

1 (耶和華的僕人大衛的詩,交與伶長。當耶和華救他脫離一切仇敵和掃羅之手的日子,他向耶和華念這詩的話。說:)耶和華,我的力量啊,我愛你。

2 耶和華是我的岩石,我的山寨,我的救主;我的神,我的力量[strength],我所投靠的;他是我的擋牌[buckler],是拯救我的角,是我的高臺。

3 我要求告當讚美的耶和華;這樣我必從仇敵手中被救出來。

4 曾有死亡的愁苦[sorrows]纏繞我,不敬虔人[ungodly]的急流使我驚懼,

5 地獄[hell]愁苦[sorrows]纏繞我,死亡的網羅臨到我。

6 我在急難中呼求[cried]耶和華,向我的神呼求。他從殿中聽了我的聲音;我在他面前的呼求入了他的耳中。

7 那時,因他發怒,地就搖撼顫抖;山的根基也震動搖撼。

8 從他鼻孔冒煙上騰;從他口中發火焚燒,連炭也著了。

9 他又使諸天[heavens]下垂,親自降臨,有黑暗[darkness]在他腳下。

10 他坐著基路伯飛行;他藉著風的翅膀而飛[did fly]

11 他以黑暗為藏身之處,以水的黑暗、天空的厚雲為他四圍的行宮。

12 因他面前的光輝,他的厚雲行過便有冰雹火炭。

13 耶和華也在諸天[heavens]打雷;至高者發出聲音便有冰雹火炭。

14 他射出箭來,使仇敵四散;多多發出閃電,使他們擾亂。

15 耶和華啊,你的斥責一發,你鼻孔的氣一出,海底就出現,大地的根基也顯露。

16 他從高天伸手抓住我,把我從[many]水中拉上來。

17 他救我脫離我的勁敵和那些恨我的人,因為他們比我強盛。

18 我遭遇災難的日子,他們來攻擊我;但耶和華是我的倚靠。

19 他又領我到寬闊之處;他救拔我,因他喜悅我。

20 耶和華按著我的公義報答我,按著我手中的清潔賞賜我。

21 因為我遵守了耶和華的道,未曾作惡離開我的神。

22 他的一切典章常在我面前;他的律例我也未曾丟棄。

23 我在他面前作了正直[upright]人;我也保守自己遠離我的罪孽。

24 所以,耶和華按我的公義,按我在他眼前手中的清潔償還我。

25 慈愛的人,你以慈愛待他;正直[upright]的人,你以正直[upright]待他。

26 純潔[pure]的人,你以純潔[pure]待他;乖僻的人,你以乖僻[froward]待他。

27 困苦的百姓,你必拯救;高傲的眼目,你必使他降卑。

28 你必點著我的[candle];耶和華─我的神必照明我的黑暗。

29 我藉著你衝破[run through]敵軍,藉著我的神跳過牆垣。

30 至於神,他的道是完全的;耶和華的話是煉淨的;凡投靠他的,他便作他們的擋牌[buckler]

31 除了耶和華,誰是神呢?除了我們的神,誰是磐石呢?

32 唯有那以力量束我的腰、使我的路[way]完全的,他是神。

33 他使我的腳快如母鹿的蹄,又使我在高處安穩。

34 他教導我的手能以爭戰,甚至我的膀臂能開[steel]弓。

35 你把你的救恩給我作盾牌;你的右手扶持我;你的溫和使我為大。

36 你使我腳下的地步寬闊;我的腳未曾滑跌。

37 我要追趕我的仇敵,並要追上他們;不將他們滅絕,我總不歸回。

38 我要打傷他們,使他們不能起來;他們必倒在我的腳下。

39 因為你曾以力量束我的腰,使我能爭戰;你也使那起來攻擊我的都服在我以下。

40 你把我仇敵的頸項交給我[Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies],叫我能以滅絕[destroy]那恨我的人。

41 他們呼求,卻無人拯救;就是呼求耶和華,他也不應允。

42 我搗碎他們,如同風前的灰塵,倒出他們,如同街上的泥土。

43 救了[delivered]我脫離百姓的爭競;你又[and thou]立我作異教之民[heathen]的元首。我素不認識的民必事奉我。

44 他們一聽見我的名聲就必順從我;外邦人要投降我。

45 外邦人要衰殘,戰戰兢兢地出他們的隱蔽之地[close places]

46 耶和華是活神。願我的磐石被人稱頌;願救我的神被人尊崇。

47 這位神,就是那為我伸冤、使眾民服在我以下的。

48 你救我脫離仇敵,又把我舉起,高過那些起來攻擊我的;你救我脫離強暴的人。

49 耶和華啊,因此我要在異教民[heathen]中稱謝你,歌頌你的名。

50 耶和華賜極大的救恩給他所立的王,施慈愛給他的受膏者,就是給大衛和他的後裔,直到永遠。


Psalm 18

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm of David,1732 the servant5650 of the LORD,3068 who834 spoke1696 unto the LORD3068 853 the words1697 of this2063 song7892 in the day3117 that the LORD3068 delivered5337 him from the hand4480 3709 of all3605 his enemies,341 and from the hand4480 3027 of Saul:7586 And he said,559 I will love7355 thee, O LORD,3068 my strength.2391

2 The LORD3068 is my rock,5553 and my fortress,4686 and my deliverer;6403 my God,410 my strength,6697 in whom I will trust;2620 my buckler,4043 and the horn7161 of my salvation,3468 and my high tower.4869

3 I will call7121 upon the LORD,3068 who is worthy to be praised:1984 so shall I be saved3467 from4480 mine enemies.341

4 The sorrows2256 of death4194 compassed661 me, and the floods5158 of ungodly men1100 made me afraid.1204

5 The sorrows2256 of hell7585 compassed me about:5437 the snares4170 of death4194 prevented6923 me.

6 In my distress6862 I called upon7121 the LORD,3068 and cried7768 unto413 my God:430 he heard8085 my voice6963 out of his temple,4480 1964 and my cry7775 came935 before6440 him, even into his ears.241

7 Then the earth776 shook1607 and trembled;7493 the foundations4146 also of the hills2022 moved7264 and were shaken,1607 because3588 he was wroth.2734

8 There went up5927 a smoke6227 out of his nostrils,639 and fire784 out of his mouth4480 6310 devoured:398 coals1513 were kindled1197 by4480 it.

9 He bowed5186 the heavens8064 also, and came down:3381 and darkness6205 was under8478 his feet.7272

10 And he rode7392 upon5921 a cherub,3742 and did fly:5774 yea, he did fly1675 upon5921 the wings3671 of the wind.7307

11 He made7896 darkness2824 his secret place;5643 his pavilion5521 round about5439 him were dark2824 waters4325 and thick clouds5645 of the skies.7834

12 At the brightness4480 5051 that was before5048 him his thick clouds5645 passed,5674 hail1259 stones and coals1513 of fire.784

13 The LORD3068 also thundered7481 in the heavens,8064 and the Highest5945 gave5414 his voice;6963 hail1259 stones and coals1513 of fire.784

14 Yea, he sent out7971 his arrows,2671 and scattered6327 them; and he shot out7232 lightnings,1300 and discomfited2000 them.

15 Then the channels650 of waters4325 were seen,7200 and the foundations4146 of the world8398 were discovered1540 at thy rebuke,4480 1606 O LORD,3068 at the blast4480 5397 of the breath7307 of thy nostrils.639

16 He sent7971 from above,4480 4791 he took3947 me, he drew4871 me out of many waters.4480 4325 7227

17 He delivered5337 me from my strong5794 enemy,4480 341 and from them which hated4480 8130 me: for3588 they were too strong553 for4480 me.

18 They prevented6923 me in the day3117 of my calamity:343 but the LORD3068 was1961 my stay.4937

19 He brought me forth3318 also into a large place;4800 he delivered2502 me, because3588 he delighted2654 in me.

20 The LORD3068 rewarded1580 me according to my righteousness;6664 according to the cleanness1252 of my hands3027 hath he recompensed7725 me.

21 For3588 I have kept8104 the ways1870 of the LORD,3068 and have not3808 wickedly departed7561 from my God.4480 430

22 For3588 all3605 his judgments4941 were before5048 me, and I did not3808 put away5493 his statutes2708 from4480 me.

23 I was1961 also upright8549 before5973 him, and I kept myself8104 from mine iniquity.4480 5771

24 Therefore hath the LORD3068 recompensed7725 me according to my righteousness,6664 according to the cleanness1252 of my hands3027 in5048 his eyesight.5869

25 With5973 the merciful2623 thou wilt show thyself merciful;2616 with5973 an upright8549 man1399 thou wilt show thyself upright;8552

26 With5973 the pure1305 thou wilt show thyself pure;1305 and with5973 the froward6141 thou wilt show thyself froward.6617

27 For3588 thou wilt859 save3467 the afflicted6041 people;5971 but wilt bring down8213 high7311 looks.5869

28 For3588 thou859 wilt light215 my candle:5216 the LORD3068 my God430 will enlighten5050 my darkness.2822

29 For3588 by thee I have run through7323 a troop;1416 and by my God430 have I leaped over1801 a wall.7791

30 As for God,410 his way1870 is perfect:8549 the word565 of the LORD3068 is tried:6884 he1931 is a buckler4043 to all3605 those that trust2620 in him.

31 For3588 who4310 is God433 save4480 1107 the LORD?3068 or who4310 is a rock6697 save2108 our God?430

32 It is God410 that girdeth247 me with strength,2428 and maketh5414 my way1870 perfect.8549

33 He maketh7737 my feet7272 like hinds'355 feet, and setteth5975 me upon5921 my high places.1116

34 He teacheth3925 my hands3027 to war,4421 so that a bow7198 of steel5154 is broken5181 by mine arms.2220

35 Thou hast also given5414 me the shield4043 of thy salvation:3468 and thy right hand3225 hath holden me up,5582 and thy gentleness6038 hath made me great.7235

36 Thou hast enlarged7337 my steps6806 under8478 me, that my feet7166 did not3808 slip.4571

37 I have pursued7291 mine enemies,341 and overtaken5381 them: neither3808 did I turn again7725 till5704 they were consumed.3615

38 I have wounded4272 them that they were not3808 able3201 to rise:6965 they are fallen5307 under8478 my feet.7272

39 For thou hast girded247 me with strength2428 unto the battle:4421 thou hast subdued3766 under8478 me those that rose up6965 against me.

40 Thou hast also given5414 me the necks6203 of mine enemies;341 that I might destroy6789 them that hate8130 me.

41 They cried,7768 but there was none369 to save3467 them: even unto5921 the LORD,3068 but he answered6030 them not.3808

42 Then did I beat them small7833 as the dust6083 before5921 6440 the wind:7307 I did cast them out7324 as the dirt2916 in the streets.2351

43 Thou hast delivered6403 me from the strivings4480 7379 of the people;5971 and thou hast made7760 me the head7218 of the heathen:1471 a people5971 whom I have not3808 known3045 shall serve5647 me.

44 As soon as they hear8088 241 of me, they shall obey8085 me: the strangers1121 5236 shall submit3584 themselves unto me.

45 The strangers1121 5236 shall fade away,5034 and be afraid2727 out of4480 their close places.4526

46 The LORD3068 liveth;2416 and blessed1288 be my rock;6697 and let the God430 of my salvation3468 be exalted.7311

47 It is God410 that avengeth5414 5360 me, and subdueth1696 the people5971 under8478 me.

48 He delivereth6403 me from mine enemies:4480 341 yea,637 thou liftest me up7311 above4480 those that rise up6965 against me: thou hast delivered5337 me from the violent2555 man.4480 376

49 Therefore5921 3651 will I give thanks3034 unto thee, O LORD,3068 among the heathen,1471 and sing praises2167 unto thy name.8034

50 Great1431 deliverance3444 giveth he to his king;4428 and showeth6213 mercy2617 to his anointed,4899 to David,1732 and to his seed2233 forevermore.5704 5769




Psalm 18

1 (耶和華的僕人大衛的詩,交與伶長。當耶和華救他脫離一切仇敵和掃羅之手的日子,他向耶和華念這詩的話。說:)耶和華,我的力量啊,我愛你。

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm of David,1732 the servant5650 of the LORD,3068 who834 spoke1696 unto the LORD3068 853 the words1697 of this2063 song7892 in the day3117 that the LORD3068 delivered5337 him from the hand4480 3709 of all3605 his enemies,341 and from the hand4480 3027 of Saul:7586 And he said,559 I will love7355 thee, O LORD,3068 my strength.2391

2 耶和華是我的岩石,我的山寨,我的救主;我的神,我的力量[strength],我所投靠的;他是我的擋牌[buckler],是拯救我的角,是我的高臺。

2 The LORD3068 is my rock,5553 and my fortress,4686 and my deliverer;6403 my God,410 my strength,6697 in whom I will trust;2620 my buckler,4043 and the horn7161 of my salvation,3468 and my high tower.4869

3 我要求告當讚美的耶和華;這樣我必從仇敵手中被救出來。

3 I will call7121 upon the LORD,3068 who is worthy to be praised:1984 so shall I be saved3467 from4480 mine enemies.341

4 曾有死亡的愁苦[sorrows]纏繞我,不敬虔人[ungodly]的急流使我驚懼,

4 The sorrows2256 of death4194 compassed661 me, and the floods5158 of ungodly men1100 made me afraid.1204

5 地獄[hell]愁苦[sorrows]纏繞我,死亡的網羅臨到我。

5 The sorrows2256 of hell7585 compassed me about:5437 the snares4170 of death4194 prevented6923 me.

6 我在急難中呼求[cried]耶和華,向我的神呼求。他從殿中聽了我的聲音;我在他面前的呼求入了他的耳中。

6 In my distress6862 I called upon7121 the LORD,3068 and cried7768 unto413 my God:430 he heard8085 my voice6963 out of his temple,4480 1964 and my cry7775 came935 before6440 him, even into his ears.241

7 那時,因他發怒,地就搖撼顫抖;山的根基也震動搖撼。

7 Then the earth776 shook1607 and trembled;7493 the foundations4146 also of the hills2022 moved7264 and were shaken,1607 because3588 he was wroth.2734

8 從他鼻孔冒煙上騰;從他口中發火焚燒,連炭也著了。

8 There went up5927 a smoke6227 out of his nostrils,639 and fire784 out of his mouth4480 6310 devoured:398 coals1513 were kindled1197 by4480 it.

9 他又使諸天[heavens]下垂,親自降臨,有黑暗[darkness]在他腳下。

9 He bowed5186 the heavens8064 also, and came down:3381 and darkness6205 was under8478 his feet.7272

10 他坐著基路伯飛行;他藉著風的翅膀而飛[did fly]

10 And he rode7392 upon5921 a cherub,3742 and did fly:5774 yea, he did fly1675 upon5921 the wings3671 of the wind.7307

11 他以黑暗為藏身之處,以水的黑暗、天空的厚雲為他四圍的行宮。

11 He made7896 darkness2824 his secret place;5643 his pavilion5521 round about5439 him were dark2824 waters4325 and thick clouds5645 of the skies.7834

12 因他面前的光輝,他的厚雲行過便有冰雹火炭。

12 At the brightness4480 5051 that was before5048 him his thick clouds5645 passed,5674 hail1259 stones and coals1513 of fire.784

13 耶和華也在諸天[heavens]打雷;至高者發出聲音便有冰雹火炭。

13 The LORD3068 also thundered7481 in the heavens,8064 and the Highest5945 gave5414 his voice;6963 hail1259 stones and coals1513 of fire.784

14 他射出箭來,使仇敵四散;多多發出閃電,使他們擾亂。

14 Yea, he sent out7971 his arrows,2671 and scattered6327 them; and he shot out7232 lightnings,1300 and discomfited2000 them.

15 耶和華啊,你的斥責一發,你鼻孔的氣一出,海底就出現,大地的根基也顯露。

15 Then the channels650 of waters4325 were seen,7200 and the foundations4146 of the world8398 were discovered1540 at thy rebuke,4480 1606 O LORD,3068 at the blast4480 5397 of the breath7307 of thy nostrils.639

16 他從高天伸手抓住我,把我從[many]水中拉上來。

16 He sent7971 from above,4480 4791 he took3947 me, he drew4871 me out of many waters.4480 4325 7227

17 他救我脫離我的勁敵和那些恨我的人,因為他們比我強盛。

17 He delivered5337 me from my strong5794 enemy,4480 341 and from them which hated4480 8130 me: for3588 they were too strong553 for4480 me.

18 我遭遇災難的日子,他們來攻擊我;但耶和華是我的倚靠。

18 They prevented6923 me in the day3117 of my calamity:343 but the LORD3068 was1961 my stay.4937

19 他又領我到寬闊之處;他救拔我,因他喜悅我。

19 He brought me forth3318 also into a large place;4800 he delivered2502 me, because3588 he delighted2654 in me.

20 耶和華按著我的公義報答我,按著我手中的清潔賞賜我。

20 The LORD3068 rewarded1580 me according to my righteousness;6664 according to the cleanness1252 of my hands3027 hath he recompensed7725 me.

21 因為我遵守了耶和華的道,未曾作惡離開我的神。

21 For3588 I have kept8104 the ways1870 of the LORD,3068 and have not3808 wickedly departed7561 from my God.4480 430

22 他的一切典章常在我面前;他的律例我也未曾丟棄。

22 For3588 all3605 his judgments4941 were before5048 me, and I did not3808 put away5493 his statutes2708 from4480 me.

23 我在他面前作了正直[upright]人;我也保守自己遠離我的罪孽。

23 I was1961 also upright8549 before5973 him, and I kept myself8104 from mine iniquity.4480 5771

24 所以,耶和華按我的公義,按我在他眼前手中的清潔償還我。

24 Therefore hath the LORD3068 recompensed7725 me according to my righteousness,6664 according to the cleanness1252 of my hands3027 in5048 his eyesight.5869

25 慈愛的人,你以慈愛待他;正直[upright]的人,你以正直[upright]待他。

25 With5973 the merciful2623 thou wilt show thyself merciful;2616 with5973 an upright8549 man1399 thou wilt show thyself upright;8552

26 純潔[pure]的人,你以純潔[pure]待他;乖僻的人,你以乖僻[froward]待他。

26 With5973 the pure1305 thou wilt show thyself pure;1305 and with5973 the froward6141 thou wilt show thyself froward.6617

27 困苦的百姓,你必拯救;高傲的眼目,你必使他降卑。

27 For3588 thou wilt859 save3467 the afflicted6041 people;5971 but wilt bring down8213 high7311 looks.5869

28 你必點著我的[candle];耶和華─我的神必照明我的黑暗。

28 For3588 thou859 wilt light215 my candle:5216 the LORD3068 my God430 will enlighten5050 my darkness.2822

29 我藉著你衝破[run through]敵軍,藉著我的神跳過牆垣。

29 For3588 by thee I have run through7323 a troop;1416 and by my God430 have I leaped over1801 a wall.7791

30 至於神,他的道是完全的;耶和華的話是煉淨的;凡投靠他的,他便作他們的擋牌[buckler]

30 As for God,410 his way1870 is perfect:8549 the word565 of the LORD3068 is tried:6884 he1931 is a buckler4043 to all3605 those that trust2620 in him.

31 除了耶和華,誰是神呢?除了我們的神,誰是磐石呢?

31 For3588 who4310 is God433 save4480 1107 the LORD?3068 or who4310 is a rock6697 save2108 our God?430

32 唯有那以力量束我的腰、使我的路[way]完全的,他是神。

32 It is God410 that girdeth247 me with strength,2428 and maketh5414 my way1870 perfect.8549

33 他使我的腳快如母鹿的蹄,又使我在高處安穩。

33 He maketh7737 my feet7272 like hinds'355 feet, and setteth5975 me upon5921 my high places.1116

34 他教導我的手能以爭戰,甚至我的膀臂能開[steel]弓。

34 He teacheth3925 my hands3027 to war,4421 so that a bow7198 of steel5154 is broken5181 by mine arms.2220

35 你把你的救恩給我作盾牌;你的右手扶持我;你的溫和使我為大。

35 Thou hast also given5414 me the shield4043 of thy salvation:3468 and thy right hand3225 hath holden me up,5582 and thy gentleness6038 hath made me great.7235

36 你使我腳下的地步寬闊;我的腳未曾滑跌。

36 Thou hast enlarged7337 my steps6806 under8478 me, that my feet7166 did not3808 slip.4571

37 我要追趕我的仇敵,並要追上他們;不將他們滅絕,我總不歸回。

37 I have pursued7291 mine enemies,341 and overtaken5381 them: neither3808 did I turn again7725 till5704 they were consumed.3615

38 我要打傷他們,使他們不能起來;他們必倒在我的腳下。

38 I have wounded4272 them that they were not3808 able3201 to rise:6965 they are fallen5307 under8478 my feet.7272

39 因為你曾以力量束我的腰,使我能爭戰;你也使那起來攻擊我的都服在我以下。

39 For thou hast girded247 me with strength2428 unto the battle:4421 thou hast subdued3766 under8478 me those that rose up6965 against me.

40 你把我仇敵的頸項交給我[Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies],叫我能以滅絕[destroy]那恨我的人。

40 Thou hast also given5414 me the necks6203 of mine enemies;341 that I might destroy6789 them that hate8130 me.

41 他們呼求,卻無人拯救;就是呼求耶和華,他也不應允。

41 They cried,7768 but there was none369 to save3467 them: even unto5921 the LORD,3068 but he answered6030 them not.3808

42 我搗碎他們,如同風前的灰塵,倒出他們,如同街上的泥土。

42 Then did I beat them small7833 as the dust6083 before5921 6440 the wind:7307 I did cast them out7324 as the dirt2916 in the streets.2351

43 救了[delivered]我脫離百姓的爭競;你又[and thou]立我作異教之民[heathen]的元首。我素不認識的民必事奉我。

43 Thou hast delivered6403 me from the strivings4480 7379 of the people;5971 and thou hast made7760 me the head7218 of the heathen:1471 a people5971 whom I have not3808 known3045 shall serve5647 me.

44 他們一聽見我的名聲就必順從我;外邦人要投降我。

44 As soon as they hear8088 241 of me, they shall obey8085 me: the strangers1121 5236 shall submit3584 themselves unto me.

45 外邦人要衰殘,戰戰兢兢地出他們的隱蔽之地[close places]

45 The strangers1121 5236 shall fade away,5034 and be afraid2727 out of4480 their close places.4526

46 耶和華是活神。願我的磐石被人稱頌;願救我的神被人尊崇。

46 The LORD3068 liveth;2416 and blessed1288 be my rock;6697 and let the God430 of my salvation3468 be exalted.7311

47 這位神,就是那為我伸冤、使眾民服在我以下的。

47 It is God410 that avengeth5414 5360 me, and subdueth1696 the people5971 under8478 me.

48 你救我脫離仇敵,又把我舉起,高過那些起來攻擊我的;你救我脫離強暴的人。

48 He delivereth6403 me from mine enemies:4480 341 yea,637 thou liftest me up7311 above4480 those that rise up6965 against me: thou hast delivered5337 me from the violent2555 man.4480 376

49 耶和華啊,因此我要在異教民[heathen]中稱謝你,歌頌你的名。

49 Therefore5921 3651 will I give thanks3034 unto thee, O LORD,3068 among the heathen,1471 and sing praises2167 unto thy name.8034

50 耶和華賜極大的救恩給他所立的王,施慈愛給他的受膏者,就是給大衛和他的後裔,直到永遠。

50 Great1431 deliverance3444 giveth he to his king;4428 and showeth6213 mercy2617 to his anointed,4899 to David,1732 and to his seed2233 forevermore.5704 5769