

1 後來[And it came to pass afterward],耶穌周遊各城各鄉傳道,宣講神國的好信息[glad tidings]有十二個門徒和他同去[the twelve were with him]

2 還有被惡[spirits]所附、被疾病所累、已經治好的幾個婦女,內中有稱為抹大拉的馬利亞,曾有七個鬼魔[devils]從她身上趕出來,

3 又有希律的家宰苦撒的妻子約亞拿,並蘇撒拿,和許多[many]別的婦女,都是用自己的財物供給耶穌[him]

4 當許多人聚集、[and]從各城裏出來見耶穌的時候,耶穌就用比喻說:

5 「有一個撒種的出去,撒他的[his]種。[he]撒的時候,有落在路旁的;種被踹下[it was trodden down],天上的飛鳥又把種吃了[devoured it]

6 有落在磐石上的;一發苗[sprung up]就枯乾了,因它[because it]得不著滋潤。

7 有落在荊棘裏的;荊棘一同生長,把它擠住了。

8 又有落在好土[on]的,發起苗[sprang up]來,結[fruit]百倍。」耶穌說了這些話,就大聲說:「有耳可聽的,就應當聽。」

9 他的[his]門徒問耶穌說:「這比喻是甚麼意思呢?」

10 他說:「神國的奧秘只叫你們知道。至於別人,就用比喻;叫他們看也看不見,聽也聽不明。」

11 「這比喻乃是這樣:種子就是神的道。

12 那些在路旁的,就是聽道的人[they that hear];隨後魔鬼來,從他們心裏把道奪去,恐怕他們信了得救。

13 那些在磐石上的,就是人聽道,歡喜領受;這等人[these]沒有根,不過暫時相信,及至遇見試探就倒退[temptation fall away]了。

14 那落在荊棘裏的,就是人聽了道,走開以後,被今生的思慮、錢財、宴樂擠住了,便結不出成熟的子粒來。

15 唯有[But]落在好土[on]的,就是人聽了道,持守在誠實善良的心裏,並且忍耐著結[fruit]

16 「沒有人點[candle]用器皿蓋上,或放在床底下;乃是[setteth]燭臺[candlestick]上,叫進來的人看見亮光。

17 因為隱瞞[secret]的事沒有不顯出來的;掩藏[hid]的事沒有不[come aboard]出來被人知道的。

18 所以,你們應當小心怎樣聽;因為凡有的,還要加給他;凡沒有的,連他自以為有的,也要奪去。」

19 當下[Then],耶穌的母親和他弟兄來了,因為人多,不得到他跟前。

20 有人告訴他說:「你母親和你弟兄站在外邊,要見你。」

21 耶穌回答對他們[said unto them]說:「聽了神之道而遵行的人就是我的母親,我的弟兄了。」

22 有一天,耶穌和[his]門徒上了船,對門徒說:「我們可以渡到湖那邊去。」他們就開了船。

23 他們行船[they sailed]的時候,耶穌[But]睡著了。湖上忽然起了暴風;他們就被水所淹[and they were filled with water],甚是危險。

24 門徒來叫醒了他,說:「夫子,夫子,我們喪命啦。」耶穌[Then]起來[arose],斥責那狂風大浪;風浪就止住,平靜了。

25 耶穌對他們說:「你們的信心在哪裏呢?」他們又懼怕又希奇,彼此說:「這是怎樣的人[What manner of man is this]。他吩咐風和水,連風和水也聽從他了。」

26 他們到了加大拉人[Gadarenes]的地方,就是加利利的對面。

27 耶穌上了岸,就有城裏一個被鬼魔[devils]附著許久[long time]的人迎面而來,這個人不穿衣服[ware no clothes],不住房子,只住在墳塋裏。

28 他見了耶穌,就俯伏在他面前,大聲喊叫,說:「你這[thou]至高神的兒子耶穌,我與你有甚麼相干?[I]求你不要叫我受苦。」

29 (是因耶穌曾吩咐污[spirit]從那人身上出來。原來這污靈[unclean spirit]屢次抓住他。他常被[he was kept]鐵鏈和腳鐐捆鎖;他竟把鎖鏈掙斷,被那鬼魔[the devil]趕到曠野去。)

30 耶穌問他說:「你名叫甚麼?」他說:「我名叫『群』。」這是因為附著他的鬼魔甚多[many devils]

31 牠們[they]就央求耶穌,不要吩咐他們到無底坑裏去。

32 那裏有一大群豬在山上餵食[feeding]牠們[they]央求耶穌,准他們進入豬裏去。耶穌准了他們。

33 鬼魔[devils]就從那人出來,進入豬裏去;於是那群豬闖下山坡[steep place],投在湖裏淹死了。

34 放豬的[When]見所作的事[saw what was done],就逃跑了,將這事[it]去告訴城裏和鄉下的人。

35 眾人[Then]出來要看所作的[was done]事;到了耶穌那裏,看見鬼魔[devils]所離開的那人,坐在耶穌腳前,穿著衣服,心裏明白過來。他們就害怕。

36 看見這事的[also]將被鬼魔[devils]附著的人怎麼得醫治[healed]告訴他們。

37 加大拉[Gadarenes]四圍的眾人[whole multitude],因為害怕得很,都求耶穌離開他們;耶穌[again]上船,離開回去[returned back]了。

38 鬼魔[devils]所離開的那人懇求和耶穌同在;耶穌卻打發他回去,說:

39 「你回家去,表明[shew][unto]你作了何等大的事。」他就去,滿城裏傳揚耶穌[unto]他作了何等大的事。

40 耶穌回來的時侯,百姓歡喜接待[people gladly received]他;因為他們都等候他。

41 忽然[behold]有一個管會堂的,名叫葉魯;[he]來俯伏在耶穌腳前,求耶穌到他家裏去;

42 因他有一個獨生女兒,約有十二歲,快要死了。耶穌去的時候,百姓[people][But]擁擠他。

43 有一個女人,患了十二年的血漏,在醫生手裏花盡了她一切養生的,並沒有一人能醫好她,

44 來到耶穌背後,便摸他的衣邊[and touched border of his garment]她的[her]血漏立刻就止住了。

45 耶穌說:「摸我的是誰?」眾人[When]都不承認,彼得和同行的人[said]:「夫子,眾人擁擁擠擠緊靠著你,你還問『摸我的是誰』麼[and sayest thou, Who touched me]?」

46 耶穌說:「總有人摸我;因我覺得有能力從我身上出去。」

47 那女人知道不能隱藏,就戰戰兢兢的來俯伏在耶穌腳前,[she]把摸他的緣故和怎樣立刻得好了,當著眾人都說出來。

48 耶穌對她說:「女兒,放心吧[be of good comfort]。妳的信使妳痊癒了[made thee whole];平平安安的去罷。」

49 [he]還說話的時候,有人從管會堂的家裏來,對他[to him]說:「你的女兒死了;不要勞動夫子。」

50 然而[But]耶穌聽見了[heard],就回答[answered]他說:「不要怕,只要信,你的女兒就必得痊癒[made whole]。」

51 耶穌到了他的家,除了彼得、約翰、雅各,和女兒的父母,不許別人進去[suffered no man to go in]

52 眾人都為這女兒哀哭捶胸;耶穌[but]說:「不要哭;她不是死了,不過[but]是睡著了。」

53 他們曉得女兒已經死了,就嗤笑耶穌。

54 耶穌把他們都趕出去[put them all out]便[and]拉著她的手,呼叫說:「女兒,起來罷。」

55 她的靈便再[spirit came again]來,她就立刻起來了;耶穌吩咐給她東西吃。

56 她的父母驚奇得很;耶穌[but]囑咐他們,不要把所作的事告訴人。


Chapter 8

1 And it came1096 to pass afterward,2517 that he went1353 throughout2596 every2596 city4172 and village,2968 preaching2784 and showing the glad2097 tidings2097 of the kingdom932 of God:2316 and the twelve1427 were with him,

2 And certain5100 women,1135 which3739 had been healed2390 of evil4190 spirits4151 and infirmities,769 Mary3137 called2564 Magdalene,3094 out of whom3739 went1831 seven2033 devils,1140

3 And Joanna2489 the wife1135 of Chuza5529 Herod's2264 steward,2012 and Susanna,4677 and many4183 others,2087 which3748 ministered1247 to him of their substance.5224

4 And when much4183 people3793 were gathered4896 together,4896 and were come1975 to him out of every2596 city,4172 he spoke2036 by a parable:3850

5 A sower4687 went1831 out to sow4687 his seed:4703 and as he sowed,4687 some3588 3303 fell4098 by the way3598 side;3844 and it was trodden2662 down,2662 and the fowls4071 of the air3772 devoured2719 it.

6 And some2087 fell4098 on a rock;4073 and as soon as it was sprung5453 up, it withered3583 away, because1223 it lacked3361 2192 moisture.2429

7 And some2087 fell4098 among1722 3319 thorns;173 and the thorns173 sprang4855 up with it, and choked638 it.

8 And other2087 fell4098 on1519 good18 ground,1093 and sprang5453 up, and bore4160 fruit2590 an hundred times.1542 And when he had said3004 these5023 things, he cried,5455 He that has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

9 And his disciples3101 asked1905 him, saying,3004 What5101 might this3778 parable3850 be?

10 And he said,2036 To you it is given1325 to know1097 the mysteries3466 of the kingdom932 of God:2316 but to others3062 in parables;3850 that seeing991 they might not see,991 and hearing191 they might not understand.4920

11 Now1161 the parable3850 is this:3778 The seed4703 is the word3056 of God.2316

12 Those3588 by the way3598 side3844 are they that hear;191 then1534 comes2064 the devil,1228 and takes142 away142 the word3056 out of their hearts,2588 lest2443 3361 they should believe4100 and be saved.4982

13 They on1909 the rock4073 are they, which,3739 when3752 they hear,191 receive1209 the word3056 with joy;5479 and these3778 have2192 no3756 root,4491 which3739 for a while2540 believe,4100 and in time2540 of temptation3986 fall868 away.868

14 And that which fell4098 among1519 thorns173 are they, which, when they have heard,191 go4198 forth,4198 and are choked4846 with cares3308 and riches4149 and pleasures2237 of this3588 life,979 and bring5052 no3756 fruit5062 to perfection.5052

15 But that on1722 the good2570 ground1093 are they, which3748 in an honest2570 and good18 heart,2588 having heard191 the word,3056 keep2722 it, and bring2592 forth fruit2592 with patience.5281

16 No3762 man,3762 when he has lighted681 a candle,3088 covers2572 it with a vessel,4632 or2228 puts5087 it under5270 a bed;2825 but sets2007 it on1909 a candlestick,3087 that they which enter1531 in may see991 the light.5457

17 For nothing3756 is secret,2927 that shall not be made1096 manifest;5318 neither3761 any thing hid,614 that shall not be known1097 and come2064 abroad.1519 5318

18 Take heed991 therefore3767 how4459 you hear:191 for whoever3739 302 has,2192 to him shall be given;1325 and whoever3739 302 has2192 not, from him shall be taken142 even2532 that which3739 he seems1380 to have.2192

19 Then1161 came3854 to him his mother3384 and his brothers,80 and could1410 not come4940 at1519 him for the press.3793

20 And it was told518 him by certain which said,3004 Your mother3384 and your brothers80 stand2476 without,1854 desiring2309 to see1492 you.

21 And he answered611 and said2036 to them, My mother3384 and my brothers80 are these3778 which3588 hear191 the word3056 of God,2316 and do4160 it.

22 Now2532 it came1096 to pass on1722 a certain1520 day,2250 that he went1684 into1519 a ship4143 with his disciples:3101 and he said2036 to them, Let us go1330 over1330 to the other4008 side4008 of the lake.3041 And they launched321 forth.321

23 But as they sailed4126 he fell asleep:879 and there came2597 down2597 a storm2978 of wind417 on1519 the lake;3041 and they were filled4845 with water, and were in jeopardy.2793

24 And they came4334 to him, and awoke1326 him, saying,3004 Master,1988 master,1988 we perish.622 Then1161 he arose,1453 and rebuked2008 the wind417 and the raging2830 of the water:5204 and they ceased,3973 and there was a calm.1055

25 And he said2036 to them, Where4226 is your5216 faith?4102 And they being afraid5399 wondered,2296 saying3004 one240 to another,240 What5101 686 manner686 of man is this!3778 for he commands2004 even2532 the winds417 and water,5204 and they obey5219 him.

26 And they arrived2668 at1519 the country5561 of the Gadarenes,1046 which3748 is over495 against495 Galilee.1056

27 And when he went1831 forth1831 to land,1095 there met5221 him out of the city4172 a certain5100 man,435 which3739 had2192 devils1140 long2425 time,5550 and ware1737 no3756 clothes,2440 neither2532 3756 stayed3306 in any house,3614 but in the tombs.3418

28 When he saw1492 Jesus,2424 he cried349 out, and fell4363 down before4363 him, and with a loud3173 voice5456 said,2036 What5101 have I to do with you, Jesus,2424 you Son5207 of God2316 most5310 high?5310 I beseech1189 you, torment928 me not.

29 (For he had commanded3853 the unclean169 spirit4151 to come1831 out of the man.444 For oftentimes4183 5550 it had caught4884 him: and he was kept5442 bound1196 with chains254 and in fetters;3976 and he broke1284 the bands,1199 and was driven1643 of the devil1142 into1519 the wilderness.2048)

30 And Jesus2424 asked1905 him, saying,3004 What5101 is your name?3686 And he said,2036 Legion:3003 because3754 many4183 devils1140 were entered1525 into1519 him.

31 And they sought3870 him that he would not command2004 them to go565 out into1519 the deep.12

32 And there1563 was there an herd34 of many2425 swine5519 feeding1006 on1722 the mountain:3735 and they sought3870 him that he would suffer2010 them to enter1525 into1519 them. And he suffered2010 them.

33 Then1161 went1831 the devils1140 out of the man,444 and entered1525 into1519 the swine:5519 and the herd34 ran3729 violently down2596 a steep2911 place into1519 the lake,3041 and were choked.638

34 When they that fed1006 them saw1492 what3588 was done,1096 they fled,5343 and went565 and told518 it in the city4172 and in the country.68

35 Then1161 they went1831 out to see1492 what3588 was done;1096 and came2064 to Jesus,2424 and found2147 the man,444 out of whom3739 the devils1140 were departed,1831 sitting2521 at3844 the feet4228 of Jesus,2424 clothed,2439 and in his right4993 mind:4993 and they were afraid.5399

36 They also2532 which saw1492 it told518 them by what4459 means4459 he that was possessed1139 of the devils1139 was healed.4982

37 Then2532 the whole537 multitude4128 of the country4066 of the Gadarenes1046 round4066 about4066 sought2065 him to depart565 from them; for they were taken4912 with great3173 fear:5401 and he went1684 up into1519 the ship,4143 and returned5290 back5290 again.5290

38 Now1161 the man435 out of whom3739 the devils1140 were departed1831 sought1189 him that he might be with him: but Jesus2424 sent630 him away,630 saying,3004

39 Return5290 to your4675 own house,3624 and show1334 how3745 great3745 things God2316 has done4160 to you. And he went565 his way,3598 and published2784 throughout2596 the whole3650 city4172 how3745 great3745 things Jesus2424 had done4160 to him.

40 And it came1096 to pass, that, when1722 3588 Jesus2424 was returned,5290 the people3793 gladly2234 received588 him: for they were all3956 waiting4328 for him.

41 And, behold,2400 there came2064 a man435 named3686 Jairus,2383 and he was a ruler758 of the synagogue:4864 and he fell4098 down at3844 Jesus'2424 feet,4228 and sought3870 him that he would come1525 into1519 his house:3624

42 For he had1510 one only3439 daughter,2364 about5613 twelve1427 years2094 of age, and she lay a dying.599 But as he went5217 the people3793 thronged4846 him.

43 And a woman1135 having5607 1722 an issue4511 of blood129 twelve1427 years,2094 which3748 had spent4321 all3956 her living979 on physicians,2395 neither3756 could2480 be healed2323 of any,3762

44 Came4334 behind3693 him, and touched680 the border2899 of his garment:2440 and immediately3916 her issue4511 of blood129 stanched.2476

45 And Jesus2424 said,2036 Who5101 touched680 me? When all3956 denied,720 Peter4074 and they that were with him said,2036 Master,1988 the multitude3793 throng4912 you and press598 you, and say2036 you, Who5101 touched680 me?

46 And Jesus2424 said,2036 Somebody5100 has touched680 me: for I perceive1097 that virtue1411 is gone1831 out of me.

47 And when the woman1135 saw1492 that she was not hid,2990 she came2064 trembling,5141 and falling4363 down before4363 him, she declared518 to him before1799 all3956 the people2992 for what3739 cause156 she had touched680 him, and how5613 she was healed2390 immediately.3916

48 And he said2036 to her, Daughter,2364 be of good comfort:2293 your faith4102 has made4982 you whole;4982 go4198 in peace.1515

49 While he yet2089 spoke,2980 there comes2064 one5100 from the ruler752 of the synagogue's752 house, saying3004 to him, Your daughter2364 is dead;2348 trouble4660 not the Master.1320

50 But when Jesus2424 heard191 it, he answered611 him, saying,3004 Fear5399 not: believe4100 only,3440 and she shall be made4982 whole.4982

51 And when he came1525 into1519 the house,3614 he suffered863 no3762 man3762 to go1525 in, save1508 Peter,4074 and James,2385 and John,2491 and the father3962 and the mother3384 of the maiden.3816

52 And all3956 wept,2799 and bewailed2875 her: but he said,2036 Weep2799 not; she is not dead,599 but sleeps.2518

53 And they laughed2606 him to scorn,2606 knowing1492 that she was dead.599

54 And he put1544 them all3956 out, and took2902 her by the hand,5495 and called,5455 saying,3004 Maid,3816 arise.1453

55 And her spirit4151 came1994 again,1994 and she arose450 straightway:3916 and he commanded1299 to give1325 her meat.5315

56 And her parents1118 were astonished:1839 but he charged3853 them that they should tell2036 no3367 man3367 what3588 was done.1096




Chapter 8

1 後來[And it came to pass afterward],耶穌周遊各城各鄉傳道,宣講神國的好信息[glad tidings]有十二個門徒和他同去[the twelve were with him]

1 And it came1096 to pass afterward,2517 that he went1353 throughout2596 every2596 city4172 and village,2968 preaching2784 and showing the glad2097 tidings2097 of the kingdom932 of God:2316 and the twelve1427 were with him,

2 還有被惡[spirits]所附、被疾病所累、已經治好的幾個婦女,內中有稱為抹大拉的馬利亞,曾有七個鬼魔[devils]從她身上趕出來,

2 And certain5100 women,1135 which3739 had been healed2390 of evil4190 spirits4151 and infirmities,769 Mary3137 called2564 Magdalene,3094 out of whom3739 went1831 seven2033 devils,1140

3 又有希律的家宰苦撒的妻子約亞拿,並蘇撒拿,和許多[many]別的婦女,都是用自己的財物供給耶穌[him]

3 And Joanna2489 the wife1135 of Chuza5529 Herod's2264 steward,2012 and Susanna,4677 and many4183 others,2087 which3748 ministered1247 to him of their substance.5224

4 當許多人聚集、[and]從各城裏出來見耶穌的時候,耶穌就用比喻說:

4 And when much4183 people3793 were gathered4896 together,4896 and were come1975 to him out of every2596 city,4172 he spoke2036 by a parable:3850

5 「有一個撒種的出去,撒他的[his]種。[he]撒的時候,有落在路旁的;種被踹下[it was trodden down],天上的飛鳥又把種吃了[devoured it]

5 A sower4687 went1831 out to sow4687 his seed:4703 and as he sowed,4687 some3588 3303 fell4098 by the way3598 side;3844 and it was trodden2662 down,2662 and the fowls4071 of the air3772 devoured2719 it.

6 有落在磐石上的;一發苗[sprung up]就枯乾了,因它[because it]得不著滋潤。

6 And some2087 fell4098 on a rock;4073 and as soon as it was sprung5453 up, it withered3583 away, because1223 it lacked3361 2192 moisture.2429

7 有落在荊棘裏的;荊棘一同生長,把它擠住了。

7 And some2087 fell4098 among1722 3319 thorns;173 and the thorns173 sprang4855 up with it, and choked638 it.

8 又有落在好土[on]的,發起苗[sprang up]來,結[fruit]百倍。」耶穌說了這些話,就大聲說:「有耳可聽的,就應當聽。」

8 And other2087 fell4098 on1519 good18 ground,1093 and sprang5453 up, and bore4160 fruit2590 an hundred times.1542 And when he had said3004 these5023 things, he cried,5455 He that has2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

9 他的[his]門徒問耶穌說:「這比喻是甚麼意思呢?」

9 And his disciples3101 asked1905 him, saying,3004 What5101 might this3778 parable3850 be?

10 他說:「神國的奧秘只叫你們知道。至於別人,就用比喻;叫他們看也看不見,聽也聽不明。」

10 And he said,2036 To you it is given1325 to know1097 the mysteries3466 of the kingdom932 of God:2316 but to others3062 in parables;3850 that seeing991 they might not see,991 and hearing191 they might not understand.4920

11 「這比喻乃是這樣:種子就是神的道。

11 Now1161 the parable3850 is this:3778 The seed4703 is the word3056 of God.2316

12 那些在路旁的,就是聽道的人[they that hear];隨後魔鬼來,從他們心裏把道奪去,恐怕他們信了得救。

12 Those3588 by the way3598 side3844 are they that hear;191 then1534 comes2064 the devil,1228 and takes142 away142 the word3056 out of their hearts,2588 lest2443 3361 they should believe4100 and be saved.4982

13 那些在磐石上的,就是人聽道,歡喜領受;這等人[these]沒有根,不過暫時相信,及至遇見試探就倒退[temptation fall away]了。

13 They on1909 the rock4073 are they, which,3739 when3752 they hear,191 receive1209 the word3056 with joy;5479 and these3778 have2192 no3756 root,4491 which3739 for a while2540 believe,4100 and in time2540 of temptation3986 fall868 away.868

14 那落在荊棘裏的,就是人聽了道,走開以後,被今生的思慮、錢財、宴樂擠住了,便結不出成熟的子粒來。

14 And that which fell4098 among1519 thorns173 are they, which, when they have heard,191 go4198 forth,4198 and are choked4846 with cares3308 and riches4149 and pleasures2237 of this3588 life,979 and bring5052 no3756 fruit5062 to perfection.5052

15 唯有[But]落在好土[on]的,就是人聽了道,持守在誠實善良的心裏,並且忍耐著結[fruit]

15 But that on1722 the good2570 ground1093 are they, which3748 in an honest2570 and good18 heart,2588 having heard191 the word,3056 keep2722 it, and bring2592 forth fruit2592 with patience.5281

16 「沒有人點[candle]用器皿蓋上,或放在床底下;乃是[setteth]燭臺[candlestick]上,叫進來的人看見亮光。

16 No3762 man,3762 when he has lighted681 a candle,3088 covers2572 it with a vessel,4632 or2228 puts5087 it under5270 a bed;2825 but sets2007 it on1909 a candlestick,3087 that they which enter1531 in may see991 the light.5457

17 因為隱瞞[secret]的事沒有不顯出來的;掩藏[hid]的事沒有不[come aboard]出來被人知道的。

17 For nothing3756 is secret,2927 that shall not be made1096 manifest;5318 neither3761 any thing hid,614 that shall not be known1097 and come2064 abroad.1519 5318

18 所以,你們應當小心怎樣聽;因為凡有的,還要加給他;凡沒有的,連他自以為有的,也要奪去。」

18 Take heed991 therefore3767 how4459 you hear:191 for whoever3739 302 has,2192 to him shall be given;1325 and whoever3739 302 has2192 not, from him shall be taken142 even2532 that which3739 he seems1380 to have.2192

19 當下[Then],耶穌的母親和他弟兄來了,因為人多,不得到他跟前。

19 Then1161 came3854 to him his mother3384 and his brothers,80 and could1410 not come4940 at1519 him for the press.3793

20 有人告訴他說:「你母親和你弟兄站在外邊,要見你。」

20 And it was told518 him by certain which said,3004 Your mother3384 and your brothers80 stand2476 without,1854 desiring2309 to see1492 you.

21 耶穌回答對他們[said unto them]說:「聽了神之道而遵行的人就是我的母親,我的弟兄了。」

21 And he answered611 and said2036 to them, My mother3384 and my brothers80 are these3778 which3588 hear191 the word3056 of God,2316 and do4160 it.

22 有一天,耶穌和[his]門徒上了船,對門徒說:「我們可以渡到湖那邊去。」他們就開了船。

22 Now2532 it came1096 to pass on1722 a certain1520 day,2250 that he went1684 into1519 a ship4143 with his disciples:3101 and he said2036 to them, Let us go1330 over1330 to the other4008 side4008 of the lake.3041 And they launched321 forth.321

23 他們行船[they sailed]的時候,耶穌[But]睡著了。湖上忽然起了暴風;他們就被水所淹[and they were filled with water],甚是危險。

23 But as they sailed4126 he fell asleep:879 and there came2597 down2597 a storm2978 of wind417 on1519 the lake;3041 and they were filled4845 with water, and were in jeopardy.2793

24 門徒來叫醒了他,說:「夫子,夫子,我們喪命啦。」耶穌[Then]起來[arose],斥責那狂風大浪;風浪就止住,平靜了。

24 And they came4334 to him, and awoke1326 him, saying,3004 Master,1988 master,1988 we perish.622 Then1161 he arose,1453 and rebuked2008 the wind417 and the raging2830 of the water:5204 and they ceased,3973 and there was a calm.1055

25 耶穌對他們說:「你們的信心在哪裏呢?」他們又懼怕又希奇,彼此說:「這是怎樣的人[What manner of man is this]。他吩咐風和水,連風和水也聽從他了。」

25 And he said2036 to them, Where4226 is your5216 faith?4102 And they being afraid5399 wondered,2296 saying3004 one240 to another,240 What5101 686 manner686 of man is this!3778 for he commands2004 even2532 the winds417 and water,5204 and they obey5219 him.

26 他們到了加大拉人[Gadarenes]的地方,就是加利利的對面。

26 And they arrived2668 at1519 the country5561 of the Gadarenes,1046 which3748 is over495 against495 Galilee.1056

27 耶穌上了岸,就有城裏一個被鬼魔[devils]附著許久[long time]的人迎面而來,這個人不穿衣服[ware no clothes],不住房子,只住在墳塋裏。

27 And when he went1831 forth1831 to land,1095 there met5221 him out of the city4172 a certain5100 man,435 which3739 had2192 devils1140 long2425 time,5550 and ware1737 no3756 clothes,2440 neither2532 3756 stayed3306 in any house,3614 but in the tombs.3418

28 他見了耶穌,就俯伏在他面前,大聲喊叫,說:「你這[thou]至高神的兒子耶穌,我與你有甚麼相干?[I]求你不要叫我受苦。」

28 When he saw1492 Jesus,2424 he cried349 out, and fell4363 down before4363 him, and with a loud3173 voice5456 said,2036 What5101 have I to do with you, Jesus,2424 you Son5207 of God2316 most5310 high?5310 I beseech1189 you, torment928 me not.

29 (是因耶穌曾吩咐污[spirit]從那人身上出來。原來這污靈[unclean spirit]屢次抓住他。他常被[he was kept]鐵鏈和腳鐐捆鎖;他竟把鎖鏈掙斷,被那鬼魔[the devil]趕到曠野去。)

29 (For he had commanded3853 the unclean169 spirit4151 to come1831 out of the man.444 For oftentimes4183 5550 it had caught4884 him: and he was kept5442 bound1196 with chains254 and in fetters;3976 and he broke1284 the bands,1199 and was driven1643 of the devil1142 into1519 the wilderness.2048)

30 耶穌問他說:「你名叫甚麼?」他說:「我名叫『群』。」這是因為附著他的鬼魔甚多[many devils]

30 And Jesus2424 asked1905 him, saying,3004 What5101 is your name?3686 And he said,2036 Legion:3003 because3754 many4183 devils1140 were entered1525 into1519 him.

31 牠們[they]就央求耶穌,不要吩咐他們到無底坑裏去。

31 And they sought3870 him that he would not command2004 them to go565 out into1519 the deep.12

32 那裏有一大群豬在山上餵食[feeding]牠們[they]央求耶穌,准他們進入豬裏去。耶穌准了他們。

32 And there1563 was there an herd34 of many2425 swine5519 feeding1006 on1722 the mountain:3735 and they sought3870 him that he would suffer2010 them to enter1525 into1519 them. And he suffered2010 them.

33 鬼魔[devils]就從那人出來,進入豬裏去;於是那群豬闖下山坡[steep place],投在湖裏淹死了。

33 Then1161 went1831 the devils1140 out of the man,444 and entered1525 into1519 the swine:5519 and the herd34 ran3729 violently down2596 a steep2911 place into1519 the lake,3041 and were choked.638

34 放豬的[When]見所作的事[saw what was done],就逃跑了,將這事[it]去告訴城裏和鄉下的人。

34 When they that fed1006 them saw1492 what3588 was done,1096 they fled,5343 and went565 and told518 it in the city4172 and in the country.68

35 眾人[Then]出來要看所作的[was done]事;到了耶穌那裏,看見鬼魔[devils]所離開的那人,坐在耶穌腳前,穿著衣服,心裏明白過來。他們就害怕。

35 Then1161 they went1831 out to see1492 what3588 was done;1096 and came2064 to Jesus,2424 and found2147 the man,444 out of whom3739 the devils1140 were departed,1831 sitting2521 at3844 the feet4228 of Jesus,2424 clothed,2439 and in his right4993 mind:4993 and they were afraid.5399

36 看見這事的[also]將被鬼魔[devils]附著的人怎麼得醫治[healed]告訴他們。

36 They also2532 which saw1492 it told518 them by what4459 means4459 he that was possessed1139 of the devils1139 was healed.4982

37 加大拉[Gadarenes]四圍的眾人[whole multitude],因為害怕得很,都求耶穌離開他們;耶穌[again]上船,離開回去[returned back]了。

37 Then2532 the whole537 multitude4128 of the country4066 of the Gadarenes1046 round4066 about4066 sought2065 him to depart565 from them; for they were taken4912 with great3173 fear:5401 and he went1684 up into1519 the ship,4143 and returned5290 back5290 again.5290

38 鬼魔[devils]所離開的那人懇求和耶穌同在;耶穌卻打發他回去,說:

38 Now1161 the man435 out of whom3739 the devils1140 were departed1831 sought1189 him that he might be with him: but Jesus2424 sent630 him away,630 saying,3004

39 「你回家去,表明[shew][unto]你作了何等大的事。」他就去,滿城裏傳揚耶穌[unto]他作了何等大的事。

39 Return5290 to your4675 own house,3624 and show1334 how3745 great3745 things God2316 has done4160 to you. And he went565 his way,3598 and published2784 throughout2596 the whole3650 city4172 how3745 great3745 things Jesus2424 had done4160 to him.

40 耶穌回來的時侯,百姓歡喜接待[people gladly received]他;因為他們都等候他。

40 And it came1096 to pass, that, when1722 3588 Jesus2424 was returned,5290 the people3793 gladly2234 received588 him: for they were all3956 waiting4328 for him.

41 忽然[behold]有一個管會堂的,名叫葉魯;[he]來俯伏在耶穌腳前,求耶穌到他家裏去;

41 And, behold,2400 there came2064 a man435 named3686 Jairus,2383 and he was a ruler758 of the synagogue:4864 and he fell4098 down at3844 Jesus'2424 feet,4228 and sought3870 him that he would come1525 into1519 his house:3624

42 因他有一個獨生女兒,約有十二歲,快要死了。耶穌去的時候,百姓[people][But]擁擠他。

42 For he had1510 one only3439 daughter,2364 about5613 twelve1427 years2094 of age, and she lay a dying.599 But as he went5217 the people3793 thronged4846 him.

43 有一個女人,患了十二年的血漏,在醫生手裏花盡了她一切養生的,並沒有一人能醫好她,

43 And a woman1135 having5607 1722 an issue4511 of blood129 twelve1427 years,2094 which3748 had spent4321 all3956 her living979 on physicians,2395 neither3756 could2480 be healed2323 of any,3762

44 來到耶穌背後,便摸他的衣邊[and touched border of his garment]她的[her]血漏立刻就止住了。

44 Came4334 behind3693 him, and touched680 the border2899 of his garment:2440 and immediately3916 her issue4511 of blood129 stanched.2476

45 耶穌說:「摸我的是誰?」眾人[When]都不承認,彼得和同行的人[said]:「夫子,眾人擁擁擠擠緊靠著你,你還問『摸我的是誰』麼[and sayest thou, Who touched me]?」

45 And Jesus2424 said,2036 Who5101 touched680 me? When all3956 denied,720 Peter4074 and they that were with him said,2036 Master,1988 the multitude3793 throng4912 you and press598 you, and say2036 you, Who5101 touched680 me?

46 耶穌說:「總有人摸我;因我覺得有能力從我身上出去。」

46 And Jesus2424 said,2036 Somebody5100 has touched680 me: for I perceive1097 that virtue1411 is gone1831 out of me.

47 那女人知道不能隱藏,就戰戰兢兢的來俯伏在耶穌腳前,[she]把摸他的緣故和怎樣立刻得好了,當著眾人都說出來。

47 And when the woman1135 saw1492 that she was not hid,2990 she came2064 trembling,5141 and falling4363 down before4363 him, she declared518 to him before1799 all3956 the people2992 for what3739 cause156 she had touched680 him, and how5613 she was healed2390 immediately.3916

48 耶穌對她說:「女兒,放心吧[be of good comfort]。妳的信使妳痊癒了[made thee whole];平平安安的去罷。」

48 And he said2036 to her, Daughter,2364 be of good comfort:2293 your faith4102 has made4982 you whole;4982 go4198 in peace.1515

49 [he]還說話的時候,有人從管會堂的家裏來,對他[to him]說:「你的女兒死了;不要勞動夫子。」

49 While he yet2089 spoke,2980 there comes2064 one5100 from the ruler752 of the synagogue's752 house, saying3004 to him, Your daughter2364 is dead;2348 trouble4660 not the Master.1320

50 然而[But]耶穌聽見了[heard],就回答[answered]他說:「不要怕,只要信,你的女兒就必得痊癒[made whole]。」

50 But when Jesus2424 heard191 it, he answered611 him, saying,3004 Fear5399 not: believe4100 only,3440 and she shall be made4982 whole.4982

51 耶穌到了他的家,除了彼得、約翰、雅各,和女兒的父母,不許別人進去[suffered no man to go in]

51 And when he came1525 into1519 the house,3614 he suffered863 no3762 man3762 to go1525 in, save1508 Peter,4074 and James,2385 and John,2491 and the father3962 and the mother3384 of the maiden.3816

52 眾人都為這女兒哀哭捶胸;耶穌[but]說:「不要哭;她不是死了,不過[but]是睡著了。」

52 And all3956 wept,2799 and bewailed2875 her: but he said,2036 Weep2799 not; she is not dead,599 but sleeps.2518

53 他們曉得女兒已經死了,就嗤笑耶穌。

53 And they laughed2606 him to scorn,2606 knowing1492 that she was dead.599

54 耶穌把他們都趕出去[put them all out]便[and]拉著她的手,呼叫說:「女兒,起來罷。」

54 And he put1544 them all3956 out, and took2902 her by the hand,5495 and called,5455 saying,3004 Maid,3816 arise.1453

55 她的靈便再[spirit came again]來,她就立刻起來了;耶穌吩咐給她東西吃。

55 And her spirit4151 came1994 again,1994 and she arose450 straightway:3916 and he commanded1299 to give1325 her meat.5315

56 她的父母驚奇得很;耶穌[but]囑咐他們,不要把所作的事告訴人。

56 And her parents1118 were astonished:1839 but he charged3853 them that they should tell2036 no3367 man3367 what3588 was done.1096
