the son of Phares,5329 which was the son of Juda,2455

34 Which was the son of Jacob,2384 which was the son of Isaac,2464 which was the son of Abraham,11 which was the son of Thara,2291 which was the son of Nachor,3493

35 Which was the son of Saruch,4562 which was the son of Ragau,4466 which was the son of Phalec,5317 which was the son of Heber,1443 which was the son of Sala,4527

36 Which was the son of Cainan,2536 which was the son of Arphaxad,742 which was the son of Sem,4590 which was the son of Noe,3575 which was the son of Lamech,2984

37 Which was the son of Mathusala,3103 which was the son of Enoch,1802 which was the son of Jared,2391 which was the son of Maleleel,3121 which was the son of Cainan,2536

38 Which was the son of Enos,1800 which was the son of Seth,4589 which was the son of Adam,76 which was the son of God.2316




Chapter 3

1 該撒提庇留在位之十五年、本丟彼拉多爲猶太方伯、希律爲分封之君、國於加利利、其兄弟腓力、爲分封之君、國於以土利亞、及特拉可尼地、呂撒聶爲分封之君、國於亞比利尼、

1 Now1161 in the fifteenth4003 year2094 of the reign2231 of Tiberius5086 Caesar,2541 Pontius4194 Pilate4091 being governor2230 of Judaea,2449 and Herod2264 being tetrarch5075 of Galilee,1056 and his brother80 Philip5376 tetrarch5075 of Ituraea2484 and of the region5561 of Trachonitis,5139 and Lysanias3078 the tetrarch5075 of Abilene,9

2 亞那該亞法爲祭司長時、撒加利亞子約翰居於野、上帝之命降之、

2 Annas452 and Caiaphas2533 being1909 the high749 priests,749 the word4487 of God2316 came1096 to John2491 the son5207 of Zacharias2197 in the wilderness.2048

3 乃來約但四方、傳悔改之洗禮、俾得罪赦、

3 And he came2064 into1519 all3956 the country4066 about4066 Jordan,2446 preaching2784 the baptism908 of repentance3341 for the remission859 of sins;266

4 如書載先知以賽亞言云、野有聲呼云、備主道、直其徑、

4 As it is written1125 in the book976 of the words3056 of Esaias2268 the prophet,4396 saying,3004 The voice5456 of one crying994 in the wilderness,2048 Prepare2090 you the way3598 of the Lord,2962 make4160 his paths5147 straight.2117

5 諸谷填之、岡陵卑之、屈曲使直、崎嶇使平、

5 Every3956 valley5327 shall be filled,4137 and every3956 mountain3735 and hill1015 shall be brought5013 low;5013 and the crooked4646 shall be made1519 straight,2117 and the rough5138 ways3598 shall be made1519 smooth;3006

6 凡有血氣者、得見上帝救主、

6 And all3956 flesh4561 shall see3700 the salvation4992 of God.2316

7 衆出受洗、約翰曰、蝮類乎、誰示爾避後日之刑乎、

7 Then3767 said3004 he to the multitude3793 that came1607 forth1607 to be baptized907 of him, O generation1081 of vipers,2191 who5101 has warned5263 you to flee5343 from the wrath3709 to come?3195

8 故當結果、以彰悔改、勿自以爲亞伯拉罕我祖也、吾語汝、上帝能起此石、爲亞伯拉罕子孫焉、

8 Bring4160 forth4160 therefore3767 fruits2590 worthy514 of repentance,3341 and begin756 not to say3004 within1722 yourselves,1438 We have2192 Abraham11 to our father:3962 for I say3004 to you, That God2316 is able1410 of these5130 stones3037 to raise1453 up children5043 to Abraham.11

9 今斧置樹根、凡樹不結善果者、則斫之委火、

9 And now2235 also2532 the ax513 is laid2749 to the root4491 of the trees:1186 every3956 tree1186 therefore3767 which brings4160 not forth4160 good2570 fruit2590 is hewn1581 down,1581 and cast906 into1519 the fire.4442

10 衆問曰、我當何爲、

10 And the people3793 asked1905 him, saying,3004 What5101 shall we do4160 then?3767

11 曰、有二衣、則分彼無衣者、有食亦然、

11 He answers611 and said3004 to them, He that has2192 two1417 coats,5509 let him impart3330 to him that has2192 none;3361 and he that has2192 meat,1033 let him do4160 likewise.3668

12 稅吏至、欲受洗、問曰、先生、我當何爲、

12 Then1161 came2064 also2532 publicans5057 to be baptized,907 and said2036 to him, Master,1320 what5101 shall we do?4160

13 曰、定賦之外勿取、

13 And he said2036 to them, Exact4238 no3367 more4119 than3844 that which is appointed1299 you.

14 軍士問曰、我當何爲、曰、勿强索人、勿誣詐人、以所得之糧足矣、〇

14 And the soldiers4754 likewise2532 demanded1905 of him, saying,3004 And what5101 shall we do?4160 And he said2036 to them, Do1286 violence1286 to no3367 man,3367 neither3366 accuse4811 any falsely; and be content714 with your5216 wages.3800

15 民望基督、疑約翰卽是否、

15 And as the people2992 were in expectation,4328 and all3956 men mused1260 in their hearts2588 of John,2491 whether3379 he were the Christ,5547 or not;

16 約翰謂衆曰、我以水施洗爾、惟有勝我者來、解其履帶、我亦不堪、彼將以聖神及火施洗爾、

16 John2491 answered,611 saying3004 to them all,537 I indeed3303 baptize907 you with water;5204 but one mightier2478 than I comes,2064 the lace2438 of whose3739 shoes5266 I am1510 not worthy2425 to unloose:3089 he shall baptize907 you with the Holy40 Ghost4151 and with fire:4442

17 其手執箕、將盡簸厥禾塲、斂穀入倉、而燒糠以不滅之火、

17 Whose3739 fan4425 is in his hand,5495 and he will thoroughly1245 purge1245 his floor,257 and will gather4863 the wheat4621 into1519 his garner;596 but the chaff892 he will burn2618 with fire4442 unquenchable.762

18 約翰多方勸慰、報嘉音於民、

18 And many4183 other2087 things in his exhortation3870 preached2097 he to the people.2992

19 分封之君希律、以兄弟腓力妻希羅底事、及所爲不道故、見謫於約翰、

19 But Herod2264 the tetrarch,5076 being reproved1651 by him for Herodias2266 his brother80 Philip's5376 wife,1135 and for all3956 the evils4190 which3739 Herod2264 had done,4160

20 轉增其暴、囚約翰於獄、〇

20 Added4369 yet2596 this5124 above1909 all,3956 that he shut2623 up John2491 in prison.5438

21 當衆民受洗畢、耶穌亦受洗、祈禱時、天開、

21 Now1161 when1722 3588 all537 the people2992 were baptized,907 it came1096 to pass, that Jesus2424 also2532 being baptized,907 and praying,4336 the heaven3772 was opened,455

22 聖神降臨其上、狀如鴿、自天有聲云、爾乃我愛子、我所喜悅者、〇

22 And the Holy40 Ghost4151 descended2597 in a bodily4984 shape1491 like5616 a dove4058 on him, and a voice5456 came1096 from heaven,3772 which said,3004 You are1488 my beloved27 Son;5207 in you I am well2106 pleased.2106

23 耶穌年甫三十、人以爲約瑟子、其上爲希里、

23 And Jesus2424 himself846 began756 to be about5616 thirty5144 years2094 of age, being5607 (as was supposed)3543 the son5207 of Joseph,2501 which was the son of Heli,2242

24 其上爲馬塔、其上爲利未、其上爲麥基、其上爲雅拿、其上爲約瑟、

24 Which was the son of Matthat,3158 which was the son of Levi,3017 which was the son of Melchi,3197 which was the son of Janna,2388 which was the son of Joseph,2501

25 其上爲馬大提亞、其上爲亞麽士、其上爲拿翁、其上爲以士里、其上爲拿該、

25 Which was the son of Mattathias,3161 which was the son of Amos,301 which was the son of Naum,3486 which was the son of Esli,2069 which was the son of Nagge,3477

26 其上爲馬押、其上爲馬大提亞、其上爲西美、其上爲約瑟、其上爲猶大、

26 Which was the son of Maath,3092 which was the son of Mattathias,3161 which was the son of Semei,4584 which was the son of Joseph,2501 which was the son of Juda,2455

27 其上爲約亞拿、其上爲利撒、其上爲所羅把伯、其上爲撒拉鐵、其上爲尼利、

27 Which was the son of Joanna,2489 which was the son of Rhesa,4488 which was the son of Zorobabel,2216 which was the son of Salathiel,4528 which was the son of Neri,3518

28 其上爲麥基、其上爲亞底、其上爲哥桑、其上爲以摩堂、其上爲耳、

28 Which was the son of Melchi,3197 which was the son of Addi,78 which was the son of Cosam,2973 which was the son of Elmodam,1678 which was the son of Er,2262

29 其上爲約細、其上爲以列撒、其上爲約令、其上爲馬塔、其上爲利未、

29 Which was the son of Jose,2499 which was the son of Eliezer,1663 which was the son of Jorim,2497 which was the son of Matthat,3158 which was the son of Levi,3017

30 其上爲西面、其上爲猶大、其上爲約瑟、其上爲約南、其上爲以利亞金、

30 Which was the son of Simeon,4826 which was the son of Juda,2455 which was the son of Joseph,2501 which was the son of Jonan,2494 which was the son of Eliakim,1662

31 其上爲米利亞、其上爲買南、其上爲馬達他、其上爲拿單、其上爲大闢、

31 Which was the son of Melea,3190 which was the son of Menan,3104 which was the son of Mattatha,3160 which was the son of Nathan,3481 which was the son of David,1138

32 其上爲耶西、其上爲阿伯、其上爲波士、其上爲撒門、其上爲拿順、

32 Which was the son of Jesse,2421 which was the son of Obed,5601 which was the son of Booz,1003 which was the son of Salmon,4533 which was the son of Naasson,3476

33 其上爲亞米拿達、其上爲亞蘭、其上爲以士崙、其上爲法勒士、其上爲猶大、

33 Which was the son of Aminadab,284 which was the son of Aram,689 which was the son of Esrom,2074 which was the son of Phares,5329 which was the son of Juda,2455

34 其上爲雅各、其上爲以撒、其上爲亞伯拉罕、其上爲他拉、其上爲拿鹤、

34 Which was the son of Jacob,2384 which was the son of Isaac,2464 which was the son of Abraham,11 which was the son of Thara,2291 which was the son of Nachor,3493

35 其上爲撒鹿、其上爲拉苟、其上爲法勒、其上爲希百、其上爲撒拉、

35 Which was the son of Saruch,4562 which was the son of Ragau,4466 which was the son of Phalec,5317 which was the son of Heber,1443 which was the son of Sala,4527

36 其上爲該南、其上爲亞法撒、其上爲閃、其上爲挪亞、其上爲拉麥、

36 Which was the son of Cainan,2536 which was the son of Arphaxad,742 which was the son of Sem,4590 which was the son of Noe,3575 which was the son of Lamech,2984

37 其上爲馬土撒拉、其上爲以諾、其上爲雅列、其上爲馬勒列、其上爲該南、

37 Which was the son of Mathusala,3103 which was the son of Enoch,1802 which was the son of Jared,2391 which was the son of Maleleel,3121 which was the son of Cainan,2536

38 其上爲以挪士、其上爲設、其上爲亞當、其上爲上帝、

38 Which was the son of Enos,1800 which was the son of Seth,4589 which was the son of Adam,76 which was the son of God.2316