

1 祭司音麥的兒子巴施戶珥,他又是[who was also]作耶和華殿的總管,聽見耶利米預言這些事,

2 他就打先知耶利米,用耶和華殿[by]便雅憫高門內的枷,將他枷在那裏。

3 次日,巴施戶珥將耶利米開枷釋放。於是耶利米對他說:「耶和華不是叫你的名為巴施戶珥,乃是叫你瑪歌珥.米撒畢,

4 因耶和華如此說:『看哪[Behold],我必使你自覺驚嚇,你也必使眾朋友驚嚇;他們必倒在仇敵的刀下,你也必親眼看見;我必將猶大人全交在巴比倫王的手中,他要將他們擄到巴比倫去,也要用刀將他們殺戮。

5 並且我要將這城中的一切力量[strength]和勞碌得來的,並一切珍寶,以及猶大君王所有的寶物,都交在他們仇敵的手中;仇敵要搶掠[spoil]奪取[take]帶到巴比倫去。

6 你這巴施戶珥和一切住在你家中的人都必被擄去;你和你的眾朋友,就是你向他們預言虛謊[prophesied lies]的,都必到巴比倫去,要死在那裏,葬在那裏。』」

7 耶和華啊,你曾欺哄[deceived]我,我也受了你的欺哄[was deceived]。你比我有力量,且勝了我。我天天被人嗤笑[in derision daily],人人都戲弄我。


9[Then]說:我不再提耶和華,也不再奉他的名講論。然而,他的話在我心裏好像[But his word was in mine heart as]燒著的火閉塞在我骨中,我就含忍不住,不能自禁。

10 我聽見了許多人的毀謗[defaming],四圍都是驚恐[fear]他們說:告他吧,我們也要告他[Report, say they, and we will report it]凡作我知己的也都窺探我[All my familiars watched for my halting][saying]:或者他被引誘,我們就能勝他,在他身上報仇。

11 然而,耶和華與我同在,好像甚可怕的勇士。因此,逼迫我的必都絆跌,不能得勝;他們必大大蒙羞,因為他們必不亨通[for they shall not prosper]他們所受的羞辱永遠不被忘記[their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten]

12 試驗義人、察看人肺腑心腸的大軍之耶和華啊,求你容我見你在他們身上報仇,因我將我的案件向你稟明了。

13 你們要向耶和華唱歌;讚美耶和華。因他救了窮人的性命脫離惡人的手。

14 願我生的那日受咒詛;願我母親產我的那日不蒙福。

15 給我父親報信說「你得了兒子」,使我父親甚歡喜的,願那人受咒詛。

16 願那人像耶和華所傾覆而不後悔的城邑;願他早晨聽見哀聲,正午聽見吶喊;

17 因他在我未出胎的時候不殺我,又或[or that]使我母親成了我的墳墓,胎就同我[with me]時常重大。

18 我為何出胎見勞碌愁苦,使我的年日因羞愧消滅呢?


Chapter 20

1 Now Pashur6583 the son1121 of Immer564 the priest,3548 who1931 was also chief5057 governor5057 in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 heard8085 that Jeremiah3414 prophesied5012 these428 things.1697

2 Then Pashur6583 smote5221 Jeremiah3414 the prophet,5030 and put5414 him in the stocks4115 that were in the high5945 gate8179 of Benjamin,1144 which834 was by the house1004 of the LORD.3068

3 And it came1961 to pass on the morrow,4283 that Pashur6583 brought3318 forth3318 Jeremiah3414 out of the stocks.4115 Then said559 Jeremiah3414 to him, The LORD3068 has not called7121 your name8034 Pashur,6583 but Magormissabib.4036

4 For thus3541 said559 the LORD,3068 Behold,2005 I will make5414 you a terror4032 to yourself, and to all3605 your friends:157 and they shall fall5307 by the sword2719 of their enemies,341 and your eyes5869 shall behold7200 it: and I will give5414 all3605 Judah3063 into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and he shall carry1540 them captive1540 into Babylon,894 and shall slay5221 them with the sword.2719

5 Moreover I will deliver5414 all3605 the strength2633 of this2063 city,5892 and all3605 the labors3018 thereof, and all3605 the precious3366 things thereof, and all3605 the treasures214 of the kings4428 of Judah3063 will I give5414 into the hand3027 of their enemies,341 which834 shall spoil962 them, and take3947 them, and carry935 them to Babylon.894

6 And you, Pashur,6583 and all3605 that dwell3427 in your house1004 shall go3212 into captivity:7628 and you shall come935 to Babylon,894 and there8033 you shall die,4191 and shall be buried6912 there,8033 you, and all3605 your friends,157 to whom834 1992 you have prophesied5012 lies.8267

7 O LORD,3068 you have deceived6601 me, and I was deceived;6601 you are stronger2388 than I, and have prevailed:3201 I am in derision7814 daily,3605 3117 every3605 one mocks3932 me.

8 For since1767 I spoke,1696 I cried2199 out, I cried7121 violence2555 and spoil;7701 because3588 the word1697 of the LORD3068 was made1961 a reproach2781 to me, and a derision,7047 daily.3605 3117

9 Then I said,559 I will not make mention2142 of him, nor3808 speak1696 any more5750 in his name.8034 But his word was in my heart3820 as a burning1197 fire784 shut6113 up in my bones,6106 and I was weary3811 with forbearing,3557 and I could3201 not stay.

10 For I heard8085 the defaming1681 of many,7227 fear4032 on every5437 side.5439 Report,5046 say they, and we will report5046 it. All3605 my familiars7965 watched8104 for my halting,6761 saying, Peradventure194 he will be enticed,6601 and we shall prevail3201 against him, and we shall take3947 our revenge5360 on him.

11 But the LORD3068 is with me as a mighty1368 terrible6184 one: therefore5921 3651 my persecutors7291 shall stumble,3782 and they shall not prevail:3201 they shall be greatly3966 ashamed;954 for they shall not prosper:7919 their everlasting5769 confusion3639 shall never3808 be forgotten.7911

12 But, O LORD3068 of hosts,6635 that try974 the righteous,6662 and see7200 the reins3629 and the heart,3820 let me see7200 your vengeance5360 on them: for to you have I opened1540 my cause.7379

13 Sing7891 to the LORD,3068 praise1984 you the LORD:3068 for he has delivered5337 the soul5315 of the poor34 from the hand3027 of evildoers.7489

14 Cursed779 be the day3117 wherein834 I was born:3205 let not the day3117 wherein834 my mother517 bore3205 me be blessed.1288

15 Cursed779 be the man376 who834 brought1319 tidings1319 to my father,1 saying,559 A man2145 child1121 is born3205 to you; making him very glad.8056

16 And let that man376 be as the cities5892 which834 the LORD3068 overthrew,2015 and repented5162 not: and let him hear8085 the cry2201 in the morning,1242 and the shouting8643 at noontide;6256

17 Because834 he slew4191 me not from the womb;7358 or that my mother517 might have been1961 my grave,6913 and her womb7358 to be always5769 great2030 with me.

18 Why4100 came3318 I forth3318 out of the womb7358 to see7200 labor5999 and sorrow,3015 that my days3117 should be consumed3615 with shame?1322




Chapter 20

1 祭司音麥的兒子巴施戶珥,他又是[who was also]作耶和華殿的總管,聽見耶利米預言這些事,

1 Now Pashur6583 the son1121 of Immer564 the priest,3548 who1931 was also chief5057 governor5057 in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 heard8085 that Jeremiah3414 prophesied5012 these428 things.1697

2 他就打先知耶利米,用耶和華殿[by]便雅憫高門內的枷,將他枷在那裏。

2 Then Pashur6583 smote5221 Jeremiah3414 the prophet,5030 and put5414 him in the stocks4115 that were in the high5945 gate8179 of Benjamin,1144 which834 was by the house1004 of the LORD.3068

3 次日,巴施戶珥將耶利米開枷釋放。於是耶利米對他說:「耶和華不是叫你的名為巴施戶珥,乃是叫你瑪歌珥.米撒畢,

3 And it came1961 to pass on the morrow,4283 that Pashur6583 brought3318 forth3318 Jeremiah3414 out of the stocks.4115 Then said559 Jeremiah3414 to him, The LORD3068 has not called7121 your name8034 Pashur,6583 but Magormissabib.4036

4 因耶和華如此說:『看哪[Behold],我必使你自覺驚嚇,你也必使眾朋友驚嚇;他們必倒在仇敵的刀下,你也必親眼看見;我必將猶大人全交在巴比倫王的手中,他要將他們擄到巴比倫去,也要用刀將他們殺戮。

4 For thus3541 said559 the LORD,3068 Behold,2005 I will make5414 you a terror4032 to yourself, and to all3605 your friends:157 and they shall fall5307 by the sword2719 of their enemies,341 and your eyes5869 shall behold7200 it: and I will give5414 all3605 Judah3063 into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and he shall carry1540 them captive1540 into Babylon,894 and shall slay5221 them with the sword.2719

5 並且我要將這城中的一切力量[strength]和勞碌得來的,並一切珍寶,以及猶大君王所有的寶物,都交在他們仇敵的手中;仇敵要搶掠[spoil]奪取[take]帶到巴比倫去。

5 Moreover I will deliver5414 all3605 the strength2633 of this2063 city,5892 and all3605 the labors3018 thereof, and all3605 the precious3366 things thereof, and all3605 the treasures214 of the kings4428 of Judah3063 will I give5414 into the hand3027 of their enemies,341 which834 shall spoil962 them, and take3947 them, and carry935 them to Babylon.894

6 你這巴施戶珥和一切住在你家中的人都必被擄去;你和你的眾朋友,就是你向他們預言虛謊[prophesied lies]的,都必到巴比倫去,要死在那裏,葬在那裏。』」

6 And you, Pashur,6583 and all3605 that dwell3427 in your house1004 shall go3212 into captivity:7628 and you shall come935 to Babylon,894 and there8033 you shall die,4191 and shall be buried6912 there,8033 you, and all3605 your friends,157 to whom834 1992 you have prophesied5012 lies.8267

7 耶和華啊,你曾欺哄[deceived]我,我也受了你的欺哄[was deceived]。你比我有力量,且勝了我。我天天被人嗤笑[in derision daily],人人都戲弄我。

7 O LORD,3068 you have deceived6601 me, and I was deceived;6601 you are stronger2388 than I, and have prevailed:3201 I am in derision7814 daily,3605 3117 every3605 one mocks3932 me.


8 For since1767 I spoke,1696 I cried2199 out, I cried7121 violence2555 and spoil;7701 because3588 the word1697 of the LORD3068 was made1961 a reproach2781 to me, and a derision,7047 daily.3605 3117

9[Then]說:我不再提耶和華,也不再奉他的名講論。然而,他的話在我心裏好像[But his word was in mine heart as]燒著的火閉塞在我骨中,我就含忍不住,不能自禁。

9 Then I said,559 I will not make mention2142 of him, nor3808 speak1696 any more5750 in his name.8034 But his word was in my heart3820 as a burning1197 fire784 shut6113 up in my bones,6106 and I was weary3811 with forbearing,3557 and I could3201 not stay.

10 我聽見了許多人的毀謗[defaming],四圍都是驚恐[fear]他們說:告他吧,我們也要告他[Report, say they, and we will report it]凡作我知己的也都窺探我[All my familiars watched for my halting][saying]:或者他被引誘,我們就能勝他,在他身上報仇。

10 For I heard8085 the defaming1681 of many,7227 fear4032 on every5437 side.5439 Report,5046 say they, and we will report5046 it. All3605 my familiars7965 watched8104 for my halting,6761 saying, Peradventure194 he will be enticed,6601 and we shall prevail3201 against him, and we shall take3947 our revenge5360 on him.

11 然而,耶和華與我同在,好像甚可怕的勇士。因此,逼迫我的必都絆跌,不能得勝;他們必大大蒙羞,因為他們必不亨通[for they shall not prosper]他們所受的羞辱永遠不被忘記[their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten]

11 But the LORD3068 is with me as a mighty1368 terrible6184 one: therefore5921 3651 my persecutors7291 shall stumble,3782 and they shall not prevail:3201 they shall be greatly3966 ashamed;954 for they shall not prosper:7919 their everlasting5769 confusion3639 shall never3808 be forgotten.7911

12 試驗義人、察看人肺腑心腸的大軍之耶和華啊,求你容我見你在他們身上報仇,因我將我的案件向你稟明了。

12 But, O LORD3068 of hosts,6635 that try974 the righteous,6662 and see7200 the reins3629 and the heart,3820 let me see7200 your vengeance5360 on them: for to you have I opened1540 my cause.7379

13 你們要向耶和華唱歌;讚美耶和華。因他救了窮人的性命脫離惡人的手。

13 Sing7891 to the LORD,3068 praise1984 you the LORD:3068 for he has delivered5337 the soul5315 of the poor34 from the hand3027 of evildoers.7489

14 願我生的那日受咒詛;願我母親產我的那日不蒙福。

14 Cursed779 be the day3117 wherein834 I was born:3205 let not the day3117 wherein834 my mother517 bore3205 me be blessed.1288

15 給我父親報信說「你得了兒子」,使我父親甚歡喜的,願那人受咒詛。

15 Cursed779 be the man376 who834 brought1319 tidings1319 to my father,1 saying,559 A man2145 child1121 is born3205 to you; making him very glad.8056

16 願那人像耶和華所傾覆而不後悔的城邑;願他早晨聽見哀聲,正午聽見吶喊;

16 And let that man376 be as the cities5892 which834 the LORD3068 overthrew,2015 and repented5162 not: and let him hear8085 the cry2201 in the morning,1242 and the shouting8643 at noontide;6256

17 因他在我未出胎的時候不殺我,又或[or that]使我母親成了我的墳墓,胎就同我[with me]時常重大。

17 Because834 he slew4191 me not from the womb;7358 or that my mother517 might have been1961 my grave,6913 and her womb7358 to be always5769 great2030 with me.

18 我為何出胎見勞碌愁苦,使我的年日因羞愧消滅呢?

18 Why4100 came3318 I forth3318 out of the womb7358 to see7200 labor5999 and sorrow,3015 that my days3117 should be consumed3615 with shame?1322