

1 (此詩爲哥喇子孫而作使伶長歌之)天下億兆、貧富尊卑、宜聽我言兮、


3 我心惟智是懷、我口惟道是述兮、

4 諺言隱語、我傾耳以諦聽、鼓琴以詠歌兮。

5 患難之際、仇敵設伏以環攻、我何懼兮、

6 彼恃貨財、誇豐富兮、

7 然生命將絕、雖有密友不能贖之、而上帝錫以齡兮、

8 生命之價、旣貴且昻、欲贖無從兮、

9 不能壽世、而體不朽兮、

10 我觀智慧者死、愚蠢者亡、遺業於後兮、

11 揣彼之心、意謂家必恒存、室可垂後、聲名揚於寰宇兮、

12 人爵雖顯、不得永存、猶禽獸之速亡兮。

13 世人所爲、不智孰甚、後人效之兮。

14 瘟滅若羊、蚯蚓嘬兮、彼在塚中、形骸喪兮、至於異日、義人勝之兮、

15 上帝待予以恩、將拯余於陰府兮。

16 人有貨財、家以顯榮、毋庸畏彼兮、

17 迨其臨沒、不攜一物、尊榮不隨其身兮、

18 生存之時、以爲獲福、自奉奢靡、人咸欣羨之兮、

19 必返其本、不見光明。

20 人爵雖顯、智慧不具、其亡也無異禽獸兮。


Psalm 49

1 HEAR this, all people; give ear, all inhabitants of the world,

2 Children of earth and sons of men, rich and poor together.

3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.

4 I will incline my ear to parables; I will chant my proverbs upon the harp.

5 I will fear not in days of evil, when the iniquity of my enemies shall surround me,

6 They who trust in their own strength and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches.

7 A brother cannot save a brother, nor can a man give to God a ransom for himself;

8 For the redemption of their souls is precious:

9 Do good for ever and you shall live for ever, and not see corruption.

10 But you will see wise men die; likewise the fool and the weak minded shall perish and leave their wealth to others.

11 Their graves shall be their only habitations for ever, and their dwelling places throughout generations; their marked graves will be their only remembrance on earth.

12 Nevertheless, such a man is not sustained by his honour; his end will be as the beasts, and he will perish.

13 This their way is their folly; in the end, demented, they will graze like cattle.

14 Like sheep they are consigned to the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; the grave shall consume their beauty, and they shall be cast out from their glory.

15 But God will redeem my soul; from the power of the grave he will raise me up.

16 Be not afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased;

17 For when he dies he shall carry nothing away; neither shall his glory descend after him.

18 For while he lived, he lived comfortably; he praised you when you favored him.

19 His end shall be as his father's was before him; they shall never see light.

20 Man cannot depend upon his honor for consolation, for if he does, he resembles the wild beasts.




Psalm 49

1 (此詩爲哥喇子孫而作使伶長歌之)天下億兆、貧富尊卑、宜聽我言兮、

1 HEAR this, all people; give ear, all inhabitants of the world,


2 Children of earth and sons of men, rich and poor together.

3 我心惟智是懷、我口惟道是述兮、

3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.

4 諺言隱語、我傾耳以諦聽、鼓琴以詠歌兮。

4 I will incline my ear to parables; I will chant my proverbs upon the harp.

5 患難之際、仇敵設伏以環攻、我何懼兮、

5 I will fear not in days of evil, when the iniquity of my enemies shall surround me,

6 彼恃貨財、誇豐富兮、

6 They who trust in their own strength and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches.

7 然生命將絕、雖有密友不能贖之、而上帝錫以齡兮、

7 A brother cannot save a brother, nor can a man give to God a ransom for himself;

8 生命之價、旣貴且昻、欲贖無從兮、

8 For the redemption of their souls is precious:

9 不能壽世、而體不朽兮、

9 Do good for ever and you shall live for ever, and not see corruption.

10 我觀智慧者死、愚蠢者亡、遺業於後兮、

10 But you will see wise men die; likewise the fool and the weak minded shall perish and leave their wealth to others.

11 揣彼之心、意謂家必恒存、室可垂後、聲名揚於寰宇兮、

11 Their graves shall be their only habitations for ever, and their dwelling places throughout generations; their marked graves will be their only remembrance on earth.

12 人爵雖顯、不得永存、猶禽獸之速亡兮。

12 Nevertheless, such a man is not sustained by his honour; his end will be as the beasts, and he will perish.

13 世人所爲、不智孰甚、後人效之兮。

13 This their way is their folly; in the end, demented, they will graze like cattle.

14 瘟滅若羊、蚯蚓嘬兮、彼在塚中、形骸喪兮、至於異日、義人勝之兮、

14 Like sheep they are consigned to the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; the grave shall consume their beauty, and they shall be cast out from their glory.

15 上帝待予以恩、將拯余於陰府兮。

15 But God will redeem my soul; from the power of the grave he will raise me up.

16 人有貨財、家以顯榮、毋庸畏彼兮、

16 Be not afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased;

17 迨其臨沒、不攜一物、尊榮不隨其身兮、

17 For when he dies he shall carry nothing away; neither shall his glory descend after him.

18 生存之時、以爲獲福、自奉奢靡、人咸欣羨之兮、

18 For while he lived, he lived comfortably; he praised you when you favored him.

19 必返其本、不見光明。

19 His end shall be as his father's was before him; they shall never see light.

20 人爵雖顯、智慧不具、其亡也無異禽獸兮。

20 Man cannot depend upon his honor for consolation, for if he does, he resembles the wild beasts.
