

1 過了安息日,抹大拉的馬利亞,雅各的母親馬利亞,並撒羅米,買了香膏要去膏耶穌的身體。

2 七日的第一日清早,出太陽的時候,她們來到墳墓那裏。

3 她們[they said]彼此說:「誰[shall]給我們把石頭從墓門滾開呢?」

4 她們一看[when they looked][saw]石頭已經滾開了;那石頭原來很大[for it was very great]

5 她們進了墳墓,看見一個少年人坐在右邊,穿著白色長衣[long white garment]她們[they]就甚驚恐。

6 那少年人對她們說:「不要驚恐。妳們尋找那釘十字架拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌。他已經復活了;[he]不在這裏。請看他們[they]安放他的地方。

7 [But]你們可以去,告訴他的門徒和彼得,說他在你們以先往加利利去;在那裏你們要見他,正如他從前所告訴你們的。」

8 她們就急忙[quickly]出來,從墳墓那裏逃跑;這是因她們[for they]又發抖又驚奇。她們[they]甚麼也不告訴人;因為她們害怕。

9 七日的第一日[first day of the week]清早,耶穌[when][was]復活了,就先向抹大拉的馬利亞顯現。耶穌從她身上曾趕出七個鬼魔[devils]

10 她去告訴那向來跟隨耶穌的人,那時他們正哀慟哭泣。

11 他們聽見耶穌活了,被馬利亞看見,卻是不信。

12 後來[After]門徒中間有兩個人往鄉下去,走路的時候,耶穌變了形像,向他們顯現。

13 他們就去,將這事[it]告訴其餘的門徒;其餘的門徒也不信他們[them]

14 後來,十一個門徒坐席的時候,耶穌向他們顯現,責備他們不信,心裏剛硬,因為他們不信那些在他復活以後看見他的人。

15 他又對他們說:「你們往普世上[world]去,傳福音給凡受造的[every creature]聽。

16 信而受浸的,必然得救;惟有[but]不信的,必被咒詛[damned]

17 信的人必有這些[these]神蹟隨著他們:就是他們[shall they]奉我的名趕出鬼魔[cast out devils]、說新方言、

18 他們[They]手能拿蛇、若喝了甚麼害命的[deadly]物,也必不受害;他們[They]手按病人,病人就必好了。」

19 [Lord]和他們說完了話,[So then]被接到天上,坐在神的右邊。

20 門徒出去,到處傳揚[preached]福音,主和他們同工,用神蹟隨著,證實所傳的道。阿們。


Chapter 16

1 And when the sabbath4521 was past,1230 Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 and Mary3137 the mother of James,2385 and Salome,4539 had bought59 sweet spices,759 that they might come2064 and anoint218 him.

2 And very3029 early260 4404 in the morning the first3391 day of the week,4521 they came2064 to the sepulcher3419 at the rising393 of the sun.2246

3 And they said3004 among4314 themselves,1438 Who5101 shall roll617 us away617 the stone3037 from the door2374 of the sepulcher?3419

4 And when they looked,308 they saw2334 that the stone3037 was rolled617 away:617 for it was very4970 great.3173

5 And entering1525 into1519 the sepulcher,3419 they saw1492 a young3495 man3495 sitting2521 on1722 the right1188 side,1188 clothed4016 in a long white3022 garment;4749 and they were affrighted.1568

6 And he said3004 to them, Be not affrighted:1568 You seek2212 Jesus2424 of Nazareth,3478 which3588 was crucified:4717 he is risen;1453 he is not here:5602 behold2396 the place5117 where3699 they laid5087 him.

7 But go5217 your way, tell2036 his disciples3101 and Peter4074 that he goes4254 before4254 you into1519 Galilee:1056 there1563 shall you see3700 him, as he said2036 to you.

8 And they went1831 out quickly,5035 and fled5343 from the sepulcher;3419 for they trembled2192 5156 and were amazed:1611 neither2532 3762 said2036 they any3762 thing to any3762 man;3762 for they were afraid.5399

9 Now1161 when Jesus was risen450 early260 4404 the first4413 day of the week,4521 he appeared5316 first4412 to Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 out of whom3739 he had cast1544 seven2033 devils.1140

10 And she went4198 and told518 them that had been1096 with him, as they mourned3996 and wept.2799

11 And they, when they had heard191 that he was alive,2198 and had been seen2300 of her, believed569 not.

12 After3326 that he appeared5319 in another2087 form3444 to two1417 of them, as they walked,4043 and went4198 into1519 the country.68

13 And they went565 and told518 it to the residue:3062 neither3761 believed4100 they them.

14 Afterward5305 he appeared5319 to the eleven1733 as they sat345 at345 meat, and upbraided3679 them with their unbelief570 and hardness4641 of heart,4641 because3754 they believed4100 not them which had seen2300 him after he was risen.1453

15 And he said2036 to them, Go4198 you into1519 all537 the world,2889 and preach2784 the gospel2098 to every3956 creature.2937

16 He that believes4100 and is baptized907 shall be saved;4982 but he that believes569 not shall be damned.2632

17 And these5023 signs4592 shall follow3877 them that believe;4100 In my name3686 shall they cast1544 out devils;1140 they shall speak2980 with new2537 tongues;1100

18 They shall take142 up serpents;3789 and if2579 they drink4095 any5100 deadly2286 thing, it shall not hurt984 them; they shall lay2007 hands5495 on1909 the sick,732 and they shall recover.2192 2573

19 So3303 then3767 after3326 the Lord2962 had spoken2980 to them, he was received353 up into1519 heaven,3772 and sat2523 on1537 the right1188 hand of God.2316

20 And they went1831 forth,1831 and preached2784 every3837 where,3837 the Lord2962 working4903 with them, and confirming950 the word3056 with signs4592 following.1872 Amen.281




Chapter 16

1 過了安息日,抹大拉的馬利亞,雅各的母親馬利亞,並撒羅米,買了香膏要去膏耶穌的身體。

1 And when the sabbath4521 was past,1230 Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 and Mary3137 the mother of James,2385 and Salome,4539 had bought59 sweet spices,759 that they might come2064 and anoint218 him.

2 七日的第一日清早,出太陽的時候,她們來到墳墓那裏。

2 And very3029 early260 4404 in the morning the first3391 day of the week,4521 they came2064 to the sepulcher3419 at the rising393 of the sun.2246

3 她們[they said]彼此說:「誰[shall]給我們把石頭從墓門滾開呢?」

3 And they said3004 among4314 themselves,1438 Who5101 shall roll617 us away617 the stone3037 from the door2374 of the sepulcher?3419

4 她們一看[when they looked][saw]石頭已經滾開了;那石頭原來很大[for it was very great]

4 And when they looked,308 they saw2334 that the stone3037 was rolled617 away:617 for it was very4970 great.3173

5 她們進了墳墓,看見一個少年人坐在右邊,穿著白色長衣[long white garment]她們[they]就甚驚恐。

5 And entering1525 into1519 the sepulcher,3419 they saw1492 a young3495 man3495 sitting2521 on1722 the right1188 side,1188 clothed4016 in a long white3022 garment;4749 and they were affrighted.1568

6 那少年人對她們說:「不要驚恐。妳們尋找那釘十字架拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌。他已經復活了;[he]不在這裏。請看他們[they]安放他的地方。

6 And he said3004 to them, Be not affrighted:1568 You seek2212 Jesus2424 of Nazareth,3478 which3588 was crucified:4717 he is risen;1453 he is not here:5602 behold2396 the place5117 where3699 they laid5087 him.

7 [But]你們可以去,告訴他的門徒和彼得,說他在你們以先往加利利去;在那裏你們要見他,正如他從前所告訴你們的。」

7 But go5217 your way, tell2036 his disciples3101 and Peter4074 that he goes4254 before4254 you into1519 Galilee:1056 there1563 shall you see3700 him, as he said2036 to you.

8 她們就急忙[quickly]出來,從墳墓那裏逃跑;這是因她們[for they]又發抖又驚奇。她們[they]甚麼也不告訴人;因為她們害怕。

8 And they went1831 out quickly,5035 and fled5343 from the sepulcher;3419 for they trembled2192 5156 and were amazed:1611 neither2532 3762 said2036 they any3762 thing to any3762 man;3762 for they were afraid.5399

9 七日的第一日[first day of the week]清早,耶穌[when][was]復活了,就先向抹大拉的馬利亞顯現。耶穌從她身上曾趕出七個鬼魔[devils]

9 Now1161 when Jesus was risen450 early260 4404 the first4413 day of the week,4521 he appeared5316 first4412 to Mary3137 Magdalene,3094 out of whom3739 he had cast1544 seven2033 devils.1140

10 她去告訴那向來跟隨耶穌的人,那時他們正哀慟哭泣。

10 And she went4198 and told518 them that had been1096 with him, as they mourned3996 and wept.2799

11 他們聽見耶穌活了,被馬利亞看見,卻是不信。

11 And they, when they had heard191 that he was alive,2198 and had been seen2300 of her, believed569 not.

12 後來[After]門徒中間有兩個人往鄉下去,走路的時候,耶穌變了形像,向他們顯現。

12 After3326 that he appeared5319 in another2087 form3444 to two1417 of them, as they walked,4043 and went4198 into1519 the country.68

13 他們就去,將這事[it]告訴其餘的門徒;其餘的門徒也不信他們[them]

13 And they went565 and told518 it to the residue:3062 neither3761 believed4100 they them.

14 後來,十一個門徒坐席的時候,耶穌向他們顯現,責備他們不信,心裏剛硬,因為他們不信那些在他復活以後看見他的人。

14 Afterward5305 he appeared5319 to the eleven1733 as they sat345 at345 meat, and upbraided3679 them with their unbelief570 and hardness4641 of heart,4641 because3754 they believed4100 not them which had seen2300 him after he was risen.1453

15 他又對他們說:「你們往普世上[world]去,傳福音給凡受造的[every creature]聽。

15 And he said2036 to them, Go4198 you into1519 all537 the world,2889 and preach2784 the gospel2098 to every3956 creature.2937

16 信而受浸的,必然得救;惟有[but]不信的,必被咒詛[damned]

16 He that believes4100 and is baptized907 shall be saved;4982 but he that believes569 not shall be damned.2632

17 信的人必有這些[these]神蹟隨著他們:就是他們[shall they]奉我的名趕出鬼魔[cast out devils]、說新方言、

17 And these5023 signs4592 shall follow3877 them that believe;4100 In my name3686 shall they cast1544 out devils;1140 they shall speak2980 with new2537 tongues;1100

18 他們[They]手能拿蛇、若喝了甚麼害命的[deadly]物,也必不受害;他們[They]手按病人,病人就必好了。」

18 They shall take142 up serpents;3789 and if2579 they drink4095 any5100 deadly2286 thing, it shall not hurt984 them; they shall lay2007 hands5495 on1909 the sick,732 and they shall recover.2192 2573

19 [Lord]和他們說完了話,[So then]被接到天上,坐在神的右邊。

19 So3303 then3767 after3326 the Lord2962 had spoken2980 to them, he was received353 up into1519 heaven,3772 and sat2523 on1537 the right1188 hand of God.2316

20 門徒出去,到處傳揚[preached]福音,主和他們同工,用神蹟隨著,證實所傳的道。阿們。

20 And they went1831 forth,1831 and preached2784 every3837 where,3837 the Lord2962 working4903 with them, and confirming950 the word3056 with signs4592 following.1872 Amen.281