

1 為西緬支派的人,按著宗族,擲出第二籤[second lot]。他們所得的地業是在猶大人地業中間。

2 他們所得為業之地就是:別.是巴,或名示巴、摩拉大、

3 哈薩.書亞、巴拉、以森、

4 伊勒多臘、比土力、何珥瑪、

5 洗革拉、伯.瑪加博、哈薩.蘇撒、

6 伯.利巴勿、沙魯險,共十三座城,還有屬城的村莊;

7 又有亞因、利門、以帖、亞珊,共四座城,還有屬城的村莊;

8 並有這些城邑四圍一切的村莊,直到巴拉.比珥,就是南地的拉瑪。這是西緬支派按著宗族所得的地業。

9 西緬人的地業是從猶大人地業中得來的;因為猶大人的分過多,所以西緬人在他們的地業中得了地業。

10 為西布倫人,按著宗族,擲出第三籤[thrid lot]。他們地業的境界是到撒立;

11 往西上到瑪拉拉,達到大巴設,又達到約念前的河;

12 又從撒立往東轉向日出之地,到吉斯綠.他泊的境界,又通到大比拉,上到雅非亞;

13 從那裏往東,接連到迦特.希弗,至以特.加汛,通到臨門.瑪何亞[Remmon-methoar]直延到[to]尼亞;

14 又繞過尼亞的北邊,轉到哈拿頓,通到伊弗他.伊勒谷。

15 還有加他、拿哈拉、伸崙、以大拉、伯.利恆,共十二座城,還有屬城的村莊。

16 這些城並屬城的村莊就是西布倫人按著宗族所得的地業。

17 為以薩迦人,按著宗族,擲出第四籤[fourth lot]

18 他們的境界是到耶斯列、基蘇律、書念、

19 哈弗連、示按、亞拿哈拉、

20 拉璧、基善、亞別、

21 利篾、隱.干寧、隱.哈大、伯.帕薛;

22 又達到他泊、沙哈洗瑪、伯.示麥,直通到約旦河為止,共十六座城,還有屬城的村莊。

23 這些城並屬城的村莊就是以薩迦支派按著宗族所得的地業。

24 為亞設支派,按著宗族,擲出第五籤[fifth lot]

25 他們的境界是黑甲、哈利、比田、押煞、

26 亞拉米勒、亞末、米沙勒;往西達到迦密,又到希曷.立納,

27 轉向日出之地,到伯.大袞,達到細步綸往北到伊弗他.伊勒谷,到伯.以墨和尼業,也通到迦步勒的左邊;

28 又到義伯崙、利合、哈們、加拿,直到西頓大城;

29 轉到拉瑪和堅固城推羅;又轉到何薩,靠近亞革悉一帶地方,直通到海;

30 又有烏瑪、亞弗、利合,共二十二座城,還有屬城的村莊。

31 這些城並屬城的村莊就是亞設支派按著宗族所得的地業。

32 為拿弗他利人,按著宗族,擲出第六籤[sixth lot]

33 他們的境界是從希利弗從撒拿音的亞龍[Allon],從亞大米[Adami]、尼吉[Nekeb]和雅比聶,直到拉共,通到約旦河;

34 又轉向西到亞斯納.他泊,從那裏通到戶割,南邊到西布倫,西邊到亞設,又向日出之地,達到約旦河那裏的猶大。

35 堅固的城就是:西丁、側耳、哈末、拉甲、基尼烈、

36 亞大瑪、拉瑪、夏瑣、

37 基低斯、以得來、隱.夏瑣、

38 以利穩、密大.伊勒、和璉、伯.亞納、伯.示麥,共十九座城,還有屬城的村莊。

39 這些城並屬城的村莊就是拿弗他利支派按著宗族所得的地業。

40 為但支派,按著宗族,擲出第七籤[seventh lot]

41 他們地業的境界是瑣拉、以實陶、伊珥.示麥、

42 沙拉賓、亞雅崙、伊提拉、

43 以倫、亭拿他、以革倫、

44 伊利提基、基比頓、巴拉、

45 伊胡得、比尼.比拉、迦特.臨門、

46 美.耶昆、拉昆,並約帕前面[before]的地界。

47 但人不以他們所得的地界為足[went out too little for them]因此[therefore]但人上去攻取利善,用刀[edge]擊殺城中的人,得了那城,住在其中,以他們先祖但的名將利善改名為但。

48 這些城並屬城的村莊就是但支派按著宗族所得的地業。

49 以色列人按著境界分完了地業,就在他們中間將地給嫩的兒子約書亞為業,

50 是照耶和華的[word],將約書亞所求的城,就是以法蓮山地的亭拿.西拉城,給了他。他就修那城,住在其中。

51 這就是祭司以利亞撒和嫩的兒子約書亞,並以色列各支派的族長,在示羅會幕門口,耶和華面前,按籤[by lot]所分的地業。這樣,他們把地分完了。


Chapter 19

1 And the second8145 lot1486 came forth3318 to Simeon,8095 even for the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Simeon8095 according to their families:4940 and their inheritance5159 was1961 within8432 the inheritance5159 of the children1121 of Judah.3063

2 And they had1961 in their inheritance5159 Beer-sheba,884 or Sheba,7652 and Moladah,4137

3 And Hazarshual,2705 and Balah,1088 and Azem,6107

4 And Eltolad,513 and Bethul,1329 and Hormah,2767

5 And Ziklag,6860 and Beth-marcaboth,1024 and Hazar-susah,2701

6 And Beth-lebaoth,1034 and Sharuhen;8287 thirteen7969 6240 cities5892 and their villages: 2691

7 Ain,5871 Remmon,7417 and Ether,6281 and Ashan;6228 four702 cities5892 and their villages: 2691

8 And all3605 the villages2691 that834 were round about5439 these428 cities5892 to5704 Baalath-beer,1192 Ramath7418 of the south.5045 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Simeon8095 according to their families.4940

9 Out of the portion4480 2256 of the children1121 of Judah3063 was the inheritance5159 of the children1121 of Simeon:8095 for3588 the part2506 of the children1121 of Judah3063 was1961 too much7227 for them:4480 therefore the children1121 of Simeon8095 had their inheritance5157 within8432 the inheritance5159 of them.

10 And the third7992 lot1486 came up5927 for the children1121 of Zebulun2074 according to their families:4940 and the border1366 of their inheritance5159 was1961 unto5704 Sarid: 8301

11 And their border1366 went up5927 toward the sea,3220 and Maralah,4831 and reached6293 to Dabbasheth,1708 and reached6293 to413 the river5158 that834 is before5921 6440 Jokneam;3362

12 And turned7725 from Sarid4480 8301 eastward6924 toward the sunrising4217 8121 unto5921 the border1366 of Chisloth-tabor,3696 and then goeth out3318 to413 Daberath,1705 and goeth up5927 to Japhia,3309

13 And from thence4480 8033 passeth on along5674 on the east6924 to Gittah-hepher,1662 to Ittah-kazin,6278 and goeth out3318 to Remmon-methoar7417 to Neah;5269

14 And the border1366 compasseth5437 it on the north side4480 6828 to Hannathon:2615 and the outgoings8444 thereof are1961 in the valley1516 of Jipthah-el: 3317

15 And Kattath,7005 and Nahallal,5096 and Shimron,8110 and Idalah,3030 and Bethlehem:1035 twelve8147 6240 cities5892 with their villages.2691

16 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the children1121 of Zebulun2074 according to their families,4940 these428 cities5892 with their villages.2691

17 And the fourth7243 lot1486 came out3318 to Issachar,3485 for the children1121 of Issachar3485 according to their families.4940

18 And their border1366 was1961 toward Jezreel,3157 and Chesulloth,3694 and Shunem,7766

19 And Hapharaim,2663 and Shion,7866 and Anaharath,588

20 And Rabbith,7245 and Kishion,7191 and Abez,77

21 And Remeth,7432 and En-gannim,5873 and En-haddah,5876 and Beth-pazzez;1048

22 And the coast1366 reacheth6293 to Tabor,8396 and Shahazimah,7831 and Beth-shemesh;1053 and the outgoings8444 of their border1366 were1961 at Jordan:3383 sixteen8337 6240 cities5892 with their villages.2691

23 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Issachar3485 according to their families,4940 the cities5892 and their villages.2691

24 And the fifth2549 lot1486 came out3318 for the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Asher836 according to their families.4940

25 And their border1366 was1961 Helkath,2520 and Hali,2482 and Beten,991 and Achshaph,407

26 And Alammelech,487 and Amad,6008 and Misheal;4861 and reacheth6293 to Carmel3760 westward,3220 and to Shihor-libnath;7884

27 And turneth7725 toward the sunrising4217 8121 to Beth-dagon,1016 and reacheth6293 to Zebulun,2074 and to the valley1516 of Jipthah-el3317 toward the north side6828 of Beth-emek,1025 and Neiel,5272 and goeth out3318 to413 Cabul3521 on the left hand,8040

28 And Hebron,5683 and Rehob,7340 and Hammon,2540 and Kanah,7071 even unto5704 great7227 Zidon;6721

29 And then the coast1366 turneth7725 to Ramah,7414 and to5704 the strong4013 city5892 Tyre;6865 and the coast1366 turneth7725 to Hosah;2621 and the outgoings8444 thereof are1961 at the sea3220 from the coast4480 2256 to Achzib: 392

30 Ummah5981 also, and Aphek,663 and Rehob:7340 twenty6242 and two8147 cities5892 with their villages.2691

31 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Asher836 according to their families,4940 these428 cities5892 with their villages.2691

32 The sixth8345 lot1486 came out3318 to the children1121 of Naphtali,5321 even for the children1121 of Naphtali5321 according to their families.4940

33 And their coast1366 was1961 from Heleph,4480 2501 from Allon4480 436 to Zaanannim,6815 and Adami,129 Nekeb,5346 and Jabneel,2995 unto5704 Lakum;3946 and the outgoings8444 thereof were1961 at Jordan: 3383

34 And then the coast1366 turneth7725 westward3220 to Aznoth-tabor,243 and goeth out3318 from thence4480 8033 to Hukkok,2712 and reacheth6293 to Zebulun2074 on the south side,5045 and reacheth6293 to Asher836 on the west side,4480 3220 and to Judah3063 upon Jordan3383 toward the sunrising.4217 8121

35 And the fenced4013 cities5892 are Ziddim,6661 Zer,6863 and Hammath,2575 Rakkath,7557 and Chinnereth,3672

36 And Adamah,128 and Ramah,7414 and Hazor,2674

37 And Kedesh,6943 and Edrei,154 and En-hazor,5877

38 And Iron,3375 and Migdal-el,4027 Horem,2765 and Beth-anath,1043 and Beth-shemesh;1053 nineteen8672 6240 cities5892 with their villages.2691

39 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Naphtali5321 according to their families,4940 the cities5892 and their villages.2691

40 And the seventh7637 lot1486 came out3318 for the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Dan1835 according to their families.4940

41 And the coast1366 of their inheritance5159 was1961 Zorah,6881 and Eshtaol,847 and Ir-shemesh,5905

42 And Shaalabbin,8169 and Ajalon,357 and Jethlah,3494

43 And Elon,356 and Thimnathah,8553 and Ekron,6138

44 And Eltekeh,514 and Gibbethon,1405 and Baalath,1191

45 And Jehud,3055 and Bene-berak,1139 and Gath-rimmon,1667

46 And Me-jarkon,4313 and Rakkon,7542 with5973 the border1366 before4136 Japho.3305

47 And the coast1366 of the children1121 of Dan1835 went out3318 too little for them:4480 therefore the children1121 of Dan1835 went up5927 to fight3898 against5973 Leshem,3959 and took3920 it, and smote5221 it with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 and possessed3423 it, and dwelt3427 therein, and called7121 Leshem,3959 Dan,1835 after the name8034 of Dan1835 their father.1

48 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Dan1835 according to their families,4940 these428 cities5892 with their villages.2691

49 When they had made an end3615 of dividing the land for inheritance5157 853 776 by their coasts,1367 the children1121 of Israel3478 gave5414 an inheritance5159 to Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun5126 among8432 them:

50 According5921 to the word6310 of the LORD3068 they gave5414 him853 the city5892 which834 he asked,7592 even853 Timnathserah8556 in mount2022 Ephraim:669 and he built1129 853 the city,5892 and dwelt3427 therein.

51 These428 are the inheritances,5159 which834 Eleazar499 the priest,3548 and Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun,5126 and the heads7218 of the fathers1 of the tribes4294 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 divided for an inheritance5157 by lot1486 in Shiloh7887 before6440 the LORD,3068 at the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150 So they made an end3615 of dividing4480 2505 853 the country.776




Chapter 19

1 為西緬支派的人,按著宗族,擲出第二籤[second lot]。他們所得的地業是在猶大人地業中間。

1 And the second8145 lot1486 came forth3318 to Simeon,8095 even for the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Simeon8095 according to their families:4940 and their inheritance5159 was1961 within8432 the inheritance5159 of the children1121 of Judah.3063

2 他們所得為業之地就是:別.是巴,或名示巴、摩拉大、

2 And they had1961 in their inheritance5159 Beer-sheba,884 or Sheba,7652 and Moladah,4137

3 哈薩.書亞、巴拉、以森、

3 And Hazarshual,2705 and Balah,1088 and Azem,6107

4 伊勒多臘、比土力、何珥瑪、

4 And Eltolad,513 and Bethul,1329 and Hormah,2767

5 洗革拉、伯.瑪加博、哈薩.蘇撒、

5 And Ziklag,6860 and Beth-marcaboth,1024 and Hazar-susah,2701

6 伯.利巴勿、沙魯險,共十三座城,還有屬城的村莊;

6 And Beth-lebaoth,1034 and Sharuhen;8287 thirteen7969 6240 cities5892 and their villages: 2691

7 又有亞因、利門、以帖、亞珊,共四座城,還有屬城的村莊;

7 Ain,5871 Remmon,7417 and Ether,6281 and Ashan;6228 four702 cities5892 and their villages: 2691

8 並有這些城邑四圍一切的村莊,直到巴拉.比珥,就是南地的拉瑪。這是西緬支派按著宗族所得的地業。

8 And all3605 the villages2691 that834 were round about5439 these428 cities5892 to5704 Baalath-beer,1192 Ramath7418 of the south.5045 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Simeon8095 according to their families.4940

9 西緬人的地業是從猶大人地業中得來的;因為猶大人的分過多,所以西緬人在他們的地業中得了地業。

9 Out of the portion4480 2256 of the children1121 of Judah3063 was the inheritance5159 of the children1121 of Simeon:8095 for3588 the part2506 of the children1121 of Judah3063 was1961 too much7227 for them:4480 therefore the children1121 of Simeon8095 had their inheritance5157 within8432 the inheritance5159 of them.

10 為西布倫人,按著宗族,擲出第三籤[thrid lot]。他們地業的境界是到撒立;

10 And the third7992 lot1486 came up5927 for the children1121 of Zebulun2074 according to their families:4940 and the border1366 of their inheritance5159 was1961 unto5704 Sarid: 8301

11 往西上到瑪拉拉,達到大巴設,又達到約念前的河;

11 And their border1366 went up5927 toward the sea,3220 and Maralah,4831 and reached6293 to Dabbasheth,1708 and reached6293 to413 the river5158 that834 is before5921 6440 Jokneam;3362

12 又從撒立往東轉向日出之地,到吉斯綠.他泊的境界,又通到大比拉,上到雅非亞;

12 And turned7725 from Sarid4480 8301 eastward6924 toward the sunrising4217 8121 unto5921 the border1366 of Chisloth-tabor,3696 and then goeth out3318 to413 Daberath,1705 and goeth up5927 to Japhia,3309

13 從那裏往東,接連到迦特.希弗,至以特.加汛,通到臨門.瑪何亞[Remmon-methoar]直延到[to]尼亞;

13 And from thence4480 8033 passeth on along5674 on the east6924 to Gittah-hepher,1662 to Ittah-kazin,6278 and goeth out3318 to Remmon-methoar7417 to Neah;5269

14 又繞過尼亞的北邊,轉到哈拿頓,通到伊弗他.伊勒谷。

14 And the border1366 compasseth5437 it on the north side4480 6828 to Hannathon:2615 and the outgoings8444 thereof are1961 in the valley1516 of Jipthah-el: 3317

15 還有加他、拿哈拉、伸崙、以大拉、伯.利恆,共十二座城,還有屬城的村莊。

15 And Kattath,7005 and Nahallal,5096 and Shimron,8110 and Idalah,3030 and Bethlehem:1035 twelve8147 6240 cities5892 with their villages.2691

16 這些城並屬城的村莊就是西布倫人按著宗族所得的地業。

16 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the children1121 of Zebulun2074 according to their families,4940 these428 cities5892 with their villages.2691

17 為以薩迦人,按著宗族,擲出第四籤[fourth lot]

17 And the fourth7243 lot1486 came out3318 to Issachar,3485 for the children1121 of Issachar3485 according to their families.4940

18 他們的境界是到耶斯列、基蘇律、書念、

18 And their border1366 was1961 toward Jezreel,3157 and Chesulloth,3694 and Shunem,7766

19 哈弗連、示按、亞拿哈拉、

19 And Hapharaim,2663 and Shion,7866 and Anaharath,588

20 拉璧、基善、亞別、

20 And Rabbith,7245 and Kishion,7191 and Abez,77

21 利篾、隱.干寧、隱.哈大、伯.帕薛;

21 And Remeth,7432 and En-gannim,5873 and En-haddah,5876 and Beth-pazzez;1048

22 又達到他泊、沙哈洗瑪、伯.示麥,直通到約旦河為止,共十六座城,還有屬城的村莊。

22 And the coast1366 reacheth6293 to Tabor,8396 and Shahazimah,7831 and Beth-shemesh;1053 and the outgoings8444 of their border1366 were1961 at Jordan:3383 sixteen8337 6240 cities5892 with their villages.2691

23 這些城並屬城的村莊就是以薩迦支派按著宗族所得的地業。

23 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Issachar3485 according to their families,4940 the cities5892 and their villages.2691

24 為亞設支派,按著宗族,擲出第五籤[fifth lot]

24 And the fifth2549 lot1486 came out3318 for the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Asher836 according to their families.4940

25 他們的境界是黑甲、哈利、比田、押煞、

25 And their border1366 was1961 Helkath,2520 and Hali,2482 and Beten,991 and Achshaph,407

26 亞拉米勒、亞末、米沙勒;往西達到迦密,又到希曷.立納,

26 And Alammelech,487 and Amad,6008 and Misheal;4861 and reacheth6293 to Carmel3760 westward,3220 and to Shihor-libnath;7884

27 轉向日出之地,到伯.大袞,達到細步綸往北到伊弗他.伊勒谷,到伯.以墨和尼業,也通到迦步勒的左邊;

27 And turneth7725 toward the sunrising4217 8121 to Beth-dagon,1016 and reacheth6293 to Zebulun,2074 and to the valley1516 of Jipthah-el3317 toward the north side6828 of Beth-emek,1025 and Neiel,5272 and goeth out3318 to413 Cabul3521 on the left hand,8040

28 又到義伯崙、利合、哈們、加拿,直到西頓大城;

28 And Hebron,5683 and Rehob,7340 and Hammon,2540 and Kanah,7071 even unto5704 great7227 Zidon;6721

29 轉到拉瑪和堅固城推羅;又轉到何薩,靠近亞革悉一帶地方,直通到海;

29 And then the coast1366 turneth7725 to Ramah,7414 and to5704 the strong4013 city5892 Tyre;6865 and the coast1366 turneth7725 to Hosah;2621 and the outgoings8444 thereof are1961 at the sea3220 from the coast4480 2256 to Achzib: 392

30 又有烏瑪、亞弗、利合,共二十二座城,還有屬城的村莊。

30 Ummah5981 also, and Aphek,663 and Rehob:7340 twenty6242 and two8147 cities5892 with their villages.2691

31 這些城並屬城的村莊就是亞設支派按著宗族所得的地業。

31 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Asher836 according to their families,4940 these428 cities5892 with their villages.2691

32 為拿弗他利人,按著宗族,擲出第六籤[sixth lot]

32 The sixth8345 lot1486 came out3318 to the children1121 of Naphtali,5321 even for the children1121 of Naphtali5321 according to their families.4940

33 他們的境界是從希利弗從撒拿音的亞龍[Allon],從亞大米[Adami]、尼吉[Nekeb]和雅比聶,直到拉共,通到約旦河;

33 And their coast1366 was1961 from Heleph,4480 2501 from Allon4480 436 to Zaanannim,6815 and Adami,129 Nekeb,5346 and Jabneel,2995 unto5704 Lakum;3946 and the outgoings8444 thereof were1961 at Jordan: 3383

34 又轉向西到亞斯納.他泊,從那裏通到戶割,南邊到西布倫,西邊到亞設,又向日出之地,達到約旦河那裏的猶大。

34 And then the coast1366 turneth7725 westward3220 to Aznoth-tabor,243 and goeth out3318 from thence4480 8033 to Hukkok,2712 and reacheth6293 to Zebulun2074 on the south side,5045 and reacheth6293 to Asher836 on the west side,4480 3220 and to Judah3063 upon Jordan3383 toward the sunrising.4217 8121

35 堅固的城就是:西丁、側耳、哈末、拉甲、基尼烈、

35 And the fenced4013 cities5892 are Ziddim,6661 Zer,6863 and Hammath,2575 Rakkath,7557 and Chinnereth,3672

36 亞大瑪、拉瑪、夏瑣、

36 And Adamah,128 and Ramah,7414 and Hazor,2674

37 基低斯、以得來、隱.夏瑣、

37 And Kedesh,6943 and Edrei,154 and En-hazor,5877

38 以利穩、密大.伊勒、和璉、伯.亞納、伯.示麥,共十九座城,還有屬城的村莊。

38 And Iron,3375 and Migdal-el,4027 Horem,2765 and Beth-anath,1043 and Beth-shemesh;1053 nineteen8672 6240 cities5892 with their villages.2691

39 這些城並屬城的村莊就是拿弗他利支派按著宗族所得的地業。

39 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Naphtali5321 according to their families,4940 the cities5892 and their villages.2691

40 為但支派,按著宗族,擲出第七籤[seventh lot]

40 And the seventh7637 lot1486 came out3318 for the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Dan1835 according to their families.4940

41 他們地業的境界是瑣拉、以實陶、伊珥.示麥、

41 And the coast1366 of their inheritance5159 was1961 Zorah,6881 and Eshtaol,847 and Ir-shemesh,5905

42 沙拉賓、亞雅崙、伊提拉、

42 And Shaalabbin,8169 and Ajalon,357 and Jethlah,3494

43 以倫、亭拿他、以革倫、

43 And Elon,356 and Thimnathah,8553 and Ekron,6138

44 伊利提基、基比頓、巴拉、

44 And Eltekeh,514 and Gibbethon,1405 and Baalath,1191

45 伊胡得、比尼.比拉、迦特.臨門、

45 And Jehud,3055 and Bene-berak,1139 and Gath-rimmon,1667

46 美.耶昆、拉昆,並約帕前面[before]的地界。

46 And Me-jarkon,4313 and Rakkon,7542 with5973 the border1366 before4136 Japho.3305

47 但人不以他們所得的地界為足[went out too little for them]因此[therefore]但人上去攻取利善,用刀[edge]擊殺城中的人,得了那城,住在其中,以他們先祖但的名將利善改名為但。

47 And the coast1366 of the children1121 of Dan1835 went out3318 too little for them:4480 therefore the children1121 of Dan1835 went up5927 to fight3898 against5973 Leshem,3959 and took3920 it, and smote5221 it with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 and possessed3423 it, and dwelt3427 therein, and called7121 Leshem,3959 Dan,1835 after the name8034 of Dan1835 their father.1

48 這些城並屬城的村莊就是但支派按著宗族所得的地業。

48 This2063 is the inheritance5159 of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Dan1835 according to their families,4940 these428 cities5892 with their villages.2691

49 以色列人按著境界分完了地業,就在他們中間將地給嫩的兒子約書亞為業,

49 When they had made an end3615 of dividing the land for inheritance5157 853 776 by their coasts,1367 the children1121 of Israel3478 gave5414 an inheritance5159 to Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun5126 among8432 them:

50 是照耶和華的[word],將約書亞所求的城,就是以法蓮山地的亭拿.西拉城,給了他。他就修那城,住在其中。

50 According5921 to the word6310 of the LORD3068 they gave5414 him853 the city5892 which834 he asked,7592 even853 Timnathserah8556 in mount2022 Ephraim:669 and he built1129 853 the city,5892 and dwelt3427 therein.

51 這就是祭司以利亞撒和嫩的兒子約書亞,並以色列各支派的族長,在示羅會幕門口,耶和華面前,按籤[by lot]所分的地業。這樣,他們把地分完了。

51 These428 are the inheritances,5159 which834 Eleazar499 the priest,3548 and Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun,5126 and the heads7218 of the fathers1 of the tribes4294 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 divided for an inheritance5157 by lot1486 in Shiloh7887 before6440 the LORD,3068 at the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150 So they made an end3615 of dividing4480 2505 853 the country.776