

1 我臨深淵、呼籲耶和華、

2 望主垂聽、不我遐棄兮、

3 耶和華兮、若爾鑒察惡行、人難自立兮、

4 惟爾赦宥頻加、使人敬畏爾兮、

5 耶和華兮、余恒仰望爾、昔有應許之言、爾其踐之兮、

6 我惟主是望、較彼衆人、守夜不寢、坐以待旦者、尤切尤甚兮、

7 耶和華兮、矜憫爲懷、救人不倦、以色列族當企望之兮、

8 耶和華必拯救以色列族、赦其愆尤兮。


Psalm 130

1 BUT of the depths have I cried to thee, O LORD, and thou hast heard my voice.

2 Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.

3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O LORD, who shall stand?

4 Because forgiveness comes from thee, thou mayest be revered.

5 I trust in the LORD, my soul waits for his word.

6 I have waited for the LORD from the morning watch even until the night watch.

7 Let Israel hope in the LORD; from him comes mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.

8 He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.




Psalm 130

1 我臨深淵、呼籲耶和華、

1 BUT of the depths have I cried to thee, O LORD, and thou hast heard my voice.

2 望主垂聽、不我遐棄兮、

2 Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.

3 耶和華兮、若爾鑒察惡行、人難自立兮、

3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O LORD, who shall stand?

4 惟爾赦宥頻加、使人敬畏爾兮、

4 Because forgiveness comes from thee, thou mayest be revered.

5 耶和華兮、余恒仰望爾、昔有應許之言、爾其踐之兮、

5 I trust in the LORD, my soul waits for his word.

6 我惟主是望、較彼衆人、守夜不寢、坐以待旦者、尤切尤甚兮、

6 I have waited for the LORD from the morning watch even until the night watch.

7 耶和華兮、矜憫爲懷、救人不倦、以色列族當企望之兮、

7 Let Israel hope in the LORD; from him comes mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.

8 耶和華必拯救以色列族、赦其愆尤兮。

8 He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
