

1 耶穌在一個地方禱告,禱告完了,他門徒有個[one of his disciples]對他說:「求主教導我們禱告,像約翰[also]教導他的門徒。」

2 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「你們禱告的時候,要說:『我們在天上的父,願人都尊你的名為聖。願你的國降臨。願你的旨意成[Thy will be done]在地上[in earth]如同成在天上[as in heaven]

3 我們日用的飲食,天天賜給我們。

4 饒恕[forgive]我們的罪;因為我們也饒恕[forgive]凡虧欠我們的人。不[lead]我們陷入[into]試探;但救我們脫離兇惡[but deliver us from evil]。」

5 耶穌又對他[unto them]說:「你們中間誰有一個朋友,半夜到他那裏去,對他[unto him]說:『朋友,請借給我三個餅;

6 因為我有一個朋友行路,來到我這裏,我沒有甚麼給他擺上。』的呢?

7 那人在裏面回答說:『不要攪擾我。門已經關閉,我的[my]孩子們也同我在床上了;我不能起來給你。』

8 我告訴你們:『雖不因他是他的[his]朋友起來給他,但因他情詞迫切的直求,就必起來照他所需用的給他。』

9 我又告訴你們:『祈求[Ask],就給你們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門。

10 因為,凡祈求的,就得著;尋找的,就尋見;叩門的,就給他開門。』

11 若有兒子要求餅[If a son shall ask bread of]你們中間作父親的[any of you that is a father][will]給他石頭呢?倘或兒子[or if]求魚,[any]拿蛇當魚給他呢?

12 或若兒子[Or if he]求雞蛋,[will]給他蠍子呢?

13 你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女;何況你們的[your]天父,豈不更將聖靈給求他的人嗎?」

14 耶穌趕出一個叫人啞吧的鬼魔[devil]鬼魔[devil]出去了,啞吧就說出話來;百姓[people]都希奇。

15 內中卻有人說:「他是靠著鬼魔之王[chief of the devils]別西卜趕出鬼魔[casteth out devils]。」

16 又有人試探耶穌,向他求從天上來的神蹟。

17 [But]他曉得他們的意念,便對他們說:「凡一國自相紛爭,就成為荒場;凡一家自相紛爭,就必敗落。

18 若撒但[also]自相紛爭,他的國怎能站得住呢?因為你們說我是靠著別西卜趕出鬼魔[cast out devils]

19 我若靠著別西卜趕出鬼魔[cast out devils],你們的子弟趕出他們[cast them out]又靠著誰呢?這樣,他們就要斷定你們的是非。

20 我若以神的指頭趕出鬼魔[with the finger of God cast out devils],這就是[God]的國臨到你們了。

21 壯士披掛[armed],看守自己宮宅[his palace],他所有的便[When]平安無事;

22 但有一個比他更壯的來,勝過他,就奪[all]他所倚靠的盔甲[armour],又分了他的贓。

23 不與我相合的,就是敵我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的。」

24 「污[spirit]離了人身,就在乾旱[dry]之地[walketh][walketh]去,尋求安歇之處;既尋不著,[he]說:『我要回到我所出來的屋裏去。』

25 [he]到了,就看見裏面打掃乾淨,修飾好了。

26 污靈[he]便去,另帶了七個比自己更惡的[spirits]來;他們[they]都進去住在那裏。那人末後的景況比先前更不好了。」

27 耶穌正說這些[these]話的時候,眾人中間有一個女人大聲說:「懷你的胎[womb that bare thee]哺你的乳[paps which thou hast sucked]有福了。」

28 [But]耶穌說:「是,卻還不如聽神之道而遵守的人有福。」

29 百姓[people]聚集成群[thick]的時候,耶穌開講說:「這是[This is]一個邪惡的世代。他們求看神蹟;除了先知[prophet]約拿的神蹟以外,再沒有神蹟給他們看。

30 約拿怎樣為尼尼微人成了神蹟,人子也要照樣為這世代的人成了神蹟。

31 當審判的時候,南方的女王要起來定這世代的罪。因為她從地極而來,要聽所羅門的智慧話;看哪,在這裏有一人比所羅門更大。

32 當審判的時候,尼尼微人要起來定這世代的罪。因為尼尼微人聽了約拿所傳的就悔改了;看哪,在這裏有一人比約拿更大。」

33 「沒有人點[candle]放在隱密處[secret place]裏,或是斗底下,總是放在燭臺[candlestick]上,使進來的人得見亮光。

34 眼睛[eye]就是身上的[light]故此[therefore],你的眼睛若專一[single][thy]全身就全然[full of]光明;[thine]眼睛若有災病[evil][thy]全身就全然[full of]黑暗。

35 所以,務要謹慎[Take heed]好叫[that]你裏頭的光毫無[be not]黑暗。

36 所以[therefore],若是你全身全然[full of]光明,毫無黑暗,全身[whole]就必全然光明,如同[candle]的明光照亮你。」

37 [he]說話的時候,有一個法利賽人請耶穌同他用餐[dine];耶穌就進去坐席。

38 這法利賽人看見耶穌[dinner]前不洗手便詫異。

39 主對他說:「如今你們法利賽人洗淨杯盤的外面;你們裏面卻滿了殘暴[ravening]和邪惡。

40 你們[Ye]無知的人哪,造外面的,不也造裏面嗎?

41 只要把你們有的[as ye have]施捨給人; 看哪[behold],凡物於你們就都潔淨了。」

42 但是[But]你們法利賽人有禍了。因為你們將薄荷、芸香並各樣菜蔬獻上十分之一,那公義和愛神的事反倒不行了;這些[these]是你們當行的,[and]是不可不行的。

43 你們法利賽人有禍了。因為你們喜愛會堂裏的首位,又喜愛人在街市上問你們的安。

44 你們這些文士和法利賽人,偽善的人[you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites],有禍了。因為你們如同不顯露的墳墓,走在上面的人是不覺的[not aware of]。」

45 那時[Then],律法師中有一個回答耶穌說:「夫子,你這樣說也把我們羞辱[reproachest]了。」

46 耶穌說:「你們律法師也有禍了。因為你們把難擔的擔子放在人身上,自己一個指頭卻不肯動。

47 你們有禍了。因為你們修造先知的墳墓,那些[them]先知正是你們的祖宗所殺的。

48 證明[bear witness]你們祖宗所作的事,你們果然[Truly]喜歡;因為他們實在[indeed]殺了先知,你們修造先知的墳墓。

49 所以,神的智慧[wisdom of][also]說:『我要差遣先知和使徒到他們那裏去,有的他們要殺害,有的他們要逼迫。』

50 使創世以來所流眾先知的[blood]都要問在這世代的人身上;

51 就是從亞伯的血起,直到被殺在壇和殿中間撒迦利亞的血為止。我實在告訴你們:『這都要問在這世代的人身上。』

52 你們律法師有禍了。因為你們把知識的鑰匙奪了去;你們[ye]自己不進去,正要進去的人你們也阻擋他們。」

53 耶穌向他們說這些話[said these things unto them]之間[as],文士和法利賽人就極力的催逼他,引動他多說話;

54 私下窺聽,要拿他的話柄,意思是要控告他[that they might accuse him]


Chapter 11

1 And2532 it came to pass,1096 that, as he846 was1511 praying4336 in1722 a certain5100 place,5117 when5613 he ceased,3973 one5100 of his846 disciples3101 said2036 unto4314 him,846 Lord,2962 teach1321 us2248 to pray,4336 as2531 John2491 also2532 taught1321 his848 disciples.3101

2 And1161 he said2036 unto them,846 When3752 ye pray,4336 say,3004 Our2257 Father3962 which3588 art in1722 heaven,3772 Hallowed37 be thy4675 name.3686 Thy4675 kingdom932 come.2064 Thy4675 will2307 be done,1096 as5613 in1722 heaven,3772 so2532 in1909 earth.1093

3 Give1325 us2254 day by day2596 2250 our2257 daily1967 bread.740

4 And2532 forgive863 us2254 our2257 sins;266 for1063 we846 also2532 forgive863 every one3956 that is indebted3784 to us.2254 And2532 lead1533 us2248 not3361 into1519 temptation;3986 but235 deliver4506 us2248 from575 evil.4190

5 And2532 he said2036 unto4314 them,846 Which5101 of1537 you5216 shall have2192 a friend,5384 and2532 shall go4198 unto4314 him846 at midnight,3317 and2532 say2036 unto him,846 Friend,5384 lend5531 me3427 three5140 loaves;740

6 For1894 a friend5384 of mine3450 in1537 his journey3598 is come3854 to4314 me,3165 and2532 I have2192 nothing3756 to3739 set before3908 him?846

7 And he2548 from within2081 shall answer611 and say,2036 Trouble me not: 3930 3427 3361 2873 the3588 door2374 is now2235 shut,2808 and2532 my3450 children3813 are1526 with3326 me1700 in1519 bed;2845 I cannot1410 3756 rise450 and give1325 thee.4671

8 I say3004 unto you,5213 Though1499 he will not3756 rise450 and give1325 him,846 because he is1511 his846 friend,5384 yet1065 because1223 of his846 importunity335 he will rise1453 and give1325 him846 as many as3745 he needeth.5535

9 And I2504 say3004 unto you,5213 Ask,154 and2532 it shall be given1325 you;5213 seek,2212 and2532 ye shall find;2147 knock,2925 and2532 it shall be opened455 unto you.5213

10 For1063 every one3956 that asketh154 receiveth;2983 and2532 he that seeketh2212 findeth;2147 and2532 to him that knocketh2925 it shall be opened.455

11 If1161 a son5207 shall ask154 bread740 of any5101 of you5216 that is a father,3962 will he3361 give1929 him846 a stone?3037 or2532 if1487 he ask a fish,2486 will3361 he for473 a fish2486 give1929 him846 a serpent?3789

12 Or2228 2532 if1437 he shall ask154 an egg,5609 will he3361 offer1929 him846 a scorpion?4651

13 If1487 ye5210 then,3767 being5225 evil,4190 know1492 how to give1325 good18 gifts1390 unto your5216 children: 5043 how much4214 more3123 shall your heavenly1537 3772 Father3962 give1325 the Holy40 Spirit4151 to them that ask154 him?846

14 And2532 he was2258 casting out1544 a devil,1140 and2532 it846 was2258 dumb.2974 And1161 it came to pass,1096 when the3588 devil1140 was gone out,1831 the3588 dumb2974 spake;2980 and2532 the3588 people3793 wondered.2296

15 But1161 some5100 of1537 them846 said,2036 He casteth out1544 devils1140 through1722 Beelzebub954 the chief758 of the3588 devils.1140

16 And1161 others,2087 tempting3985 him, sought2212 of3844 him846 a sign4592 from1537 heaven.3772

17 But1161 he,846 knowing1492 their846 thoughts,1270 said2036 unto them,846 Every3956 kingdom932 divided1266 against1909 itself1438 is brought to desolation;2049 and2532 a house3624 divided against1909 a house3624 falleth.4098

18 1161 If1487 Satan4567 also2532 be divided1266 against1909 himself,1438 how4459 shall his846 kingdom932 stand?2476 because3754 ye say3004 that I3165 cast out1544 devils1140 through1722 Beelzebub.954

19 And1161 if1487 I1473 by1722 Beelzebub954 cast out1544 devils,1140 by1722 whom5101 do your5216 sons5207 cast them out?1544 therefore1223 5124 shall they846 be2071 your5216 judges.2923

20 But1161 if1487 I with1722 the finger1147 of God2316 cast out1544 devils,1140 no doubt686 the3588 kingdom932 of God2316 is come5348 upon1909 you.5209

21 When3752 a strong man2478 armed2528 keepeth5442 his1438 palace,833 his846 goods5224 are2076 in1722 peace: 1515

22 But1161 when1875 a stronger2478 than he846 shall come upon1904 him, and overcome3528 him,846 he taketh142 from him all his armor3833 846 wherein1909 3739 he trusted,3982 and2532 divideth1239 his846 spoils.4661

23 He that is5607 not3361 with3326 me1700 is2076 against2596 me: 1700 and2532 he that gathereth4863 not3361 with3326 me1700 scattereth.4650

24 When3752 the3588 unclean169 spirit4151 is gone1831 out of575 a man,444 he walketh1330 through1223 dry504 places,5117 seeking2212 rest;372 and2532 finding2147 none,3361 he saith,3004 I will return5290 unto1519 my3450 house3624 whence3606 I came out.1831

25 And2532 when he cometh,2064 he findeth2147 it swept4563 and2532 garnished.2885

26 Then5119 goeth4198 he, and2532 taketh3880 to him seven2033 other2087 spirits4151 more wicked4191 than himself;1438 and2532 they enter in,1525 and2532 dwell2730 there: 1563 and2532 the3588 last2078 state of that1565 man444 is1096 worse5501 than the3588 first.4413

27 And1161 it came to pass,1096 as he846 spake3004 these things,5023 a certain5100 woman1135 of1537 the3588 company3793 lifted up1869 her voice,5456 and said2036 unto him,846 Blessed3107 is the3588 womb2836 that bare941 thee,4571 and2532 the paps3149 which3739 thou hast sucked.2337

28 But1161 he846 said,2036 Yea rather,3304 blessed3107 are they that hear191 the3588 word3056 of God,2316 and2532 keep5442 it.846

29 And1161 when the3588 people3793 were gathered thick together,1865 he began756 to say,3004 This3778 is2076 an evil4190 generation: 1074 they seek1934 a sign;4592 and2532 there shall no3756 sign4592 be given1325 it,846 but1508 the3588 sign4592 of Jonah2495 the3588 prophet.4396

30 For1063 as2531 Jonah2495 was1096 a sign4592 unto the444 Ninevites,3536 so3779 shall also2532 the3588 Son5207 of man444 be2071 to this5026 generation.1074

31 The queen938 of the south3558 shall rise up1453 in1722 the3588 judgment2920 with3326 the3588 men435 of this5026 generation,1074 and2532 condemn2632 them: 846 for3754 she came2064 from1537 the3588 utmost parts4009 of the3588 earth1093 to hear191 the3588 wisdom4678 of Solomon;4672 and,2532 behold,2400 a greater4119 than Solomon4672 is here.5602

32 The men435 of Nineveh3535 shall rise up450 in1722 the3588 judgment2920 with3326 this5026 generation,1074 and2532 shall condemn2632 it: 846 for3754 they repented3340 at1519 the3588 preaching2782 of Jonah;2495 and,2532 behold,2400 a greater4119 than Jonah2495 is here.5602

33 No man,3762 when he hath lighted681 a candle,3088 putteth5087 it in1519 a secret place,2927 neither3761 under5259 a bushel,3426 but235 on1909 a candlestick,3087 that2443 they which come in1531 may see991 the3588 light.5338

34 The3588 light3088 of the3588 body4983 is2076 the3588 eye: 3788 therefore3767 when3752 thine4675 eye3788 is5600 single,573 thy4675 whole3650 body4983 also2532 is2076 full of light;5460 but1161 when1875 thine eye is5600 evil,4190 thy4675 body4983 also2532 is full of darkness.4652

35 Take heed4648 therefore3767 that the3588 light5457 which3588 is in1722 thee4671 be2076 not3361 darkness.4655

36 If1487 thy4675 whole3650 body4983 therefore3767 be full of light,5460 having2192 no3361 5100 part3313 dark,4652 the whole3650 shall be2071 full of light,5460 as5613 when3752 the3588 bright shining796 of a candle3088 doth give thee light.5461 4571

37 And1161 as he spake,2980 a certain5100 Pharisee5330 besought2065 him846 to3704 dine709 with3844 him:846 and1161 he went1525 in, and sat down to meat.377

38 And1161 when the3588 Pharisee5330 saw1492 it, he marveled2296 that3754 he had not3756 first4412 washed907 before4253 dinner.712

39 And1161 the3588 Lord2962 said2036 unto4314 him,846 Now3568 do ye5210 Pharisees5330 make clean2511 the3588 outside1855 of the3588 cup4221 and2532 the3588 platter;4094 but1161 your5216 inward part2081 is full1073 of ravening724 and2532 wickedness.4189

40 Ye fools,878 did not3756 he that made4160 that3588 which is without1855 make4160 that3588 which is within2081 also?2532

41 But4133 rather give1325 alms1654 of such things as ye have;1751 and,2532 behold,2400 all things3956 are2076 clean2513 unto you.5213

42 But235 woe3759 unto you,5213 Pharisees!5330 for3754 ye tithe586 mint2238 and2532 rue4076 and2532 all manner3956 of herbs,3001 and2532 pass over3928 judgment2920 and2532 the3588 love26 of God: 2316 these5023 ought1163 ye to have done,4160 and not to leave the other undone.2548 3361 863

43 Woe3759 unto you,5213 Pharisees!5330 for3754 ye love25 the3588 uppermost seats4410 in1722 the3588 synagogues,4864 and2532 greetings783 in1722 the3588 markets.58

44 Woe3759 unto you,5213 scribes1122 and2532 Pharisees,5330 hypocrites!5273 for3754 ye are2075 as5613 graves3419 which appear not,82 and2532 the3588 men444 that walk4043 over1883 them are not aware1492 3756 of them.

45 Then1161 answered611 one5100 of the3588 lawyers,3544 and said3004 unto him,846 Master,1320 thus5023 saying3004 thou reproachest5195 us2248 also.2532

46 And1161 he3588 said,2036 Woe3759 unto you5213 also,2532 ye lawyers!3544 for3754 ye lade5412 men444 with burdens5413 grievous to be borne,1419 and2532 ye yourselves846 touch4379 not3756 the3588 burdens5413 with one1520 of your5216 fingers.1147

47 Woe3759 unto you!5213 for3754 ye build3618 the3588 sepulchers3419 of the3588 prophets,4396 and1161 your5216 fathers3962 killed615 them.846

48 Truly686 ye bear witness3140 that2532 ye allow4909 the3588 deeds2041 of your5216 fathers: 3962 for3754 they846 indeed3303 killed615 them,846 and1161 ye5210 build3618 their846 sepulchers.3419

49 Therefore1223 5124 also2532 said2036 the3588 wisdom4678 of God,2316 I will send649 1519 them846 prophets4396 and2532 apostles,652 and2532 some of1537 them846 they shall slay615 and2532 persecute: 1559

50 That2443 the3588 blood129 of all3956 the3588 prophets,4396 which was shed1632 from575 the foundation2602 of the world,2889 may be required1567 of575 this5026 generation;1074

51 From575 the3588 blood129 of Abel6 unto2193 the3588 blood129 of Zacharias,2197 which perished622 between3342 the3588 altar2379 and2532 the3588 temple: 3624 verily3483 I say3004 unto you,5213 It shall be required1567 of575 this5026 generation.1074

52 Woe3759 unto you,5213 lawyers!3544 for3754 ye have taken away142 the3588 key2807 of knowledge: 1108 ye entered not in1525 3756 yourselves,846 and2532 them that were entering in1525 ye hindered.2967

53 And1161 as he846 said3004 these things5023 unto4314 them,846 the3588 scribes1122 and2532 the3588 Pharisees5330 began756 to urge1758 him vehemently,1171 and2532 to provoke him to speak653 846 of4012 many things: 4119

54 Laying wait1748 for him,846 and2532 seeking2212 to catch2340 something5100 out of1537 his846 mouth,4750 that2443 they might accuse2723 him.846




Chapter 11

1 耶穌在一個地方禱告,禱告完了,他門徒有個[one of his disciples]對他說:「求主教導我們禱告,像約翰[also]教導他的門徒。」

1 And2532 it came to pass,1096 that, as he846 was1511 praying4336 in1722 a certain5100 place,5117 when5613 he ceased,3973 one5100 of his846 disciples3101 said2036 unto4314 him,846 Lord,2962 teach1321 us2248 to pray,4336 as2531 John2491 also2532 taught1321 his848 disciples.3101

2 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「你們禱告的時候,要說:『我們在天上的父,願人都尊你的名為聖。願你的國降臨。願你的旨意成[Thy will be done]在地上[in earth]如同成在天上[as in heaven]

2 And1161 he said2036 unto them,846 When3752 ye pray,4336 say,3004 Our2257 Father3962 which3588 art in1722 heaven,3772 Hallowed37 be thy4675 name.3686 Thy4675 kingdom932 come.2064 Thy4675 will2307 be done,1096 as5613 in1722 heaven,3772 so2532 in1909 earth.1093

3 我們日用的飲食,天天賜給我們。

3 Give1325 us2254 day by day2596 2250 our2257 daily1967 bread.740

4 饒恕[forgive]我們的罪;因為我們也饒恕[forgive]凡虧欠我們的人。不[lead]我們陷入[into]試探;但救我們脫離兇惡[but deliver us from evil]。」

4 And2532 forgive863 us2254 our2257 sins;266 for1063 we846 also2532 forgive863 every one3956 that is indebted3784 to us.2254 And2532 lead1533 us2248 not3361 into1519 temptation;3986 but235 deliver4506 us2248 from575 evil.4190

5 耶穌又對他[unto them]說:「你們中間誰有一個朋友,半夜到他那裏去,對他[unto him]說:『朋友,請借給我三個餅;

5 And2532 he said2036 unto4314 them,846 Which5101 of1537 you5216 shall have2192 a friend,5384 and2532 shall go4198 unto4314 him846 at midnight,3317 and2532 say2036 unto him,846 Friend,5384 lend5531 me3427 three5140 loaves;740

6 因為我有一個朋友行路,來到我這裏,我沒有甚麼給他擺上。』的呢?

6 For1894 a friend5384 of mine3450 in1537 his journey3598 is come3854 to4314 me,3165 and2532 I have2192 nothing3756 to3739 set before3908 him?846

7 那人在裏面回答說:『不要攪擾我。門已經關閉,我的[my]孩子們也同我在床上了;我不能起來給你。』

7 And he2548 from within2081 shall answer611 and say,2036 Trouble me not: 3930 3427 3361 2873 the3588 door2374 is now2235 shut,2808 and2532 my3450 children3813 are1526 with3326 me1700 in1519 bed;2845 I cannot1410 3756 rise450 and give1325 thee.4671

8 我告訴你們:『雖不因他是他的[his]朋友起來給他,但因他情詞迫切的直求,就必起來照他所需用的給他。』

8 I say3004 unto you,5213 Though1499 he will not3756 rise450 and give1325 him,846 because he is1511 his846 friend,5384 yet1065 because1223 of his846 importunity335 he will rise1453 and give1325 him846 as many as3745 he needeth.5535

9 我又告訴你們:『祈求[Ask],就給你們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門。

9 And I2504 say3004 unto you,5213 Ask,154 and2532 it shall be given1325 you;5213 seek,2212 and2532 ye shall find;2147 knock,2925 and2532 it shall be opened455 unto you.5213

10 因為,凡祈求的,就得著;尋找的,就尋見;叩門的,就給他開門。』

10 For1063 every one3956 that asketh154 receiveth;2983 and2532 he that seeketh2212 findeth;2147 and2532 to him that knocketh2925 it shall be opened.455

11 若有兒子要求餅[If a son shall ask bread of]你們中間作父親的[any of you that is a father][will]給他石頭呢?倘或兒子[or if]求魚,[any]拿蛇當魚給他呢?

11 If1161 a son5207 shall ask154 bread740 of any5101 of you5216 that is a father,3962 will he3361 give1929 him846 a stone?3037 or2532 if1487 he ask a fish,2486 will3361 he for473 a fish2486 give1929 him846 a serpent?3789

12 或若兒子[Or if he]求雞蛋,[will]給他蠍子呢?

12 Or2228 2532 if1437 he shall ask154 an egg,5609 will he3361 offer1929 him846 a scorpion?4651

13 你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女;何況你們的[your]天父,豈不更將聖靈給求他的人嗎?」

13 If1487 ye5210 then,3767 being5225 evil,4190 know1492 how to give1325 good18 gifts1390 unto your5216 children: 5043 how much4214 more3123 shall your heavenly1537 3772 Father3962 give1325 the Holy40 Spirit4151 to them that ask154 him?846

14 耶穌趕出一個叫人啞吧的鬼魔[devil]鬼魔[devil]出去了,啞吧就說出話來;百姓[people]都希奇。

14 And2532 he was2258 casting out1544 a devil,1140 and2532 it846 was2258 dumb.2974 And1161 it came to pass,1096 when the3588 devil1140 was gone out,1831 the3588 dumb2974 spake;2980 and2532 the3588 people3793 wondered.2296

15 內中卻有人說:「他是靠著鬼魔之王[chief of the devils]別西卜趕出鬼魔[casteth out devils]。」

15 But1161 some5100 of1537 them846 said,2036 He casteth out1544 devils1140 through1722 Beelzebub954 the chief758 of the3588 devils.1140

16 又有人試探耶穌,向他求從天上來的神蹟。

16 And1161 others,2087 tempting3985 him, sought2212 of3844 him846 a sign4592 from1537 heaven.3772

17 [But]他曉得他們的意念,便對他們說:「凡一國自相紛爭,就成為荒場;凡一家自相紛爭,就必敗落。

17 But1161 he,846 knowing1492 their846 thoughts,1270 said2036 unto them,846 Every3956 kingdom932 divided1266 against1909 itself1438 is brought to desolation;2049 and2532 a house3624 divided against1909 a house3624 falleth.4098

18 若撒但[also]自相紛爭,他的國怎能站得住呢?因為你們說我是靠著別西卜趕出鬼魔[cast out devils]

18 1161 If1487 Satan4567 also2532 be divided1266 against1909 himself,1438 how4459 shall his846 kingdom932 stand?2476 because3754 ye say3004 that I3165 cast out1544 devils1140 through1722 Beelzebub.954

19 我若靠著別西卜趕出鬼魔[cast out devils],你們的子弟趕出他們[cast them out]又靠著誰呢?這樣,他們就要斷定你們的是非。

19 And1161 if1487 I1473 by1722 Beelzebub954 cast out1544 devils,1140 by1722 whom5101 do your5216 sons5207 cast them out?1544 therefore1223 5124 shall they846 be2071 your5216 judges.2923

20 我若以神的指頭趕出鬼魔[with the finger of God cast out devils],這就是[God]的國臨到你們了。

20 But1161 if1487 I with1722 the finger1147 of God2316 cast out1544 devils,1140 no doubt686 the3588 kingdom932 of God2316 is come5348 upon1909 you.5209

21 壯士披掛[armed],看守自己宮宅[his palace],他所有的便[When]平安無事;

21 When3752 a strong man2478 armed2528 keepeth5442 his1438 palace,833 his846 goods5224 are2076 in1722 peace: 1515

22 但有一個比他更壯的來,勝過他,就奪[all]他所倚靠的盔甲[armour],又分了他的贓。

22 But1161 when1875 a stronger2478 than he846 shall come upon1904 him, and overcome3528 him,846 he taketh142 from him all his armor3833 846 wherein1909 3739 he trusted,3982 and2532 divideth1239 his846 spoils.4661

23 不與我相合的,就是敵我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的。」

23 He that is5607 not3361 with3326 me1700 is2076 against2596 me: 1700 and2532 he that gathereth4863 not3361 with3326 me1700 scattereth.4650

24 「污[spirit]離了人身,就在乾旱[dry]之地[walketh][walketh]去,尋求安歇之處;既尋不著,[he]說:『我要回到我所出來的屋裏去。』

24 When3752 the3588 unclean169 spirit4151 is gone1831 out of575 a man,444 he walketh1330 through1223 dry504 places,5117 seeking2212 rest;372 and2532 finding2147 none,3361 he saith,3004 I will return5290 unto1519 my3450 house3624 whence3606 I came out.1831

25 [he]到了,就看見裏面打掃乾淨,修飾好了。

25 And2532 when he cometh,2064 he findeth2147 it swept4563 and2532 garnished.2885

26 污靈[he]便去,另帶了七個比自己更惡的[spirits]來;他們[they]都進去住在那裏。那人末後的景況比先前更不好了。」

26 Then5119 goeth4198 he, and2532 taketh3880 to him seven2033 other2087 spirits4151 more wicked4191 than himself;1438 and2532 they enter in,1525 and2532 dwell2730 there: 1563 and2532 the3588 last2078 state of that1565 man444 is1096 worse5501 than the3588 first.4413

27 耶穌正說這些[these]話的時候,眾人中間有一個女人大聲說:「懷你的胎[womb that bare thee]哺你的乳[paps which thou hast sucked]有福了。」

27 And1161 it came to pass,1096 as he846 spake3004 these things,5023 a certain5100 woman1135 of1537 the3588 company3793 lifted up1869 her voice,5456 and said2036 unto him,846 Blessed3107 is the3588 womb2836 that bare941 thee,4571 and2532 the paps3149 which3739 thou hast sucked.2337

28 [But]耶穌說:「是,卻還不如聽神之道而遵守的人有福。」

28 But1161 he846 said,2036 Yea rather,3304 blessed3107 are they that hear191 the3588 word3056 of God,2316 and2532 keep5442 it.846

29 百姓[people]聚集成群[thick]的時候,耶穌開講說:「這是[This is]一個邪惡的世代。他們求看神蹟;除了先知[prophet]約拿的神蹟以外,再沒有神蹟給他們看。

29 And1161 when the3588 people3793 were gathered thick together,1865 he began756 to say,3004 This3778 is2076 an evil4190 generation: 1074 they seek1934 a sign;4592 and2532 there shall no3756 sign4592 be given1325 it,846 but1508 the3588 sign4592 of Jonah2495 the3588 prophet.4396

30 約拿怎樣為尼尼微人成了神蹟,人子也要照樣為這世代的人成了神蹟。

30 For1063 as2531 Jonah2495 was1096 a sign4592 unto the444 Ninevites,3536 so3779 shall also2532 the3588 Son5207 of man444 be2071 to this5026 generation.1074

31 當審判的時候,南方的女王要起來定這世代的罪。因為她從地極而來,要聽所羅門的智慧話;看哪,在這裏有一人比所羅門更大。

31 The queen938 of the south3558 shall rise up1453 in1722 the3588 judgment2920 with3326 the3588 men435 of this5026 generation,1074 and2532 condemn2632 them: 846 for3754 she came2064 from1537 the3588 utmost parts4009 of the3588 earth1093 to hear191 the3588 wisdom4678 of Solomon;4672 and,2532 behold,2400 a greater4119 than Solomon4672 is here.5602

32 當審判的時候,尼尼微人要起來定這世代的罪。因為尼尼微人聽了約拿所傳的就悔改了;看哪,在這裏有一人比約拿更大。」

32 The men435 of Nineveh3535 shall rise up450 in1722 the3588 judgment2920 with3326 this5026 generation,1074 and2532 shall condemn2632 it: 846 for3754 they repented3340 at1519 the3588 preaching2782 of Jonah;2495 and,2532 behold,2400 a greater4119 than Jonah2495 is here.5602

33 「沒有人點[candle]放在隱密處[secret place]裏,或是斗底下,總是放在燭臺[candlestick]上,使進來的人得見亮光。

33 No man,3762 when he hath lighted681 a candle,3088 putteth5087 it in1519 a secret place,2927 neither3761 under5259 a bushel,3426 but235 on1909 a candlestick,3087 that2443 they which come in1531 may see991 the3588 light.5338

34 眼睛[eye]就是身上的[light]故此[therefore],你的眼睛若專一[single][thy]全身就全然[full of]光明;[thine]眼睛若有災病[evil][thy]全身就全然[full of]黑暗。

34 The3588 light3088 of the3588 body4983 is2076 the3588 eye: 3788 therefore3767 when3752 thine4675 eye3788 is5600 single,573 thy4675 whole3650 body4983 also2532 is2076 full of light;5460 but1161 when1875 thine eye is5600 evil,4190 thy4675 body4983 also2532 is full of darkness.4652

35 所以,務要謹慎[Take heed]好叫[that]你裏頭的光毫無[be not]黑暗。

35 Take heed4648 therefore3767 that the3588 light5457 which3588 is in1722 thee4671 be2076 not3361 darkness.4655

36 所以[therefore],若是你全身全然[full of]光明,毫無黑暗,全身[whole]就必全然光明,如同[candle]的明光照亮你。」

36 If1487 thy4675 whole3650 body4983 therefore3767 be full of light,5460 having2192 no3361 5100 part3313 dark,4652 the whole3650 shall be2071 full of light,5460 as5613 when3752 the3588 bright shining796 of a candle3088 doth give thee light.5461 4571

37 [he]說話的時候,有一個法利賽人請耶穌同他用餐[dine];耶穌就進去坐席。

37 And1161 as he spake,2980 a certain5100 Pharisee5330 besought2065 him846 to3704 dine709 with3844 him:846 and1161 he went1525 in, and sat down to meat.377

38 這法利賽人看見耶穌[dinner]前不洗手便詫異。

38 And1161 when the3588 Pharisee5330 saw1492 it, he marveled2296 that3754 he had not3756 first4412 washed907 before4253 dinner.712

39 主對他說:「如今你們法利賽人洗淨杯盤的外面;你們裏面卻滿了殘暴[ravening]和邪惡。

39 And1161 the3588 Lord2962 said2036 unto4314 him,846 Now3568 do ye5210 Pharisees5330 make clean2511 the3588 outside1855 of the3588 cup4221 and2532 the3588 platter;4094 but1161 your5216 inward part2081 is full1073 of ravening724 and2532 wickedness.4189

40 你們[Ye]無知的人哪,造外面的,不也造裏面嗎?

40 Ye fools,878 did not3756 he that made4160 that3588 which is without1855 make4160 that3588 which is within2081 also?2532

41 只要把你們有的[as ye have]施捨給人; 看哪[behold],凡物於你們就都潔淨了。」

41 But4133 rather give1325 alms1654 of such things as ye have;1751 and,2532 behold,2400 all things3956 are2076 clean2513 unto you.5213

42 但是[But]你們法利賽人有禍了。因為你們將薄荷、芸香並各樣菜蔬獻上十分之一,那公義和愛神的事反倒不行了;這些[these]是你們當行的,[and]是不可不行的。

42 But235 woe3759 unto you,5213 Pharisees!5330 for3754 ye tithe586 mint2238 and2532 rue4076 and2532 all manner3956 of herbs,3001 and2532 pass over3928 judgment2920 and2532 the3588 love26 of God: 2316 these5023 ought1163 ye to have done,4160 and not to leave the other undone.2548 3361 863

43 你們法利賽人有禍了。因為你們喜愛會堂裏的首位,又喜愛人在街市上問你們的安。

43 Woe3759 unto you,5213 Pharisees!5330 for3754 ye love25 the3588 uppermost seats4410 in1722 the3588 synagogues,4864 and2532 greetings783 in1722 the3588 markets.58

44 你們這些文士和法利賽人,偽善的人[you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites],有禍了。因為你們如同不顯露的墳墓,走在上面的人是不覺的[not aware of]。」

44 Woe3759 unto you,5213 scribes1122 and2532 Pharisees,5330 hypocrites!5273 for3754 ye are2075 as5613 graves3419 which appear not,82 and2532 the3588 men444 that walk4043 over1883 them are not aware1492 3756 of them.

45 那時[Then],律法師中有一個回答耶穌說:「夫子,你這樣說也把我們羞辱[reproachest]了。」

45 Then1161 answered611 one5100 of the3588 lawyers,3544 and said3004 unto him,846 Master,1320 thus5023 saying3004 thou reproachest5195 us2248 also.2532

46 耶穌說:「你們律法師也有禍了。因為你們把難擔的擔子放在人身上,自己一個指頭卻不肯動。

46 And1161 he3588 said,2036 Woe3759 unto you5213 also,2532 ye lawyers!3544 for3754 ye lade5412 men444 with burdens5413 grievous to be borne,1419 and2532 ye yourselves846 touch4379 not3756 the3588 burdens5413 with one1520 of your5216 fingers.1147

47 你們有禍了。因為你們修造先知的墳墓,那些[them]先知正是你們的祖宗所殺的。

47 Woe3759 unto you!5213 for3754 ye build3618 the3588 sepulchers3419 of the3588 prophets,4396 and1161 your5216 fathers3962 killed615 them.846

48 證明[bear witness]你們祖宗所作的事,你們果然[Truly]喜歡;因為他們實在[indeed]殺了先知,你們修造先知的墳墓。

48 Truly686 ye bear witness3140 that2532 ye allow4909 the3588 deeds2041 of your5216 fathers: 3962 for3754 they846 indeed3303 killed615 them,846 and1161 ye5210 build3618 their846 sepulchers.3419

49 所以,神的智慧[wisdom of][also]說:『我要差遣先知和使徒到他們那裏去,有的他們要殺害,有的他們要逼迫。』

49 Therefore1223 5124 also2532 said2036 the3588 wisdom4678 of God,2316 I will send649 1519 them846 prophets4396 and2532 apostles,652 and2532 some of1537 them846 they shall slay615 and2532 persecute: 1559

50 使創世以來所流眾先知的[blood]都要問在這世代的人身上;

50 That2443 the3588 blood129 of all3956 the3588 prophets,4396 which was shed1632 from575 the foundation2602 of the world,2889 may be required1567 of575 this5026 generation;1074

51 就是從亞伯的血起,直到被殺在壇和殿中間撒迦利亞的血為止。我實在告訴你們:『這都要問在這世代的人身上。』

51 From575 the3588 blood129 of Abel6 unto2193 the3588 blood129 of Zacharias,2197 which perished622 between3342 the3588 altar2379 and2532 the3588 temple: 3624 verily3483 I say3004 unto you,5213 It shall be required1567 of575 this5026 generation.1074

52 你們律法師有禍了。因為你們把知識的鑰匙奪了去;你們[ye]自己不進去,正要進去的人你們也阻擋他們。」

52 Woe3759 unto you,5213 lawyers!3544 for3754 ye have taken away142 the3588 key2807 of knowledge: 1108 ye entered not in1525 3756 yourselves,846 and2532 them that were entering in1525 ye hindered.2967

53 耶穌向他們說這些話[said these things unto them]之間[as],文士和法利賽人就極力的催逼他,引動他多說話;

53 And1161 as he846 said3004 these things5023 unto4314 them,846 the3588 scribes1122 and2532 the3588 Pharisees5330 began756 to urge1758 him vehemently,1171 and2532 to provoke him to speak653 846 of4012 many things: 4119

54 私下窺聽,要拿他的話柄,意思是要控告他[that they might accuse him]

54 Laying wait1748 for him,846 and2532 seeking2212 to catch2340 something5100 out of1537 his846 mouth,4750 that2443 they might accuse2723 him.846
