

1 提慢人以利法曰、

2 寕有吸淒風、吐支辭、而得爲哲人乎。

3 豈可述無補之空言、進無益之浮詞哉。

4 以爾所云、是使人不敬畏祈禱上帝也。

5 爾所言、狡獪不測、可決爾爲惡。

6 我何必言爾爲惡哉、卽爾所出口、爾所舌辯、已可知矣。

7 生人之始豈爾乎、有山以前豈爾乎。

8 上帝之意、豈爾能知、哲人之辭、豈爾獨得。

9 惡在爾知而我不知、爾明而我不明哉。

10 我中尚有老成人、浩然白首、其年較爾父尤長、

11 我之來此、以上帝之恩慰藉爾、以巽言婉導爾、豈可藐視。

12 爾何心狂、白眼玩世。

13 心逆上帝、口述妄言。

14 斯世之人、何得言潔、婦女所生者、何得稱義。

15 自主視之、卽聖者猶未盡善、在天之人猶未盡潔、

16 况世人作惡、如渴飲水、是誠汚衊、實可厭棄。

17 吾試以所見告爾、汝其聽之。

18 卽哲人之箴規、祖考之遺訓。

19 粵稽在昔、我祖初得斯土、不與異邦人雜處、

20 其言曰、作惡者畢生悚懼、強暴者不知死亡之何日。

21 驚駭之聲、常聞於耳、平康之時、殘賊忽至。

22 遇患難無望拯救、臨白刃不能倖免。

23 流離求食、而無所得、禍患將至、而不及知。

24 災害孔迫、俾其恐懼、若王與敵戰、必能獲勝。

25 惡人自恃其勇、狂悖成性、侮慢全能之上帝。

26 挺身馳突、以厚盾自衛。

27 容貌肥壯、軀幹雄偉。

28 荒敗之邑、彼來據之、零落之家、彼得處之、然轉瞬間、是邑是家、已變爲瓦礫。

29 彼富不成、彼業不常、羣畜不蕃息。

30 其身不得免於難、所生枝幹、爲火焚燒、爲風摧折。

31 莫信虛妄、恐爲所惑、彼所得者、浮而不實。

32 彼猶林木、非時而被斬伐、不能長青。

33 若葡萄菓、未稔而先落、若橄欖花、雖開而早凋。

34 偽善之人、家必蕭條、貪賄之徒、室必焚燬、

35 中所藏者詭譎、外所行者邪慝。


Chapter 15

1 THEN answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said,

2 Should a spiritually minded man answer with knowledge and then become enraged?

3 Should he admonish with unprofitable talk, or with words that are worthless?

4 Yea, you also are discarding reverence, and talk too much in the presence of God.

5 For your mouth is accustomed to utter sinful things, and you choose the deceitful tongue of the crafty.

6 Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; yea, your own lips testify against you in my presence.

7 Are you the first man that was born? Or were you conceived before the hills?

8 Have you heard of the secrets of God? Has his wisdom been revealed to you?

9 Or what do you know that we do not know? Or what do you under, stand that we do not understand?

10 Behold, there are among us the gray-headed and the very aged men, much older in days than your father.

11 Now talk less of God's threats, and speak comfortingly to yourself.

12 Why does your heart boast? And what do your eyes wink at,

13 That you boast in the presence of God, and let such words go out of your mouth?

14 What is man, that he should be innocent? Or he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?

15 Behold, he puts no trust in his saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight.

16 Even though man should be rejected and afflicted, yet he shall drink iniquity like water.

17 Hear me, I will show you; and that which I have seen I will repeat;

18 That which wise men have declared, and did not hide from their fathers;

19 To whom alone the land was given, and no stranger passed among them.

20 The wicked man magnifies himself all his days, and the number of the years of the violent man is hidden.

21 A dreadful sound is in his ears; in prosperity the spoiler shall come upon him.

22 He does not believe that he shall be overthrown because of the darkness, and that he shall see the sword.

23 He flees because of the threat of judgment; he does not know that the day of darkness is already at his hand,

24 Trouble and anguish shall overtake him, like a king ready for the battle,

25 Because he has stretched out his hand against God, and strengthened himself against the Almighty.

26 He runs against him proudly, and strangles him, with the multitudes of his shields;

27 Because he has deceived himself with his wealth, and he places Pleiades above Aldebaran.

28 And he dwells in desolate cities, which no man has inhabited; then he prepares for war.

29 He shall not continue, neither shall his strength endure, nor shall his words be established upon the earth.

30 He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth shall he be rejected.

31 Let him not trust in deceptive vanity, for his growth is in vain.

32 He shall dry up before his time, and the work of his hands shall not be found.

33 He shall shake off his unripe grapes, as the vine, and shall cast off his flowers as the olive tree.

34 For the congregation of the godless shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tabernacle of the wicked.

35 They conceive mischief and bring forth deceit, and their belly is full of guile.




Chapter 15

1 提慢人以利法曰、

1 THEN answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said,

2 寕有吸淒風、吐支辭、而得爲哲人乎。

2 Should a spiritually minded man answer with knowledge and then become enraged?

3 豈可述無補之空言、進無益之浮詞哉。

3 Should he admonish with unprofitable talk, or with words that are worthless?

4 以爾所云、是使人不敬畏祈禱上帝也。

4 Yea, you also are discarding reverence, and talk too much in the presence of God.

5 爾所言、狡獪不測、可決爾爲惡。

5 For your mouth is accustomed to utter sinful things, and you choose the deceitful tongue of the crafty.

6 我何必言爾爲惡哉、卽爾所出口、爾所舌辯、已可知矣。

6 Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; yea, your own lips testify against you in my presence.

7 生人之始豈爾乎、有山以前豈爾乎。

7 Are you the first man that was born? Or were you conceived before the hills?

8 上帝之意、豈爾能知、哲人之辭、豈爾獨得。

8 Have you heard of the secrets of God? Has his wisdom been revealed to you?

9 惡在爾知而我不知、爾明而我不明哉。

9 Or what do you know that we do not know? Or what do you under, stand that we do not understand?

10 我中尚有老成人、浩然白首、其年較爾父尤長、

10 Behold, there are among us the gray-headed and the very aged men, much older in days than your father.

11 我之來此、以上帝之恩慰藉爾、以巽言婉導爾、豈可藐視。

11 Now talk less of God's threats, and speak comfortingly to yourself.

12 爾何心狂、白眼玩世。

12 Why does your heart boast? And what do your eyes wink at,

13 心逆上帝、口述妄言。

13 That you boast in the presence of God, and let such words go out of your mouth?

14 斯世之人、何得言潔、婦女所生者、何得稱義。

14 What is man, that he should be innocent? Or he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?

15 自主視之、卽聖者猶未盡善、在天之人猶未盡潔、

15 Behold, he puts no trust in his saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight.

16 况世人作惡、如渴飲水、是誠汚衊、實可厭棄。

16 Even though man should be rejected and afflicted, yet he shall drink iniquity like water.

17 吾試以所見告爾、汝其聽之。

17 Hear me, I will show you; and that which I have seen I will repeat;

18 卽哲人之箴規、祖考之遺訓。

18 That which wise men have declared, and did not hide from their fathers;

19 粵稽在昔、我祖初得斯土、不與異邦人雜處、

19 To whom alone the land was given, and no stranger passed among them.

20 其言曰、作惡者畢生悚懼、強暴者不知死亡之何日。

20 The wicked man magnifies himself all his days, and the number of the years of the violent man is hidden.

21 驚駭之聲、常聞於耳、平康之時、殘賊忽至。

21 A dreadful sound is in his ears; in prosperity the spoiler shall come upon him.

22 遇患難無望拯救、臨白刃不能倖免。

22 He does not believe that he shall be overthrown because of the darkness, and that he shall see the sword.

23 流離求食、而無所得、禍患將至、而不及知。

23 He flees because of the threat of judgment; he does not know that the day of darkness is already at his hand,

24 災害孔迫、俾其恐懼、若王與敵戰、必能獲勝。

24 Trouble and anguish shall overtake him, like a king ready for the battle,

25 惡人自恃其勇、狂悖成性、侮慢全能之上帝。

25 Because he has stretched out his hand against God, and strengthened himself against the Almighty.

26 挺身馳突、以厚盾自衛。

26 He runs against him proudly, and strangles him, with the multitudes of his shields;

27 容貌肥壯、軀幹雄偉。

27 Because he has deceived himself with his wealth, and he places Pleiades above Aldebaran.

28 荒敗之邑、彼來據之、零落之家、彼得處之、然轉瞬間、是邑是家、已變爲瓦礫。

28 And he dwells in desolate cities, which no man has inhabited; then he prepares for war.

29 彼富不成、彼業不常、羣畜不蕃息。

29 He shall not continue, neither shall his strength endure, nor shall his words be established upon the earth.

30 其身不得免於難、所生枝幹、爲火焚燒、爲風摧折。

30 He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth shall he be rejected.

31 莫信虛妄、恐爲所惑、彼所得者、浮而不實。

31 Let him not trust in deceptive vanity, for his growth is in vain.

32 彼猶林木、非時而被斬伐、不能長青。

32 He shall dry up before his time, and the work of his hands shall not be found.

33 若葡萄菓、未稔而先落、若橄欖花、雖開而早凋。

33 He shall shake off his unripe grapes, as the vine, and shall cast off his flowers as the olive tree.

34 偽善之人、家必蕭條、貪賄之徒、室必焚燬、

34 For the congregation of the godless shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tabernacle of the wicked.

35 中所藏者詭譎、外所行者邪慝。

35 They conceive mischief and bring forth deceit, and their belly is full of guile.