

1 (大衛的讚美詩。)我的神我的王啊,我要尊崇你。我要永永遠遠稱頌你的名。

2 我要天天稱頌你,也要永永遠遠讚美你的名。

3 耶和華本為大,該受大讚美;其大能[greatness]無法測度。

4 這代要對那代稱讚[praise]你的作為,也要傳揚你的大能。

5 我要傳說[speak]你威嚴的尊榮和你奇妙的作為。

6 人要傳說你可畏之事的能力;我也要傳揚你的大德。

7 他們記念你的大恩就要傳出來,並要歌唱你的公義。

8 耶和華有恩典[gracious]滿懷[full of]憐憫;不輕易發怒,大有慈愛。

9 耶和華善待眾民;他的慈悲覆庇他一切所造的。

10 耶和華啊,你一切所造的都要讚美[praise]你;你的聖民也要稱頌你,

11 傳說你國的榮耀,談論你的大能,

12 好叫世人知道你大能的作為,並你國度威嚴的榮耀。

13 你的國是永遠的國,你執掌的權柄存到世世代代[all generations]

14 凡跌倒的,耶和華將他們扶持;凡被壓下的,將他們扶起。

15 眾民都舉目仰望你;你隨時給他們食物。

16 你張手,使有生氣的都隨願飽足。

17 耶和華在他一切所行的,無不公義;在他一切所作的,都是聖的[holy]

18 凡求告耶和華的,就是誠心求告他的,耶和華便與他們相近。

19 敬畏他的,他必成就他們的心願,也必聽他們的呼求,拯救他們。

20 耶和華保護一切愛他的人,卻要滅絕一切的惡人。

21 我的口要說出讚美耶和華的話;唯願凡有血氣的都永永遠遠稱頌他的聖名。


Psalm 145

1 David's1732 Psalm of praise.8416 I will extol7311 you, my God,430 O king;4428 and I will bless1288 your name8034 for ever5769 and ever.5703

2 Every3605 day3117 will I bless1288 you; and I will praise1984 your name8034 for ever5769 and ever.5703

3 Great1419 is the LORD,3068 and greatly3966 to be praised;1984 and his greatness1420 is unsearchable.369 2714

4 One generation1755 shall praise7623 your works4639 to another, and shall declare5046 your mighty1369 acts.

5 I will speak7878 of the glorious3519 honor1926 of your majesty,1935 and of your wondrous6381 works.1697

6 And men shall speak559 of the might5807 of your terrible3372 acts: and I will declare5608 your greatness.1420

7 They shall abundantly5042 utter5042 the memory2143 of your great7227 goodness,2898 and shall sing7442 of your righteousness.6666

8 The LORD3068 is gracious,2587 and full of compassion;7349 slow750 to anger,639 and of great1419 mercy.2617

9 The LORD3068 is good2896 to all:3605 and his tender mercies7356 are over5921 all3605 his works.4639

10 All3605 your works4639 shall praise3034 you, O LORD;3068 and your saints2623 shall bless1288 you.

11 They shall speak559 of the glory3519 of your kingdom,4438 and talk1696 of your power;1369

12 To make known3045 to the sons1121 of men120 his mighty1369 acts, and the glorious3519 majesty1926 of his kingdom.4438

13 Your kingdom4438 is an everlasting5769 kingdom,4438 and your dominion4475 endures throughout all generations.1755

14 The LORD3068 upholds5564 all3605 that fall,5307 and raises2210 up all3605 those that be bowed3721 down.

15 The eyes5869 of all3605 wait7663 on you; and you give5414 them their meat400 in due season.6256

16 You open6605 your hand,3027 and satisfy7646 the desire7522 of every3605 living2416 thing.

17 The LORD3068 is righteous6662 in all3605 his ways,1870 and holy2623 in all3605 his works.4639

18 The LORD3068 is near7138 to all3605 them that call7121 on him, to all3605 that call7121 on him in truth.571

19 He will fulfill6213 the desire7522 of them that fear3373 him: he also will hear8085 their cry,7775 and will save3467 them.

20 The LORD3068 preserves8104 all3605 them that love157 him: but all3605 the wicked7563 will he destroy.8045

21 My mouth6310 shall speak1696 the praise8416 of the LORD:3068 and let all3605 flesh1320 bless1288 his holy6944 name8034 for ever5769 and ever.5703




Psalm 145

1 (大衛的讚美詩。)我的神我的王啊,我要尊崇你。我要永永遠遠稱頌你的名。

1 David's1732 Psalm of praise.8416 I will extol7311 you, my God,430 O king;4428 and I will bless1288 your name8034 for ever5769 and ever.5703

2 我要天天稱頌你,也要永永遠遠讚美你的名。

2 Every3605 day3117 will I bless1288 you; and I will praise1984 your name8034 for ever5769 and ever.5703

3 耶和華本為大,該受大讚美;其大能[greatness]無法測度。

3 Great1419 is the LORD,3068 and greatly3966 to be praised;1984 and his greatness1420 is unsearchable.369 2714

4 這代要對那代稱讚[praise]你的作為,也要傳揚你的大能。

4 One generation1755 shall praise7623 your works4639 to another, and shall declare5046 your mighty1369 acts.

5 我要傳說[speak]你威嚴的尊榮和你奇妙的作為。

5 I will speak7878 of the glorious3519 honor1926 of your majesty,1935 and of your wondrous6381 works.1697

6 人要傳說你可畏之事的能力;我也要傳揚你的大德。

6 And men shall speak559 of the might5807 of your terrible3372 acts: and I will declare5608 your greatness.1420

7 他們記念你的大恩就要傳出來,並要歌唱你的公義。

7 They shall abundantly5042 utter5042 the memory2143 of your great7227 goodness,2898 and shall sing7442 of your righteousness.6666

8 耶和華有恩典[gracious]滿懷[full of]憐憫;不輕易發怒,大有慈愛。

8 The LORD3068 is gracious,2587 and full of compassion;7349 slow750 to anger,639 and of great1419 mercy.2617

9 耶和華善待眾民;他的慈悲覆庇他一切所造的。

9 The LORD3068 is good2896 to all:3605 and his tender mercies7356 are over5921 all3605 his works.4639

10 耶和華啊,你一切所造的都要讚美[praise]你;你的聖民也要稱頌你,

10 All3605 your works4639 shall praise3034 you, O LORD;3068 and your saints2623 shall bless1288 you.

11 傳說你國的榮耀,談論你的大能,

11 They shall speak559 of the glory3519 of your kingdom,4438 and talk1696 of your power;1369

12 好叫世人知道你大能的作為,並你國度威嚴的榮耀。

12 To make known3045 to the sons1121 of men120 his mighty1369 acts, and the glorious3519 majesty1926 of his kingdom.4438

13 你的國是永遠的國,你執掌的權柄存到世世代代[all generations]

13 Your kingdom4438 is an everlasting5769 kingdom,4438 and your dominion4475 endures throughout all generations.1755

14 凡跌倒的,耶和華將他們扶持;凡被壓下的,將他們扶起。

14 The LORD3068 upholds5564 all3605 that fall,5307 and raises2210 up all3605 those that be bowed3721 down.

15 眾民都舉目仰望你;你隨時給他們食物。

15 The eyes5869 of all3605 wait7663 on you; and you give5414 them their meat400 in due season.6256

16 你張手,使有生氣的都隨願飽足。

16 You open6605 your hand,3027 and satisfy7646 the desire7522 of every3605 living2416 thing.

17 耶和華在他一切所行的,無不公義;在他一切所作的,都是聖的[holy]

17 The LORD3068 is righteous6662 in all3605 his ways,1870 and holy2623 in all3605 his works.4639

18 凡求告耶和華的,就是誠心求告他的,耶和華便與他們相近。

18 The LORD3068 is near7138 to all3605 them that call7121 on him, to all3605 that call7121 on him in truth.571

19 敬畏他的,他必成就他們的心願,也必聽他們的呼求,拯救他們。

19 He will fulfill6213 the desire7522 of them that fear3373 him: he also will hear8085 their cry,7775 and will save3467 them.

20 耶和華保護一切愛他的人,卻要滅絕一切的惡人。

20 The LORD3068 preserves8104 all3605 them that love157 him: but all3605 the wicked7563 will he destroy.8045

21 我的口要說出讚美耶和華的話;唯願凡有血氣的都永永遠遠稱頌他的聖名。

21 My mouth6310 shall speak1696 the praise8416 of the LORD:3068 and let all3605 flesh1320 bless1288 his holy6944 name8034 for ever5769 and ever.5703