

1 當那一天,耶穌從房子裏出來,坐在海邊。

2極多的人[great multitudes]到他那裏聚集,他只得上船而坐[and sat];眾人都站在岸上。

3 他用比喻對他們講許多的事[things],說:「看哪[Behold],有一個撒種的出去撒種;

4 撒的時候,有落在路旁的,飛鳥來吃盡了。

5 有落在土淺石頭地上的。土既不深,發苗最快。

6 日頭[when]出來,苗被曬焦[they were scorched]又因[and because]沒有根,就枯乾了。

7 有落在荊棘裏的;荊棘[sprung]起來,把它們[them]擠住了。

8 [But]有落在好土裏的,就結[fruit],有一百倍的,有六十倍的,有三十倍的。

9 有耳可聽的,就應當聽。」

10 門徒進前來,[said]耶穌說:「對眾人講話,[thou]為甚麼用比喻呢?」

11 耶穌回答他們[them]說:「因為天國的奧秘只叫你們知道,[but]不叫他們知道。

12 因為[For]凡有的,還要加給他,叫他有餘;唯獨[but]凡沒有的,連他所有的,也要奪去。

13 所以我用比喻對他們講,是因他們看也看不見,聽也聽不見,也不明白。

14 在他們身上,正應了以賽亞的預言,說:『你們聽是要聽見,[and]不明白;看是要看見,[and]不曉得。

15 因為這百姓油蒙了心,耳朵發沉,眼睛閉著;恐怕甚麼時候[at any time]他們[they]眼睛看見,耳朵聽見,心裏明白,歸正[converted]過來,我就醫治他們。』」

16 「但你們的眼睛是有福的,因為它們看見[they see];你們的耳朵也是有福的,因為它們聽見[they hear]

17 我實在告訴你們:『從前有許多先知和義人要看那些[those]你們所看的,卻沒有看見;要聽那些[those]你們所聽的,卻沒有聽見。』」

18 「所以,你們當聽這撒種的比喻。

19 凡聽見天國道理不明白的,那惡者就來,把所撒在他心裏的奪了去。這就是撒在路旁的了。

20 [But]撒在石頭地上的,就是人聽了道,當下歡喜領受;

21 只因心裏沒有根,不過是暫時的。及至為道遭了患難,或是受了逼迫,立刻就厭棄[offended]了。

22 又有[also]撒在荊棘裏的,就是人聽了道;後來有今世[this world]的思慮、錢財的迷惑把道擠住了,不能結果[becometh unfruitful]

23 唯有[But]撒在好地上的,就是人聽道明白了;後來[also][fruit],有一百倍的,有六十倍的,有三十倍的。」

24 耶穌又出個比喻[Another parable put he forth]對他們說:「天國好像人撒好種在自己[his]田裏;

25 及至人睡覺的時候,[his]仇敵來將稗子撒在麥子裏就走了。

26 但到了[But when]長苗吐穗的時候,稗子也顯出來。

27 於是[So]田主的僕人來告訴他說:『主啊,你不是撒好種在田裏嗎?從哪裏來的稗子呢?』

28 主人對他們[unto them]說:『這是仇敵所作的[done]。』僕人對他[unto him]說:『你要我們去把它們聚起來[gather them up]嗎?』

29 主人[But]說:『不必;恐怕你們聚[ye gather]稗子之間[while],連麥子也拔出來。

30 容這兩樣一齊長,等著收割;當收割的時候,我要對收割的人說:你們[ye]先將稗子[gather]成堆[together],捆成捆,留著燒;唯有麥子要收在我的[my]倉裏。』」

31 他又出比喻[Another parable put he forth]對他們說:「天國好像一粒芥菜種,有人拿去種在自己[his]田裏;

32 這原是百種裏最小的;等到長起來,卻比各樣的菜都大,且成了樹,甚至[so that]空中[air]的飛鳥來宿在它的枝子間[in the branches]。」

33 他又對他們講個比喻說:「天國好像麵酵,有婦人拿來,藏在三斗麵裏,直等全團都發起來。」

34 這都是耶穌用比喻對眾人說的話;若不用比喻,就不對他們說甚麼。

35 這是要應驗先知的話,說:我要開口用比喻;我要[I will]把創世以來所隱藏[kept secret]的事顯明[utter]出來。

36 當下,耶穌打發眾人[sent the multitude away],進了房子;他的門徒到他那裏[came unto him],說:「請把田間稗子的比喻講給我們聽。」

37 他回答他們[them]說:「那撒好種的就是人子;

38 田地就是世界;好種就是天國的兒女[children of][but]稗子就是那惡者的兒女[children of]

39 撒稗子的仇敵就是魔鬼;收割的時候就是世界的末了;收割的人就是天使。

40 稗子怎樣終被聚起來燒在火裏[As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire][this]世界的末了也要如此。

41 人子要差遣他的天使[his angels],把一切叫人犯罪[offend]的和作惡的,從他國裏挑出來;

42 把他們[them]丟在火爐裏;在那裏必要哀哭切齒了。

43 那時,義人在他們父的國裏,要發出光來,像太陽一樣。有耳可聽的,就應當聽。

44 「天國[Again]好像財寶[treasure]藏在一塊[a]地裏;[when]遇見了,[man]就把它藏起來,為其中所歡喜的[for joy thereof],去變賣一切所有的,買[that]塊地。

45 天國又好像買賣人尋找好珍珠[pearls]

46 [when]遇見一顆重價的珍珠[pearl],就去變賣他一切所有的,買了這顆珍珠[pearl]

47 天國又好像網撒在海裏,收聚[gathered]各樣水族;

48 網既滿了,人就拉上岸來,坐下,揀好的收在器具裏,唯獨[but]將不好的丟棄了。

49 世界的末了也要這樣;天使要出來,從義人中把惡人分別出來,

50 丟在火爐裏;在那裏必要哀哭切齒了。」

51 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「這一切的話,你們都明白了麼?」他們說:「[Lord],我們明白了。」

52 於是[Then]對他們[unto them]說:「凡文士受教作天國的門徒,就像一個家主從他庫裏拿出新舊的東西來。」

53 耶穌說完了這些比喻,就離開那裏。

54 耶穌[he]來到自己的家鄉,[when]在會堂裏教訓人,甚至他們都希奇,說:「這人從哪裏有這等智慧和異能呢?

55 這不是木匠的兒子麼?他母親不是叫馬利亞麼?他弟兄們不是叫雅各、約西[Joses]、西門、猶大麼?

56 他妹妹們不是都在我們這裏嗎?這人從哪裏有這一切的事呢?」

57 他們就厭棄他[offended in him]。耶穌[But]對他們說:「大凡先知,除了本地本家之外,沒有不被人尊敬的。」

58 耶穌因為他們不信,就在那裏不多行異能了。


Chapter 13

1 The same1565 day2250 went1831 Jesus2424 out of the house,3614 and sat2521 by the sea2281 side.3844

2 And great4183 multitudes3793 were gathered4863 together4863 to him, so5620 that he went1684 into1519 a ship,4143 and sat;2521 and the whole3956 multitude3793 stood2476 on1909 the shore.123

3 And he spoke2980 many4183 things to them in parables,3850 saying,3004 Behold,2400 a sower4687 went1831 forth1831 to sow;4687

4 And when1722 3588 he sowed,4687 some3588 3303 seeds fell4098 by the way3598 side,3844 and the fowls4071 came2064 and devoured2719 them up:

5 Some3588 243 fell4098 on stony4075 places, where3699 they had2192 not much4183 earth:1093 and immediately2112 they sprung1816 up, because1223 they had2192 no3361 deepness899 of earth:1093

6 And when the sun2246 was up, they were scorched;2739 and because1223 they had2192 no3361 root,4491 they withered3583 away.

7 And some3588 243 fell4098 among1909 thorns;173 and the thorns173 sprung305 up, and choked638 them:

8 But other243 fell4098 into1909 good2570 ground,1093 and brought1325 forth fruit,2590 some3588 3303 an hundred times,1540 some3588 1161 sixty times,1835 some3588 1161 thirty times.5144

9 Who3588 has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

10 And the disciples3101 came,4334 and said2036 to him, Why1302 speak2980 you to them in parables?3850

11 He answered611 and said3004 to them, Because3754 it is given1325 to you to know1097 the mysteries3466 of the kingdom932 of heaven,3772 but to them it is not given.1325

12 For whoever3748 has,2192 to him shall be given,1325 and he shall have more abundance:4052 but whoever3748 has2192 not, from him shall be taken142 away142 even2532 that he has.2192

13 Therefore1223 5124 speak2980 I to them in parables:3850 because3754 they seeing991 see991 not; and hearing191 they hear191 not, neither3761 do they understand.4920

14 And in them is fulfilled378 the prophecy4394 of Esaias,2268 which3588 said,3004 By hearing189 you shall hear,191 and shall not understand;4920 and seeing991 you shall see,991 and shall not perceive:1492

15 For this5127 people's2992 heart2588 is waxed3975 gross,3975 and their ears3775 are dull917 of hearing,191 and their eyes3788 they have closed;2576 lest3379 at3379 any3379 time3379 they should see1492 with their eyes3788 and hear191 with their ears,3775 and should understand4920 with their heart,2588 and should be converted,1994 and I should heal2390 them.

16 But blessed3107 are your5216 eyes,3788 for they see:991 and your5216 ears,3775 for they hear.191

17 For truly281 I say3004 to you, That many4183 prophets4396 and righteous1342 men have desired1939 to see1492 those things which3739 you see,991 and have not seen1492 them; and to hear191 those things which3739 you hear,191 and have not heard191 them.

18 Hear191 you therefore3767 the parable3850 of the sower.4687

19 When any3956 one hears191 the word3056 of the kingdom,932 and understands4920 it not, then comes2064 the wicked4190 one, and catches726 away726 that which3588 was sown4687 in his heart.2588 This3778 is he which3588 received4687 seed4687 by the way3598 side.3844

20 But he that received4687 the seed4687 into1909 stony4075 places, the same3778 is he that hears191 the word,3056 and immediately2117 with joy5479 receives2983 it;

21 Yet1161 has2192 he not root4491 in himself,1438 but endures2076 for a while:4340 for when tribulation2347 or2228 persecution1375 rises1096 because1223 of the word,3056 by and by he is offended.4624

22 He also1161 that received4687 seed4687 among1519 the thorns173 is he that hears191 the word;3056 and the care3308 of this5127 world,165 and the deceitfulness539 of riches,4149 choke4846 the word,3056 and he becomes1096 unfruitful.175

23 But he that received4687 seed4687 into1909 the good2570 ground1093 is he that hears191 the word,3056 and understands4920 it; which3739 also1211 bears2592 fruit,2592 and brings4160 forth,4160 some3588 3033 an hundred times,1540 some3588 1161 sixty,1835 some3588 1161 thirty.5144

24 Another243 parable3850 put3908 he forth3908 to them, saying,3004 The kingdom932 of heaven3772 is likened3666 to a man444 which sowed4687 good2570 seed4690 in his field:68

25 But while1722 3588 men444 slept,2518 his enemy2190 came2064 and sowed4687 tares2215 among303 3319 the wheat,4621 and went565 his way.

26 But when3753 the blade5528 was sprung985 up, and brought4160 forth4160 fruit,2590 then5119 appeared5316 the tares2215 also.2532

27 So1161 the servants1401 of the householder3617 came4334 and said3004 to him, Sir,2962 did not you sow4687 good2570 seed4690 in your field?68 from where4159 then3767 has2192 it tares?2215

28 He said3004 to them, An enemy2190 has done4160 this.5124 The servants1401 said5346 to him, Will2309 you then3767 that we go565 and gather4816 them up?

29 But he said,5346 No;3756 lest3379 while you gather4816 up the tares,2215 you root1610 up also260 the wheat4621 with them.

30 Let863 both297 grow4885 together4885 until3360 the harvest:2326 and in the time2540 of harvest2326 I will say2046 to the reapers,2327 Gather4816 you together4816 first4412 the tares,2215 and bind1210 them in bundles1197 to burn2618 them: but gather4863 the wheat4621 into1519 my barn.596

31 Another243 parable3850 put3908 he forth3908 to them, saying,3004 The kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a grain2848 of mustard4615 seed, which3739 a man444 took,2983 and sowed4687 in his field:68

32 Which3739 indeed3303 is the least3398 of all3956 seeds:4690 but when3752 it is grown,837 it is the greatest3187 among herbs,3001 and becomes1096 a tree,1186 so5620 that the birds4071 of the air3772 come2064 and lodge2681 in the branches2798 thereof.846

33 Another243 parable3850 spoke2980 he to them; The kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to leaven,2219 which3739 a woman1135 took,2983 and hid1470 in three5140 measures4568 of meal,224 till2193 the whole3650 was leavened.2220

34 All3956 these5023 things spoke2980 Jesus2424 to the multitude3793 in parables;3850 and without5565 a parable3850 spoke2980 he not to them:

35 That it might be fulfilled4137 which3588 was spoken4483 by the prophet,4396 saying,3004 I will open455 my mouth4750 in parables;3850 I will utter2044 things which have been kept secret2928 from the foundation2602 of the world.2889

36 Then5119 Jesus2424 sent863 the multitude3793 away,863 and went2064 into1519 the house:3614 and his disciples3101 came4334 to him, saying,3004 Declare5419 to us the parable3850 of the tares2215 of the field.68

37 He answered611 and said2036 to them, He that sows4687 the good2570 seed4690 is the Son5207 of man;444

38 The field68 is the world;2889 the good2570 seed4690 are the children5207 of the kingdom;932 but the tares2215 are the children5207 of the wicked4190 one;

39 The enemy2190 that sowed4687 them is the devil;1228 the harvest2326 is the end4930 of the world;165 and the reapers2327 are the angels.32

40 As therefore3767 the tares2215 are gathered4816 and burned2618 in the fire;4442 so3779 shall it be in the end4930 of this5127 world.165

41 The Son5207 of man444 shall send649 forth649 his angels,32 and they shall gather4816 out of his kingdom932 all3956 things that offend,4625 and them which do4160 iniquity;458

42 And shall cast906 them into1519 a furnace2575 of fire:4442 there1563 shall be wailing2805 and gnashing1030 of teeth.3599

43 Then5119 shall the righteous1342 shine1584 forth1584 as the sun2246 in the kingdom932 of their Father.3962 Who3588 has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

44 Again,3825 the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to treasure2344 hid2928 in a field;68 the which3739 when a man444 has found,2147 he hides,2928 and for joy5479 thereof846 goes5217 and sells4453 all3956 that he has,2192 and buys59 that field.68

45 Again,3825 the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a merchant1713 man,444 seeking2212 goodly2573 pearls:3135

46 Who,3739 when he had found2147 one1520 pearl3135 of great4186 price,4186 went565 and sold4097 all3956 that he had,2192 and bought59 it.

47 Again,3825 the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a net,4522 that was cast906 into1519 the sea,2281 and gathered4863 of every3956 kind:1085

48 Which,3739 when3753 it was full,4137 they drew307 to shore,123 and sat2523 down,2523 and gathered4816 the good2570 into1519 vessels,30 but cast906 the bad4550 away.1854

49 So3779 shall it be at1722 the end4930 of the world:165 the angels32 shall come1831 forth,1831 and sever873 the wicked4190 from among3319 the just,1342

50 And shall cast906 them into1519 the furnace2575 of fire:4442 there1563 shall be wailing2805 and gnashing1030 of teeth.3599

51 Jesus2424 said3004 to them, Have you understood4920 all3956 these5023 things? They say3004 to him, Yes,3483 Lord.2962

52 Then1161 said2036 he to them, Therefore1223 5124 every3956 scribe1122 which is instructed3100 to the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a man444 that is an householder,3617 which3748 brings1544 forth1544 out of his treasure2344 things new2537 and old.3820

53 And it came1096 to pass, that when3753 Jesus2424 had finished5055 these5025 parables,3850 he departed3332 there.1564

54 And when he was come2064 into1519 his own country,3968 he taught1321 them in their synagogue,4864 so5620 that they were astonished,1605 and said,3004 From where4159 has this3778 man this3778 wisdom,4678 and these3588 mighty1411 works?

55 Is not this3778 the carpenter's5045 son?5207 is not his mother3384 called3004 Mary?3137 and his brothers,80 James,2385 and Joses,2500 and Simon,4613 and Judas?2455

56 And his sisters,79 are they not all3956 with us? From where4159 then3767 has this5129 man all3956 these5023 things?

57 And they were offended4624 in him. But Jesus2424 said2036 to them, A prophet4396 is not without820 honor,820 save1508 in his own country,3968 and in his own house.3614

58 And he did4160 not many4183 mighty1411 works there1563 because1223 of their unbelief.570




Chapter 13

1 當那一天,耶穌從房子裏出來,坐在海邊。

1 The same1565 day2250 went1831 Jesus2424 out of the house,3614 and sat2521 by the sea2281 side.3844

2極多的人[great multitudes]到他那裏聚集,他只得上船而坐[and sat];眾人都站在岸上。

2 And great4183 multitudes3793 were gathered4863 together4863 to him, so5620 that he went1684 into1519 a ship,4143 and sat;2521 and the whole3956 multitude3793 stood2476 on1909 the shore.123

3 他用比喻對他們講許多的事[things],說:「看哪[Behold],有一個撒種的出去撒種;

3 And he spoke2980 many4183 things to them in parables,3850 saying,3004 Behold,2400 a sower4687 went1831 forth1831 to sow;4687

4 撒的時候,有落在路旁的,飛鳥來吃盡了。

4 And when1722 3588 he sowed,4687 some3588 3303 seeds fell4098 by the way3598 side,3844 and the fowls4071 came2064 and devoured2719 them up:

5 有落在土淺石頭地上的。土既不深,發苗最快。

5 Some3588 243 fell4098 on stony4075 places, where3699 they had2192 not much4183 earth:1093 and immediately2112 they sprung1816 up, because1223 they had2192 no3361 deepness899 of earth:1093

6 日頭[when]出來,苗被曬焦[they were scorched]又因[and because]沒有根,就枯乾了。

6 And when the sun2246 was up, they were scorched;2739 and because1223 they had2192 no3361 root,4491 they withered3583 away.

7 有落在荊棘裏的;荊棘[sprung]起來,把它們[them]擠住了。

7 And some3588 243 fell4098 among1909 thorns;173 and the thorns173 sprung305 up, and choked638 them:

8 [But]有落在好土裏的,就結[fruit],有一百倍的,有六十倍的,有三十倍的。

8 But other243 fell4098 into1909 good2570 ground,1093 and brought1325 forth fruit,2590 some3588 3303 an hundred times,1540 some3588 1161 sixty times,1835 some3588 1161 thirty times.5144

9 有耳可聽的,就應當聽。」

9 Who3588 has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

10 門徒進前來,[said]耶穌說:「對眾人講話,[thou]為甚麼用比喻呢?」

10 And the disciples3101 came,4334 and said2036 to him, Why1302 speak2980 you to them in parables?3850

11 耶穌回答他們[them]說:「因為天國的奧秘只叫你們知道,[but]不叫他們知道。

11 He answered611 and said3004 to them, Because3754 it is given1325 to you to know1097 the mysteries3466 of the kingdom932 of heaven,3772 but to them it is not given.1325

12 因為[For]凡有的,還要加給他,叫他有餘;唯獨[but]凡沒有的,連他所有的,也要奪去。

12 For whoever3748 has,2192 to him shall be given,1325 and he shall have more abundance:4052 but whoever3748 has2192 not, from him shall be taken142 away142 even2532 that he has.2192

13 所以我用比喻對他們講,是因他們看也看不見,聽也聽不見,也不明白。

13 Therefore1223 5124 speak2980 I to them in parables:3850 because3754 they seeing991 see991 not; and hearing191 they hear191 not, neither3761 do they understand.4920

14 在他們身上,正應了以賽亞的預言,說:『你們聽是要聽見,[and]不明白;看是要看見,[and]不曉得。

14 And in them is fulfilled378 the prophecy4394 of Esaias,2268 which3588 said,3004 By hearing189 you shall hear,191 and shall not understand;4920 and seeing991 you shall see,991 and shall not perceive:1492

15 因為這百姓油蒙了心,耳朵發沉,眼睛閉著;恐怕甚麼時候[at any time]他們[they]眼睛看見,耳朵聽見,心裏明白,歸正[converted]過來,我就醫治他們。』」

15 For this5127 people's2992 heart2588 is waxed3975 gross,3975 and their ears3775 are dull917 of hearing,191 and their eyes3788 they have closed;2576 lest3379 at3379 any3379 time3379 they should see1492 with their eyes3788 and hear191 with their ears,3775 and should understand4920 with their heart,2588 and should be converted,1994 and I should heal2390 them.

16 「但你們的眼睛是有福的,因為它們看見[they see];你們的耳朵也是有福的,因為它們聽見[they hear]

16 But blessed3107 are your5216 eyes,3788 for they see:991 and your5216 ears,3775 for they hear.191

17 我實在告訴你們:『從前有許多先知和義人要看那些[those]你們所看的,卻沒有看見;要聽那些[those]你們所聽的,卻沒有聽見。』」

17 For truly281 I say3004 to you, That many4183 prophets4396 and righteous1342 men have desired1939 to see1492 those things which3739 you see,991 and have not seen1492 them; and to hear191 those things which3739 you hear,191 and have not heard191 them.

18 「所以,你們當聽這撒種的比喻。

18 Hear191 you therefore3767 the parable3850 of the sower.4687

19 凡聽見天國道理不明白的,那惡者就來,把所撒在他心裏的奪了去。這就是撒在路旁的了。

19 When any3956 one hears191 the word3056 of the kingdom,932 and understands4920 it not, then comes2064 the wicked4190 one, and catches726 away726 that which3588 was sown4687 in his heart.2588 This3778 is he which3588 received4687 seed4687 by the way3598 side.3844

20 [But]撒在石頭地上的,就是人聽了道,當下歡喜領受;

20 But he that received4687 the seed4687 into1909 stony4075 places, the same3778 is he that hears191 the word,3056 and immediately2117 with joy5479 receives2983 it;

21 只因心裏沒有根,不過是暫時的。及至為道遭了患難,或是受了逼迫,立刻就厭棄[offended]了。

21 Yet1161 has2192 he not root4491 in himself,1438 but endures2076 for a while:4340 for when tribulation2347 or2228 persecution1375 rises1096 because1223 of the word,3056 by and by he is offended.4624

22 又有[also]撒在荊棘裏的,就是人聽了道;後來有今世[this world]的思慮、錢財的迷惑把道擠住了,不能結果[becometh unfruitful]

22 He also1161 that received4687 seed4687 among1519 the thorns173 is he that hears191 the word;3056 and the care3308 of this5127 world,165 and the deceitfulness539 of riches,4149 choke4846 the word,3056 and he becomes1096 unfruitful.175

23 唯有[But]撒在好地上的,就是人聽道明白了;後來[also][fruit],有一百倍的,有六十倍的,有三十倍的。」

23 But he that received4687 seed4687 into1909 the good2570 ground1093 is he that hears191 the word,3056 and understands4920 it; which3739 also1211 bears2592 fruit,2592 and brings4160 forth,4160 some3588 3033 an hundred times,1540 some3588 1161 sixty,1835 some3588 1161 thirty.5144

24 耶穌又出個比喻[Another parable put he forth]對他們說:「天國好像人撒好種在自己[his]田裏;

24 Another243 parable3850 put3908 he forth3908 to them, saying,3004 The kingdom932 of heaven3772 is likened3666 to a man444 which sowed4687 good2570 seed4690 in his field:68

25 及至人睡覺的時候,[his]仇敵來將稗子撒在麥子裏就走了。

25 But while1722 3588 men444 slept,2518 his enemy2190 came2064 and sowed4687 tares2215 among303 3319 the wheat,4621 and went565 his way.

26 但到了[But when]長苗吐穗的時候,稗子也顯出來。

26 But when3753 the blade5528 was sprung985 up, and brought4160 forth4160 fruit,2590 then5119 appeared5316 the tares2215 also.2532

27 於是[So]田主的僕人來告訴他說:『主啊,你不是撒好種在田裏嗎?從哪裏來的稗子呢?』

27 So1161 the servants1401 of the householder3617 came4334 and said3004 to him, Sir,2962 did not you sow4687 good2570 seed4690 in your field?68 from where4159 then3767 has2192 it tares?2215

28 主人對他們[unto them]說:『這是仇敵所作的[done]。』僕人對他[unto him]說:『你要我們去把它們聚起來[gather them up]嗎?』

28 He said3004 to them, An enemy2190 has done4160 this.5124 The servants1401 said5346 to him, Will2309 you then3767 that we go565 and gather4816 them up?

29 主人[But]說:『不必;恐怕你們聚[ye gather]稗子之間[while],連麥子也拔出來。

29 But he said,5346 No;3756 lest3379 while you gather4816 up the tares,2215 you root1610 up also260 the wheat4621 with them.

30 容這兩樣一齊長,等著收割;當收割的時候,我要對收割的人說:你們[ye]先將稗子[gather]成堆[together],捆成捆,留著燒;唯有麥子要收在我的[my]倉裏。』」

30 Let863 both297 grow4885 together4885 until3360 the harvest:2326 and in the time2540 of harvest2326 I will say2046 to the reapers,2327 Gather4816 you together4816 first4412 the tares,2215 and bind1210 them in bundles1197 to burn2618 them: but gather4863 the wheat4621 into1519 my barn.596

31 他又出比喻[Another parable put he forth]對他們說:「天國好像一粒芥菜種,有人拿去種在自己[his]田裏;

31 Another243 parable3850 put3908 he forth3908 to them, saying,3004 The kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a grain2848 of mustard4615 seed, which3739 a man444 took,2983 and sowed4687 in his field:68

32 這原是百種裏最小的;等到長起來,卻比各樣的菜都大,且成了樹,甚至[so that]空中[air]的飛鳥來宿在它的枝子間[in the branches]。」

32 Which3739 indeed3303 is the least3398 of all3956 seeds:4690 but when3752 it is grown,837 it is the greatest3187 among herbs,3001 and becomes1096 a tree,1186 so5620 that the birds4071 of the air3772 come2064 and lodge2681 in the branches2798 thereof.846

33 他又對他們講個比喻說:「天國好像麵酵,有婦人拿來,藏在三斗麵裏,直等全團都發起來。」

33 Another243 parable3850 spoke2980 he to them; The kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to leaven,2219 which3739 a woman1135 took,2983 and hid1470 in three5140 measures4568 of meal,224 till2193 the whole3650 was leavened.2220

34 這都是耶穌用比喻對眾人說的話;若不用比喻,就不對他們說甚麼。

34 All3956 these5023 things spoke2980 Jesus2424 to the multitude3793 in parables;3850 and without5565 a parable3850 spoke2980 he not to them:

35 這是要應驗先知的話,說:我要開口用比喻;我要[I will]把創世以來所隱藏[kept secret]的事顯明[utter]出來。

35 That it might be fulfilled4137 which3588 was spoken4483 by the prophet,4396 saying,3004 I will open455 my mouth4750 in parables;3850 I will utter2044 things which have been kept secret2928 from the foundation2602 of the world.2889

36 當下,耶穌打發眾人[sent the multitude away],進了房子;他的門徒到他那裏[came unto him],說:「請把田間稗子的比喻講給我們聽。」

36 Then5119 Jesus2424 sent863 the multitude3793 away,863 and went2064 into1519 the house:3614 and his disciples3101 came4334 to him, saying,3004 Declare5419 to us the parable3850 of the tares2215 of the field.68

37 他回答他們[them]說:「那撒好種的就是人子;

37 He answered611 and said2036 to them, He that sows4687 the good2570 seed4690 is the Son5207 of man;444

38 田地就是世界;好種就是天國的兒女[children of][but]稗子就是那惡者的兒女[children of]

38 The field68 is the world;2889 the good2570 seed4690 are the children5207 of the kingdom;932 but the tares2215 are the children5207 of the wicked4190 one;

39 撒稗子的仇敵就是魔鬼;收割的時候就是世界的末了;收割的人就是天使。

39 The enemy2190 that sowed4687 them is the devil;1228 the harvest2326 is the end4930 of the world;165 and the reapers2327 are the angels.32

40 稗子怎樣終被聚起來燒在火裏[As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire][this]世界的末了也要如此。

40 As therefore3767 the tares2215 are gathered4816 and burned2618 in the fire;4442 so3779 shall it be in the end4930 of this5127 world.165

41 人子要差遣他的天使[his angels],把一切叫人犯罪[offend]的和作惡的,從他國裏挑出來;

41 The Son5207 of man444 shall send649 forth649 his angels,32 and they shall gather4816 out of his kingdom932 all3956 things that offend,4625 and them which do4160 iniquity;458

42 把他們[them]丟在火爐裏;在那裏必要哀哭切齒了。

42 And shall cast906 them into1519 a furnace2575 of fire:4442 there1563 shall be wailing2805 and gnashing1030 of teeth.3599

43 那時,義人在他們父的國裏,要發出光來,像太陽一樣。有耳可聽的,就應當聽。

43 Then5119 shall the righteous1342 shine1584 forth1584 as the sun2246 in the kingdom932 of their Father.3962 Who3588 has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

44 「天國[Again]好像財寶[treasure]藏在一塊[a]地裏;[when]遇見了,[man]就把它藏起來,為其中所歡喜的[for joy thereof],去變賣一切所有的,買[that]塊地。

44 Again,3825 the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to treasure2344 hid2928 in a field;68 the which3739 when a man444 has found,2147 he hides,2928 and for joy5479 thereof846 goes5217 and sells4453 all3956 that he has,2192 and buys59 that field.68

45 天國又好像買賣人尋找好珍珠[pearls]

45 Again,3825 the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a merchant1713 man,444 seeking2212 goodly2573 pearls:3135

46 [when]遇見一顆重價的珍珠[pearl],就去變賣他一切所有的,買了這顆珍珠[pearl]

46 Who,3739 when he had found2147 one1520 pearl3135 of great4186 price,4186 went565 and sold4097 all3956 that he had,2192 and bought59 it.

47 天國又好像網撒在海裏,收聚[gathered]各樣水族;

47 Again,3825 the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a net,4522 that was cast906 into1519 the sea,2281 and gathered4863 of every3956 kind:1085

48 網既滿了,人就拉上岸來,坐下,揀好的收在器具裏,唯獨[but]將不好的丟棄了。

48 Which,3739 when3753 it was full,4137 they drew307 to shore,123 and sat2523 down,2523 and gathered4816 the good2570 into1519 vessels,30 but cast906 the bad4550 away.1854

49 世界的末了也要這樣;天使要出來,從義人中把惡人分別出來,

49 So3779 shall it be at1722 the end4930 of the world:165 the angels32 shall come1831 forth,1831 and sever873 the wicked4190 from among3319 the just,1342

50 丟在火爐裏;在那裏必要哀哭切齒了。」

50 And shall cast906 them into1519 the furnace2575 of fire:4442 there1563 shall be wailing2805 and gnashing1030 of teeth.3599

51 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「這一切的話,你們都明白了麼?」他們說:「[Lord],我們明白了。」

51 Jesus2424 said3004 to them, Have you understood4920 all3956 these5023 things? They say3004 to him, Yes,3483 Lord.2962

52 於是[Then]對他們[unto them]說:「凡文士受教作天國的門徒,就像一個家主從他庫裏拿出新舊的東西來。」

52 Then1161 said2036 he to them, Therefore1223 5124 every3956 scribe1122 which is instructed3100 to the kingdom932 of heaven3772 is like3664 to a man444 that is an householder,3617 which3748 brings1544 forth1544 out of his treasure2344 things new2537 and old.3820

53 耶穌說完了這些比喻,就離開那裏。

53 And it came1096 to pass, that when3753 Jesus2424 had finished5055 these5025 parables,3850 he departed3332 there.1564

54 耶穌[he]來到自己的家鄉,[when]在會堂裏教訓人,甚至他們都希奇,說:「這人從哪裏有這等智慧和異能呢?

54 And when he was come2064 into1519 his own country,3968 he taught1321 them in their synagogue,4864 so5620 that they were astonished,1605 and said,3004 From where4159 has this3778 man this3778 wisdom,4678 and these3588 mighty1411 works?

55 這不是木匠的兒子麼?他母親不是叫馬利亞麼?他弟兄們不是叫雅各、約西[Joses]、西門、猶大麼?

55 Is not this3778 the carpenter's5045 son?5207 is not his mother3384 called3004 Mary?3137 and his brothers,80 James,2385 and Joses,2500 and Simon,4613 and Judas?2455

56 他妹妹們不是都在我們這裏嗎?這人從哪裏有這一切的事呢?」

56 And his sisters,79 are they not all3956 with us? From where4159 then3767 has this5129 man all3956 these5023 things?

57 他們就厭棄他[offended in him]。耶穌[But]對他們說:「大凡先知,除了本地本家之外,沒有不被人尊敬的。」

57 And they were offended4624 in him. But Jesus2424 said2036 to them, A prophet4396 is not without820 honor,820 save1508 in his own country,3968 and in his own house.3614

58 耶穌因為他們不信,就在那裏不多行異能了。

58 And he did4160 not many4183 mighty1411 works there1563 because1223 of their unbelief.570
