

1 我的愛人[love][Behold],你甚美麗;你甚美麗;你的髮綹內有鴿子的眼[thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks]。你的頭髮如同山羊群從基列山顯現[appear from mount Gilead]

2 你的牙齒如新剪毛的一群母羊,洗淨上來,個個都有雙生,沒有一隻不育的[barren]

3 你的唇好像一條朱紅線;你的話也合宜[speech is comely]。你的兩鬢[temples]你的髮綹[thy locks]內,如同一塊石榴。

4 你的頸項好像大衛建造武備庫[armoury]的高臺,其上掛有[hang]一千擋牌[bucklers],都是勇士的盾牌[shields]

5 你的兩乳好像百合花中吃草的一對小獐鹿[roes],就是雙生的[twins]

6 我要往沒藥山和乳香岡去,直等到天亮[day break]、日影[flee]去的時候回來。

7 我的愛人[love],妳全然美麗;在妳[in thee]毫無瑕疵。

8 我的配偶[spouse],求你與我一同離開黎巴嫩,與我一同離開黎巴嫩。從亞瑪拿頂,從示尼珥與黑門頂,從有獅子的洞,從有豹子的山往下觀看。

9 我妹子,我配偶[spouse],你奪了我的心。你用眼一看,用你項上的一條鏈子[chain],奪了我的心。

10 我妹子,我配偶[spouse],你的愛情何其美。你的愛情比酒更美。你膏油的香氣勝過一切香品。

11 我配偶啊[O my spouse],你的嘴唇滴蜜,好像蜂房滴蜜;你的舌下有蜜,有奶。你衣服的香氣如黎巴嫩的香氣。

12 我妹子,我配偶[spouse],乃是關鎖的園,禁閉的井,封閉的泉源。


14 有哪噠和番紅花;菖蒲和桂樹,並各樣乳香木;沒藥、蘆薈[aloes],與一切上等的香料[spices]

15 你是園中的泉,活水的井,從黎巴嫩流下來的溪水。

16 北風啊,醒起[Awake];南風啊,吹來;吹在我的園內,使其中的香氣發出來。願我的良人進入自己園裏,吃他佳美的果子。

Song of Solomon

Chapter 4

1 Behold,2009 thou art fair,3303 my love;7474 behold,2009 thou art fair;3303 thou hast doves'3123 eyes5869 within4480 1157 thy locks:6777 thy hair8181 is as a flock5739 of goats,5795 that appear7945 1570 from mount4480 2022 Gilead.1568

2 Thy teeth8127 are like a flock5739 of sheep that are even shorn,7094 which came up7945 5927 from4480 the washing;7367 whereof every one7945 3605 bear twins,8382 and none369 is barren7909 among them.

3 Thy lips8193 are like a thread2339 of scarlet,8144 and thy speech4057 is comely:5000 thy temples7541 are like a piece6400 of a pomegranate7416 within4480 1157 thy locks.6777

4 Thy neck6677 is like the tower4026 of David1732 built1129 for an armory,8530 whereon5921 there hang8518 a thousand505 bucklers,4043 all3605 shields7982 of mighty men.1368

5 Thy two8147 breasts7699 are like two8147 young6082 roes6646 that are twins,8380 which feed7462 among the lilies.7799

6 Until5704 the day3117 break,7945 6315 and the shadows6752 flee away,5127 I will get1980 me to413 the mountain2022 of myrrh,4753 and to413 the hill1389 of frankincense.3828

7 Thou art all3605 fair,3303 my love;7474 there is no369 spot3971 in thee.

8 Come935 with854 me from Lebanon,4480 3844 my spouse,3618 with854 me from Lebanon:4480 3844 look7789 from the top4480 7218 of Amana,549 from the top4480 7218 of Shenir8149 and Hermon,2768 from the lions'738 dens,4480 4585 from the mountains4480 2042 of the leopards.5246

9 Thou hast ravished my heart,3823 my sister,269 my spouse;3618 thou hast ravished my heart3823 with one259 of thine eyes,4480 5869 with one259 chain6060 of thy neck.4480 6677

10 How4100 fair3302 is thy love,1730 my sister,269 my spouse!3618 how4100 much better2895 is thy love1730 than wine!4480 3196 and the smell7381 of thine ointments8081 than all4480 3605 spices!1314

11 Thy lips,8193 O my spouse,3618 drop5197 as the honeycomb:5317 honey1706 and milk2461 are under8478 thy tongue;3956 and the smell7381 of thy garments8008 is like the smell7381 of Lebanon.3844

12 A garden1588 enclosed5274 is my sister,269 my spouse;3618 a spring1530 shut up,5274 a fountain4599 sealed.2856

13 Thy plants7973 are an orchard6508 of pomegranates,7416 with5973 pleasant4022 fruits;6529 camphire,3724 with5973 spikenard,5373

14 Spikenard5373 and saffron;3750 calamus7070 and cinnamon,7076 with5973 all3605 trees6086 of frankincense;3828 myrrh4753 and aloes,174 with5973 all3605 the chief7218 spices: 1314

15 A fountain4599 of gardens,1588 a well875 of living2416 waters,4325 and streams5140 from4480 Lebanon.3844

16 Awake,5782 O north6828 wind; and come,935 thou south;8486 blow upon6315 my garden,1588 that the spices1314 thereof may flow out.5140 Let my beloved1730 come935 into his garden,1588 and eat398 his pleasant4022 fruits.6529



Song of Solomon

Chapter 4

1 我的愛人[love][Behold],你甚美麗;你甚美麗;你的髮綹內有鴿子的眼[thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks]。你的頭髮如同山羊群從基列山顯現[appear from mount Gilead]

1 Behold,2009 thou art fair,3303 my love;7474 behold,2009 thou art fair;3303 thou hast doves'3123 eyes5869 within4480 1157 thy locks:6777 thy hair8181 is as a flock5739 of goats,5795 that appear7945 1570 from mount4480 2022 Gilead.1568

2 你的牙齒如新剪毛的一群母羊,洗淨上來,個個都有雙生,沒有一隻不育的[barren]

2 Thy teeth8127 are like a flock5739 of sheep that are even shorn,7094 which came up7945 5927 from4480 the washing;7367 whereof every one7945 3605 bear twins,8382 and none369 is barren7909 among them.

3 你的唇好像一條朱紅線;你的話也合宜[speech is comely]。你的兩鬢[temples]你的髮綹[thy locks]內,如同一塊石榴。

3 Thy lips8193 are like a thread2339 of scarlet,8144 and thy speech4057 is comely:5000 thy temples7541 are like a piece6400 of a pomegranate7416 within4480 1157 thy locks.6777

4 你的頸項好像大衛建造武備庫[armoury]的高臺,其上掛有[hang]一千擋牌[bucklers],都是勇士的盾牌[shields]

4 Thy neck6677 is like the tower4026 of David1732 built1129 for an armory,8530 whereon5921 there hang8518 a thousand505 bucklers,4043 all3605 shields7982 of mighty men.1368

5 你的兩乳好像百合花中吃草的一對小獐鹿[roes],就是雙生的[twins]

5 Thy two8147 breasts7699 are like two8147 young6082 roes6646 that are twins,8380 which feed7462 among the lilies.7799

6 我要往沒藥山和乳香岡去,直等到天亮[day break]、日影[flee]去的時候回來。

6 Until5704 the day3117 break,7945 6315 and the shadows6752 flee away,5127 I will get1980 me to413 the mountain2022 of myrrh,4753 and to413 the hill1389 of frankincense.3828

7 我的愛人[love],妳全然美麗;在妳[in thee]毫無瑕疵。

7 Thou art all3605 fair,3303 my love;7474 there is no369 spot3971 in thee.

8 我的配偶[spouse],求你與我一同離開黎巴嫩,與我一同離開黎巴嫩。從亞瑪拿頂,從示尼珥與黑門頂,從有獅子的洞,從有豹子的山往下觀看。

8 Come935 with854 me from Lebanon,4480 3844 my spouse,3618 with854 me from Lebanon:4480 3844 look7789 from the top4480 7218 of Amana,549 from the top4480 7218 of Shenir8149 and Hermon,2768 from the lions'738 dens,4480 4585 from the mountains4480 2042 of the leopards.5246

9 我妹子,我配偶[spouse],你奪了我的心。你用眼一看,用你項上的一條鏈子[chain],奪了我的心。

9 Thou hast ravished my heart,3823 my sister,269 my spouse;3618 thou hast ravished my heart3823 with one259 of thine eyes,4480 5869 with one259 chain6060 of thy neck.4480 6677

10 我妹子,我配偶[spouse],你的愛情何其美。你的愛情比酒更美。你膏油的香氣勝過一切香品。

10 How4100 fair3302 is thy love,1730 my sister,269 my spouse!3618 how4100 much better2895 is thy love1730 than wine!4480 3196 and the smell7381 of thine ointments8081 than all4480 3605 spices!1314

11 我配偶啊[O my spouse],你的嘴唇滴蜜,好像蜂房滴蜜;你的舌下有蜜,有奶。你衣服的香氣如黎巴嫩的香氣。

11 Thy lips,8193 O my spouse,3618 drop5197 as the honeycomb:5317 honey1706 and milk2461 are under8478 thy tongue;3956 and the smell7381 of thy garments8008 is like the smell7381 of Lebanon.3844

12 我妹子,我配偶[spouse],乃是關鎖的園,禁閉的井,封閉的泉源。

12 A garden1588 enclosed5274 is my sister,269 my spouse;3618 a spring1530 shut up,5274 a fountain4599 sealed.2856


13 Thy plants7973 are an orchard6508 of pomegranates,7416 with5973 pleasant4022 fruits;6529 camphire,3724 with5973 spikenard,5373

14 有哪噠和番紅花;菖蒲和桂樹,並各樣乳香木;沒藥、蘆薈[aloes],與一切上等的香料[spices]

14 Spikenard5373 and saffron;3750 calamus7070 and cinnamon,7076 with5973 all3605 trees6086 of frankincense;3828 myrrh4753 and aloes,174 with5973 all3605 the chief7218 spices: 1314

15 你是園中的泉,活水的井,從黎巴嫩流下來的溪水。

15 A fountain4599 of gardens,1588 a well875 of living2416 waters,4325 and streams5140 from4480 Lebanon.3844

16 北風啊,醒起[Awake];南風啊,吹來;吹在我的園內,使其中的香氣發出來。願我的良人進入自己園裏,吃他佳美的果子。

16 Awake,5782 O north6828 wind; and come,935 thou south;8486 blow upon6315 my garden,1588 that the spices1314 thereof may flow out.5140 Let my beloved1730 come935 into his garden,1588 and eat398 his pleasant4022 fruits.6529