

1 摩西招聚以色列全會眾,對他們說:「這些[These]是耶和華所吩咐的話,叫你們照著行。

2 六日要作工,第七天乃為聖日,當向耶和華守為安息日[sabbath of rest]。凡這日之內作工的,必把他治死。

3 當安息日,不可在你們一切的住處生火。」

4 摩西對以色列全會眾說:「耶和華所吩咐的是這樣:

5 你們中間要拿禮物獻給耶和華,凡樂意獻的可以拿耶和華的禮物來,就是金、銀、銅,

6 藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,細麻,山羊毛,

7 染紅的公綿羊[rams']皮,獾皮[badgers' skins],皂莢木,

8 點燈的油,並作膏油和[sweet]香的香料,

9 紅瑪瑙與別樣的寶石,可以鑲嵌在以弗得和胸牌上。」

10 「你們中間凡心裏有智慧的都要來作耶和華一切所吩咐的:

11 就是帳幕和帳幕的罩棚,並帳幕的蓋、鉤子、板、閂、柱子、帶卯的座,

12 櫃和櫃的槓,施恩座和遮掩櫃的幔子,

13 桌子和桌子的槓與桌子的一切器具,並陳設餅,

14 燭臺[candlestick][his]的器具,燈盞並點燈的油,

15 香壇和壇的槓,膏油和美香[sweet incense],並帳幕門入口[entering in]的簾子,

16 燔祭壇和壇的銅網,壇的槓並壇的一切器具,洗濯盆和盆座,

17 院子的遮簾[hangings][his]的柱子,帶卯的座和院子的門簾,

18 帳幕的釘子[pins]並院子的釘子[pins],和這兩處的繩子,

19 供職的衣服[cloths of service],和祭司亞倫並他兒子在聖所用以供祭司職分的聖所。」

20 以色列全會眾從摩西面前退去。

21 凡心裏受感和靈裏[spirit]樂意的,都拿耶和華的禮物來,用以作會幕和其中一切的使用,又用以作聖衣。

22 凡心裏樂意的[as many as were willing hearted],連男帶女,各將金器,就是耳環[earrings]戒指[rings]刻字版[tablets],和手釧帶來獻給耶和華為禮物[offering]

23 凡有藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,細麻,山羊毛,染紅的公綿羊[rams']皮,獾皮[badgers' skins]的,都拿了來;

24 凡獻銀子和銅為禮物[offer an offering of silver and brass]的,都拿給耶和華的禮物來了[brought the LORD'S offering];凡有皂莢木可作甚麼使用的也拿了來。

25 凡心中有智慧的婦女親手紡線,把所紡的藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,和細麻都拿了來。

26 凡有智慧、心裏受感的婦女就紡山羊毛。

27 眾官長把紅瑪瑙和別樣的寶石,可以鑲嵌在以弗得與胸牌上的,都拿了來;

28 又拿香料,並拿油點燈,作膏油,作美香[and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense]

29 以色列人,無論男女,凡甘心樂意獻禮物給耶和華的,都將禮物拿來,作耶和華藉摩西所吩咐的一切工。

30 摩西對以色列人說:「猶大支派中,戶珥的孫子、烏利的兒子比撒列,耶和華已經提他的名召他,

31 又以神的靈充滿了他,使他有智慧、聰明、知識,能作各樣的工,

32 能想出巧工,用金、銀、銅製造各物,

33 又能刻寶石,可以鑲嵌,能雕刻木頭,能作各樣的巧工。

34 耶和華又使他,和但支派中亞希撒抹的兒子亞何利亞伯,心裏靈明,能教導人。

35 耶和華使他們的心滿有智慧,能作各樣的工,無論是雕刻的工,巧匠的工,用藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,和細麻、繡花的工,並機匠的工,他們都能作,也能想出奇巧的工。


Chapter 35

1 And Moses4872 gathered6950 all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel3478 together, and said559 to them, These428 are the words1697 which834 the LORD3068 has commanded,6680 that you should do6213 them.

2 Six8337 days3117 shall work4399 be done,6213 but on the seventh7637 day3117 there shall be to you an holy6944 day, a sabbath7676 of rest7677 to the LORD:3068 whoever3605 does6213 work4399 therein shall be put to death.4191

3 You shall kindle1197 no3808 fire784 throughout your habitations4186 on the sabbath7676 day.3117

4 And Moses4872 spoke559 to all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 saying,559 This2088 is the thing1697 which834 the LORD3068 commanded,6680 saying,559

5 Take3947 you from among you an offering8641 to the LORD:3068 whoever3605 is of a willing5081 heart,3820 let him bring935 it, an offering8641 of the LORD;3068 gold,2091 and silver,3701 and brass,5178

6 And blue,8504 and purple,713 and scarlet,8144 8438 and fine linen,8336 and goats'5795 hair,

7 And rams'352 skins5785 dyed red,119 and badgers'8476 skins,5785 and shittim7848 wood,6086

8 And oil8081 for the light,3974 and spices1314 for anointing4888 oil,8081 and for the sweet5561 incense,7004

9 And onyx7718 stones,68 and stones68 to be set4394 for the ephod,646 and for the breastplate.2833

10 And every3605 wise2450 hearted3820 among you shall come,935 and make6213 all3605 that the LORD3068 has commanded;6680

11 The tabernacle,4908 his tent,168 and his covering,4372 his clasps,7165 and his boards,7175 his bars,1280 his pillars,5982 and his sockets,134

12 The ark,727 and the staves905 thereof, with the mercy3727 seat, and the veil6532 of the covering,4539

13 The table,7979 and his staves,905 and all3605 his vessels,3627 and the show bread.3899

14 The candlestick4501 also for the light,3974 and his furniture,3627 and his lamps,5216 with the oil8081 for the light,3974

15 And the incense7004 altar,4196 and his staves,905 and the anointing4888 oil,8081 and the sweet5561 incense,7004 and the hanging4539 for the door6607 at the entering6607 in of the tabernacle,4908

16 The altar4196 of burnt5930 offering, with his brazen5178 grate,4345 his staves,905 and all3605 his vessels,3627 the laver3595 and his foot,3653

17 The hangings7050 of the court,2691 his pillars,5982 and their sockets,134 and the hanging4539 for the door8179 of the court,2691

18 The pins3489 of the tabernacle,4908 and the pins3489 of the court,2691 and their cords,4340

19 The cloths899 of service,8278 to do service8334 in the holy6944 place, the holy6944 garments899 for Aaron175 the priest,3548 and the garments899 of his sons,1121 to minister8334 in the priest's3547 office.

20 And all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel3478 departed3318 from the presence6440 of Moses.4872

21 And they came,935 every3605 one whose834 heart3820 stirred5375 him up, and every3605 one whom834 his spirit7307 made willing,5068 and they brought935 the LORD's3068 offering8641 to the work4399 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and for all3605 his service,5656 and for the holy6944 garments.899

22 And they came,935 both men582 and women,802 as many as were willing5081 hearted,3820 and brought935 bracelets,2397 and earrings,5141 and rings,2885 and tablets,3558 all3605 jewels3627 of gold:2091 and every3605 man376 that offered5130 offered an offering of gold2091 to the LORD.3068

23 And every3605 man,376 with whom834 was found4672 blue,8504 and purple,713 and scarlet,8144 8438 and fine linen,8336 and goats'5795 hair, and red119 skins5785 of rams,352 and badgers'8476 skins,5785 brought935 them.

24 Every3605 one that did offer7311 an offering8641 of silver3701 and brass5178 brought935 the LORD's3068 offering:8641 and every3605 man,376 with whom834 was found4672 shittim7848 wood6086 for any3605 work4399 of the service,5656 brought935 it.

25 And all3605 the women802 that were wise2450 hearted3820 did spin2901 with their hands,3027 and brought935 that which they had spun,4299 both of blue,8504 and of purple,713 and of scarlet,8144 8438 and of fine linen.8336

26 And all3605 the women802 whose834 heart3820 stirred5375 them up in wisdom2451 spun2901 goats'5795 hair.

27 And the rulers5387 brought935 onyx7718 stones,68 and stones68 to be set,4394 for the ephod,646 and for the breastplate;2833

28 And spice,1314 and oil8081 for the light,3974 and for the anointing4888 oil,8081 and for the sweet5561 incense.7004

29 The children1121 of Israel3478 brought935 a willing5071 offering to the LORD,3068 every3605 man376 and woman,802 whose834 heart3820 made them willing5068 to bring935 for all3605 manner of work,4399 which834 the LORD3068 had commanded6680 to be made6213 by the hand3027 of Moses.4872

30 And Moses4872 said559 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 See,7200 the LORD3068 has called7121 by name8034 Bezaleel1212 the son1121 of Uri,221 the son1121 of Hur,2354 of the tribe4294 of Judah;3063

31 And he has filled4390 him with the spirit7307 of God,430 in wisdom,2451 in understanding,8394 and in knowledge,1847 and in all3605 manner of workmanship;4399

32 And to devise2803 curious4284 works, to work6213 in gold,2091 and in silver,3701 and in brass,5178

33 And in the cutting2799 of stones,68 to set4390 them, and in carving2799 of wood,6086 to make6213 any3605 manner of cunning4284 work.4399

34 And he has put5414 in his heart3820 that he may teach,3384 both he, and Aholiab,171 the son1121 of Ahisamach,294 of the tribe4294 of Dan.1835

35 Them has he filled4390 with wisdom2451 of heart,3820 to work6213 all3605 manner3605 of work,4399 of the engraver,2796 and of the cunning2803 workman,2803 and of the embroiderer,7551 in blue,8504 and in purple,713 in scarlet,8144 8438 and in fine linen,8336 and of the weaver,707 even of them that do6213 any3605 work,4399 and of those that devise2803 cunning4284 work.




Chapter 35

1 摩西招聚以色列全會眾,對他們說:「這些[These]是耶和華所吩咐的話,叫你們照著行。

1 And Moses4872 gathered6950 all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel3478 together, and said559 to them, These428 are the words1697 which834 the LORD3068 has commanded,6680 that you should do6213 them.

2 六日要作工,第七天乃為聖日,當向耶和華守為安息日[sabbath of rest]。凡這日之內作工的,必把他治死。

2 Six8337 days3117 shall work4399 be done,6213 but on the seventh7637 day3117 there shall be to you an holy6944 day, a sabbath7676 of rest7677 to the LORD:3068 whoever3605 does6213 work4399 therein shall be put to death.4191

3 當安息日,不可在你們一切的住處生火。」

3 You shall kindle1197 no3808 fire784 throughout your habitations4186 on the sabbath7676 day.3117

4 摩西對以色列全會眾說:「耶和華所吩咐的是這樣:

4 And Moses4872 spoke559 to all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 saying,559 This2088 is the thing1697 which834 the LORD3068 commanded,6680 saying,559

5 你們中間要拿禮物獻給耶和華,凡樂意獻的可以拿耶和華的禮物來,就是金、銀、銅,

5 Take3947 you from among you an offering8641 to the LORD:3068 whoever3605 is of a willing5081 heart,3820 let him bring935 it, an offering8641 of the LORD;3068 gold,2091 and silver,3701 and brass,5178

6 藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,細麻,山羊毛,

6 And blue,8504 and purple,713 and scarlet,8144 8438 and fine linen,8336 and goats'5795 hair,

7 染紅的公綿羊[rams']皮,獾皮[badgers' skins],皂莢木,

7 And rams'352 skins5785 dyed red,119 and badgers'8476 skins,5785 and shittim7848 wood,6086

8 點燈的油,並作膏油和[sweet]香的香料,

8 And oil8081 for the light,3974 and spices1314 for anointing4888 oil,8081 and for the sweet5561 incense,7004

9 紅瑪瑙與別樣的寶石,可以鑲嵌在以弗得和胸牌上。」

9 And onyx7718 stones,68 and stones68 to be set4394 for the ephod,646 and for the breastplate.2833

10 「你們中間凡心裏有智慧的都要來作耶和華一切所吩咐的:

10 And every3605 wise2450 hearted3820 among you shall come,935 and make6213 all3605 that the LORD3068 has commanded;6680

11 就是帳幕和帳幕的罩棚,並帳幕的蓋、鉤子、板、閂、柱子、帶卯的座,

11 The tabernacle,4908 his tent,168 and his covering,4372 his clasps,7165 and his boards,7175 his bars,1280 his pillars,5982 and his sockets,134

12 櫃和櫃的槓,施恩座和遮掩櫃的幔子,

12 The ark,727 and the staves905 thereof, with the mercy3727 seat, and the veil6532 of the covering,4539

13 桌子和桌子的槓與桌子的一切器具,並陳設餅,

13 The table,7979 and his staves,905 and all3605 his vessels,3627 and the show bread.3899

14 燭臺[candlestick][his]的器具,燈盞並點燈的油,

14 The candlestick4501 also for the light,3974 and his furniture,3627 and his lamps,5216 with the oil8081 for the light,3974

15 香壇和壇的槓,膏油和美香[sweet incense],並帳幕門入口[entering in]的簾子,

15 And the incense7004 altar,4196 and his staves,905 and the anointing4888 oil,8081 and the sweet5561 incense,7004 and the hanging4539 for the door6607 at the entering6607 in of the tabernacle,4908

16 燔祭壇和壇的銅網,壇的槓並壇的一切器具,洗濯盆和盆座,

16 The altar4196 of burnt5930 offering, with his brazen5178 grate,4345 his staves,905 and all3605 his vessels,3627 the laver3595 and his foot,3653

17 院子的遮簾[hangings][his]的柱子,帶卯的座和院子的門簾,

17 The hangings7050 of the court,2691 his pillars,5982 and their sockets,134 and the hanging4539 for the door8179 of the court,2691

18 帳幕的釘子[pins]並院子的釘子[pins],和這兩處的繩子,

18 The pins3489 of the tabernacle,4908 and the pins3489 of the court,2691 and their cords,4340

19 供職的衣服[cloths of service],和祭司亞倫並他兒子在聖所用以供祭司職分的聖所。」

19 The cloths899 of service,8278 to do service8334 in the holy6944 place, the holy6944 garments899 for Aaron175 the priest,3548 and the garments899 of his sons,1121 to minister8334 in the priest's3547 office.

20 以色列全會眾從摩西面前退去。

20 And all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel3478 departed3318 from the presence6440 of Moses.4872

21 凡心裏受感和靈裏[spirit]樂意的,都拿耶和華的禮物來,用以作會幕和其中一切的使用,又用以作聖衣。

21 And they came,935 every3605 one whose834 heart3820 stirred5375 him up, and every3605 one whom834 his spirit7307 made willing,5068 and they brought935 the LORD's3068 offering8641 to the work4399 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and for all3605 his service,5656 and for the holy6944 garments.899

22 凡心裏樂意的[as many as were willing hearted],連男帶女,各將金器,就是耳環[earrings]戒指[rings]刻字版[tablets],和手釧帶來獻給耶和華為禮物[offering]

22 And they came,935 both men582 and women,802 as many as were willing5081 hearted,3820 and brought935 bracelets,2397 and earrings,5141 and rings,2885 and tablets,3558 all3605 jewels3627 of gold:2091 and every3605 man376 that offered5130 offered an offering of gold2091 to the LORD.3068

23 凡有藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,細麻,山羊毛,染紅的公綿羊[rams']皮,獾皮[badgers' skins]的,都拿了來;

23 And every3605 man,376 with whom834 was found4672 blue,8504 and purple,713 and scarlet,8144 8438 and fine linen,8336 and goats'5795 hair, and red119 skins5785 of rams,352 and badgers'8476 skins,5785 brought935 them.

24 凡獻銀子和銅為禮物[offer an offering of silver and brass]的,都拿給耶和華的禮物來了[brought the LORD'S offering];凡有皂莢木可作甚麼使用的也拿了來。

24 Every3605 one that did offer7311 an offering8641 of silver3701 and brass5178 brought935 the LORD's3068 offering:8641 and every3605 man,376 with whom834 was found4672 shittim7848 wood6086 for any3605 work4399 of the service,5656 brought935 it.

25 凡心中有智慧的婦女親手紡線,把所紡的藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,和細麻都拿了來。

25 And all3605 the women802 that were wise2450 hearted3820 did spin2901 with their hands,3027 and brought935 that which they had spun,4299 both of blue,8504 and of purple,713 and of scarlet,8144 8438 and of fine linen.8336

26 凡有智慧、心裏受感的婦女就紡山羊毛。

26 And all3605 the women802 whose834 heart3820 stirred5375 them up in wisdom2451 spun2901 goats'5795 hair.

27 眾官長把紅瑪瑙和別樣的寶石,可以鑲嵌在以弗得與胸牌上的,都拿了來;

27 And the rulers5387 brought935 onyx7718 stones,68 and stones68 to be set,4394 for the ephod,646 and for the breastplate;2833

28 又拿香料,並拿油點燈,作膏油,作美香[and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense]

28 And spice,1314 and oil8081 for the light,3974 and for the anointing4888 oil,8081 and for the sweet5561 incense.7004

29 以色列人,無論男女,凡甘心樂意獻禮物給耶和華的,都將禮物拿來,作耶和華藉摩西所吩咐的一切工。

29 The children1121 of Israel3478 brought935 a willing5071 offering to the LORD,3068 every3605 man376 and woman,802 whose834 heart3820 made them willing5068 to bring935 for all3605 manner of work,4399 which834 the LORD3068 had commanded6680 to be made6213 by the hand3027 of Moses.4872

30 摩西對以色列人說:「猶大支派中,戶珥的孫子、烏利的兒子比撒列,耶和華已經提他的名召他,

30 And Moses4872 said559 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 See,7200 the LORD3068 has called7121 by name8034 Bezaleel1212 the son1121 of Uri,221 the son1121 of Hur,2354 of the tribe4294 of Judah;3063

31 又以神的靈充滿了他,使他有智慧、聰明、知識,能作各樣的工,

31 And he has filled4390 him with the spirit7307 of God,430 in wisdom,2451 in understanding,8394 and in knowledge,1847 and in all3605 manner of workmanship;4399

32 能想出巧工,用金、銀、銅製造各物,

32 And to devise2803 curious4284 works, to work6213 in gold,2091 and in silver,3701 and in brass,5178

33 又能刻寶石,可以鑲嵌,能雕刻木頭,能作各樣的巧工。

33 And in the cutting2799 of stones,68 to set4390 them, and in carving2799 of wood,6086 to make6213 any3605 manner of cunning4284 work.4399

34 耶和華又使他,和但支派中亞希撒抹的兒子亞何利亞伯,心裏靈明,能教導人。

34 And he has put5414 in his heart3820 that he may teach,3384 both he, and Aholiab,171 the son1121 of Ahisamach,294 of the tribe4294 of Dan.1835

35 耶和華使他們的心滿有智慧,能作各樣的工,無論是雕刻的工,巧匠的工,用藍色、紫色、朱紅色線,和細麻、繡花的工,並機匠的工,他們都能作,也能想出奇巧的工。

35 Them has he filled4390 with wisdom2451 of heart,3820 to work6213 all3605 manner3605 of work,4399 of the engraver,2796 and of the cunning2803 workman,2803 and of the embroiderer,7551 in blue,8504 and in purple,713 in scarlet,8144 8438 and in fine linen,8336 and of the weaver,707 even of them that do6213 any3605 work,4399 and of those that devise2803 cunning4284 work.